Civic League of Pembroke Meadows
Join Our Civic League

About The Civic League
About Ferry Plantation
Building & Grounds
Neighborhood Watch
Calendar Of Events
Special Events
Photo Albums
Typical Homes
Pool News
Marlins Swim Team
Join Our Civic League
Contact Us
Map of Pembroke Area
Swap & Shop
Garden Club
Pet Lost & Found
Joining the Civic League of Pembroke Meadows and volunteering your time support our community and the activities sponsored by the Civic League.
Civic League Dues are $10.00 annually.
Annual Membership is from
January 1st through December 31st.
Just what do you get for your $10.00 annual dues?

The continuing beautification programs (i.e.: median landscaping, planting and care) require many, many volunteered hours.  We as residents appreciate the efforts of those individuals that take their time, labor and expertise to make our coming and going a pleasing experience. 

Each February your Civic League hosts a Potluck Dinner where neighbors can break winter's chill with warm greetings to old and new friends.  There is always a big stack of door prizes to be given away.

Just before Easter our volunteers organize the annual Egg Hunt at the park for the kids.  Your dues pay for the treats and prizes given out.

Late spring is time for Movie Night at our Pembroke Cinema Cafe.  The Civic League buys tickets for your whole family and springs for popcorn too!

Don't forget about National Night Out on the first Tuesday in August.  The party is at the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center (The Pool) with pizza and soft drinks provided by your Civic League and lots of special dishes brought by volunteers. 

Our Halloween walk has become legend, and your dues help to pay for the park party and games.  Volunteers do all of the work to plan, decorate, set up refreshments, control traffic and assure safe arrival from beginning to end.  We need more volunteers.

November is time for the ever-popular Wine, Cheese and Beer event for adults, just in time to get into the holiday spirit.  Adult beverages furnished by your Civic League and lots of tasty snacks brought by volunteers.

A new addition to our event line-up is the mid-December Caroling Cavalcade.  Neighbors walk and sing their way through our streets to the Pool for warm refreshments. 

Your dues cover the cost of printing the periodic Civic League newsletter which is delivered to Pembroke neighborhood homes by volunteers.  The newsletter keeps us informed of community news and activities.

Civic League meetings keep you informed and give you a chance to meet and greet your neighbors.

We help sponsor the Neighborhood Watch Program, contribute to the Garden Club and provide financial assistance to the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center (The Pool) and other activities. 

We are a busy group indeed.

Why do I need to be part of the Civic League?

This year more than ever we need volunteers to help with all our activities.  We have fewer volunteers than in the past.  Whether you assist with organizing, help decorate, bring a tasty dish to share, pass out treats, pick up trash while walking or simply greet new neighbors, there is plenty to do.  These events all require willing volunteers to make them happen.

We have a lovely community and we should each take pride and responsibility to keep it a wonderful place to live.

A complete listing of Civic League Officers
and Committees can be found at
About The Civic League
Now you can pay your annual $10
Pembroke Meadows Civic League dues on-line.
This will open a new window to
accept your name, address and
credit card information.

Once submitted, you will receive an
email confirming your payment.

After paying, please take a minute to fill out the
Directory Data Sheet
to update your information

Directory Data Sheet
that you can Email

Questions:  Contact the PMCL Treasurer

Or you can still pay on paper
Won't you write your civic league annual dues check now -- and mail it!
Click here for
Member Data Sheet
that you can print and mail
Make check payable and mail to:
P.O. Box 68052
Virginia Beach, Virginia  23471

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2024