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June/July 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

Strange Creatures Spotted In Our Lakes!
No, it’s not an alien invasion, but it is pretty fascinating!  Last month I observed a dozen or so very strange objects clinging to rocks and bulkhead along my lakeshore, mostly within a foot of the surface.  They were brown speckled gelatinous masses of generally bulbous, rounded shape, their average size about equal to a softball, but one football-sized one was seen floating by.  It fell apart when I raked it in.  It resembled a jellyfish, but without the tentacles.  This was weird as there are no indigenous fresh-water jellyfish anywhere (except for a rare quarter-sized species).  Subsequently, our lake critters have been identified as one of many types of Bryozoa (literally "moss animals")-- possibly P. magnifica.  They are harmless (but I wouldn't dine on one), and they are even reported to be beneficial as water filterers.  These creatures have started dissipating (breaking up) with the summer heat, releasing zillions of very small zooids.  This is reportedly a cyclical summer occurrence.  The zooids (and their cool weather colonies) are "harmless " and even indicate that the water they are found in is non-polluted.  If any of you folks observe, or have more specific knowledge of these Bryozoa, please give me a call or e-mail . 
Jim Willenbrink
Lakes/Waterways Chairman
497-0700 or
Next Civic League Meeting: 
Thursday, September 21st at 7pm in the
Pembroke Meadows Elementary School Cafeteria.  McDonald’s Garden & Nursery will be there,
so plan to join us! 
Coming Events!
  • Ladies’ Luncheons 

  •   June 28th, July 27th,
      August 23rd, 12pm
  • Civic League Mtgs: 

  • Sept. 21st @ 7pm,  guest- McDonald’s Nursery 
  • Oct. 19th @ 7pm, guest– Virginia Beach EMS
  • Nov. 16th @ 7pm, Wine & Cheese at the Ferry Plantation House
Click Here to see the Complete Civic Leage Calendar
Just a note– the newsletter is “on vacation” in August, and will resume in September.  Have a great summer!
Congratulations to Jeanette Willenbrink
Our very own Jeanette Willenbrink was recently presented the Virginia Beach Council of Garden Clubs’ prestigious annual “Award of Dedication”.  She was honored for her many years of “untiring dedication” and “accomplishments on behalf of her community and the City of Virginia Beach”.  The award specifically recognized her years of diligent work as an officer / director of the Council of Garden Clubs, the Virginia Beach Beautification Commission and, of course, our own Pembroke Meadows Garden Club.  Congratulations Jeanette, and our sincere thanks for all the years of dedication making our neighborhood beautiful!
Children grades 1 thru 6 can experience and learn about what life was like in the 1700 and 1800’s by actually becoming a child of that period.  They will perform the chores, tasks and requirements necessary to maintain life and sustenance for themselves and their family.  Water did not come out of a spigot— it had to be pumped from the ground by hand.  Food did not come from the store.  Drying, preserving, growing, tending, was a vital part of life.  This was the life of your great grandparents and even your great great grandparents.  Your child can learn first hand, not by reading a book, but actually living the life of that time.  This is a rare opportunity to experience history with memories that will last a lifetime.  There will be an authentic archeological dig Monday through Thursday. 
Limited space is available for the following weeks:
Basic History Camp –June 19-23
Advance History Camp—June  26-30
Basic History Camp –August 14-18
Advance History Camp –August 21-25

 You can sign up on line at:

                  The Cost per session is -$210 – and is Tax Deductible

Further information contact Belinda Nash 490-2504 or Gerry Richter 497-5243

Ferry Plantation House is located in our neighborhood— no long driving in traffic.

Camp day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.

Thanks for helping with our Directory Canvassing and Update!
A great big thanks to the following individuals for their work on the canvassing of our neighborhood.:
Gerry Richter
Jim Willenbrink
Eugene Topin
Brian Neihart
Paige Slayton
Tony & 
Bridget South
Loretta Watkins
Wendy Peck
Janet Earnest
Rita Horvatic
John Filipiak
Faye Fudala
Debbie McHattie
Kim Smith
Jimmy Eddings
Linda Moyer
Jim & Donna Price
Marge Brotman
John Sheadel
Peggy Caverly

A special thank you, also to following individuals for helping to coordinate this project, and who are continuing to manage the entry of the data, and integration to the website-  Robert Westmont, Carol, Bruce and John Scott, Jim and Clera Hall, Kim Vaughan and Clif Furedy.  Please forgive us, and let us know if we’ve forgotten anyone.  We appreciate your community pride and spirit! 

Special Thank You to Elaine Kane for a Great Job
Elaine Kane is passing the baton after six years as newsletter Distribution Coordinator.  Each month she cheerfully and efficiently added inserts in the newsletters (when required), counted, bagged, and labeled the newsletters for the street distributors.  This is not all Elaine has contributed to our Civic League and community. She was a charter member and has served in a variety of capacities since first serving on the organizational board in the early 1970’s.

Thanks, Elaine, for all your support over the years and more recently thanks for being our Newsletter Distribution Coordinator. You have been a GREAT role model of community spirit and we are grateful!

We wish to welcome Joe Avioli to his new role as our Civic League Programs Chairman.  Joe has been very busy planning events for our upcoming Fall meetings.  Here are some of the events Joe is working on for us:

COMING ATTRACTIONS - Mark your Calendars

Sept. 21 - Civic League Meeting, 7 PM at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School.
PROGRAM:  Beautiful, luxurious lawns start with the right fall program.  A lawn care expert from McDonald's Nursery will provide us with valuable information about establishing and maintaining our lawns and will offer attendees a FREE soil pH analysis.

Oct. 19 - Civic League Meeting, 7 PM at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School.
PROGRAM:  A representative from the City of Virginia Beach Dept. of Emergency Medical Services will be here to give us first aid tips, show us how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and give us an opportunity to get FREE training in Emergency Medical Care.  Come and learn about the services that are available from our Volunteer Rescue Squads.

Nov. 16 - Civic League Meeting, 7 PM at Ferry Plantation House. 
PROGRAM:  FREE Wine and Cheese Tasting.  In conjunction with the membership of the Ferry Plantation House, residents of Pembroke Meadows/Shores are offered an opportunity to see what all the excitement is about at our very own corner of Colonial American history.  Our homes sit on land that was actually part of Ferry Plantation.  Tour the facility, learn about the history of our community and shop for the holidays while sampling a variety of wine, cheese and soft drinks.  Y'all come!!  (Must be  21 years or older to sample wine... bring a valid ID).

Please stay tuned for more news coming in the September newsletter.  Thanks Joe!
China Needed
As  you may have known, the “Tea Lady of Virginia” retired and moved to North Carolina.  We had to return all of her china on loan to us.

We need:  (matching pieces in quantities of at least four)  sandwich plates, cups and saucers, creamers/sugars, luncheon plates, sherry glasses (small), sugar tongs, spreaders (small), and preserve spoons.

This is a great way to clear out the old china and broken sets and the perfect excuse to buy all new matching pieces.  The donations will be put to good use at our teas. 

Donations are tax deductible and a tax donation form can be issued.

Contact:  Belinda Nash 490-2504
Ferry Plantation House 473-5182

Summer Safety Reminders… 
Please remember, school is out!

Please keep the sidewalks clear— children will be riding bicycles, and mothers will be pushing strollers, and we have residents in wheelchairs.  Sidewalks should be kept clear of cars, toys, debris, as well as overgrown grass, shrubs and tree branches.  There should be at least 6 feet of clearance over the sidewalk.  If you live on a corner lot, please take a moment to ensure your plantings are not creating a blind spot for drivers.  You could be saving a child’s life!

Watch kids near water!  Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children.  Please keep an eye on children near swimming pools, lakes and ponds. No swimming alone kids!

Ladies’ Summer Luncheons
Take a break from the summer heat, and join us for our Ladies’ Luncheons, at C&M Cafeteria always at 12 noon on the following dates:
Wednesday June 28
Thursday July 27th
Wednesday August 23rd

We hope to see you there!

The Neighborhood Directory is now available on the Civic League web site.  To protect your privacy, you must enter a special code word shown on the home page.  Then click on "Directory".  You can look up names by Last Name or by Street.  Not everyone is listed because data has not been collected from the entire area yet, but thanks to the work of many volunteers, it is nearing completion.  Also, residents have the option to be unlisted.  If you were overlooked or want to make a change, you can fill out a new Directory Data Sheet, which is available on the web site Directory page.  You can add or delete your name, phone number or email address at any time by sending a new Directory Data Sheet or a note to Pembroke Meadows Civic League,  P.O. Box 68052,  Virginia Beach, VA 23471 or sending an email to Robert Westmont,  No phone calls please. 

We hope you find this new feature of your Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site useful to find the name, address, phone number and email address of your neighbors.

Did you know…
Sweeping, Blowing or Discarding Wastes into the street is not only unhealthy for our waterways, it is against the law. 

Under City Code, to discharge, or allow to be discharged onto driveways, sidewalks, and streets that drain into the storm sewer system wastes including yard debris, leaves, grass clippings, oil, cigarette butts, etc., is a violation, subject to a penalty of up to $1000 for each day it continues. 

Anyone who witnesses such violations, or who may have questions regarding the code specifics may contact Code Enforcement at 385-1470. 

The Pembroke Meadows Garden Club had a busy month of May! 
The Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center has had a complete facelift and the Garden Club helped.  The front beds were completely redone:  all existing plants removed; soil tilled and compost and fertilizer added; and new plants put into place.  The beds now sport beautiful Boxwood Shrubs, Nandinas and red Mandevilla are now livening up the area.  The beds were lined with Mundo Grass.  Pine bark mulch provided the finishing touches.

The Flagpole Bed has had red, white and blue Petunias planted in the patriotic spirit of Year 2007.  Sadly to say, the beautiful Junipers were MYSTERIOUSLY sprayed with RoundUp and they are now a vivid color of BROWN. 

PLEASE, PLEASE do not haphazardly use RoundUp near flower beds and trees.  A lot of money and sweat was put into that bed by the ladies of the Garden Club, plus money donated by the Civic League. 

Pembroke Meadows Student Wins Savings Bond
Congratulations to Ashley Rebecca Daley, graduate of 5th grade from Pembroke Meadows Elementary School for winning the MNA Federal Credit Union’s “Can Do Spirit” Award.  Ashley and eight other local 5th graders won the awards along with a $50 US Savings Bond!  Way to go Ashley !
Summer Pool Update!
The summer season for the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center is in full swing.  This year started off with the huge success of the Outback Steak House sponsored dinner and swim night which raised over $4,000 for the facilities upgrades.  Memorial day was Open House where admission was free for all (and hundreds came!) . Many enjoyed themselves so much they decided to join as members!  Overall membership is up from last year, and people are enjoying the fun and relaxing new environment of the recreation center.  Many social events and parties have been planned for the remainder of the season, so there is still time to join in the fun. 

For more information on events or joining the Recreation Center which is located at the dead end of Pembroke Blvd. simply log on to the web site at:  and click on “pool news” 
or call: Roger Vaughan @ 499-6945
Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos
If you are interested in volunteering for the Meadows Welcoming committee position, please contact Pat Cook at 499-6204.
For corrections or submissions to this newsletter, contact the editors via email at, or call 499-6945.

Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and Pembroke Shores Townhomes Civic League members may post up to three classified ads per year in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"


To sign up for median strip duty, email Travis Little @ or Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at Thanks for your help!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2006
Thanks to:
Jeanette Willenbrink
Thanks to:
Terri & Bill Hawley
Thanks to:
Jake & Harriett Froehlich
Thanks to:
Barb & Grace Ann Willenbrink
 Thanks to:
Savannah & Casey Vaughan
 Thanks to:
John & Pat Sheadel
Thanks to:
Jim & Clera Hall
Thanks to:
Jeanne Blair
Thanks to:
Bob & Marge Brotman
Thanks to:
Robert and Christina Westmont
Thanks to:
Bill Hawley
 July 1-15
Roger Vaughan & Family
July 16-31
Joe & Ginger Avioli
August 1-15
August 16-31
 Sept 1-15
Jeanne Blair
 Sept 16-30
 Oct 1-15
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Please contact us if you can help.  Thanks for all you do!
A Neighborly Note...
Best wishes go out to our friend and neighbor, Loretta Watkins, who is recovering from surgery.  We’re thinking of you!

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006