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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004.
A Winner Website For 2013, A 2nd Runner Up Printed Newsletter 2013, and Winner E Newsletter 2013.
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 38-NO 4
JULY 2014

In This Issue
Summer Brunch Mixer
September Luncheon
President's Message
Community Affairs
Legislative Update
From The Editor
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
Chesapeake Memorial Day
World War II Memorial
Honor Flight Send-off
Navy ROTC Commissioning
Army ROTC Commissioning
Virginia Beach Memorial Day
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
April Luncheon
May Luncheon
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Summer Brunch Mixer
13 July 2014
The Portsmouth Area Chapter, Virginia Peninsula Chapter and your Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA are hosting a brunch mixer at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center on Sunday 13 July at 1100 hours. All members are cordially invited to  attend.  The hotel is located at 2800 Shore Drive in Virginia Beach. Visit, .  Cost of the brunch will be $27 each plus tax and gratuity, which will be billed individually by the hotel staff.  Cash bar is available.  Reservations are required NLT 1200 on 9 July 2014.  Please call or email Bert Ortiz at 757-482-1995, .  There will be no card notification.
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
Luncheon 19 September 2014
VADM Bruce Grooms, USN will be our guest speaker.  As the DCOS for Capability Development looking to the future of NATO, it will be of a great interest to hear his comments on issues and challenges from his perspective of current events (i.e. Ukraine, Afghan elections and post-14 NATO support to Afghan gov't, etc.).   Following completion of nuclear power training he served in nearly every capacity aboard a variety of submarines, including a tour as executive officer of USS Pasadena (SSN 752) where he twice deployed to the Persian Gulf.  His command tours included USS Asheville (SSN 758) where the ship earned the Battle Efficiency "E" award, the Golden Anchor, and the Silver Anchor for the highest retention in the Submarine Force. He subsequently served as commander, Submarine Squadron Six and later as commander, Submarine Group Two.
President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

We are completing a very successful year of service to the community – a tribute to all of us and our Chapter. A few examples: a. Our financial support to The Virginia Wounded Warrior Program and other worthwhile efforts; b. The Army & Navy ROTC Programs at all of all of our local Colleges; c. The Jr. ROTC Program at our local High Schools; d. The Memorial Day Services in Virginia Beach & Chesapeake; and, e. The College Scholarship Fund through National MOAA. 

Our biggest challenge continues to be membership renewal and new members.  Our Membership Chair, COL Larry King “Live”, USMC, (Ret) works 24/7 at renewals and new members.  We need everyone’s help.  If you have renewed for 2014, thank you – if not, please consider renewing as you read my note.  We will remain viable, strong and have an impact on our legislators at the State and National levels only if we maintain a high membership.  DO YOUR PART – KEEP US STRONG.  Contact Larry (757) 650-1086 or me (757) 434-1259 – we will take it from there. 

As with everything, expenses continue to increase yet your Officers and Board of Directors continue to plan and manage our Chapter extremely well which allows us to maintain relatively low dues and our monthly luncheons are a bargain at $20.00.  We have varied and interesting speakers scheduled each month and the camaraderie enjoyed by all makes for a great day.  Hope to see all of you there.  Enjoy the rest of the beautiful summer here in the Tidewater area.

Thank you,

Jim Edge

as of 7 June  2nd QTR
The Community Affairs continues to be vibrant and involved.

Status of HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund YTD:

49% of overall 5 year goal of  $25,000, 
49% of annual goal of $5,000.
Over 70% of chapter planned Community Affairs Activities YTD completed.
In this quarter specifically, presentation of gold bars to those being commissioned were completed for the three university programs (ODU AROTC, NSU AROTC, Hampton Roads NROTC Unit (HU, ODU, and NSU)). 

Also MOAA Leadership Medals have been presented to selected cadets from the three ROTC programs and 15 local high schools.

On 3 May the Departure Ceremony for Honor Flight which the chapter instituted was conducted for World War II and Korean War veterans.

Several members participated in Memorial Day activities in Virginia Beach and in Chesapeake. The chapter presented wreaths at both events.

Legislative Update 

Fixing the VA

On June 5, Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) agreed on the framework of a bipartisan veterans’ health care bill. 

The bill would implement a number of reforms to fix the problems exposed by the recent scandal that resulted in VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s resignation. The omnibus proposal improves VA health care from a number of angles, including: 

  • expedite the hiring of new medical personnel at hospitals and clinics that lack enough doctors, nurses, and other necessary medical staff 
  • authorize the VA to lease 26 new medical facilities to expand access to care 
  • expedite authority to fire incompetent high level VA officials 
  • allow veterans living more than 40 miles from a VA hospital or clinic to access healthcare through private providers allow veterans unable be seen within VA health care access standards to be seen by private doctors, community health centers, DoD medical facilities (if the local facility determines it has space available), and facilities funded by the Indian Health Service 
  • establish an independent commission to improve VA health care scheduling and construction
It also improves the Post-9/11 GI Bill by ensuring that veterans receive in-state tuition rates at public universities and colleges, and extends GI bill benefits to the surviving spouses of veterans killed on active duty. 

This bipartisan agreement includes many improvements already passed by the House. 

Although MOAA is encouraged by the collaboration of both parties to find a solution to improve access, we remain concerned how this bill could impact access to military treatment facilities for current TRICARE beneficiaries.

Also this week, MOAA President Vice Adm. Norb Ryan, USN (Ret) spoke on the VA health care problems during a June 2 interview on ABC's Washington, DC affiliate. 

View the video and learn more about MOAA’s proposal to conduct a full review of the VA health system to initiate additional reforms 

Bill Will Boost VA Survivor Pay 

On May 21, Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) introduced H.R. 4741, the Surviving Spouses Benefits Improvement Act.

The bill would increase Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) payments a surviving spouse receives from the VA when a servicemember or veteran dies from a service-connected cause. 

Under current law, an eligible surviving spouse receives $1,233 per month in DIC. The amount is based off 43 percent of the basic compensation for a veteran with a 100 percent disability rating. H.R. 4741 increases that percentage to 55 percent, consistent with other federal employee programs. If enacted, the new DIC rate would be $1,572 per month. 

The bill would exempt the increase in DIC payments from the unfair offset for survivors eligible to receive both a DoD Survivor’s Benefit Plan annuity (SBP) and DIC. 

Full elimination of the SBP-DIC offset remains a top legislative goal of MOAA and The Military Coalition.

From the Editor
All chapter members are encouraged to donate to the MOAA scholarship fund.  We need more members to contribute.  Every penny helps provide educational assistance to a college student from a military family.  MOAA issues about $9 million in assistance each school year.  Last year our HRCMOAA area had 72 students that were recipients of financial assistance. 

Six of these students have parents who are members of our Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA.

All Concerned Members,

Greetings from your fellow MOAA members! If you are a national MOAA member but not as a local Hampton Roads Chapter (HRC) MOAA member, what are you waiting for? We understand that everyone is busy and that this was probably an oversight that you want to correct immediately. 

For your convenience, our website has three options to join or renew your membership at this link:

 a.  MOAA’s online chapter membership dues site has launched. We are pleased to provide an online Hampton Roads Chapter dues program so we can offer our members an option to join or renew HRCMOAA memberships (Regular, 1-year only) online using a credit card. Click here to renew by credit card.

b.  If you prefer to take advantage of the HRCMOAA membership multiyear discounts offered.  You can access the membership form which is printed on the last page of our bi-monthly newsletter "The Tribute" or, An option on the website can be filled-in on the computer and then printed, while the other option is blank and just for printing and then filling in by hand.

Chapter Name: HRCMOAA, Chapter Recruiter: COL Larry King "LIVE" USMC (RET)

Remember; If you are already a Chapter Member and not a member of National MOAA, please join MOAA as it is required to maintain our 5 STAR status. 

Click here to learn more about MOAA and join today!
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.

Please consider contributing this year!

Members may submit to the chapter treasurer, LT Stephen Hackney, USN-Ret at 1736 Rally Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1233 or in person at our luncheons.   The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who sends receipts to the donors. 

Members who already donate to the national MOAA Scholarship may continue to do so. You just need to note on the check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts to the donors.

Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
Goal for 2016: $25,000.00 Collected to date; $12,250.00. 
Goal for 2014:  $5,000.00  Collected to date, $2,150.00. 
2014 Contributions

PLATINUM $500 and above

GOLD $250 to $499
Clif Furedy $300

SILVER $100 to $249
Jack Hilgers $200
John Vermillion $200 

Bronze Under $100
Capt  David Yacavone, USN-Ret

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Enter this Code Word
Click Here and type this access code
Trouble with access to form?
Click Here
Chesapeake Memorial Day Ceremony
The ceremony was sponsored by the Mayors Commission on Veterans Affairs.  Chapter wreath laying was by CDR Bert Ortiz, USN-Ret., Ms Anne Darwin AUX USN, and CDR Matt Krakower, USN-Ret.  Col Alberto Cruz, USAF was the guest speaker.
World War ll Memorial 
Honor Flight
At Zero Dark Thirty Saturday May 3, 2014 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 
State University, Princess Anne and Lands Town High Schools respective ROTC and JROTC students lined up in preparation to render honors to WWII and KOREAN WAR veterans. The Veterans walk to awaiting buses that will transport them to Washington, DC to visit various War Memorials. This ceremony takes place twice a year (Fall/Spring) and is also joined by several civic and veteran organizations. Hampton Roads Southside coordinators included: MOAA Board of Director, CAPT Mike "Breeze" Barea, USN (Retired) and  Old Dominion University Senior Military Instructor, MSG Todd M. Bair, US Army.  Honor Flight Historic Triangle Virginia (HFHTVA) is a Williamsburg-based non-profit organization established in October 2008 with one goal: To take every World War II and terminally ill veteran in the Hampton Roads and Richmond areas, that are able and have not visited the World War II Memorial built in their honor.   In addition to the WWII Memorial, other scheduled stops include Arlington National Cemetery and the Marine Corps War ( Iwo Jima) Memorial, Korean War, and/or Vietnam War Memorials.  There is no charge to the veterans.   HFHTVA is a hub of the National Honor Flight Network, which was founded in 2005 and has over 100 hubs throughout the United States.  They have taken over 100,000 veterans to the memorials as of April 2013.
  Photo and article by Breeze
NAVAL/ARMY ROTC Commission Ceremony 
Click for full image
Old Dominion University (ODU) Ted Constant Convocation  Center was the site for the annual Spring US ARMY and US NAVAL SERVICE ROTC Commission Ceremony held on Friday 09 MAY 2013.  The US Army's ODU Monarch Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Brian Kerns, USA commissioned 26 Second Lieutenants in the US Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserves. The Hampton Roads NROTC Unit, commanded by Captain Daniel Cave, USN is a consortium comprised of four universities; Old Dominion University, Norfolk State University, Regent University and Hampton University. The Naval Service ROTC Unit commissioned 28 Ensigns in the Navy  and 2 Second Lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps.  The ceremony was honored to have Rear Admiral Douglas G. Morton, Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic as the guest speaker. Chapter president Colonel Jim Edge, USA (Ret) and Board of Director Captain Mike "Breeze" Barea, USN (Ret), attended the ceremony presenting GOLD BARS to newly commissioned officers.  Pictured above are the newly commissioned Naval Officers after completing their Oath of Office.  Pictured is LTJG Jacqueline Fitzmorris, USN, Commission Ceremony Coordinator and MOAA Hampton Roads Board Of Director CAPT Mike "Breeze" Barea, USN (Ret). 
(Top Photo and article by Breeze)
Pictured is LTJG Jacqueline Fitzmorris, USN, Commission Ceremony Coordinator and MOAA Hampton Roads Board Of Director CAPT Mike "Breeze" Barea, USN (Ret). 
(Top Photo and article by Breeze)
Virginia Wesleyan Commissioning
Ms.  Autumn Watson was commissioned a 2ndLt. In the Signal Corps, US Army at Virginia Wesleyan College.  She reported to her first duty station on Wednesday 21 May 2014.  The Virginia Wesleyan College ROTC Marlin Detachment is a part of the Old Dominion ROTC Monarch Battalion. Remarks were presented by Dr. William T. Greer, Jr., President, Virginia Wesleyan College.   Her mother and sister pinned on her bars and her uncle, a Retired USCG Master Chief rendered the traditional first salute to the new LT.  Our President, COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. presented her with a set of gold bars and the one year electronic membership in National MOAA.
Memorial Day, 26 May 2014
The event was held at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial and the Veterans Memorial Park in Virginia Beach.  The Master of Ceremonies was our own COL Floyd Gilbert, USA-Ret.  Opening Remarks were by the Honorable William Sessoms, Jr., Mayor of Virginia Beach.  The Keynote Address was by CAPT Christopher Chope, USN, Commanding Officer of NAS Oceana.  Laying of the Chapter Wreath was COL Jim Smith, USA-Ret, COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret., CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret. and COL Jack Hilgers, USMC-Ret. in the back of the pack. 

Reading of names honoring veterans whose names are engraved on memorial pavers that have been laid at the Veterans Memorial Park since Veterans Day 2013 followed laying of the wreaths.

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is  taking contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to: 

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation For: VWWP
900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719.

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

Summer Brunch Mixer 21 July 2014
The Portsmouth Area Chapter, Virginia Peninsula Chapter and your Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA are hosting a brunch mixer at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center on Sunday 13 July at 1100 hours.
No Luncheon in August
19 September Luncheon, will be held at Atlantic Shores
Program: VADM Bruce Grooms, USN will be our guest speaker.
VCOC Schedule
The follow-on VCOC meetings are scheduled for 9 July and 8 October.  Contact our VCOC representative CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret. at 777-5972 or COL Jim Smith at 377-2748 for transportation and other details.
25 April Luncheon
Chapter President, COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret, presents the Jefferson Cup to Kate Sullivan of the Mariners Museum’s USS Monitor Center.  Kate discussed the conservation, archaeology, history and artifacts of the famed Civil War ironclad.
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret,  HRCMOAA president, presents a check for $1,000.00 to Carol Berg, Regional Director/ Greater Hampton Roads for the Department of Veterans Services, Virginia Wounded Warrior Program.  The check was presented after our 25 April luncheon.
30 May Luncheon
Angel Flight, Air Compassion for Veterans.  Ms. Jacqueline O’Dell, was our guest speaker.  This superb non-profit’s mission is to ensure that no patient in need is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation for lack of a means of long-distance medical air transportation. 

Partners with American Airlines. They fly up to 33,000 trips in one year. 

Our President Jim Edge introduces two new members, l-r, Col Elliott “Sonny” Laine, USMC-Ret. and LtCol Marcus Boggs, USMC-Ret.
of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CDR John L. Brockman, Jr., USN-Ret

LCDR Charles W. Lynch, USN-Ret 

Joanne Wade - 15 May 2014
Member Spouse


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2014