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April 2003
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


     The ‘annual’ Potluck Dinner was held last month, and I want to thank those who were able to attend. For those of you unable to attend, the food was delicious, and it was a great opportunity to socialize with our neighbors. There were a few items of business discussed. A tree has been planted in honor of Peggy Caverly’s service and dedication to the community at Ferry Plantation. We are looking for volunteers to assist with median clean up; please contact Sid Sward or Jim Hall to sign-up. We are also looking for volunteers to assist in a membership drive and directory update; please contact John Sheadel if you can help with this project.

     I would like to welcome the change of seasons! The skies are blue, the grass is greening, and flowers are in bloom. What a wonderful time of year! Time for spring-cleaning is just around the corner. I want the residents of Pembroke Meadows / Pembroke Shores to be ‘good neighbors’ during this period. When cutting your grass and edging the walkways, please do not blow the clippings into the storm drains. If you gather large debris piles, remember to call for bulk trash pick-up. The “Garden Club” will be planting soon; please remember to thank them for their time and talents that keep our neighborhood looking good!

     Lastly, I want to express appreciation for ‘Our Troops’ that are fighting for the very rights and freedoms we are enjoying today. Please remember to pray for them and for their safe return. I hope that each of you have an exciting Spring / Summer!

David Long



Median Enhancement

     Our median enhancements request has been formally approved by the city and contracts for both the electrical work and the flagpole have been awarded.  Foul weather has delayed startup but you should see some activity around the entrance soon.

Click Here to see photos of the new flag pole and flag.

Enhancement Committee

     The gazebo has been power washed and damaged shingles are being replaced.  We can thank Dr. Savage for letting us use the water from their building.  The next step is to replace the bad slats and then when we have three straight dry days the shingles can be preserved and then apply a fresh coat of white paint on the structure.  With a little good luck the gazebo should be completed by our next civic league meeting.
Sonny LeGare

West Nile Virus and Lymes disease are becoming more prevalent in coastal areas.  Mosquito and tick borne diseases are on the rise according to the Centers for Disease Control, especially in NC and VA.  Attend the meeting to find out how to protect your precious pets from these diseases. 

Chris Kurht Update

     Those of us who attended the March pot luck got a chance to see and meet Chris.  He continues with chemotherapy treatments in his battle with cancer.   Dates are open for April and May for anyone wishing to supply dinner on Thursday nights for the family.

We need more willing volunteers!
     Contact Gerry Richter to arrange a date convenient for you.

Neighborhood Directory 2004

Volunteers are currently visiting homes in order to update our Community directory.  They will also have information about joining the pool, and forms for registering your pet for the neighborhood "Pet Program".  Many pets have been returned thanks to the programs information and the coordinators.  If you have not yet paid your annual Civic League Dues for 2003  ($10.00) you may also pay it at this time.  For security purposes we will not by putting ages of children in the directory.

Gerry Richter


Note:  Anyone may submit articles for the newsletter.  The editor will include all articles of general civic interest based upon space available. My e-mail address is

Neighborhood Watch Program


If you wish to report an EMERGENCY, dial the emergency number, 911.

If you have information of a NON-emergency nature, or you wish information on police matters dial 427-5000.

It is not too late to get on the "Community Notification List." 
Simply e-mail Jim Hall at

You will then receive notification regarding any suspicious activities, crimes, lost/found pets & children.  If you see or experience anything that your neighbors should be made aware of simply email the information to Jim. 

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons


     A neighborhood tradition continues on April 26: the annual Spring Fling.  This is a time when neighbors come together to spruce up our assets at the end of Pembroke Blvd: the park, the dam path and the pool grounds.  Come renew old friendships.  Come make new ones.  Meet your neighbors.  Join in a group effort to beautify the area that so many of us use for walking, running, biking, wildlife observing, fishing, and just plain relaxing.  Bring yard tools and make your mark.  Lunch will be served in the park for all those who helped.  Clean up begins at 9 a.m. followed by a cook out in the newly spiffed-up park.

There are a couple weeks remaining to take advantage of the discounted (by 10%) pool memberships. Applications were enclosed in the March newsletter.  If you need an application, contact Jim Price ( or Bill Bertholf (   Even after the discount deadline (April 30), pool membership is a bargain; for the cost of a weekend out of town, the whole family can enjoy the pool for the entire summer.

There are lots of activities planned for the summer at the pool.  In addition to those scheduled below, there are Thursday dinner nights, weekend cookouts, youth nights, and family socials.  The Marlins Swim Team will be practicing and meeting at the pool; for swim team information, contact Bob Weinstein ( or Donna Price (  A two week session of swim lessons will be offered at the pool from June 24 to July 3; you can sign your child up at the pool or reserve your spot by contacting Jim or Bill (as listed above); swim lessons are discounted for pool members. 

Events scheduled as of this publication:

April 26 Spring Fling with swim team and membership sign ups
May 3 Final clean up with swim team and membership sign ups
May 24 Opening day with swim team sign ups
May 26 Cookout
June 13 Pembroke Meadows Elementary 5th Grade party
(1 p.m. to 4p.m.; pool closed for the party)
June 14 Practice swim meet
June 21 Home swim meet vs. Greenbrier Country Club
June 24 Neighborhood swim lessons begin
June 28 Swim meet @ Indian Lakes
July 4 Independence Day festivities and cookout
July 5 Home swim meet vs. Cheshire Forest
July 12 Swim meet @ Little Neck Swim and Racket Club
July 13 Christmas in July party and cookie contest
July 19 Home swim meet vs. Norfolk Yacht and Country Club
July 19 Youth Overnight
July 26 Divisional swim meet @ Norfolk Yacht and Country Club
July 28 Swim team party and awards banquet
July 2 All Stars Swim Meet
Aug. 9 Parrot Head Night
Sept. 1 Labor Day cookout
Click Here For a Complete Calendar of Events in Pembroke Meadows & Pembroke Shores

Reserve your place in the sun by the cool of the pool. 

Jim Price

February Civic League Speaker

     Our speaker for the February meeting was Andrew Brondel, who heads the local office of Edwards Jones Investments Corporation.  Mr. Brondel discussed a number of investment and money management matters, particularly emphasizing various education savings accounts and retirement plans and their associated tax advantages.  Mr. Brondel’s office is a Business Associate Member of our civic league and is located in our neighborhood (on Professional Circle).  He invited anyone interested in these investment plans to call (499-8380 or visit his office. 

   Jim Willenbrink


     Oh what a busy and exciting month for Ferry Plantation House March has been.  On March 20th Ferry Plantation House was among the first to receive a plaque from the city putting us on the first "VIRGINIA BEACH HISTORIC REGISTER."   What an honor.  So much effort and work has gone into the preservation and restoration of this lovely plantation house.   Also in March we conducted educational tours for over 125 Virginia Beach and Norfolk school children.   The students from Ivy League Academy and Norfolk Academy visited this month and were amazed and delighted by this program.  This has been a great learning experience that has proven both educational and fun.  If you have not yet toured Ferry Plantation House--please do so. It is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays   10:00 a.m. - 4:00  p.m.  If you would like to schedule a tour for a group just give us a call at  473-5626.

Belinda Nash

Pot Luck Dinner

     The March Pot Luck Dinner was once again a great success.  There were prizes for the best food.  Phyllis Anglin won a George Foreman Grill donated by George and Loretta Watkins for her King Ranch Casserole.  She has graciously shared the recipe with us:


2 T butter or margarine
1 medium onion chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
3 cups chopped cooked chicken
1 (10&3/4 ounce) can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 (10&3/4 ounce) can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 (10-ounce) can diced tomatoes and green chilies
1 t chili powder
1 t ground cumin
2 cups tortilla chips, crushed
1 REYNOLDS Pot Lux Cookware Pan with Lid (9X12 1/2 Inch size)
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cheddar Cheese
Garnish: chopped fresh cilantro

PREHEAT oven to 325 for at least 20 min.
MELT butter in a medium skillet over medium high heat.  Add chopped onion and bell peppers; sauté 8 minutes or until tender.
STIR in chopped cooked chicken and next 5 ingredients; cook, stirring occasionally, 2 minutes.
PLACE half of crushed tortilla chips in bottom of pan.  Layer with half each of chicken mixture and shredded Cheddar Cheese.  Repeat layers, ending with cheese.
BAKE, uncovered at 325 for 45 minutes or until mixture is thoroughly heated.  Garnish, if desired. 

From Southern Living Magazine

Our other winner was Christina Westmont who has recently returned to our neighborhood after being away for a couple of years.  We are very happy to have Christina and Robert involved with the Civic League.  Christina wrote:

“I was asked if I would submit my winning recipe to the newsletter... For those of you who could not attend the Civic League Pot Luck, well you missed the opportunity to enjoy some great food, and company, not to mention the chance to win some great prizes! I would like to extend my thanks to the  Civic League who presented me with a generous $50.00 gift certificate donated by One Fish Two Fish Restaurant, at Long Bay Pointe Marina. This recipe is so simple; I was hesitant to share it!" 

Christina Westmont
CHICKEN SATAY (May use beef or pork as well)

1 pound boneless chicken breast
2 TBS peanut butter
2TBS soy sauce
1/3 c minced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1TBS fresh lemon juice
2TBS brown sugar
vegetable oil to thin

Slice chicken to individual size. Mix all ingredients, and marinate chicken for an hour (pork or beef may marinate overnight). Using bamboo skewers (soaked in water so they don't splinter), thread meat onto skewer. Grill or broil - and enjoy! Sometimes I double this sauce, and reserve some for dipping!

Thai Pasta Salad
1 pound of angel hair pasta - cooked
juice and zest of one orange
2TBS sesame oil
2TBS toasted sesame seeds
1TBS soy sauce
red pepper flakes to taste

Toss, refrigerate, salt and pepper to taste.

Buildings and Grounds

     Today Jim and I the made the second week sweep of the Median Clean-up.  We started at the park and walked all the way to Independence Boulevard and back.  We cleaned both sides of Pembroke Boulevard and the two medians.  We took two large trash bags with us; they were full by the time we reached the Food Lion.  We emptied them into the dumpster and started the trip back down the other side to the park.  Guess what!?  Our bags were again full when we reached the park.  At least today we didn’t find articles of clothing!  Last week we found women’s slacks, shoes, blouses and more.  It is obvious that our park is being used for beer-drinking during the evening hours—even though the park is closed at sundown.  Please call Jim Hall or email at to get on the list for cleaning the median.  As you can see, there are many blank spaces on our register.  Please come out and do your part! 

Clera Hall

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up 2003
Clera and Jim Hall
24 March – 6 April
Long Family
7 – 20 April
21 April – 4 May
5 May – 18 May
19 May – 1 June
2 Jun – 15 June
16 June – 29 June
30 June – 13 July
14 July – 27 July
28 July – 10 Aug.
11 Aug. – 24 Aug.
25 Aug. - 7 Sep.
8 Sep. – 21 Sep.
22 Sep. – 5 Oct.
6 Oct. – 19 Oct.
20 Oct. – 2 Nov.
3 Nov. – 16 Nov.
17 Nov. – 30 Nov.
1 Dec. – 14 Dec.
15 Dec. – 28 Dec.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003