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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004.
A Winner Website For 2013, A 2nd Runner Up Printed Newsletter 2013, and Winner E Newsletter 2013.
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 38-NO 6

In This Issue
November Luncheon
ROWS Christmas Dinner and Dance
President's Message
Legislative Update
From The Editor
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
Community Affairs
Chapter Director Dies
Autism Therapy Payment Cuts
Meeting with Congressman
Scholarship Winner
Veterans Day Parade
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
September Luncheon
New Members Welcomed
October Luncheon
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Luncheon 21 November 2014 
LtCol Brett “Salty” Allison, USMC, Commanding Officer, MAG-49 Det D will be our guest speaker.  MACS-24 is coordinating the annual Toys for Tots program for the region and they will be invited to attend as well as N/AROTC cadets/midshipman and their Unit leaders.  The luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community in the Magnolia Room at 1100 for the social hour and 1200 for the lunch.  This will be a busy day with the Marines Toys for Tots celebration.  Please bring an unwrapped toy or a check for your gift.   The Chapter will have guest from the AROTC at NSU and from the NROTC at ODU, NSU and Hampton U.  The annual election of Officers will take place and the annual Col Marvin J. Harris Communication Awards will be given out. 
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance 
December 6 2014
The affair will be held at the Atlantic Shores Magnolia Room with cocktails at 6:00-7:00 p.m. and dinner/dancing at 7:00-10:00 p.m. Music by the Dudes from the Rhondels.  Chapter members are invited to join ROWS for this annual dinner/dance. 

Black tie or military uniform optional. 

Make a list of your guest and yourself, and indicate entrée for each.  All checks will be made payable to ROWS and mailed to Barbara Smith at 1201 Faulkner Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454.  They should arrive NLT 28 November.  Barbara can be reached at 427-3475. 

MENU will be; Tossed Salad, (1) 8 oz. Filet with Cabernet Sauce-Medium Rare or (2) 8 oz. Honey Roasted Salmon or (3) Chicken Saltimbocca.  Twice Baked Potato with Cheddar and Sour Cream, Green Beans Almandine, Hot Rolls and Butter.  Coffee/Tea.  Desert is Applesauce Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese whipped icing. 

Price is $60.00 per person.

President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

We are almost at the end of 2014. Our treasurer prepares a monthly report as to our financial health that is reviewed by your BOD each month and we are very diligent and thoughtful in managing your funds.  For example, through careful planning and plain hard work we have maintained the cost of our luncheons at $20.00 a person and we expect to be able to continue that good deal through 2016.  I do not know of any other Chapter that can boast of that.  However, all other costs continue to rise (just like in your home) and in order to continue our donations to worthy programs such as, “The Virginia Wounded Warrior Program” and yet maintain a sound financial base of your Chapter, the BOD, after much intense discussion, voted to raise our dues beginning 1 January 2015.  Effective 1 January 2015 Dues are $20.00 – 1 year, $35.00 – 2 years (savings of 12.5%), and $45.00 - 3 years (savings of 25%).  Or, renew by 31 December 2014 at the current rate of $15.00/$28.00/$39.00 for 1, 2 or 3 years respectively. Again, effective 1 January, the Auxiliary dues are $10.00 – 1 year, $17.00 – 2 years (savings of 15%) and $23.00 – 3 years (savings of 23%).  Or, renew by 31 December 2014 at the current rate of $8.00/$15.00/$21.00 for 1, 2, 3 years respectively. 

As a reminder when we lose one of our faithful members, his or her membership transfers to the surviving spouse for the remainder of the membership.  Upon expiration of the membership, we seek, encourage and welcome the surviving spouse to join the Chapter as an Auxiliary member.  As of 1 October 2014, we had 74 Auxiliary members. 

Your nominating committee worked diligently to develop a slate of officers for 2015 – 2016 and they will present a viable slate of dedicated members at the November Annual Meeting/Luncheon who are willing to serve the needs of our Chapter, our Members and to support National MOAA.  As I write this message, they are struggling to find a member willing to serve as the 1st Vice President, a very critical position.  In addition, we have been trying for well over a year to get a replacement for John Vermillion, our superb Tribute Editor.  John has been doing an incredible job for a very long time – he needs a break.  We also need a Personal Affairs officer.  Again, I urge and encourage all to step forward and help with the leadership of “Your Chapter”.

I want to thank all our members for allowing me to serve as your president for the past two years.  It has truly been an honor and pleasure.  Working with the Chapter Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and those behind the scenes was enormously satisfying.  Everyone had a positive can-do attitude. What a team – Bert & Suzanne Ortiz, Don Buzard, Loren Heckleman, Steve Hackney, Aaron Zielinski, Holly Hollandsworth, Jim Jones,  Jim Smith, Jim Daniels, Larry King “Live”, Dave Wade, Bill Lehr, Mike Barea “Breeze”, John Vermillion, Clif Furedy, Chris Vitadis, Rip Dellaripa, Jack Colgan, Jack Hilgers, Jerry Crick.  Bob Giovanelli, Ben Woodworth and our very special Jo Carter - thank you, thank you.  These are the dedicated troopers that make your Chapter an 11th consecutive year 5 Star Level of Excellence Chapter.  Most importantly, thanks to Evelyn who supported not only me every step of the way but all that the Chapter does for our entire military family.

Thank you,

Jim Edge

Legislative Update 

MOAA Lays out Defense Bill Priorities

On October 8, MOAA and its partners in The Military Coalition (TMC), a consortium of military and veterans groups, outlined its legislative priorities in the FY 2015 defense authorization bill. The Coalition offered its analysis of the House and Senate versions of the defense bill to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Armed Services Committees. Copies of the letter were also sent to every member of Congress.

The Coalition praised the House and the Senate Armed Services Committees for rejecting many of the proposals by the Pentagon and the administration in the FY 2015 budget to cut costs on the backs of those who serve, including a consolidation of TRICARE options and cuts to commissaries. 
The Senate was urged to follow the lead of the House and block proposed active duty pay caps, a reduction in housing allowance compensation, and an increase in TRICARE pharmacy fees. A number of other key MOAA priorities were included in only one version of the bill. The Coalition highlighted these issues in the hopes both chambers would adopt the fixes in conference committee. 

Full Future COLAs: The Senate version of the defense bill would provide full Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) to new entrants in the military through January 1, 2016. Thanks to MOAA’s advocacy efforts, current servicemembers, retirees, and survivors were grandfathered from cuts to COLA originally included in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, but new recruits since January 1, 2014 were not protected.

Guard/Reserve Retirement Credit: The Senate bill includes a provision to provide early retirement “rollover” credit for Guard/Reservists who serve 90 days on active duty during two fiscal years. Currently the 90 day clock resets at the start of a new fiscal year. 

SBP Special Needs Trust: The Senate bill also includes a provision to allow for Survivor Benefit Plan annuities to be paid into a Special Needs Trust for adult dependent children. Current law prohibits SBP from being paid into a trust. This can result in disabled dependent children being ruled ineligible for essential needs-based government aid because of their SBP income. 

The letters also called for Congress to reach a bipartisan solution to repeal sequestration. The automatic, across-the-board cuts in government funding have had a disproportionate effect on DoD. The arbitrary cuts have led to a “benefits versus bullets” debate which is placing readiness and the future of the all-volunteer force at risk. 

Troops Not Buying Compensation Reforms 
By Col. Mike Hayden, USAF (Ret) 

It may come as a big surprise to the Pentagon, but the troops are not buying its proposed compensation reforms. For years the Pentagon and think tanks have called for compensation reform to “slow the growth” of personnel costs.  This year is no exception. The Pentagon proposed capping pay for a second consecutive year (with four more planned) below the rate of private sector pay growth, significantly slashing the commissary benefit, reducing the housing allowance, and revamping TRICARE so that retirees and active duty family members pay more for their health care. 

From the Editor
From the Editor

Our Legislative Representative, COL Jack Hilgers, USMC-Ret has reported that Commissioner Paul Galanti has decided to retire and his last day was 8 October.  The New Commissioner is Deputy Secretary for Veterans and Defense Affairs, John Newby, so there will be continuity.  Jack knows John and he will make an excellent Commissioner.  The Board of Veterans Services meeting was 7 October and the JLC was 15 October.   Jack attended both. 

Auxiliary Members, MOAA Update

MOAA’s auxiliary members are the survivors of deceased MOAA members or the survivors of deceased individuals who, if living, would be eligible for MOAA membership. As of a vote by MOAA members in August 2012, auxiliary members now have voting rights. This year, for the first time, an auxiliary member will hold an elected position on the MOAA board of directors for a six-year term of office. His or her job will be to act as a spokesperson for all auxiliary members and to represent the interests and issues of surviving spouses on the board. 

Auxiliary members also are eligible for leadership roles in councils and chapters. Some chapters already have begun using the talents of their auxiliary members on their boards, not just as auxiliary liaisons but also as chapter presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, newsletter editors, and more. 

Auxiliary members add value to chapters and councils. As military spouses, they have many experiences unique to the military lifestyle. They have left their hometowns and established new homes at every duty station, moved often and usually alone, and served the role of single parents during deployments before Skype and email existed. In addition, they have been chauffeurs, team parents, scout leaders, PTA officers and members, event planners, hosts, fundraisers for military officers’ spouses’ clubs and other organizations, and committee chairs — sometimes all while holding jobs of their own. Auxiliary members can be sources of untapped talent.

Auxiliary members should consider volunteering for leadership positions within local chapters, and chapter leaders should consider inviting their auxiliary members to participate in their chapters. Chapters with active auxiliary members tend to be more successful. Think about including your auxiliary members when considering new board positions. They will increase your official chapter membership while providing new ideas and leadership opportunities for your chapter or council. 

HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.

Please consider contributing this year!

Members may submit to the chapter treasurer, LT Stephen Hackney, USN-Ret at 1736 Rally Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1233 or in person at our luncheons.   The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who sends receipts to the donors. 

Members who already donate to the national MOAA Scholarship may continue to do so. You just need to note on the check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts to the donors.

Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
Goal for 2016: $25,000.00 Collected to date; $14,317.00. 
Goal for 2014:  $5,000.00  Collected to date, $4,317.00. 
2014 Contributions

PLATINUM $500 and above

GOLD $250 to $499
Clif Furedy $300
Helen P. Lowther $250
Bud Statzer $300

SILVER $100 to $249
Jack Hilgers $200
John Vermillion $200
Jim Edge $100
Dave Wade $100, 
Jim Dellaripa $100
Jim Daniels $158

Bronze Under $100
David Yacavone $39
Steve Hackney $35 
Holly Holandsworth $55
Carl Thoren $50

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Enter this Code Word
Click Here and type this access code
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Click Here
Community Affairs Update
The chapter has completed 77% of its projected activities for the year as of end of this quarter.

Chapter representatives presented  gold bars at two college commissioning ceremonies in August.  The NSU and ODU AROTC programs each had one each cadet commissioned. 

The Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund remained on track to reach one-year and five-year goals.  As of 20 September, we reached 70% of our annual goal and 54% of our long range goal. 

Honor Flight 18 October 2014   Our Chapter coordinated the departure ceremonies for World War II veterans in South Hampton Roads to visit Washington, DC as part of the nationwide Honor Flight program. The Honor Flight provides the free trip for World War II and Korean veterans, and veterans of later wars who qualify, to see and tour the various war memorials in the city. The trip included free bus travel, attendants for the veterans, and meals for the day.  Uniformed cadets from Old Dominion (ODU) and Norfolk State Universities (NSU) Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and high school JROTC units in South Hampton Roads participated. 

Chapter Director Has Passed
Mrs. Jo Carter, Aux, USAF, passed away on 17 October 2014.  Jo was our Auxiliary Liaison and on the Board of Directors.   She also was a great help to all in setting up our luncheons.   The Chapter and this World have lost a great friend.  She was a dedicated and genuinely wonderful lady who loved helping everyone and will be missed by all of us.  May She Rest in Peace. 

Jim Edge 

Autism Therapy Payment  Cuts (MOAA)
In June, the government announced that it would simplify three existing policies to treat beneficiaries on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with the implementation of the Comprehensive Autism Care Demonstration. Previously, beneficiaries received Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) services through basic TRICARE coverage, the ECHO Autism Demonstration, or the ABA Pilot program.  Last month, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced that it would slash payments for autism services between 40 and 55 percent, from $125 an hour to anywhere from $50 to $68 an hour. The scheduled cuts were set to take effect on October 20.

TRICARE provided written policy for the Autism Care Demonstration (ACD) in late September, only one month before the program was scheduled to begin.  After an uproar from the military community, DoD officials announced this week that it would delay payment cuts until April 2015.  Despite assurances from  Defense Health Agency (DHA) officials that they would educate beneficiaries and providers to proposed changes, many are crying foul. The proposed payment cuts would have an immediate impact on military families.

According to a survey by Navigation Behavioral Consulting, a firm that works with children with autism, 95 percent of TRICARE providers would scale back services offered to autistic children. More troubling is that 22 percent said that they would stop treating military children altogether.  If the proposed payment cuts are enacted, almost 15 percent of military children with autism who received help in 2013, would be left without adequate coverage.  While MOAA is pleased to see a simplification of autism services into one program, we remain deeply concerned about proposed funding cuts.  MOAA is scheduled to participate in a review of the policy next week with DoD officials.  For additional information on the ACD program, please visit

Chapter Officers meet with local Congressman
Pictured above from left to right is CAPT. Chris Vatitis USN (Ret), our 2nd District Congressional Liaison; CAPT.  Holly Hollandsworth USN (Ret), our immediate Past President; and COL Jim Edge USA (Ret), our current President; and The Honorable Scott Rigell, Congressman, 2nd District - They recently met with Congressman Rigell in his Virginia Beach office.  As always, they were warmly welcomed by Congressman Rigell and his staff.  Jim thanked him for his continued support and cosponsoring of the legislative actions in support of our active duty and retired military men and women and their families. Several topics were addressed to include the economic stability and opportunities in the Tidewater area, NAS Oceana remaining here at the Beach and the overall requirements and needs of the military, our area and the country.  Congressman Rigell clearly recognizes the faithful, loyal and dedicated service and sacrifices of each of our military members and their families.  Congressman Rigell can be counted on to support the military community.
Scholarship Winner
Alexandra Grinsell has been selected as our chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund designated scholar for 2014 -2015.  She attends the College of William and Mary where she majors in English and Marketing.  By next spring she hopes to participate in an international exchange program in England.  She is the recipient pf of a $5,000 no interest loan and a $500 grant. 
Veterans Day Parade, Virginia Beach
The Hampton Roads Council of Veterans Organizations sponsors an annual Tidewater Veterans Day Parade.  This year it will be held on Tuesday 11 November.  The parade will start at 9:00AM on Atlantic Avenue and proceed up 19th Street to a reviewing stand at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial.  The HRCVO has sponsored this event for over 30 years.   Last year there were 80 participants.  Please consider joining the crowd and viewing the parade and ceremonies at the reviewing stand.  It is a great event. 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is  taking contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500  __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to and Mail contributions to: 

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
c/o Veterans Services Foundation
900 East Main Street, 6th Floor, West Wing 
Richmond, VA 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719.

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

21 November 2014 Luncheon
The luncheon will be  held at the Atlantic Shores Community in the Magnolia Room. Do not forget the November 11th Veterans Day parade at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial, across from the Virginia Beach Convention Center.  A celebration will also be held in Chesapeake at the Civic Center.
VCOC Schedule
The Virginia Council of Chapters will Storm the Hill in Richmond.  The Storming is scheduled for Monday, 26 January 2015.  It's important that Chapter members join in participating to meet their state Delegates and Senators and help make them aware of the legislative issues being emphasized by the Joint Legislative Council, Hampton Roads Chapter, the Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC), and to obtain our legislators support. The first meeting of the VCOC in 2015 will likely be conducted the day prior to Storming the Hill. For more information and/or to join in this effort, contact COL Jim Smith, Chapter VCOC Representative at 425-5934. 
26 September Luncheon
President, COL Jim Edge presents the Jefferson Cup to Vice Admiral Bruce E. Grooms, Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development at NATO Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.  The Admiral discussed how NATO begun in 1949 with 12 countries.  Today it has 28 Nations.  The primary objective of NATO is the Defense of Europe.  Over the past 20 years, NATO has developed a network of partnerships with countries from the Euro-Atlantic area, the Med and Gulf region.  NATO pursues dialogue and cooperation with 41 Partner Countries. 
New Members Welcomed
L-R  CAPT Gil Kraine, USCG-Ret., Our Chapter President, COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. and CAPT Bob Moore, USN-Ret.  Welcome aboard to both. 
24 October Luncheon
President, COL Jim Edge is shown presenting the Jefferson Cup to Mr. Charles W. Braden, Director of Market Development for the Norfolk Airport Authority.  Mr. Braden gave an excellent presentation on the responsibilities of the Airport Authority.  The total number of employees are 200.  Most income comes from landing fees and aircraft parking.  Phase One improvements have been completed, with Phase Two providing improvements to Concorse A and B.  The Authority works with the airlines but does not control the destinations nor the number of aircraft assigned to the routes.  The airlines are mostly concerned with making a profit with the cost of fuel being the number one concern.  The aircraft load factors have increased as the number of aircraft on each route has decreased.  Norfolk is rated as a Small Hub when compared to Atlanta which is a Large Hub and Indianapolis a Medium Hub.  The average fare is now $390 with airline profits going up. 
of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CAPT Marvin E. Snyder, Jr.

LTC Brian Kerns

Mrs. Pauline K. Gillock
Aux Member 

Mrs. Jo Carter
Aux Member


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2014