PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
April 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
I want to express my appreciation to each and everyone that attended
the March Civic League Pot Luck Dinner. Thank you for taking time out of
your busy schedules to actively participate in YOUR community. Of particular
importance for the April, meeting is a proposal to change or modify the
current bylaws relating to the Recreation Center (Pool). The request was
made by the Recreation Center body to alter the election and time frames
of the governing body. We will be voting on this change during the April
Civic League Meeting. Please plan to attend!
here to read the Recreation Center Bylaws)
Our March meeting was our annual "potluck" dinner and “a good time was
had by all.” Since there was no business meeting, we took the opportunity
to socialize and had a great time catching up on family news.
I have a personal goal this year of having 60 people present at a civic
league meeting. We are not there yet, so lets get out and bring a
neighbor to the April meeting. I look forward to seeing you there!
Respectfully, David Long
Civic League Meeting Speaker: Lynnhaven River 2007
Our speaker for the April meeting will be Mr. Barry Frankenfield of
the City Parks and Recreation Department. He will discuss the “Lynnhaven
River 2007 “ Project that was the subject of feature articles in recent
Beacon News. This is a major developing project dedicated to cleaning
up and restoring the Lynnhaven River. It involves the coordinated
participation of the City, State, and Federal environmental agencies.
Numerous business and individual contributors and volunteers are also involved.
Our community includes lakes, riverfront, creeks and coves, which gives
our residents a particular interest in saving the Lynnhaven. More
information on this project is included in an article on page 5 of this
newsletter. |
TWIN SIZE SHEETS AND BLANKETS are needed for the shelter
for battered and abused women, which houses women and children who have
literally dropped everything and run from their homes, trying to find safety.
If you have some to donate (gently used OK) please call Loretta Watkins
(497-2130) and she will pick them up. Many thanks. Note: for
safety reasons I do not know the location of the shelter. I will
pass your generous donations to a shelter coordinator. |
To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim at 499-5115 or e-mail at
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2004
Jan 1-15
Barbara Willenbrink
Jan 16-31
Sid Sward
Feb 1-15
Jake Froelich
Feb 16-29
Jenette Willenbrink
March 1-15
Peggy Caverly
March 16-31
Long Family
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Tony South
May 1-15
Jimmy Eddings
May 16-31
Steve and Karon Orr and Sharon Darling
June 1-15
Nancy Shafer
June 16-30
Jim and Caron Sanson
July 1-15
Valerie Davis
July 16-31
Justine Watts
August 1-15
August 16-31
Justine Watts
Sept 1-15
Sept 16-30
Justine Watts
Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Jim Price
I need peer pressure!!
Anyone belong to the Kempsville chapter of
AARP ($5 a year) and wants to car pool to the monthly morning meeting?
Anyone belong to the Bayside Rec. Center and
wants to car pool to the morning senior fitness walk? Maybe if we
have someone else depending on us we'll get motivated to "just do it".
(M W F)
Call L. Watkins 497-2130 |
Last month, the Newsletter included a copy of the pool membership application.
There are lots of activities planned for the summer at the pool.
In addition to Thursday dinner nights, weekend cookouts, youth nights,
and family socials, there are swim lessons, a Christmas in July party and
expanded Noodle and Float Nights. There is still time (until April
30) to take advantage of the discounted (by 10%) pool membership. For those
who have never been members of the pool, it provides great, safe, fun and
cheap (less than the cost of a family weekend out-of -town) family activity.
If you need an application or have questions about pool membership, contact
Donna and Jim (499-5115) or Vicki and Joe (318-9498) or e-mail us at pmpoolinfo@yahoo.com.
The pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team, one of 24
teams in the Virginia Beach Swim League. Over the life of the swim
team, thousands of kids have enjoyed the thrill of competition and spirit
of camaraderie as members of the team. Kids between 5 and 18 years
of age, regardless of skill or speed, compete in swimming events at five
regular season meets. Regular exercise, sportsmanship and skill improvement
are benefits of the swim team. For swim team information, contact
Donna and Jim or Vicki and Joe or use the above e-mail address.
Here for Applications to the pool or
Here for swim team applications.
Hope to see you at your place in the sun, in the cool of the pool.
Jim Price
Spring Fling: April 24
It’s time to mark your calendar for the neighborhood’s annual Spring
Fling: April 24.
This is a time when neighbors come together to spruce up our assets
at the end of Pembroke Blvd: the park, the dam path and the pool grounds.
Come renew old friendships. Come make new ones. Meet your neighbors.
Join in a group effort to beautify the area that so many of us use for
walking, running, biking, wildlife observation, fishing, and just plain
relaxing. Bring yard tools, chain saws, and a work ethic and make
your mark. Lunch will be served in the park for all those who helped.
Clean up begins at 9 a.m. followed by a well-earned cookout lunch in the
newly spiffed up park.
Like the Halloween Walk, the Spring Fling is an event that has a social
and celebratory flavor. It is spring cleaning for the neighborhood.
A little environmental activism mixed with artistic grounds keeping.
Come one and all. The entire family is invited.
Hope to see you beneath the tall pines of the neighborhood park. |
Some Household Hints
Our homes were built with aluminum wiring. That means we need
to be cautious about checking our receptacles periodically to assure that
the screws have remained tight. This should be done at least twice
a year. Simply run your hand over the receptacle and if it seems
warm or hot-- have it replaced immediately. If you are not comfortable
with this call a qualified electrician. Consider having GFI's (ground
fault interrupters) installed in both baths and kitchen.
When installing new fixtures be sure to keep mindful of the aluminum
wiring and use the proper CO/AL wire nuts. THEY ARE PURPLE and can be purchased
at Home Depot. Hint-they are not with the regular wire nuts-- but in the
aisle with pipes (don't ask me why). |
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage
& Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial
products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days. Inclusion
is subject to space limitations and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"
“My garden will never make me famous. I am a horticultural ignoramus.”
(Ogden Nash) Whether you are like Ogden and Me, or whether gardening
gives you knowledge, blue ribbons, fun, laughter and companionship with
the birds and bees, you may also enjoy companionship with friends and neighbors
in the Pembroke Meadows Garden Club.
If you would like to join us or try us for a meeting call Bridget South
(497-0645) or Peggy Caverly (490-0925) for the location of the meeting.
The club meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from Sept. through May in
homes of various members. We bring a salad or a sandwich and following
our meeting we have lunch together with the beverage and dessert provided
by our hostess.
We are a fun loving, user friendly group, but we take seriously the
objectives of our club which are to promote greater interest in gardening,
to aid in the protection of native trees, shrubs, plants, birds and wild
flowers; to promote better interest in the study and culture of flowers
and their arrangements; to encourage civic planning and civic beauty.
Our club is a member of the Council of Garden Clubs of Va. Beach and
we support projects sponsored by the Council such as the Empty Bowls Dinner
that is a fund raiser for the food bank of Va. Beach; designing and creating
all the holiday decorations on the city municipal buildings in December
and saving the native historic liveoak trees around the city.
Some of the other projects our Pembroke Meadows Garden Club has completed,
or are on-going projects are:
1. The design and planting of a garden area with bench in front of Pembroke
Meadows Elementary.
2. Continuing to cooperate with the city in the design, planting, and
maintenance of the gazebo, entrance wall, and flagpole area.
3. Supporting the Historic Ferry Plantation House gardens.
4. Providing support and work for the Afternoon Tea fund raisers.
Have I whetted your interest for fun, friendships, floral beauty and
fancy foot (and hands) work in our city and community? If your answer
is yes, you will probably agree with the Chinese Proverb “He who plants
a garden, plants happiness.”
Peggy Caverly
The Scope and diversity of our neighborhood waterways and the proximity
and abundance of potential pollutant sources (commercial, residential and
public drainage) led to our neighborhood being tentatively selected as
the site of the Lynnhaven River 2007 Model Project. This Model Project
will presumably entail multiple water testing and evaluation of pollutant
types and sources, examination of storm water runoff sources, outfalls,
and retention ponds. Reconfiguration of retention ponds and drainage may
result. The pilot or model project will also include efforts to educate
and facilitate public awareness of the need and methods to clean up the
Lynnhaven watershed.
The model project will probably start this summer. Jim Willenbrink
is a member of the Lynnhaven River 2007 Committee and will be our community
point of contact. Call him at 497-0700 for more information. |
The Virginia Beach Police Department is seeking students for the next
Police Youth Academy. The Youth Academy provides an excellent opportunity
for high school students to become familiar with the day-to-day operations
of the Virginia Beach Police Department. The goal is for all graduates
of the academy to gain a better understanding of the policies, procedures,
and laws that guide the men and women who are protecting their community.
The next session will start on April 19, 2004 and run through June 9,
2004. Most sessions will meet at the Virginia Beach Law Enforcement Training
Academy located at 411 Integrity Way, off Birdneck Road. Classes are from
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each Monday and Wednesday.
Applications are available at any Police Precinct, High School, or by
contacting MPO Harry McBrien at 437-7656 ext 308. There is no cost to attend
the academy.
Applications for this session must be received by April 15, 2004.
Academy classes will include:
Uniform Patrol Officer’s duties and responsibilities
Field trips to the Communications Division and the Correctional Center
Crime Scene Preservation
Investigations of Homicide, Robbery, Auto Theft, Special Victims, and Domestic
DUI, and Accident Investigations
Special Operations, Mounted Patrol, and K-9 Deployment
Special Investigations, Narcotics and Vice
Scenario-based role-playing
Another session is scheduled for October 2004
MPO Jimmy Barnes
Media Relations Officer
(757) 427-4494
(757) 430-9163 (Fax)
Civic League Membership Drive Continues
One sunny, but very cold, crisp day in March, Thursday March 11th,
to be exact, the Ladies (and one gentleman) of the GARDEN CLUB were
out "playing" in the median dirt. I can call it "playing" because
they were weeding, mixing, mulching, tending and heaven only knows what
else so that you and I will be greeted each day with visual delight as
we come and go. I can call it playing too, because while I appreciate
all they do I still have no idea how they got the "magical touch" that
so many of the rest of us lack. Each an every one of these individuals
VOLUNTEERS their time, energy, experiences and expertise all for the benefit
of you and me. Next time you see them, give them a big thanks.
You may even want to join them in their efforts.
This is just another example of your neighbors and mine giving of themselves
for the sake of the community. That is why our Civic League
dues are only $10.00 per year. If you can't contribute
your time at least contribute by paying your dues.
For those that have paid---- a sincere thanks.
Gerry Dashiell Richter