Clifton Furedy in 1962
Clifton Furedy in 1962
A Sampler of Photos from


Phoenix, Arizona

All photos in this sampler
were taken between
1962 and 1968
Clifton Furedy
Clifton Furedy in 2000
Clifton Furedy in 2000

Some photos have optional enlargement and identification pages.
Because of the larger file size, they will take a bit longer to 
download if you are using a 56K or slower modem.

If you have additions, changes or corrections to an identification page,
please send me an Email so we can be as complete and accurate as possible.

For reprints, either on paper or in digital format,

Contact:  Clifton G. Furedy, 809 St. James Drive, Virginia Beach, VA  23455
Phone: (757) 490-5792     or     Email:

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All photos and material at this site are the exclusive property of Clifton G. Furedy, © 2007