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April 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

The Canvassing Begins!

As Neighborhood Directory chairperson, I once again would like to update you on the status of our Directory modernization project. 

The recent campaign to collect resident information via mail-in forms yielded 157 replies to date.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill these out and mail back.

Our Committee has successfully lined up the volunteers needed to collect outstanding residence information in an attempt to make our new directory as complete as possible.   Thank you in advance to our Neighborhood security block captains, our Newsletter delivery team, and certain key individuals for stepping up.  The canvassing of the neighborhood will begin in the next few weeks and consists of our volunteers personally visiting each home that has not replied with the mail-in form delivered with the February Newsletter.  Our goal is to have this information collected by the end of April.

Please try to give the canvassers a few minutes of your time as they are working to assist you in completing the form and selecting which avenue you would like your information listed (Web, Booklet, both or none).  In the event you are not home, the canvassers will leave the form and pre-addressed envelope in your door.  Please return this as soon as possible so we can begin the publication phase of this project – we wouldn’t want to miss your information.

As for distribution, the traditional booklet is being planned, although an advertisement sub-committee has not been established.  We will be creating a Virtual Directory where the electronic version of our directory would be placed on the Civic League’s Website.  Only those granting approval will be placed on the website behind an appropriate security screen.

Thank you again for your continued support of this project,

Robert Westmont
Join Us At Our Next Civic League Meeting, 
Thursday, April 20th, 7pm at the School...

Pieces of Eight Pirate Cruise—Pembroke Presentation

Ahoy Mates!  Lori Braithwaite, Pembroke Shores resident and owner of Pieces of Eight Pirate Cruise will be joining us on April 20, 2006 to provide a swashbuckling presentation on a new tour boat attraction that she and husband David are bringing to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront this summer.  Pieces of Eight Pirate Cruise will provide “fun for the whole family” activities including friendly pirates, face painting, an interactive pirate lesson and stories, music, dancing and yes mateys, treasure!   The 65ft US Coast Guard approved Spanish galleon style vessel will operate four 90-minute cruises daily.  Private charters are also available.  Come hear about the adventure!
Coming Events!
  • Easter Egg Hunt April 15th 1:30pm
  • Civic League Mtg April 20th 7pm
  • Spring Fling April 22nd, 9:00 am
  • Ladies’ Luncheon April 26th 12 noon
  • Queen’s Tea- May 6th
  • Outback Steak Night, May 25th
Click Here to see the Complete Civic Leage Calendar
April 22 Set as Spring Fling Date
As promised in the last newsletter, here’s more information on the Spring Fling.  One Saturday each year is designated as the combination “clean-up/ greet your neighbor/ do something for the environment/ enjoy a delicious lunch in the park/ celebrate the awakening known as spring” day.  This year, that day is April 22nd.

Set aside a few hours on Saturday, April 22nd, beginning at 9 a.m.  Neighbors and friends will meet near the park and parcel out work projects.  There is the park, the median strip, green areas along Pembroke Boulevard, the dam path and pool grounds to spruce up.  Some litter in Lake Meadows will be collected for disposal.  There are plenty of chores to be done but many hands make light work.  Your hands will be appreciated.  After a morning of improving the real estate at the end of Pembroke Boulevard, a delicious lunch will be served in the park for all those who helped.

What can be more exciting and fun than to labor and then break bread with neighbors and friends.  Please join us.  (Bring elbow grease, yard tools and an appetite.)

Relay for Life Yard Sale,
Huge Success!
This year’s yard sale raised over $2,000.00 for the American Cancer Society, making it the best year EVER!  Many thanks to all the neighborhood residents for your generosity and your donations.  And, as always, many thanks to Rose and Womble Realty for all  their effort in hosting this wonderful event.  We look forward to next year!
Kindergarten Registration
Just a reminder - Kindergarten Registration Day is April 25th, 2006 at 9:00am at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School.  Bring your child, and your child’s birth certificate, social security card, and proof of residency.  Shot records and physicals may be updated at a later time.  All who attend on April 25th will be entered into a drawing– the winner will receive a bookbag full of school supplies!  For more details, call the school at 473-5020.
We often hear about making delicate outfits for those tiny preemies, but did you know that there is a marvelous program that reaches out to moms and dads whose babies are still-born?  If you crochet and would like to help, there is a very SIMPLE wrap pattern (one stitch over and over, no increasing or decreasing) that makes up in a few hours and takes only about $2 or $3 in yarn, and a yard of satin ribbon.  Nurses use these “pocket blankets” to wrap the baby for a brief period, and the parents then have something beautiful that touched their baby, to take home and treasure.  (Knitters– I have a pattern for you too, but not being a knitter, I cannot evaluate the ease factor.  It should be pretty simple, though). 

You can do these on your own or we could put together a weekly group for tea and chatter while we work our yarn and needles.  There is so little one can do for parents who face this tragedy, but bereavement counselors tell us over and over how much these parents appreciate this gift of love and sympathy. 

Call for information-  Loretta Watkins  497-2130.

Marlins Swim Team News
Worried about your kids sitting around all summer playing video games? A summer on the Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team will cure that ill!

May 31st will be the first swim practice for the Marlins Swim Team.  Each summer, swimmers from age 5 to 18 enjoy the excitement of competition and the camaraderie of team participation.  Competitive swimming is great exercise.

This summer, the Marlins will again be in the Dolphin (top) Division of the Virginia Beach Swim League.  There are five dual regular season meets; this season, Pembroke Meadows Pool will host two home meets.

Although pool membership is not a requisite for swim team participation, it is encouraged.  The swim team membership fee is discounted if the swimmer’s family is also a pool member.  Additionally, due to a high number of female swimmers, ages 9 through 12, unless also a pool member or previously a Marlin, swim team membership is closed for that group through May 1st.  Otherwise, swim team information can be found by accessing the Civic League’s website or by contacting Donna or Jim Price at 499-5115 or or contacting Vicki or Joe Vaughan at 318-9498 or

How Much Did Your Assessment Go Up?
As recently as 2001, when determining the best price at which to market the average residential property, especially in Virginia Beach, the real estate agent’s final check was to compare the determined value to the city tax assessed value.  If the determined value was about 15% above tax assessed value, it was acceptable.  If not, it was back to the drawing board!!

In the intervening years our area has seen a wild, unpredictable market that is now being reigned in by reality, reality being when the supply meets or exceeds the demand.  But the wild, unpredictable market drove up prices (values?) that Virginia law requires the assessors to consider when assigning value for taxation.  Hence, our recent tax assessment jumps.

According to the Virginia Beach web site (, the mean assessed value for the 514 single family homes in Pembroke Meadows/Shores rose 24.69% to $253,886 and for the 90 townhomes 26.95% to $125,460.  A review of individual assessments provides interesting land data.  For Pembroke Meadows/Shores interior lot assessments rose $29,000, or 44% for single family homes and $22,000, or 77% for the townhomes.  Waterfront lot assessments increased $40,000 across the board, from 42-53% or prior value.

In 2005 fourteen properties sold on the open market.  Sales prices on the 11 non-waterfront single family homes ranged from $223,500 to $331,000 for an average sale price of $269,900.

Although many Tidewater areas and price ranges are seeing longer market times in 2006, the houses and townhomes of our neighborhood are still selling quickly.

Submitted by:

Jake Froehlich
William E. Wood Realtors
Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos
The following committee positions are currently vacant.  If you are interested in volunteering, please call!
Lake Meadows Waterways– call Jim Willenbrink 497-0700
Meadows Welcoming– call Pat Cook 499-6204.

Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and Pembroke Shores Townhomes Civic League members may post up to three classified ads per year in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"


To sign up for median strip duty, email Travis Little @ or Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at Thanks for your support!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2006
Thanks to:
Jeanette Willenbrink
Thanks to:
Terri & Bill Hawley
Thanks to:
Jake & Harriett Froehlich
Thanks to:
Barb & Grace Ann Willenbrink
 Thanks to:
Savannah & Casey Vaughan
 April 1-15
John & Pat Sheadel
April 16-30
Jim & Clera Hall
May 1-15
Jeanne Blair
May 16-31
Bob & Marge Brotman
June 1-15
Robert and Christina Westmont
June 16-30
 July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
 Sept 1-15
 Sept 16-30
 Oct 1-15
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
The ongoing restoration these past few months is simply amazing!  The old kitchen has been brought back to its original appearance, with the staircase moved to its proper location, the old fireplace opened up and restored, and the second floor is being repaired as you read this newsletter.  We are now working on the outside walls, dormers and hope to earn money to replace the porches.

Special upcoming events, we hope, will help us meet this goal. 

May 6th    1-4 p.m.
Reservations for tea-call 473-5182 a.s.a.p
Enjoy outdoor activities, visit with Queen Elizabeth, Barbeque & beverages will be sold outside. 
If you choose, you may arrive via Wagon ride –from Food Lion parking lot & Pembroke Blvd. to Ferry Plantation House.  $4.00 fee for optional Wagon Ride –No parking at house!

May 13th   1:30 –5:30 p.m.
Concert by Coyote Run, the internationally acclaimed Celtic Music Group
Wine tasting by Cooper Winery included in
Ticket price---$25.00 admission
                       $20.00 for Members of FOFPH
                       $20.00 for Pembroke community residents
                                  with this newsletter.
Contact Gerry Richter for tickets— 497-5243

Make it a point to join us and help us replace the lovely porches on our legacy.  If you are unable to come, we would welcome a donation towards our goal.


Please, Give ‘em a Brake!
As a reminder, with spring weather here, you may notice some of your neighbors out working on the median flowerbeds, flagpole, and gazebo areas at the entrance to our neighborhood.  These generous volunteers are not accustomed to working only feet away from fast moving vehicles.  So, please...for their safety and comfort, either slow down as you pass them, or if possible, even move over a lane to give them extra room.  Thanks!
Turn Back Time this Summer
with History Camp at 
Ferry Plantation House
Did you ever wish you could just go back and live like they did in the “Good Old Days”?
Well, you can’t.  However, your child can—IF he or she is within the 1st thru 6th grade age.
History camp will be held again this summer at Ferry Plantation House the last two weeks in June and again in August.  Children attending will live the life of a child of the period…..the late 1700’s thru 1800’s.  That means doing the chores, pumping the water, washing the clothes, making the candles, preserving food, learning proper Tea etiquette, digging for artifacts at the archeological dig site, learning of the earlier inhabitants and much more.  Days begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:30 with a tired, happy, and dirty child.

Sign up early.  You can also go to to sign up.  Want to know more?  Come tour the house on Tuesdays and Thursdays  10:00am-4:00pm. 

Ladies Luncheon
The April luncheon will be held at 
C&M Cafeteria 
at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, April 26th

Come join in a fun, informative gathering. 
Good food and good friends abound! 
See you there!

Garden Club
Providing that the appropriate plants are available, the Garden Club intends to plant a patriotic flower garden at the flag pole bed this spring.  We will be planting red, white and blue flowering plants for the enjoyment of the neighborhood.
Satellite Images are just one of the things available to you from the pages of the civic league web site.  In fact, there are dozens of pages of information about our neighborhood and the people who live here.  Check out the Photo Album.  Did you miss something in last month’s newsletter?  It’s available on the Newsletters page.  Need to contact the city or one of our elected representatives?  It’s on the Links page.  Curious about Lynnhaven River 2007?  Guess what?!  There’s a hot button to that too!  Meet your civic league board members, read previous meeting minutes, check property restrictions, register your’s all in About The Civic League.  In fact, anything and everything to do with our area is on the web site.  If you would like to see something added or suggest an update, send it to the webmaster at
Easter Egg Hunt ! 
Don’t Forget– Saturday April 15th from 1:30pm ‘til 2:30pm at the park!

Bring the whole family!  Kids up to age 12 may participate in the egg hunt (divided by age groups).  Volunteers are needed. Please call Vivian Hance if you can assist or if you have any questions- 477-3273.  It should be fun for everyone!

London Broil Marinade
This is a great marinade for
steaks or London Broil– 
best when marinated overnight– 
delicious on the grill!
2 cups vegetable oil
1 1/4 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
3 Tbsp dry mustard
1 Tbsp black pepper
1 Tsp salt
3/4 cup wine vinegar
1 1/2 Tsp parsley flakes
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 cup lemon juice
Submitted posthumously by Rita Vaughan (formerly of Whitechapel Dr)
Steak Dinner Night at The Pool
 Donated by : Outback Steakhouse
The next big fund raiser for the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center is one that has been graciously sponsored by OUTBACK Steakhouse. On May 25th they will serve their outstanding food to those neighbors who purchase tickets for this unique fund raiser. Only 200 tickets will be sold for $20 each prior to the event– 100% of the money (a potential $4,000!) gets donated to our Pool and Rec Center for continuation of efforts to renovate the pool building and the grounds. The pool board, under the social and fundraiser leadership of Cindy Cooper will assemble a night full of great food, fun and relaxation for the families and guests who attend. The event will run from 6pm– 9pm and tickets are expected to sell out quick. Outback has a high reputation for doing these event right.

Call: Cindy Cooper at 473-0850 or  Vicki Vaughan at 318-9498

Note: PMRC Board and Members have raised over  $9,943.55 since last summer, in an effort to update the recreation center and keep members cost low.

Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center 
Bylaws Revisions
The most recent proposed revisions to the Recreation Center Bylaws, including changes to membership categories, is now available for review on the web site under Pool News.  These revisions will be discussed and voted upon at the April 20th meeting of the Civic League.  Please plan to attend if you have an interest in voting upon these revisions. 

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006