PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
May 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
First National Bank
of Virginia
In Development
In April, members of the Civic League formed an ad hoc committee and
met with officers of the proposed new bank slated to be built at
the entrance of our neighborhood. The committee members exchanged information
with some of the bank’s officers including history of the area, activities
and community involvement of our Civic League. We also expressed
the desire for the proposed bank’s main building and grounds design
to compliment the surrounding area, and not impact on our current entrance
gates into the neighborhood or traffic flow. The bank officers requested
input on what type of services, interior design, drive up services we would
like to see included in their flagship building. The bank officers pledged
their support of community activities and support of the Civic League and
other local non-profit organizations through assistance with fund raisers
and use of their proposed community room within the bank’s building. First
National Bank of Virginia wants to be involved in local neighborhood events
as a way of embracing their goal of becoming a true community bank.
Immediate plans for the lot include maintaining upkeep of the grounds,
survey work, and eventually adding construction trailers. A temporary
portable bank structure will be placed on the Whitechapel Drive end of
the property to start offering their banking service once the bank has
been given the final go-ahead from regulators to start operations. The
officers also announced that they are offering private stock for sale as
their initial means of raising capital for the new organization. Anyone
interested in purchasing stock can call Doris Butler (287-1075)
for information. Any neighbor who has questions or comments should contact
Sanders (499-7987) for organized communication through the ad
hoc committee. |
us at Our Next Civic League Meeting,
May 18th at 7pm, in the school cafeteria
Coming Events!
Concert on the Green, May 13th
Civic League Mtg, Thursday, May 18th 7pm at the school
Ladies’ Luncheon May 25th, 12noon, C&M Cafeteria
Outback Steak Night, May 25th
Clean the Bay Day, June 10th
A big THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who distribute
our newsletter every month, as well as all folks who stepped up to help
with the canvassing for the neighborhood directory. We appreciate
all the effort you all have given in support of the Civic League.
We couldn’t do it without you! |
Don’t forget the
Ferry Plantation Benefit:
“Concert On The Green”
Featuring International Touring Artist:
“Coyote Run”
". . . Funktabulous infused Gaelic rock-esque folk
with a big barrel of mead . . ."
When: Saturday, May 13th, 2006
1:30 – 5:30 P.M.
Phone # 473 - 5182 (Call for tickets and parking info)
Clean the Bay Day—June
10, 2006
Everyone’s talking about ways to help our planet, from alternative
forms of energy to power our homes and businesses, to new fuel formulas
for our automobiles. Maybe you’re not ready yet to purchase that
new hybrid car, but here’s one way that you can help out right now.
The 18th Annual Clean the Bay Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 10,
2006, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Our community has participated
in all 17 previous Clean the Bay Days, and we’ve received numerous awards/commendations
for our excellent help (we’ve averaged nearly 70 volunteers each year).
Our work zone includes the lakes and waterways within and adjacent to our
own neighborhood. Please join us in this very worthy effort which
has considerably reduced the trash and debris from our local waterways
by thousands of pounds over the years.
To volunteer, call one of the following coordinators (or sign up at
the neighborhood park):
Zone Captain: Jim Willenbrink
Area Coordinators:
Lake Pembroke
East: Frank Mulcahy (spillway area) 499-6699
Bob Lukeman (Independence Blvd area) 497-2841
Lake Pembroke
West: Fred Willis (West of Independence Blvd) 490-3002
Old Donation
Cove: Jim Hall 473-8258
Old Donation
Creek: Robert Westmont 473-1024
Park: Jim Willenbrink, Jr. 671-8486
Lake Meadows:
Charlie Russ 497-5298
Old Donation
Farms: Jack & Evelyn (Lynnhaven River, Thurston Creek) 499-6675
If you can’t join us that Saturday morning,
but you can help out earlier that week, please
call Jim Willenbrink at 497-0700. |
President's Corner
Have you ever had questions about the city of Virginia Beach and didn't
know where to call?
The Virginia Beach Public Information office is tasked to assist with
any questions or concerns
you have regarding city services, events, news, and information.
Here are some of the ways you can get answers:
Virginia Beach 311 - Dial 311 from a landline phone to speak to Public
Information Specialists 24 hours a day/7 days a week
VBgov.com - Web site provides access to City services and information
Live Online Assistance - Communicate online in real-time, 24 hours a day,
with Public Information Specialists through VBgov.com
VBAM - AM radio 1680 provides City news, information and emergency updates
VBalert - Public safety and emergency-related warnings, alerts and notifications
broadcast as a pre-recorded telephone message to a specific geographic
Virginia Beach Citizen Services Guide - The guide, available both in print
and in electronic form, provides vital contact and service information
for hundreds of government and community activities
Email(pio@vbgov.com) - Correspond electronically
with Public Information Specialists for information relating to city services,
events, news and information.
Hope this information will be helpful. Have a great summer.
We'll see you at the newly
refurbished pool. Stay cool.........
Donald Sanders
Pembroke Meadows
Garden Club
The ladies of the PMGC are busy these days! Spring has finally
arrived and they have taken on two projects for the year. One is
the flower bed at the flagpole which will be planted with the 2006 theme
of red, white and blue. Thanks to the Civic League for their donation
and to the individuals who donated money at the last civic league meeting.
The other project is the landscaping at the front of the newly renovated
Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center. The old plantings have been removed
and the PMGC has already purchased beautiful shrubs to replace the old
ones. A lot of thought has gone into the design of the landscaping.
The project will hopefully be finished before the pool opens for the season.
Be sure to drop by and see all the improvements that have taken place to
the building and to the landscaping.
The Garden Club meets every second Thursday of the month.
We would love to have new members join us. We meet at 10:30 a.m.
at a member’s home. Everyone brings a sandwich and the hostess provides
beverages and dessert. Besides being a working group, we also have
fun! If you would like to join us, please call Clera Hall (473-8258)
or Bridget South (497-0645) for details. |
Thank you, Garden Club Members, for your faithful care
of our median, gazebo, and flagpole areas. What a pleasure it is
to walk or drive past the plantings and flowers. You are “Neighborhood
… Loretta Watkins |
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and Pembroke Shores Townhomes Civic
League members may post up to three classified ads per year in the Newsletter,
such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules
and any ad for non-commercial products or events will be posted on
the web site for 30 days. Inclusion is subject to space limitations
and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"
To sign up for median strip duty, email Travis Little @ littlhom@yahoo.com
or Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at jdprice@Cox.net.
Thanks for your help! |
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2006
Thanks to:
Jeanette Willenbrink
Thanks to:
Terri & Bill Hawley
Thanks to:
Jake & Harriett Froehlich
Thanks to:
Barb & Grace Ann Willenbrink
Thanks to:
Savannah & Casey Vaughan
Thanks to:
John & Pat Sheadel
Thanks to:
Jim & Clera Hall
Thanks to:
Jeanne Blair
May 16-31
Bob & Marge Brotman
June 1-15
Robert and Christina Westmont
Please contact us if you can help or have already agreed to volunteer
(I’ve misplaced the list– sorry!...Kim V.)
Thanks for all you do!
June 16-30
July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
Sept 1-15
Sept 16-30
Oct 1-15
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Got Weeds?
Did you know that if you have weeds or grass growing in your sidewalk,
along the curb or street areas, the Civic League has a Weed Sprayer and
Round-Up weed killer you can borrow free? Call Jim Willenbrink
497-0700 for more information.
Bulky Item Trash Pickup…
If you have items other than yard debris that won’t fit in your trash
container, the city will pick them up curbside FREE. But, you must
call 24 hours in advance to arrange pickup– the new number is 385-4650.
Please take the time to call, or the items won’t be picked up.
Items are never to be placed on the street ! |
2006 Spring Fling
THANK YOU to everyone involved for the wonderful turnout at this year’s
Annual Spring Fling. The Civic League and the Pool Board cannot express
enough our gratitude to all of our friends and neighbors who gave up their
precious time to help us clean up the neighborhood median, ditches, park,
causeway, and recreation center. We all enjoyed a terrific lunch by Master
Chef Jim Price. John Cooper and Joe Vaughan were children again in
the BOBCAT, leveling out the land for a new sand volleyball court at the
Recreation Center. Jim Hall did a little 4-wheelin’ during some landscaping
overhaul. Again, many thanks to those listed below who also gave
their sweat and labor, and if we’ve left anyone’s name off the list, please
let us know so we can thank them, too! |
Kris, Melissa, Lindsey Jackson
Jeanne, Bruce and Taylor Blair
Vicki, Joe,and Matt Vaughan
Evan Wrenn
Austin Baraki
Earl, Sue, and Mariah Lee
Peggy Caverly
Jim, Angie, Madison, Andrew Willenbrink
Barbara and Grace Ann Willenbrink
Don Sanders
Emily and Bob Barry
Carol, Mike, Dave and Steven Moore
Rachel Cross
John Farley
Brian and Kyle Golden
Arnold Wiseman |
Tammy, Lee, Kaitin, Kasey Haddock
Roger, Kim, Savannah and Casey Vaughan
Leslie, Jake and Ted Fenter
Aden Weeks
Megan Hussey
Dave and Mary Trosier
Travis Little
Clera and Jim Hall
Jim, Jeanette Willenbrink
Cindy, John, Chris and Ashley Cooper
Carlisle and Kelly Wilson
Stan and Matthew Ballard
Wes Denton
Emily Quinn
Lindsey and Sue Chapman
Linda Hilley |
Pembroke Meadows
Recreation Center
Update for Season Opening
Awesome things
are coming together at our neighborhood pool and recreation center for
another GREAT season. As of this article the new roof is done, the grounds
have been cleaned, the pool is being readied for swimming, and the building
is in the process of being painted inside and out! Once the painting is
complete this week the landscaping begins with the help of our fabulous
Garden Club. Other great additions include new entryway signs, new basketball
hoop, basketballs, court fencing, new umbrellas, outdoor ping pong table
and poolside water/ basketball hoop. Still in the works is gravel for the
parking area, new picnic tables and a sand volleyball court. WOW, what
improvements! The first big event at the pool will be the delicious Outback
Fundraiser Dinner and swim party on May 25th (TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE–
Call 318-9498). The opening day for the pool will be May 27th
and the pool will be open 7 days a week this summer! Monday May 29th
is a free admission day for neighbors to come and enjoy the pool and
preview the changes. Check out the pool
web site for a listing of membership categories and social events. |
Safety Reminder...
Please remember that the speed limit in our neighborhood is 25 mph.
This includes the entire length of Pembroke Blvd., beginning at the gazebo
/ brick wall entrance. Longer summer days and warmer weather
bring the children outside. Please use extra caution, especially
around curves and corners. Have you and your family check yourselves
as you’re driving to see what speed you actually drive along our streets–
you might be surprised! |
AARP Meeting
Looking for an AARP Group for yourself or a parent? The Bayside
AARP group meets in the evenings (the same night as our Civic League Meeting).
If you’d like a daytime meeting, consider joining the Kempsville AARP chapter
that meets at 10am on the second Wednesday of the month at the Kempsville
Rec Center. You may go as a guest visitor one time, and you do not
need a City Rec Center Membership to attend. The June meeting will
be our annual birthday party/indoor yard sale and auction– it is always
fun. The meeting place changes during the months of July and August,
so give me a call if you want to go then.
Loretta Watkins– 497-2130.
With deepest sympathy...
Our thoughts are with the family of John Walker in the loss
of his father, Joseph Walker in April.
We also wish to extend our sympathies to Gerald and Alice Faye Fudala
in the loss of their mother, Wanda Fudala.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ladies Luncheon
Ladies, please feel welcome to join us for our monthly lunch, Thursday,
May 25th, at 12 noon at the C&M Cafeteria. The food is always
good, and the company...even better! |