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Pembroke Meadows & Pembroke Shores
Photo Album
Flagpole Installation
Above Photos by Mike Savage, April 4, 2003
Photo by Clifton Furedy, April 5, 2003
Major Milestone Completed in Pembroke Median Enhancement Project

As a demonstration of widespread neighborhood patriotism, an American flag is now flying at the entrance to Pembroke Meadows and Pembroke Shores on Pembroke Boulevard.  The flag and pole are the first milestone in a larger median enhancement project that will also include restoration of lights to the brick gateways near the entrance.  The Pembroke Meadows Garden Club originated the improvement concept and worked with the Pembroke Meadows Civic League to raise funds, obtain city approval and contract for the necessary work. 

The Pembroke Boulevard median is Virginia Beach city property but members of the Garden Club, as well as other neighborhood volunteers, clean and maintain the gazebo and decorative plants.  It was during one such Garden Club work party to clean up the yucca at the intersection of Pembroke Boulevard and Whitechapel Drive that one of the women suggested it would be a great place for an American flag.  Back in 2001 the idea was approved by the Pembroke Meadows Civic League and a committee was formed to Enhance the Median.  Funds came from several silent auctions at civic league meetings, from numerous member contributions and three afternoon teas at Ferry Plantation House.  By the time sufficient funds were raised for the median enhancement, the Ferry Plantation House teas had become so popular that they have become a semi-annual event and are presently booked up a year in advance.

No taxpayer money is involved in this project.  In fact, the city of Virginia Beach initially disapproved the requests by the civic league.  However, with assistance from Louis Jones, Virginia Beach City Councilman, the city ultimately approved the permits so work could begin.

Admiral Sign Company was the winning bidder to install the flag pole and flag.  Midgett Electrical was awarded the contract for the electric work.  As weather permits, the necessary conduit and wires will be put in place so the new lights on the brick gateways can be installed.  This will restore the atmosphere to what it must have been like back in the early 1970's when the original lights illuminated the gateway to model homes of the new Pembroke Meadows subdivision that was under development then. 

Many of the residents in the Pembroke Meadows and Pembroke Shores neighborhoods are either active duty or retired military, so the civic league felt it very appropriate to spearhead this project demonstrating the patriotism of the entire community.  Many hands have been involved in this enhancement project, requiring considerable investments of time and talents.  The Pembroke Meadows Civic League would like to thank everyone involved for their contributions which make the overall area a better place to live.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003