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February 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

2006 Membership Dues & Directory Update

We’d like to thank all of you who have renewed your Civic League Membership.  Your participation and support are vital to maintaining the beauty, safety, and cohesiveness of our community.  Your dues also help pay for the printing of our updated 2006 Neighborhood Directory.  This directory is a professionally printed and bound booklet which lists helpful information about our neighborhood, including a map, house plans / layouts, neighborhood activities and organizations, and local businesses.  It also lists name, address and contact information for all residents who voluntarily submit their information.  The directory is a wonderful resource for residents to get to know their neighbors, to be able to contact one another in case of emergency, when leaving on vacation, or to offer help to one another. 

Enclosed in the printed newsletter and at this website is the Directory Data Sheet for you to fill out and mail back with your $10 annual Civic League Membership dues (if you haven’t already renewed).  Completing the data sheet is voluntary, but we encourage all to participate and help us keep our neighbors communicating with each other.  This information is used solely by the Civic League for this publication, and is not sold or dispersed to anyone for any other type of marketing purposes.  Also, on the data sheet you can choose if you’d like your information to be listed on the Civic League Website Directory as well.  Flip over on the back of the data sheet, and take a moment to register your pet(s) FREE with our neighborhood Pet Lost and Found.  Just complete the form and attach a picture of your pet.  This will help us quickly reunite lost pets with their owners. 
Do all 3 for just 1 stamp!
Please feel free to return the forms and/or dues together to: 
Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc.
P.O. Box 68052
Virginia Beach, VA  23471

If you have any questions at all regarding your dues, please contact Jana Sias (Membership) at 288-3835.

Join us for the Annual Potluck 
Dinner- Thursday, February 16th
at 6pm in the school cafeteria. 
See you there!
This is a shout out to all the American Idol “Wannabe’s”!  We are going to have a song for all ages, so gather up the family and bring your favorite food dish to the annual Civic League Potluck Dinner– Thursday, February 16th at 6pm in the Pembroke Meadows Elementary School Cafeteria.  Be ready for some great food, good company, and hearty laughs.  See you there! 
Any questions, call Vivian Hance at 477-3273.
A Special Thanks to Cheryl Douglas for submitting this article…

Love your Heart!

Happy Valentines Day!  This is the month we celebrate our hearts, and all the love that fills them.  But, before you gobble down  those Valentine’s sweets, you may want to consider a few things…five things to be specific...
Heart Disease is the number one killer for both men and women, but research shows that most deaths from heart disease could be prevented.  There are five things you can do to keep your heart healthy for years to come.
  1. Blood Pressure-  Have your blood pressure checked regularly by your physician.  Normal blood pressure is 119/79 or below.  Pressure of 120 to 139 (top number-systolic) and/or 80 to 89 (bottom number-diastolic) is now considered Prehypertension. 
  2. Cholesterol– Too much cholesterol in your blood increases your risk for hardening of the arteries which can lead to heart attack, stroke, and heart disease.  There are several medications available to help.
  3. Body Mass Index (BMI)- This measurement uses a person’s weight and height to gauge estimated total body fat.  To calculate your BMI, go to and use their BMI calculator.  Obesity is on the rise in the U.S., and quickly becoming one of the leading causes of heart disease.
  4. Blood Sugar– A fasting blood sugar test can give your physician an indication of your risk for type 2 diabetes.  Diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney disease and even blindness, and should be taken seriously.
  5. Exercise-  A reasonable commitment to aerobic exercising three to five days a week for just 30 to 45 minutes a day, or even just walking 30 minutes per day can help strengthen your heart.

See your physician regularly, and start making those lifestyle changes to keep your heart beating strong.  Do it for you– do it for those you love. 

Edited from “5 Steps to a Healthier Heart” by Michael Smith, MD
Full version available at


     The Pembroke Meadows Garden Club meets every 2nd Thursday of each month at a member’s home at 10:30 a.m.  We each take a sandwich and the hostess provides dessert and beverage. 
     Our on-going project is to keep the median beautiful around the gazebo and the flag.  We are going to participate in the Patriotic Theme this year and will plant red, white and blue flowers around the flagpole. 
     Our new project is to help with the landscaping at the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center after the new roof and the improvements are finished.
     If you would like to join us, please call Clera Hall @ 473-8258 or Bridget South @ 497-0645.  If you cannot participate, but would like to make a donation to either project, please call our Treasurer, Jeanette Willenbrink @ 497-0700

...Clera Hall 
Ladies Luncheon

Just a reminder of our next Ladies Luncheon.  Slip away from the work and family commitments that day for a little time of your own and come on out and join us for good food, great company and even door prizes!

Wednesday, February 22nd
12 noon @ C&M Cafeteria
Pembroke Meadows Fun Run

This year’s annual Fun Run will be held on Sunday, March 12th at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School.  Registration begins at 1:00pm followed by the run from 1:45-3:00pm.  Please be careful when driving through the neighborhood that day, and note that the following streets will be closed during the run:  Cathedral Drive, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. James.  Please be sure to come out and join the fun

....Sue Lentini
President’s Corner

The Civic League is starting to work on a new community directory for publication this spring.  We plan to put the directory on the civic league website and also print a hard copy for distribution to every home.  Included in this month’s newsletter is a blank data sheet to be filled out by every household.  Once the sheet is completed, please mail it back in the attached envelope or give to any Civic League Officer.  If you do not return the data sheet, you will be personally contacted by a neighbor asking for your participation. 

We also plan to sell advertising in the directory and need volunteers to assist in this project.  Any help you can give will be appreciated. 

Best Regards,
Don Sanders

Neighborhood Alert

Please be advised that there is a registered sex offender who regularly passes through the neighborhood and sometimes loiters at the park.  As always, you need to know who your children are playing with.  Report any suspicious activities or individuals to the police.  You can reach our local police Third Precinct at 757-219-2703.  Be aware– check out for information on area offenders.

Lost and Found

A piece of jewelry was found in December within the neighborhood. The owner can contact Beverly Weisman at  499-1057 and, with proper description of the piece, claim the lost item.

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

The time’s getting close for our next neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt!  Stay tuned for details in the March newsletter for the date and time.  We are accepting donations of candy, and volunteers to help– please call Vivian Hance at 477-3273.  Thanks!


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Keeping our Yards Clean... 

I hope the information below will be helpful regarding disposal of yard debris
If you have any questions, contact the numbers listed below, or anyone from the Building and Grounds committee. 

Curbside Collection of Yard Waste
  • Provided on your normal collection day, and
  • DOES NOT REQUIRE a work order.
  • Limbs up to 4 feet long and 6 inches in diameter will be collected in a pile not to exceed 4 x 4 x 4 feet.
  • A minimum of one pile will be collected on each collection day. This means we will attempt to collect more than one pile per collection day; however, depending upon the time of the year, we may not be able to collect more than one pile. 
  • You may also dispose of smaller yard debris, such as grass and leaves (no dirt) in your 90-gallon waste container and in up to 25 clear plastic bags, not more than 25 pounds per bag.
  • Tree removal debris is not collected at the curbside. However, it can be collected through the yard debris container program, provided each piece is no larger than 6 inches in diameter.
Yard Debris Container Program
  • For larger amounts of yard debris, roll-off containers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a $30 fee for this service.
  • The containers measure 13 x 7 x 5 feet.
  • Tree limbs must be no larger than 6 inches in diameter and must fit totally within the container.
  • If you place bags of yard waste in the trailer, you must use clear plastic bags, but loose leaves and grass are acceptable.
  • You may schedule the container for a day with AM or PM delivery available. However, trailers delivered on Friday will be picked up on Monday.
  • Someone at least 18 years old must sign for the trailer when delivered, but need not be home when it is picked up.
  • Please note that Landfill II does not accept tree removal debris over 6 inches in diameter. 
Please call 385-4650 well in advance of your need to use the roll-off container, as this service is popular to residents. This service is not available online.
Yard Waste Mulching Facility
  • All yard waste collected by the City is taken to the SPSA Yard Waste Mulching Facility for recycling.
  • You may also take yard debris to this facility. They will accept leaves, grass clippings, brush, and tree trimmings up to 6 inches in diameter. If you bag the debris, you must use CLEAR bags.
  • The facility is located inside the City Landfill at 1991 Jake Sears Road.
  • Hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
  • Compost and mulch are available for sale. Call 424-4631 if you would like more 
  • information.
Commercial Truck Limitations

In order to preserve the "residential nature" of our community, the Civic League would like to remind all neighbors of the city codes limiting the parking of commercial vehicles in our neighborhood:

No commercial vehicles weighing in excess of 1 ton may be parked in a residential area, unless work is being performed on the residence.  This includes both on the street or in the driveway and covers all times of the day (nights and weekends included).  Vehicles in excess of 1 ton can usually be identified by the symbols "TK" on the license plate and often fall into the category of flat-beds, delivery trucks, etc.

Only one commercial vehicle under 1 ton may be parked in the driveway, but never in the street unless work is being performed on the residence.

As with all vehicles, these vehicles must have a valid license plate and inspection sticker, and be in good running order.

Thank you for your cooperation in observing these city regulations.

Citizen’s Police Academy Seeking Applicants

The Virginia Beach Police Department is taking applications for the 21st Citizen’s Police Academy.  The Academy provides participants the opportunity to learn about police operations, procedures, responsibilities, personnel, and laws that guide the department.  The session will run from February 28, 2006 through June 7, 2006, every Tuesday night 6:30-9:30pm.  For more information, please contact MPO Jeff Eaton at 563-1066 or  Applications must be received by February 15, 2006.


To sign up for median strip duty, email Travis Little @ or Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at Thanks for your support!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2006
Jan 16-31
Jeanette Willenbrink
Feb 1-15
Terri & Bill Hawley
Feb 16-29
Jake & Harriett Froehlich
March 1-15
Barb & Grace Ann Willenbrink
 March 16-31
Roger & Kim Vaughan & Kids
 April 1-15
John & Pat Sheadel
April 16-30
Jim & Clera Hall
May 1-15
Jeanne Blair
May 16-31
Bob & Marge Brotman
June 1-15
Robert and Christina Westmont
June 16-30
 July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
 Sept 1-15
 Sept 16-30
 Oct 1-15
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Annual Yard Sale to Benefit Relay for Life

The annual yard sale to benefit the Relay for Life, American Cancer Society fundraiser is Saturday, March 25, 8-12, Rose & Womble Realty, 4509 Whitechapel Dr, next to Food Lion. Gently used items being discarded after the holidays, or spring cleaning can be dropped off at Rose & Womble the week of March 20-24. Call 490-0524 for assistance for large items, ask for the manager. Last year we raised $1500 to fight cancer, and many neighbors helped us with yard sale donations. What is not sold will be picked up by Habitat for Humanity for their fundraising, so nothing is wasted. Thanks for your support.

George Conery, CRB, GRI
Managing Broker

Bayside Library
A New Look With Some Familiar Faces

Civic League Members who attended the January meeting at the new Bayside Library were treated to a personal tour by long-time librarian, Valia.  The new 18,000 square foot facility has a beautiful, contemporary design, with many wonderful features including:

  • Spacious meeting/presentation room  (with attached kitchenette) available for private bookings
  • Group study rooms
  • Universal design computer learning Center
  • Internet Access stations
  • Young adult gathering area
  • Story/Relaxation Room for Children
  • Large A.D.A. Compliant Restrooms
  • Family Restroom
  • Self Checkout and Self Pickup of Reserves/Holds
  • Drive-up window for holds/reserves, returns and paying fines
  • Soon to be completed larger parking lot
  • Redesigned space for the Special Services Library, serving many sight impaired residents of Hampton Roads

Hours are Monday through Thursday, 10am to 9pm, and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm.  Feel free to call them at 757-385-2680 with any questions. 

If you feel you’re missing the nostalgia of the old building, don’t worry– familiar smiles from long-time staff will soothe you, or you can take a moment to admire the elegant globe located near the entrance, dedicated to the memory of Nellie Pafford, missed dearly by many. 

Safe Kids 

With winter still in the air, kids need to be reminded to stay safe while participating in winter recreation.  Remind kids that sunscreen and staying hydrated are important even in colder weather.  Kids should dress in layers– and watch out for hazards such as drawstrings on younger children’s clothing.  And as always, remind children to wear protective headgear, whether they’re biking or sledding… don’t knock that noggin’!

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006