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January 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

Frozen Hazard for Neighborhood Children

With colder temperatures upon us, portions of our lakes and waterways may begin to freeze. Those of us living on these waterways often see children playing on the ice that forms on the water, as it is alluring to children who rarely see the lakes frozen. Unfortunately, the ice that forms in our area is always a serious hazard.  The temperature rarely provides for complete freezing, and the weight of a child is enough to cause them to easily break through the ice. Many children drown in the US each year from falling through ice covered ponds and lakes, as do adults who try to rescue the child, many in shallow waters.  Parents should educate their children to stay off the frozen waters in our area, and to advise an adult or call the police (911) if they see others exploring a frozen water surface. Pets are also at risk, as once the water freezes, they often will venture onto the ice to roam or escape their previously confined yards and can also fall through the ice and drown. Let’s help each other keep an eye out around our waterways this winter.

The January 2006 Civic League Meeting will be held at the New Bayside Library on Thursday, the 19th.  A tour of the new facility will begin promptly at 7 p.m.   The meeting will follow the tour and refreshments will be served.  Please attend.
The POT LUCK DINNER normally held in March will be held on FEBRUARY 16th this year.  It will be at the Pembroke Meadows Elementary School Cafeteria as usual.  Plan to bring your favorite dish for your family and to share.  More details will be provided in the February newsletter.
Passing the Torch of this Newsletter

Kim and Roger Vaughan have volunteered to be the new editors of our neighborhood newsletter.  Please give them your support.  It’s been fun being the editor, but it’s time to pass the duties on to a new generation.  They’re going to do a great job and will need your input and support as you have provided to me and Jim.


A very special THANKS to Clera and Jim Hall for years of dedication and great editing of our newsletter. You will be a hard act to follow!

Kim & Roger

If anyone in the neighborhood has suggestions for format changes and/or articles for the newsletter, please send them to us at : or mail to 4317 Cambria Circle, Va.Beach, 23455.

US Postal Rate Increase

Just as a reminder to everyone, as of January 8, 2006, U.S. postage stamps have gone up to 39¢ for the 1st ounce. You will need 2¢ stamps to use your current 37¢ stamps. You can also order stamps and get other rate increases from or visit your local post office.

2006 Membership Dues

From the Membership Chairwoman:
Just a friendly reminder to everyone, that the 2006 Civic League dues are now being accepted to support the upkeep of our neighborhood.  We cannot do this without everyone’s participation. Please do your part and show your support by contributing only $10 for the year to your community (checks should be made out to the Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc.) and send to: 

 Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc.
  Attn:  Jim Hall, Treasurer
  P.O. Box 68052
  Virginia Beach, VA   23471

If you would like to add a few extra dollars to your dues, the extra contributions will be used to continue funding the lighting cost of our entrance way into our neighborhood. Help keep our neighborhood in the light!

Civic League Position Opening:

The Civic League is looking for a committee member to represent Lake Meadows.  Please contact the Civic League President, Don Sanders at 499-7987 if you are interested. Share this with anyone you know who may have a love of the water or a background in environmental issues.


Know someone interested in a great part time summer job and getting a great tan at the same time? Applications for Lifeguards will start in February. For more information call Kris Jackson @ 486-3696 or email her at for an application. 

Fund Raising for Pool Upgrades A Success

The members of the Pembroke Meadows Pool and Recreation Center, with the help of many neighbors and local businesses, have raised almost $9000 through fund raisers in the last few months to aid in the upgrading of the Pembroke Meadows Pool and Recreation Center. The Pool Board thanks everyone for their support in attending the fund raiser events and selling/purchasing the Norfolk Florist floral cards. We will need neighborhood volunteers in the spring for many projects including renovations of the facility structure.  The Pembroke Meadows Pool Board will be making a presentation on the plans for the new facility’s roof design at the January Civic League meeting on January 19th at the new Bayside Public library at 7pm. We encourage members to attend so a quorum (greater than 20 members) will be present to vote on the plans.

Pool Membership- right here in the neighborhood!

Now, it’s more affordable than ever with a variety of new membership categories, and a new payment plan option.  Membership applications and rates are available at the pool page or call Jeanne Blair at 497-8844.


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006