Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
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Surviving Spouses
Army Spc. Paul Norris leads a group of soldiers conducting scouting operations at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany.  (U.S. Army photo by Army Spc. Austin Riel)

Read MOAA’s Letter to 
President Joe Biden 

MOAA sent a Jan. 20 letter to the president asking for swift action in many areas.  In it, MOAA urges the incoming administration to consider taking up several issues and working with military and veterans service organizations in a collaborative manner to affect these important changes. MOAA looks forward to helping the administration during the transition by providing the necessary background information support needed to successfully achieve its goals moving forward.

You can read the full letter at this link:


Medicare Advantage Plans
Are they right for me?

You’ve probably noticed that there have been a lot of Medicare Advantage commercials on television lately.  Shane Ostrom from MOAA recently addressed this topic in the MOAA eNewsletter.  Read his article here:


There may be a good reason for military retires to explore a Medicare Advantage plan but for most retirees, the regular (government managed) Medicare program combined with Tricare for Life should be more than adequate to cover all of your medical needs.  If you decide a commercial Medicare Advantage plan is right for you, be sure you know how it will work with TRICARE pharmacy benefits (some plans negatively impact that benefit) and be sure you ask if it is PPO style or a HMO style plan.  HMO style plans may restrict where you go for treatment and who you can see.  Finally, as pointed out in Shane’s article, not all Medicare Advantage plans work well with Tricare for Life.

SBP-DIC Offset Phase-Out

Congress enacted changes to the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) that will eventually eliminate the offset for surviving spouses who are also receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  The changes will take place in three phases.

  • January 1, 2021 begins the first phase.  In 2021, surviving spouse SBP annuity payments issued by DFAS will be reduced (offset) by no more than two-thirds of the amount of DIC (issued by the VA) rather than by the entire amount of DIC, even though eligible surviving spouses will continue to receive the full amount of DIC from the VA.
  • Beginning January 1, 2022, the second phase, surviving spouse SBP annuity payments will be reduced (offset) by no more than one-third of the amount of DIC (issued by the VA) rather than by the entire amount of DIC, even though eligible surviving spouses will continue to receive the full amount of DIC from the VA.
  • On January 1, 2023, the SBP-DIC offset will be fully eliminated.  That means, beginning in 2023, SBP payments will no longer be offset by DIC.
Spouses will receive full SBP (issued by DFAS) and full DIC (from the VA).

For more details and frequently asked questions, see the DFAS special SBP-DIC News webpage: http://go.usa.gov/xGfqd

In addition, the December 2020 issue of Military Officer magazine has an article on page 28 outlining the phase-out plan.


Navy-Marine Corps
Relief Society

To Order:

  1. Complete this application or download from links below as fillable pdf form
  2. Attach copy of Military ID card, DD-214, or DMV Veteran* card, mark out SSN or DOB
  3. Include check or money order payable to plate sponsor: Roger Hirsh
  4. Mail to: 

  5. Navy Plate Virginia
    PO BOX 7303
    Portsmouth VA 23707
email: Navy.Plate.VA@Gmail.com
FAQ and Pre-Order Form
Congressman Rob Wittman Talks To Us

In lieu of our chapter legislative affairs luncheon previously scheduled for August 2020, Legislative Committee Chair CDR Linc Smith, USNR (Ret) arranged for our previously scheduled luncheon speaker, Congressman Rob Wittman (VA 01), to record an online video for our membership. Congressman Wittman is Chairman (Majority) of House Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces. The video consists of two recordings. 

In the first video, Congressman Wittman highlights particulars of the National Defense Authorization Act 2021 (NDAA 2021), to include undersea strike capability, the nuclear triad, logistics, supply chain protection and reconfiguration of the United States Marine Corps. 

Watch First Video
Turn your sound up high to hear best
In the second video, Congressman Wittman discusses tanker replacement program shortfalls, integration of unmanned platforms into the fleet, the bipartisan government surplus computer to veterans program, broadband access and maintenance of trust between the government, active duty and veterans. 
Watch Second Video
Turn your sound up high to hear best
In closing, Congressman Wittman thanks HRCMOAA for ongoing support of the sea services.
Through the generous support of AT&T, a new and improved version of CyberGenerations has arrived!

CyberGenerations -- the Senior Citizens' Cyber Safety Initiative -- is designed to equip senior citizens with the knowledge needed to stay protected from cyber crimes. The program can be hosted as a workshop for small or large groups, or it can be completed individually through the use of a self-paced guide. 

Topics covered in the program include:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity: Understand the importance of cybersecurity, browsing the web safely, and protecting personal information 
  • Password Management: Create strong passwords and maintain good password hygiene 
  • Common Internet Threats: Recognize and avoid malware and social engineering 
  • Internet Scams and Fraud: Recognize internet and phone scams, protect your identity, and shop online safely 
  • Social Media Safety: Understand the importance of good social media etiquette and utilization of privacy settings

The CyberGenerations Self-Paced Guide is a digital document that allows you to complete the program on a schedule that's best for you! 

Click here to download your free 60-page
CyberGenerations Self-Paced Guide!


UPDATE from DFAS on SBP-DIC changes

Congress included a phased elimination of the SBP-DIC offset in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. The first adjustment to the offset formula will be for January 2021 (paid on February 1, 2021). The offset will be eliminated entirely beginning on January 1, 2023. 

Read Details Here...

Cavalier NJROTC Drill Meet Awards

HRCMOAA purchased and presented trophies at the 
Cavalier NJROTC Drill Meet which was held 
February 1, 2020 at Kellam High School.

Click Here to read the thank you note and view photos...

Your Chapter Board is supporting the F-14 Monument Association’s initiative to build an F-14 monument at the Naval Aviation Park on 25th Street in Virginia Beach. 

Learn how you can help.


U.S. Coast Guard needs help locating and contacting descendants of the USS TAMPA

Click Here For Full Story

VA Rules for 
Veteran Community Care ( Access Standard AQ46)
Urgent Care ( Access Standard AQ47)

Click Here For Current  Information

Click here for MOAA Legislative Update Information
MOAA Legislative Update
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