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February 2005
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


This is a hello from the Social Committee.  We are here to plan the civic league’s social events.  Let us introduce ourselves; the Social Committee consists of Chairman Vivian Hance and members Norma Peters, Terri Hawley and Cheryl Wolfred.  Please attend the first event of the year—the Annual Potluck Dinner.  Bring your best dish or dessert to share; coffee and soda will be provided.  Be prepared to fill your bellies, stock up on smiles and brush up on that singing voice!  We’re going to sing karaoke!  Music will be available or you can bring your own and there will be selections for the kiddies as well.  You and your family, your food and your talent will be expected, because this is the best event of the year to get to know your neighbor and join the civic league.

If you are interested in being a part of the social committee, new members are always welcome.  Call Vivian at 490-4786.  See you at the pot luck!


The annual Fun Run which is sponsored by the PTA will be held on March 13 from 12:30 p.m. until approx. 4 p.m.  The runners start at the school on Cathedral Drive, turn on St. Mark Road, St. Luke Street and then run a short way on St. James Drive where they turn around and return in the reverse direction.  All are invited to participate in this event.  Volunteers for the run receive a lunch on the race day, a T-shirt and get a chance to win a variety of merchandise prizes.  Please call Jean Bowman at 286-7455 for more information


The Civic League Inauguration was held on Jan. 20—the same day the President was inaugurated!  The nominating committee worked diligently in preparing a slate of officers for your Civic League Board, and we thank each of the new officers for their willingness to serve our community.  So far, the slate is very good, it just does not go far enough! 

Unfortunately, the nominee for President had to decline at the last minute.  However, Jim Willenbrink and Pegy Caverly agreed to fill the president and 1st VP vacancies on a temporary basis.  So, for a two-month period they will serve while the committee continues the search for these two offices.

If  you are called to serve your community, please say YES!

  The Nominating Committee

History has shown that residential communities which have active civic associations (i.e. civic leagues, homeowner’s associations, etc.) are generally better maintained and enjoy more desirable and more lasting quality-of-life amenities.  In general, neighborhoods without civic associations tend to deteriorate with age.  For this (and other) reasons, most larger subdivisions developed since the 1970s were established with mandatory homeowner’s associations (with mandatory membership and dues).

Our neighborhood of Pembroke Meadows and Shores was developed between 1968 and 1973 (Hudgins Shores was built in 1978-82).  Our Civic League was consequently formed as a totally volunteer organization with voluntary dues (which at $10 per year are considerably less than the average civic associations).

Fortunately our Civic League has endured for over 35 years, thanks principally to the effective efforts of unselfish volunteers and dues paid voluntarily by most residents.  We have, in fact, enjoyed a fine reputation throughout the City, and our organization has served as a model for other later civic leagues.

Unfortunately, however, the number of concerned residents who volunteer to help has gradually decreased over the years (particularly new/younger residents), and a number of positions within our “model” organization have gone unfilled.  Some of our committees have no members.  Our Civic League needs more volunteers, even those who can only devote limited time and effort.

Be a Concerned Resident; Volunteer to help maintain and preserve our fine neighborhood.  (You can volunteer by calling me or any of our Board members listed in this newsletter; or you can sign up at a Civic League meeting)

Jim Willenbrink,  497-0700


The City is planning to pass a law restricting the use of portable storage units (e.g. PODS) in residential areas.  Our Civic League has expressed general support of the proposed restrictions (which include, with exceptions, limiting the on-site placement to 16-days).  We have, however, requested modifications to the proposal so that our residents who do not currently have driveways large enough for parking 3 cars to use said units; and also we’ve recommended against large-size signs on the units.  For more info call 497-0700 (or see Virginian Pilot article of 1/27/05).

Neighborhood Watch Program
Norma Peters is the new Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for the Townhomes.  She will be contacting neighbors in the townhomes to volunteer to be Block Captains.  Please give her your support when she calls and if you would like to volunteer, please call her at 499-4924.
Building and Grounds


I would like to thank all residents that are doing their part to maintain our community as a desirable place to live. We understand there are some homeowners that are simply not able to comply with upkeep of their residence due to work schedule, illness, abilities, etc. and we want to assist these cases when needed. For those that are able and not in compliance please take note of Virginia Beach City Codes.

CODE ENFORCEMENT (Weeds & Litter) Section 23-50 of the City Code.

This covers overgrown grass or weeds in excess of 10 inches in height. The ordinance applies to private property including resident premises and vacant lots. Trash and litter can also be cited under this ordinance.  Violations are normally found through patrol or response to complaints,
and notice is sent to the owner or occupant allowing 7 days to correct the violations.

We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. Additionally, if you need further assistance with Building and Grounds issues to include lights, potholes, parking or have other questions, feel free to contact: Robert Westmont at 473-1024 or contact Travis Little at 671-7885 email: LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COM

A recent Virginian Pilot article my  be of interest to our community.  It may help to give some relief on these types of complaints and keep up the appearance and property values of the neighborhood as well. It reads:

The Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation for the City of Virginia Beach is seeking input on a draft ordinance designed to prohibit the parking of vehicles on lawns in front of homes except on driveways with improved surfaces.  This draft ordinance applies to single family or duplex housing where on-street parking is permitted. 

They want to know what you think!  You may provide input by phone UNTIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH .  For more information or to leave your input call 427-4421

I thought of this while picking up trash on our median in January 05.
People that litter are careless and very lazy.
Most would argue they are thoughtless and crazy.
To affect our environment the way they do
Would make it seem they care nothing of me or you.
To litter on our median is like tossing trash in our front yard
To deposit litter in a trashcan is not really that hard.
We teach our children the difference between right and wrong
It’s the adults that are the culprits of litter and the stench is getting strong.
Pembroke is a wonderful neighborhood with great people and clean space
Keep your eye out for trash and please don’t litter at any time or place.

Travis (Building and Grounds)

It is estimated that several trillion-cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year. That's billions of cigarettes flicked, one at a time, on our sidewalks, beaches, nature trails, gardens, and other public places every single day. In fact, cigarettes are the most littered item in America and the world. Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate tow, NOT COTTON, and they can take decades to degrade. Not only does cigarette litter ruin even the most picturesque setting, but the toxic residue in cigarette filters is damaging to the environment, and littered butts cause numerous fires every year, some of them fatal. 

Median Cleanup

To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at
or Travis at

Note: Thanks for your support!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2005 
 Jan 1-15
Travis Little
 Jan 16-31
Bryan Little
Feb 1-15
A. Wilson
Feb 16-29
 B. Little/T. Morse
March 1-15
A. Wilson
March 16-31
Travis Little
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Marge & Bob Brotman
May 1-15
 Jim & Clera Hall
May 16-31
June 1-15
June 16-30
July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
Building and Grounds
  Travis Little

Ashley Wilson made a generous donation to the Pembroke Meadows Civic league in loving memory of his wife, Marguerite.  Thank you, Ashley. 


Ralph Waldo Emerson said “The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.”  Well, folks, we did it!  The median has been enhanced with the beautiful lighted Flag, the lanterns are a glow of welcome and the gazebo has been refurbished.  The one pole that blocked our beautiful brick wall has been removed, and a work order has been submitted to straighten the leaning poles.  We can enter our neighborhood with a sense of pride and our visitors feel a sense of welcome. 


Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores and Pembroke Townhomes have a pet registry that has reunited many pets and owners over the years.  Please be sure to register your pet if you have not already done so.  Maybe you have a new, additional pet that you forgot to register.  If your animal accidentally gets away from your yard, you can call Belinda Nash or Jim Willenbrink and they can tell you if someone has found your pet.  Also, if you find an animal who is lost, you can call them and they can look up the information in their records and notify the owner that their loving pet has been found.  What a deal!  It doesn’t cost anything—just a few minutes of your time to fill out the form.  A picture of the pet helps, too.    CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR PET


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2005