PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
April 2005
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
On Saturday, April 23rd, many of your neighbors will be helping spruce
up the neighborhood park, pool grounds, median strip and dam path.
This Spring Fling is an annual Pembroke Meadows community event at which
neighbors renew acquaintances and make new friendships. It is a grand
opportunity to meet neighbors, have some fun and tidy up the area that
many of us use for gathering and recreation.
If your kids play in the park, if you walk, jog, run or bike the dam
path, if you swim at the pool, here's an opportunity to improve that area
for the coming season. Bring rakes, clippers, brooms, mowers or whatever
yard tool is your specialty. Make your mark. The fun begins
at 9 a.m. After clean up, the civic league is hosting a well earned
lunch in the park for all participants. Come and enjoy. |
Last month, the Newsletter included a copy of the pool
membership application. There are lots of activities planned for the
summer at the pool. In addition to Thursday dinner nights, weekend cookouts,
youth nights, and family socials, there are swim lessons, a Christmas in
July party and Noodle and Float Nights. There is still time (until April
30) to take advantage of the discounted (by 10%) pool membership. For those
who have never been members of the pool, it provides great, safe, fun and
cheap (less than the cost of a family weekend out-of-town) family activity.
If you need an application or have questions about pool membership, contact
Pancho (321-0658 or hpancho@USA.net)
or Jim Price (499-5115 or jdprice@cox.net).
The pool is home to the Pembroke
Meadows Marlins Swim Team, one of 24 teams in the Virginia Beach Swim
League. Over the life of the swim team, thousands of kids have enjoyed
the thrill of competition and spirit of camaraderie as members of the team.
Kids between 5 and 18 years of age, regardless of skill or speed, compete
in swimming events at five regular season meets. Regular exercise, sportsmanship
and skill improvement are benefits of the swim team. For swim team information,
contact the Donna (499-5115 or donnaprice@cox.net)
or Vicki Vaughan (jovic.vaughan@verizon.net)
to the pool and/or swim
team are available online at the civic league's website. Additionally,
pool board members and swim team representatives will be at the pool for
Spring Fling (April 23rd) for information or sign ups. Hope to see
you at your place in the sun, in the cool of the pool. |
APRIL 21st
Coming Events!
Spring Fling, April 23, 9 A.M.
Relay for Life Yard Sale, April 30, 8 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Neighborhood Watch |
Portsmouth Police recently recovered a large number of stolen items, electronics
and other valuables, which will never get back to their rightful owners.
Unfortunately, many of the legitimate property owners did not put a unique
identification mark on their property making return of these items difficult.
The Virginia Beach Police Department recommends the use of your drivers
license number to mark your valuables. This makes for proof positive identification
of your personal possessions. Use the prefix of state in front of drivers
license number, ex: VA123-45-6789.
Margie Brotman
Townhouse Block Security Needs You!
A neighborhood watch committee for the townhouses is being organized,
and the committee needs you! I am looking for people interested in serving
as block captains, or just interested in volunteering some time. I am trying
to arrange a meeting with the police officer who helps our neighborhood,
and would like to set up when the committee can be there so we all get
information first-hand. If you are interested in donating even a small
amount of time and effort to this cause, please call Norma at 499-4924.
Thanks in advance for helping to keep our neighborhood safe! |
Scooter Laws for Safety
Operators of electric-powered scooters must be 14 years old unless supervised
by an adult and are required to wear a helmet. Operators of gas-powered
scooters must be 16 with identification confirming age, and wear a helmet
and eye safety protection or have a windshield. Electric- or gas-powered
scooters cannot be capable of traveling at more than 30 miles per hour;
if so, they are considered motorcycles. Electric-powered scooters may be
ridden on city sidewalks and city bike paths; gas-powered scooters may
not. Neither type may be ridden on oceanfront resort sidewalks, the boardwalk
or bike paths, and operators must abide by all traffic laws. For details
please visit: Vbgov.com/dept/mcg/wheeled_devices. |
Emergencies can hit in a split second: fire, tornado, and tsunami. Families
need to plan what to do in a crisis situation.
Pick a safe place away from the home where family members will meet.
Sleep with bedroom doors closed to limit the spread of smoke and fire.
Feel doors before opening them. If a door feels hot, leave by another exit,
such as a window.
In a multistory structure, practice using escape ladders.
Drop to the ground and crawl to the exit if you see or smell smoke.
Helpful WEB Sites
Easter Egg Hunt Report
Our first Easter Egg Hunt was a blast! It was great fun and pictures
are now posted on our web site. Take a look and enjoy the delight in
the children's faces.
For the families who didn't make it, remember next year. Thanks to everyone
for your support. Over 1,000 plastic eggs and 50 bags of candy were donated
by our neighbors. (Think about donating some of those empty plastic eggs
for next year's hunt.) What a great community we have! Thumbs up to you!
A round of applause is also given to our neighborhood businesses.
Food Lion - $20.00 gift card
Dollar Avenue - candy
Rose and Womble - candy and art supplies
Congratulations to the raffle and door prize winners at the last meeting.
Remember, more good stuff at the next meeting! Don't forget about our awesome
teen sitter who will entertain our children while we tend to business.
Thanks Tiffany Pennington!
The Social Committee is welcoming new members to join. Call Vivian
Hance at 747-1663. |
Building and Grounds
We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in
the area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. We
also like to hear reports on exceptional care and commend these neighbors
for their efforts. Additionally if you need further assistance with Building
and Grounds issues to include lights, potholes, parking or have other questions,
feel free to contact: Robert Westmont @ 473-1024 or contact Travis
Little at 671-7885 email: LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COM.
Note: We are presently compiling a list of potholes in the area to report
to the city by APR 15th. Please call or email a pothole in your area that
we may have missed. |
Hundreds of volunteers over the life of this neighborhood have kept
the median area of Pembroke Blvd clean. Several signed up at February's
potluck supper. One called me to sign up and I have misplaced that family's
name; please call back. Also any others who would like to sign up for a
two week timeframe of median strip duty, you're welcome to contact me (Jim)
at: 499-5115 or jdprice@cox.net or
at littlhom@yahoo.com.
Thanks for your support!
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2005
March 16-31
Travis Little
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Marge & Bob Brotman
May 1-15
Jim & Clera Hall
May 16-31
June 1-15
Watkins Family
June 16-30
James Willenbrink Jr
July 1-15
Hayes Family
July 16-31
Jana Sias
August 1-15
Caverly Family
August 16-30
Commercial Vehicle Parking
Only one commercial vehicle may be parked at a residence as long as
its carrying capacity is one ton or less, its height is seven feet (7')
or less, and its length is 20 feet or less. See Section 203(d) (Commercial
Vehicular Parking) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance of the City Code.
Travis Little
Annual Yard Sale for Relay for Life Fundraising to Benefit the American
Cancer Society will be held on Saturday, April 30, 8am-1pm, at the Rose
& Womble Realty Office, 4509 Whitechapel Dr. Drop off gently
used items, April 25-29, 9-4:30. Call 490-0524 for assistance. |
Rabid Raccoon Found on Princess Anne Road
in the Princess Anne/Seaboard Road Area of Virginia
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Media Contact(s) Valerie Thompson (757) 518-2646
On April 3, a raccoon and a dog were involved in an altercation on Princess
Anne Road in the Princess Anne / Seaboard area of Virginia Beach. The raccoon
suffered injuries and did not survive the attack. Specimens were submitted
to the Norfolk Department of Public Health - Bureau of Laboratories on
April 4. That same day the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health was
notified that the raccoon tested positive for rabies. The dog involved
in this case was currently vaccinated at the time of the exposure to the
virus and will receive a rabies vaccine booster. No human exposure has
been reported as a result of this rabid raccoon.
This is the fifth rabid animal in Virginia Beach 2005. One cat, one
fox, and three raccoons have been identified in Virginia Beach this calendar
An educational survey may be conducted by the Virginia Beach Department
of Public Health to inform residents of the affected neighborhood how to
prevent families and pets from being exposed to rabies.
The Health Department strongly advises that Virginia Beach residents
and visitors take the following steps to prevent families and pets from
being exposed to rabies.
Do not feed stray dogs or cats, or any wild animal.
Garbage containers should be securely sealed with lids.
After feeding pets, bring leftover food inside or dispose of it properly.
Bird food should be placed in a bird feeder inaccessible to wild animals.
Food stored in outbuildings (barns, open garages) should be inaccessible
to animals.
Report any stray animals to the Virginia Beach Bureau of Animal Control
(427-4444) and avoid contact with this animal. If contact occurs between
any wild animal and you or your pet, contact the Virginia Beach Department
of Public Health at 518-2646. It is imperative that you receive medical
treatment as soon as possible. Call your veterinarian to examine your pet
for wounds and administer a booster rabies shot.
Trapping and removal of raccoons is not recommended, however, may be necessary
for sick or injured animals.
Keep dogs and cats confined to you property. Animals that are allowed to
roam are more prone to come in contact with wild animals such as
raccoons and foxes.
Beach, Chapter 5 Animals and Fowl, Article 5 Rabies Control- Section 5-87
Vaccination or Inoculation of Dogs or Cats).
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage
& Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial
products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days. Inclusion
is subject to space limitations and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"