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May 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


Summer is just around the corner and with it brings the end of a school year, the beginning of a new pool season, and family vacations. Consequently, everyone seems to be busier during this time of year. As you begin making plans for the summer, please remember to keep a watchful eye on "our neighborhood."  Houses left vacant while families are on vacation often become targets of crime. Most importantly, have fun, stay safe, and see ya around the neighborhood.

   David Long

Civic League Meeting Speaker

Virginia Beach Master Gardner
Kent Kilby

Lawn Establishment
and Maintenance

OUR CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Pat Cook, reminds us that she will be most happy to mail cards of condolence/get well wishes from the Civic League to residents who have lost a loved one or who are sick. If you know of a neighbor who has suffered a loss, or one who is ill, please call Pat at  499-6204

Our Star Spangled Banner Yet Waves

On flag day, June 14, as is appropriate, we are planning a dedication service for our flag, and a service of recognition of the many hours of work and cooperation of our committee, John Kupfer, George Watkins, and Jim Hall, the Pembroke Meadows Garden Club, the City landscaping department, and all the volunteers in our community who helped raise money and contributed and continue to support our Median Enhancement Project. 

Our residents raised funds through silent auctions, afternoon teas at the Ferry Plantation House and donations. These funds have provided the new lights on the three sections of the entrance wall to our neighborhood, the flagpole and flag. Contributions to the Civic League for the electric power bill and maintenance continue to be welcome. 

Residents and non-residents alike have expressed many positive comments. Janet Dunphy, reporter for the Virginia Pilot, is anxious to provide news coverage for the dedication of our flag.  Among the invited group are the Median Enhancement Committee, our City Councilman, Mr. Lewis Jones, our Civic League President David Long and all Civic League Board members.  Any and all residents of Pembroke Meadows/Shores and Townhomes are encouraged to attend this event on June 14th at 10:00 AM.  Watch the median bulletin board for reminders or call 490-0925 for details. 


Of the 600+ households in this neighborhood, I wonder how many are unaware that we have a community pool at the dead end of Pembroke Blvd., across from the park.  This neighborhood treasure is in its 34th year of operation.  Any family is welcome to join; the fees are the cheapest of any private pool in the area. 

Applications and information are available at the pool.  You can drop by or call the pool at 963-2239; this is a new telephone number.  Information is also available by e-mailing

There are a host of activities planned for the summer. Swim lessons are slated to begin June 17 at 10 a.m.  Costs are $35 for members and $50 for nonmembers; there is a discount for additional children from the same family.  Sign-up at the pool.

The first two weekends of this pool season brought intermittent rain, so the next several are deserving of warm sunshine; perfect pool weather.  Reserve your place in the sun, by the cool of the pool. 

Click Here for Applications to the pool   or Click Here for swim team applications.

Jim Price


The sidewalks in our neighborhood should remain clear. Simply that means no overgrowth of plants, shrubs, grass, debris or low hanging branches from trees.  Remove anything that hinders, blocks or creates an injury risk to others.  Trim back tree branches that may cause eye injuries or blindness.  Cut back shrubs to the property line.

Pembroke Meadows Garden Club

The last meeting until Fall of the Pembroke Meadows Garden Club was at Bridget South's Home on May 13th at 10:30 a.m. to which members brought exhibits and flower arrangements that were judged by the members themselves as a learning process.  If you are interested in joining us, please call Bridget at 497-4857.   Of note, we are in the process of adopting a street (Pembroke Boulevard) and dressing up the flagpole area and we will have a dedication ceremony on Flag Day in June 14 at 10 a.m.

Anne Rinehart. President


Thank you for your kind response to my plea for twin-size sheets for the shelter for battered women and children.  They are already put to good use!  This month's focus is on collecting small counter-top appliances like coffee pots, toasters and the like.  Remember, these women have left everything behind to secure safety for themselves and their children. When they are ready to start new lives in their own apartments, it is so comforting for them to have a few basic kitchenware items.  Used appliances, in good working condition, are fine.

God bless.  And, as usual, I remind you that I do not know the location of the shelter(s) -- I simply pass along your contributed items to the contact person.

Loretta Watkins, 497-2130

Neighborhood Watch Program

The following information was sent by e-mail to those of you who have signed up to be notified via our neighborhood watch e-mail procedure:

A home with its back yard facing Pembroke Blvd. was recently vandalized.  Glass was broken and appeared to be a result of a pellet or BB gun.  Homeowners believed that the shots came from the direction of Pembroke Blvd.

Police are investigating.

Those who may have some information can call the Police at 427-5000.

If you would like to be notified of suspicious or criminal activity via e-mail soon after it is reported send a request to our editor Jim Hall ( and he will add you to our neighborhood watch notification list. 

Bob and Marge Brotman
Neighborhood Watch
Pembroke Shores


Thanks a big bunch to all the neighborhood residents and businesses that sent in their annual Civic League dues.  And wow! --thanks for the donations above and beyond the dues.  As of May 1st, 243 residents (out of 610 homes in the subdivision) have paid their $10 dues.  Another 5 homes in the Hudgins Shores neighborhood generously donated dues too.  And 8 businesses (Businesses and Hudgins Shores are called associate, i.e., non-voting members.)   Add in the "extra" $787 donations you mailed in, and we have a grand total of $3307 thus far.  Come to the Civic League meetings to examine a copy of the budget so you can see exactly how this money is spent on projects and activities for the whole neighborhood --  to keep Pembroke Meadows, Shores and Town Homes a great place to live.

Every one who is involved in the Civic League volunteers his/her time.  Our "paycheck" is the reward we get from knowing we are contributing to the "health" of the place we call home -- our subdivision with its homes, lakes and waterways. Please consider joining us.  It is easy to sit at home and complain, "They should do this or that"  but the "they" are people just like you with jobs, families, and lots of time-consuming obligations. They volunteer because they know that it takes a lot of effort to keep a neighborhood from deteriorating.  Make room in your life and in your heart to give some time to keeping YOUR neighborhood delightful.

A good place to start would be the Membership Chairperson slot.  It will be coming open at the end of this year.  Although it officially starts in January, good planning for the 2005 membership drive should start months before that.  For instance, during the Halloween Walk, a membership table could be set up at the park for early 2005 dues payments.  If you have thought to yourself, "I have some good ideas about how I would do that," then please consider volunteering for this or another position on the board/committees.

God bless us all.

Loretta Watkins, Membership, 497-2130


To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim at 499-5115 or e-mail at

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2004
Jan 1-15
Barbara Willenbrink
Jan 16-31
Sid Sward
Feb 1-15
 Jake Froelich
Feb 16-29
Jenette Willenbrink
March 1-15
Peggy Caverly
 March 16-31
Long Family
 April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Tony South
May 1-15
Jimmy Eddings
May 16-31
Steve and Karon Orr and Sharon Darling
June 1-15
Nancy Shafer
June 16-30
Jim and Caron Sanson
 July 1-15
Valerie Davis
July 16-31
Justine Watts
August 1-15
August 16-31
Justine Watts
 Sept 1-15
 Sept 16-30
Justine Watts
 Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Summer is just around the corner.
Neighbors will be out walking, biking, skating.  Children will be chasing balls, 
often not checking for traffic. 

Please remember: 

Position Name E-mail or Phone
President David Long 493- 8588
First VP Sid Sward 497-7917
Second VP Christina Westmont 473-1024
Treasurer Belinda Nash 490-2504
Corres. Sec. Pat Cook 499-6204
Mem. Chrman. Loretta Watkins  497-2130
Recording Sec. Jeanette Willenbrink  497-0700
Pool Director Hubert Pancho 321-0658
Newsletter Jim Hall 473-8258
Directory/Ads Christina Westmont  473-1024
Webmaster Clif Furedy
     Entranceway /
Jim Price 499-5115
     Electrical/Flag George Watkins 497-2130
Robert Westmont  473-1024
Pool Phone  
     Meadows Carol Gurioli 497-5887
     Shores Cheryl Douglas 671-2241
     Town homes    
     Chairman Jim Willenbrink 497-0700
     Lake Pembroke Jim Willenbrink 497-0700
     Lake Meadows Hal Kuehne 497-8690
     Lynnhaven Robert Westmont 473-1024
Block Security
     Meadows Stephanie Neihart 456-5795
     Shores Bob/Marge Brotman 497-0565
     Townhomes Open  
Pet Lost and Found / Pet Registry
     Shores Belinda Nash 490-2504
     Meadows Jim Willenbrink 497-0700
Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos
Ferry Plantation House

A lovely new brick walkway has been installed at Ferry Plantation House using old bricks from the former Rose Hall Plantation. Rose Hall no longer exists. The walk was dedicated on May 1st during our May Day Festivities and Queens Tea.  The Queen (Elizabeth the 1st) and her entire Court came from North Carolina to celebrate the day with us along with the Mayor of Virginia Beach. 

The walk will be called ROSE HALL WALK and was donated and funded by two private benefactors.  The plan for the Formal Gardens will include Personalized Bricks.  These bricks can be purchased as a Memorial or In Honor of individuals, family members living and deceased.  What a lasting way to be honored.  Bricks are $75.00. For more information call Ferry Plantation House  473-5182.  The house is open for tours on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m -- 4 p.m. except holidays.

Click here for more information about Ferry Plantation House and Personalized Bricks

Neighbors and Friends!

Our neighborhood high school’s PTSA is again sponsoring the 13th annual All Night Alcohol and Drug Free Party for our graduating seniors.  Thanks to the generosity of our own civic league, Pembroke Meadows Elementary School (dress-down day for teachers), Independence Middle School’s PTA, and others, each year has been enthusiastically appreciated by our graduating seniors and eagerly anticipated by our rising seniors.

This year’s event will be held for our Pembroke Meadows/Shores graduating seniors on graduation night, June 18th.  It is also the grand finale to a year of celebrating Princess Anne High School’s 50th anniversary.

Sponsoring this Alcohol and Drug Free Party has proven to be a successful means of providing our students with a safe celebration, but it is costly.  The event would not be possible without extensive fund raising as well as personal and business contributions.  Your donations and gifts are tax-deductible.

We are conducting a $50 for 50 years of service drive to help our fund-raising campaign get off the ground.  You could also choose to be a Double Gold contributor with a $100.00 donation, Platinum with a $500.00 gift or Silver with a $1,000.00 contribution.  We would greatly appreciate any donation that would help us with this memorable and worthwhile endeavor.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our past or present All Night Alcohol and Drug Free Parties, please feel free to call us.  Thank you again for helping our seniors with an experience they can cherish as they begin to face the unique challenges of adulthood.

Donna Price, 499-5115,
Or Operation Graduation Committee Co-Chairs:
Katie Petersen, 460-5281; Nikki Smead, 340-4566; Maryanne Strickland, 460-2611

Thank you so much.  I hope you will consider making either a personal or business contribution.  I will work hard to get your donations and contributions acknowledged both in this newsletter, at our neighborhood pool and through our pool’s swim team. 


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2004