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Communicants Class - December 1966

1. Carol Cressler 16. Ann Golden 31. Maxine Robinson
2. Jackie Stottlemeier 17. Lila Whyman 32. Mr. Vandenburg
3. 18. Mark Neuleib 33. Margaret Harrison
4. Pam Whyman 19. Bill Clugston 34. Ken Robbins
5. Gwen Olney 20. Marshall Adams 35. Rev. Ralph Lufkin
6. Patte Cox 21. 36. Don Williams
7. Linda Steeper 22. Craig Mills 37.
8. 23. Tom Whyman 38. Dan Olney
9. Paula Whyman 24.
10. Chris Maxton 25. George Gilchrist
11. Jeff Williams 26.
12. 27. Sabra Olney
13. Mark Maxton 28. Judy Whyman
14. 29. Paul Robb
15. Karen Rathburn 30. Phil Cosper

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