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September 2007
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

Our National Night Out Against Crime was a huge success. Thanks to Joe Avoli (and his many volunteers-your neighbors) this fun event was possible.  Joe spearheaded this whole event and put many, many hours into this first ever National Night Out celebration.  About 400 neighbors participated.  Thanks for supporting YOUR civic league. As you shop at the merchants who donated food and gift certificates, please thank them.  If your family enjoyed the evening, please join the civic league (if you are not already a member) so we can continue to plan events like this for our neighborhood.  Membership fees are only $10.00 a year. 

We have some good speakers lined up for our fall meetings.  Please come out and meet the candidates running for the Delegate seat.  You can ask them questions and talk with them personally before you vote in November. 

The Civic League Board has written a letter to Sentara Health Care to officially oppose the closure of Bayside Hospital.  Sentara is asking to move their “beds” to the new Princess Anne facility.  They say the emergency room and out patient facility will remain open as they are currently.  A copy of this letter will be given out at the September meeting.

We still need a civic league newsletter editor and advertising manager.  If you have any interest in these positions, please contact Clera Hall (473-8258) or myself (499-7987).

Happy Fall, 

Don Sanders
Next Civic League Meeting: 
Thursday, September 27th at 7pm in the
Pembroke Meadows Elementary School Cafeteria. 
    September 27th    7:00 pm       PMES       Note:  This is the 4th Thursday
         1.  Master Police Officer Leta Krieger
         2. Joe Bouchard, Democratic Candidate for Delegate

    October 15th          7:00 pm      PMES
         Speaker:       Chris Stolle, Republican Candidate for Delegate

    November 15th       7:00 pm
         Holiday Party at Ferry Plantation House

Click Here to see the Complete Civic Leage Calendar
The overwhelming success of the National Night Out Against Crime is a tribute to the community spirit of the residents of Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and adjacent communities.  Over 350 people turned out to enjoy the free food, free swimming and other activities set up by the Activities Committee.  Indications are that the intense heat and humidity kept some of our older residents from attending.  But, from the comments we have received, everyone who attended had a wonderful time.  You won’t want to miss seeing the Video and Album Photos to relive that marvelous evening!  Watch the Civic League Newsletter for showing dates… coming soon to a Civic League Meeting near you!!

     Some of the most popular activities included the Dunk Tank where the Marlins Swim Team Coaches “served time”  as targets of the “Dunk the Criminal” game.  They were all good sports and we bet getting dunked was a great way to cool off from the heat!  “Dan the Friendly Dragon” from the Cinema Café was a big hit with the kids giving away free movie tickets all evening.  The Clowns from Jubilee Jesters sure added lots of fun for the children as well.  Probably the “best sport” of the evening award should go to Mayor Meyera Oberndorf who sported a big red “clown nose” as she read the Official Clown Week Proclamation!

     We were delighted to be able to present a TRIBUTE to our own LOCAL FIRST RESPONDERS presenting them with “Certificates of Thanks and Appreciation.”  To our excellent relationships with the Police, Fire and EMS personnel that serve our community this experience has added a new dimension… the strengthening of neighborhood spirit and a stronger partnership to generate support for and participation in local anticrime and emergency preparedness programs. 

Special Thanks go to:

  • Mayor Meyera Oberndorf and Vice Mayor Louis Jones for being the Grand Marshalls of our Motorcade and for speaking so eloquently about our community and in support of our Local First Responders
  • US Senator Jim Webb and US Congresswoman Thelma Drake for sending their representatives with greetings and messages of support for our Local First Responders
  • Cub Scout Pack 475 for Presenting the Colors and Leading us in the “Pledge of Allegiance” Ceremony
  • Leslie Fenter & Sid Sward for leading us in Singing “God Bless America”
  • The Salvation Army Band for providing music to set the tone of the evening prior to and during the Motorcade
  • The Virginia Beach Police Dept., Fire Dept. and Emergency Medical Services Dept. for providing city vehicles for our Motorcade and the Police Helicopter for the flyover
  • John Walker of Cinema Café for providing the services of “Dan the Friendly Dragon”
  • Jubilee Jesters for providing the Clowns free of charge
  • The Marlins Swim Team Coaches for “Serving Time” in the Dunk Tank
  • The 75 Sponsors that contributed cash, food, beverages, gift cards, gift certificates, prizes and services that helped make the evening a memorable event… please support these Sponsors… they have earned our business
  • The NNO Committee Members and other Volunteers that worked so hard to make the evening the success that it was 
  • Thanks to YOU… everyone who participated… your enthusiastic response was heartwarming and made the effort worthwhile.  Consider volunteering to help make NNO 2008 another fun event!

“Project 365” is part of the National Night Out program.  To improve our community over the next year (365 days) the NNO Committee has identified an area of our community to work on for improvement… to make it a better place to live and raise our families.  Our WAYSIDE PARK has been targeted for this project.  We will be trying to get GOOD LIGHTING INSTALLED in our park to make it available for use by our residents a little longer each day and also as a deterrent to those intent on using the park for less than honorable purposes.  The 2008 NNO Committee must report on the progress we have made toward this goal in next year’s report to NATW NNO HQ.  Please support your Civic League in this effort.
2008 Membership Dues
From the Membership Chairman:

Just a friendly reminder to everyone, that the 2008 Civic League dues are now being accepted to support the upkeep of our neighborhood.  We cannot do this without everyone’s participation. Please do your part and show your support by contributing only $10 for the year to your community (checks should be made out to the Civic League of Pembroke Meadows) and sent to: 
     Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc.
     Attn:  Clera Hall, Treasurer
     P.O. Box 68052
     Virginia Beach, VA   23471

If you would like to add a few extra dollars to your dues, the extra contributions will be used to continue funding the lighting cost of our entrance way into our neighborhood. 

Newsletter Editor Change
I have agreed to be the editor on a temporary basis until a new editor can be found.  Clera and I have done the newsletter editing job for many years and feel that it is a valuable asset to the community.  We would like to thank the 2006-2007 editors for their efforts that gave us a break for a year and to encourage anyone who would like to demonstrate their creativity and editing skills to volunteer for this important position on the Civic League Board of Directors.

Any newsletter item may be submitted to me via e-mail  at or drop a copy by my house at 4301 St Martin Court.  If we are not home just leave your article in the bench seat on the porch.  Any color in pictures or print will be converted to black and white as color printing increases the cost on the newsletter production. 

Jim Hall

T-MOBILE Cell Tower Update
On July 20, 2007 the City of Virginia Beach disapproved the T- Mobile site plan. T-Mobile resubmitted a revised plan based on the 20 numbered comments included in the city's disapproval letter. It is anticipated that the city will approve the revised site plan within the next two weeks with construction in the first quarter of 2008.
17th Annual Halloween Walk
---  Saturday, October 27th ---
***** 3  p.m.  Sharp*****
Time to start thinking about Halloween Costumes, community fun, and our 17th Annual Halloween Walk.  We will meet at the medical complex located on Whitechapel Drive to begin our walk at 3 p.m. We will be following the Independence Middle School Band through the neighborhood and back to the park for refreshments and fellowship.  Please leave bikes, skateboards and pets at home.

Volunteers are needed to walk the route and assist in spacing of our ghosts and goblins, assure safety at intersections, serve refreshments and pour juice at the park.  Can YOU help?  We can also use help decorating the park prior to the event.   Donations of cash, juice and cookies can be made and will be greatly appreciated.

Call Gerry Richter @  497-5243 or Belinda Nash  @  490-2504

Next lunch is on Sept. 27, Thursday at Applebee's, 4040 Virginia Beach Blvd. (Loehmann's Plaza Shopping Center)

October lunch on October 24, Wednesday at Val's in Pembroke Meadows Shopping Center.

Any further information, call Jeanette Willenbrink at 497-0700

Remember that our neighborhood "Pet Lost and Found" service is probably the quickest way to re-unite lost pets with their owners.  If your pet is lost, or if you find/sight a stray pet, call the number(s) listed in this newsletter (and posted on the bulletin board).  TIPS: (1) Print your telephone number on your pet's collar.  (2) Many pets are freaked out by nearby fireworks or thunder and tend to run away.  So confine your pets (or watch them closely) on such occasions.
It takes a great group of dedicated people to pull such an event together.  The following people worked very hard to make the National Night Out Against Crime a special fun and memorable event for our community.  “Thank you” to:
Event Coordinators
Don Sanders (Co-Chairperson)
Joe Avoli (Co-Chairperson)
Clera Hall (Finance)
Barbara Willenbrink (Police, Fire & EMS  Liaison)
Mike Moore (Rec. Ctr. /Pool Coordinator)
Jim Price (Rec. Ctr. /Pool Coordinator)
Kris Jackson (Rec. Ctr. /Pool Coordinator)
Merchants / Residents Donation Solicitations
Joe and Ginger Avoli
Don Sanders
Peggy Caverly
Clera Hall
Joe Avoli (Coordinator)
Sid Sward (Music)
Belinda Nash (Music contact)
Leslie Fenter (Singer)
Traffic Control & Parking
Don Sanders (Chairman)
Jim Willenbrink
Heiko Dewees
Bill Hawley
Carlisle Wilson
Mike Moore
Jim Hall
Clera Hall
Pat Sheadel
Marcy Zmuda
Food, Beverages & Food Service
Joe Avoli  (Chairperson)
Jim & Donna price
Marge & Bob Brotman
Mike & Carol Moore
Clera & Jim Hall
Pat & Ray Marion
Stephanie Neihart
Police, Fire, EMS Coordination
Barbara Willenbrink (Chairperson)
Joe Avoli
Don Sanders
Jim Price (Advisor)
Activities, Contests & Awards
Danielle Kreassig  (Chairperson)
Heiko Dewees
Erin & Brian Rabe
Jim Willenbrink
Terri Hawley
Joe Avoli
Don Sanders
(Poster Judges)
Peggy Caverly     Loretta Watkins     Clera Hall 
Decorating, Booths and Project 365 Committee
Peggy Caverly  - (Chairperson) 
Terri & Bill Hawley
Joann Buckley
Joe Avoli
Lisa Dutko
Don Sanders
Stephanie Neihart
 Marge & Bob Brotman
Michelle Browning
Setup Committee – Rec. Center & Park
Don Sanders (Chairman)
Joe Avoli
Terri & Bill Hawley
Jim Price
Mike Moore
Clera & Jim Hall
Jeanne Blair
Bob & Marge Brotman
Peggy Caverly 
Joann Buckley
Lisa Dutko
VIP Liaison, Photography, Video & MC
Don Sanders (MC & VIP Liaison)
Jim Willenbrink (VIP Liaison)
Clif Furedy (Still Photography)
John Compton (Video Recording)
Terri Mikulka (Backup Video)
Flyer Distribution:
Marge Brotman (Shores Block Watch Team)
Stephanie Neihart (Meadows Block Watch Team)
Jim Willenbrink (Merchant Contacts)
Belinda Nash (Townhouses & FPH Members Dist.)
Kris Jackson (Rec. Ctr. Members Distribution)
Danielle Kreassig (Marlins Swim Team Distr.)
Carlisle Wilson, Capt., USN (Hudgins Shores  Distrib.)
Jack Evelyn, Pres. ODF H/O Assn. (OD Farm Distrib.)
Pat & Ray Marion
Clera Hall
Jodie Lewis
Loretta Watkins
Ginger Avoli
Joe Avoli
Pat Urello
John Santibasci
April Rosa
James Howell, Jr.
Peggy Goodbre
Pam Cruze
Elijah Simmons
Dan White
Karen Solis
Eugene Toupin
Brian Neihart
Kim Smit
Robert Peck
Debbie Haddox
Barbara Kingry
Juanita Moore
Carol Moore
Don McHattie
Mrs. Matthews
Janet Earnest
Rita Horvatic
Erica Sheehan
Caroline Jones
Danny Murphy
Christine Thompson
Iris Watkins
Jim Willenbrink, Jr. 
Publicity – Posters, Signs & Flyers
Joe Avoli (publicity), (Flyer & Sign Prep, Flyer Printing)
Loretta Watkins (Median Poster)
Teri Mikulka , Terri Hawley (Flyer / Sign Edit & Review)
Don Sanders (Sign Printing and Placement)
Food Pick up Volunteers
Ginger Avoli
Jim Price 
Mike Moore
Pat & Ray Marion
Terri Mikulka
Daphne Sanders
Clean-up Committee
Civic League Board and Recreation Center Board
Thanks to the Marlins Swim Team coaches who volunteered to get “Dunked” in the Dunk tank!
If we have inadvertently overlooked your name, we sincerely apologize… it was unintended.
Please consider volunteering to help make the 2008 National Night Out a resounding success!!
Target Stores (S. Independence & P.A. Road)
SunTrust Bank  PMSC
William E. Wood Realtors, Bob Schultz (Indep. Bvd.)
Farm Fresh (Haygood)
Rose & Womble Realty Co., George Conery (PM)
NMA Navy Mid-Atlantic Fed. Credit Union (Haygood Rd.)
Food Lion  PMSC
BJ’s (Va. Beach Blvd.)
Sam’s Club (Va. Beach Blvd.)
Jenro’s (Haygood) Moby Dog Hot Dogs
Chanello’s Pizza (Aragona Blvd.)
Chick-fil-A (Haygood)
Papa John’s Pizza (Haygood)
Cinema & Café PMSC
Francesca’s NY Pizzeria (Giant Square)
Macaroni Grill (Va. Beach Blvd.)
Tango's Tavern (Pembroke Blvd.)
Coca-Cola Enterprises Bottling Co.
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
Casa Pizza (Constitution Drive)
Target Stores (S. Indep. Blvd. & PA Rd.)
Uno Chicago Grill (Military Hwy & Va. Beach Blvd.)
Little Israel Kosher Store (Indep. Blvd.)
King Hua Chinese Food  PMSC
Pizza Hut (Wesleyan Drive)
Cinema Café PMSC
Montagna Shoes  PMSC
Pieces of Eight Pirate Ship
Lowe's Home Improvement Whse. (Holland Rd.)
William E. Wood Realtors, Bob Schultz
Catwalk Cuts  PMSC
Hardee’s (Independence Blvd.)
“fye” Music & Videos (Pembroke Mall)
Red Lobster  (Independence Blvd.)
Peony Nails PMSC
Cellular Too (Giant Square)
Marshall’s   (Haygood)
Hair Cuttery (Giant Square)
Smokey Bones Barbecue & Grill (VB Blvd)
S & K Famous Brands (Pembroke Mall)
Cal’z Pizza (Independence Blvd.)
Five Guys Burgers & Fries  PMSC
Jade Villa Chinese Rest.  (Indep. Blvd.)
Colony Beach Florist (Pembroke Blvd.)
Pak’ N Post (Giant Square)
Yarn Basket (Indep. Blvd. Opp Sears)
Ambiance Salon & Day Spa (Indep. Blvd.)
Fuddrucker’s  (Va. Beach Blvd.)
Sweet Tooth Candies (Pembroke Mall)
Val’s Mini-Italia  PMSC
Glazenfyre Pottery Studio (Indep. Blvd.)
Fred Astaire Dance Studios (Giant Sq.) 
Ruth’s Chris (Town Center)
P. F. Chang’s China Bistro (Town Center)
Wendy's International (Indep. Blvd.)
Origins Div. of Estee Lauder  (Town Ctr.)
Gordon Biersch Brewery Rest. (Town. Ctr.)
California Pizza Kitchen (Town Center)
Cheesecake Factory (Town Center)
Daily Grind Unwind (Town Center)
The Royal Chocolate (Town Center)
Great Clips (Haygood)
HoneyTree Children’s Boutique (Town. Ctr.)
Coastal Kids (Pembroke Mall)
One-Stop Cellular (Pembroke Mall)
BRAVO! Cucina Italiana (Town Center)
Party City (Va. Beach Blvd.)
GameStop (Haygood)
Radio Shack (Pembroke Mall)
Stein Mart (Pembroke Mall)
Home Depot (Va. Beach Blvd.)
Hungate’s Toys (Pembroke Mall)
HannaH’s Hallmark (Haygood)
American Heritage Native American Art (Giant Sq.) 
Taylor’s Do It Center  (Indep. Blvd.)
FedExKinko’s (Printed Flyer #1) (VB Blvd.) 
Fred Lee’s Elite Seats (Porta Potties)
Office Depot (Printed Flyer #2) (VB Blvd.) 
Pembroke Meadows Shopping Ctr.
Lantern Tours on Halloween
Ferry Plantation House Lantern Tours of a House in Mourning – October 31st. 2007  8PM to Midnight.

4136 Cheswick Lane
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455

$10.00 Donation (per person) at the door, $5.00 for members.  Children under the age of 16 must be under adult supervision.  Death shadowed life in the nineteenth century and mourning customs played a vital role in daily activities.  Come and hear the echos of lives lived and lost on the Plantation.  Tours by lantern's light to rooms on all three floors.  New this year, take an eerie walk through Ferry Plantation Houses's back garden "alive" with spirits of the night.  Also present, for Book Signings, the authors of "Ghosts, Witches and Weird Tales of Virginia Beach".

Pembroke Meadows Civic League
 Median Strip Cleanup
Pembroke Meadows Civic League
 Median Strip Cleanup
DATE  2007
Mike and Mikael White
Please contact us if you can help.
The Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team swam to an undefeated season this summer. The Marlins swim team is based out of our neighborhood pool located at the end of Pembroke Boulevard.

This year saw a slight increase in team athlete numbers due in large part to our successful 2006 season. The Marlins team had four coaches again this year with our neighborhood’s very own Michael Zmuda as the head coach with Paul Brown, Emily Quinn and Cliff Cutchins as the assistant coaching staff. Our intern coaches this year were Evan Wrenn and Austin Baraki.

The feat of swimming undefeated (we tied the Little Neck team in a night meet called for inclement weather and were victorious in the others) through the regular 5 week season and the Divisional meet in the Dolphin Division of the Virginia Beach Swim League last occurred for our team in 1986. We were proud to bring the trophy back home to our pool’s display case. 

The Tommy Horvatic team spirit award, voted on by team members, was presented by Mr. Tom Horvatic at our annual party to Austin Baraki. Austin went “over the hill” this year and has already left the area to attend (and swim for) the College of William and Mary.  The Marlins team also had other long term swimmers go “over the hill” including Katie Harris, Brittany Bowman, Evan Wrenn, and Laura Barry. Of those, only Katie Harris is one of our neighborhood children. 

Katie has been an active team member breaking many individual team records since she was 4 years old. At the party, we also learned that Katie had never missed a single meet and swam well enough each season to be in both the Divisional and All Star meet each of her seasons with the Marlins. Way to go, Katie! Your team will miss your skills and sportsmanship.

I encourage each of you to take a minute to congratulate our athletes for their hard work this season. How will you know them? Well, they will be wearing special edition team shirts purchased by the team to recognize their winning season. Thanks also to this year’s new team representatives – Tara Orem Hoover (a former team member, coach, and current team parent), Tricia and Brian Rogerson, and Jane Orem (a former team rep with 13 years of prior service). 

Lastly and on behalf of the team, thank you to each of you – our neighbors. We know our Saturday meets begin early and disrupt traffic and parking. We appreciate your patience and support for the athletes, the pool and the team.


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and Pembroke Shores Townhomes Civic League members may post up to three classified ads per year in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Melancholy Musings
An Edgar Allan Poe Literary Tea

An afternoon of fine food, music, poetry and
spirits (to be taken as you wish),
Included will be a viewing of Historic Ferry Plantation House dressed
for mourning and a mini-lecture on Victorian mourning Customs.

Sunday October 21, 2007
1-3pm   $25 per person
Reservations required, contact Ferry Plantation House
4136 Cheswick Lane, Virginia Beach, VA  23455

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos
For corrections or submissions to this newsletter, contact the editor via email at, or call 473-8258.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007