Civic League of Pembroke Meadows
Building & Grounds

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Your Civic League Building & Grounds Committee
helps you maintain our neighborhood 
as a place everyone can be proud of!
Contact anyone on the Building and Grounds Committee if you see broken sidewalks, street pot holes, missing street signs, inoperative street lights, code violations or any matter that affects the appearance, safety or property values of our neighborhood.  The Building and Grounds Committee will contact the city, utility or resident to work out a solution.
General Information About Property Maintenance
City of Virginia Beach Code Enforcement enforces property maintenance ordinances citywide in conjunction with the maintenance provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC).  The ordinances apply to undeveloped and developed private properties.  The time allowed for correcting most property maintenance violations is seven (7) days.  Failure to comply with a notice of violation may result in a summons being issued to appear in General District Court, or abatement by the City's contractor with all costs billed to the property owner.  If the bill is not paid, a judgement lien is placed against the property.

Common Property Maintenance Violations 

  • Overgrowth of weeds or grass 
  • Accumulations of trash or junk 
  • Dead or diseased trees - hazards 
  • Inoperable vehicles on private property 
  • Waste management violations 
  • Illegal dumping 
  • Graffiti on private property 
Weeds and Grass Restrictions (City Code 23-50) - It is unlawful for any property owner or occupant to allow grass or weeds to grow over 10 inches in height. This code also prohibits any accumulation of trash, garbage or litter on the premises.

Hazardous Tree (City Code 23-50.1) - Dead, diseased trees certified by City Arborist as hazardous are required to be corrected by owner of property.

Open Storage of Junk (City Code 23-48) - It is unlawful to leave dilapidated furniture, appliances, machinery, building materials or any other item which is rusted, wrecked, junked, dismantled or inoperative out in the open. (Licensed junk dealers are exempt.)

Inoperable Vehicle Ordinance - Vehicles must be in operating condition and must, at least, have either a valid state license plate or a valid inspection sticker.

Waste Management (City Code Chapter 31) - Proper storage and disposal of waste, dumpster screening and private waste collection at the oceanfront, and other provisions of the code are enforced.

Code Enforcement works closely with other city agencies such as Zoning, Permits and Inspections, the inspection divisions of the Fire Department, the Health Department and the Department of General Services to ensure Virginia Beach citizens have safe housing and quality neighborhoods.

For more information or to obtain a listing of codes, please call the Code Enforcement division at 427-4421.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2018