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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter, 
MOAA Best Web Site, and a MOAA Best Electronic Newsletter.
Serving Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 29-NO 4

In This Issue
Attention: No More Postcards
President’s Commentary
HRCMOAA Directory
From the Editor
Membership Renewals
MOAA  Scholarship Fund
Legislative Spotlight
Community Affairs Activities
Memorial Day
VCOC Scheduled Functions
ID Card Renewal Form
Chapter Schedule
Volunteers Needed
Need A Ride
HRCMOAA President: Keep Oceana
HRCMOAA Luncheon
HRCMOAA Welcomes
Annual Picnic
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website 


Be advised that future announcements for upcoming MOAA events will be found only in the Tribute.  Cards will not, repeat, will not be mailed to the membership.

Please read the Tribute, it has a wealth of information.  The cost of mailing cards has become more expensive.  After receiving the Newsletter, note the time and place for the next event and make your reservation as appropriate.  Make a note in your calendar as a reminder.  The announcement for the event will be in the same familiar format as the card.  Please be understanding about this decision.

Next HRCMOAA Function is our annual picnic 
on August 13 from 1200 to 1500 hours. 
  Click Here For Details
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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the “MOAA Best” Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President’s Commentary

Our third luncheon of 2005 was another great success! The attendance was in the middle 80’s. It was held at Atlantic Shores dining room. The food was excellent and John Fahey was our speaker. He discussed his time in the Navy as a “spy” in Berlin during the Cold War; John’s “Spy” adventures were fascinating. 

I need your help to recruit new members. Our Chapter is losing members due to deaths, moving out of the area, retiring in another state and an aging membership.. We are recruiting some new members but we need you to be a recruiter for our chapter and MOAA in order for the organization to survive in the future. We need new officers to take our places and to fill up the ranks to keep the outstanding efforts of HRCMOAA going.  In October, we man a booth at the USNI warfare symposium to attract active duty officers in attendance to join our Chapter and MOAA.  Look for the brochure in your mail in September and mark you calendar to attend. 

Please help us and recruit a new officer member that you know. Our motto is “Every Member recruit a new member!” I invite you to become a Proactive member of our chapter by volunteering for one of our committees. Please contact me and I’ll be happy to match your talents/desires with one of the committees and introduce you to its Chairman. 

Don’t forget our annual picnic at Fort Story Club.  It’s a great opportunity to socialize and have fun. Come out and have fun telling “sea/war stories” with each other. See you there!

I along with our first VP, Jim Dellaripa and our Personal Affairs Officer, Buck Hereford will be participating in MOAA’s 2005 Chapter Presidents’ Symposium in Delaware 8 to 10 September 2005. At this seminar, we will discuss, share, and propose ideas for MOAA Chapters on:  recruiting and retention, Chapter roles and missions, legislative affairs, community involvement, leadership and revitalization, tips for Personal Affairs officers, and recruiting younger members. It’s a full plate! We’ll be busy!

If you have your own business, please consider taking an ad in our Newsletter to help offset the costs and to help advertise your business.

Smooth Sailing,

Ray Hart
HRCMOAA Directory




President: 430-8771
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN-Ret.
1st Vice President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
2nd Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
Secretary: 689-2463
CAPT Frank T. Hinchy, USN-Ret.
Treasurer: 427-2402
CDR John A. Rooney, USN-Ret.
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
CAPT Jon Haas, USN-Ret.
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
CAPT Patricia McFadden, USN-Ret.
LtCol Mary L. Baeumel, USAFNC-Ret.
CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret.
Program: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
Arrangements: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
VCOC Representative: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
Legislative Affairs: 490-8383
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Personal Affairs: 486-7639
CAPT James D. Hereford, USN-Ret.
Membership: 425-5934
COL James A. Smith, USA-Ret
Community Affairs: 445-4174
CAPT Tim Stark, USNR
Information Systems: 481-0694
Col Richard A. Vogel, USAF-Ret.
Webmaster 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy. USAF-Ret.
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
From the  Editor

Have you prepared for your family’s future?  Now is a good time to help your survivors following your death.  This is not a subject we like to talk about, but it is worse not to talk about it.  Does your Spouse know where your insurance policies are?  Can they locate your stocks and bonds?  Do they know where your will is located?  Where is your DD-214?  If you cannot say yes to this and other questions you should contact your HRCMOAA Personal Affairs Officer, CAPT James “Buck” Hereford, USN Ret.,  Telephone 486-7639.  The MOAA Office has published a booklet called Help Your Survivors-Now.  The booklet covers 1. Potential Financial Benefits, 2. Continuing Entitlements, and 3. Personal Affairs.  There is also a handy Personal Affairs Workbook to complete.  Both you and your Spouse should jointly complete this workbook.  This workbook can also be downloaded from  For a copy of the entire booklet contact Buck and he will help you obtain a copy.  If you are a recent surviving spouse and have any questions or need help, please contact our Personal Affairs Officer.


Membership Renewals

Chapter memberships are due for renewal as of the end of the year shown on the Newsletter mailing label immediately following the addressee’s name.  Renewals prior to the end of the year will ensure no interruption in your receipt of the Newsletter.

The Lincoln Memorial as seen from the WW II Memorial.
MOAA Scholarship Fund

In addition to annual contributions, memorial contributions may be made for deceased members to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889.  Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 

Legislative Spotlight

Defense Bill Passes House, Senate Action to Come
As Congress headed into the Memorial Day recess, some battle lines already were being drawn between the House and Senate over their respective versions of the FY 2006 Defense Authorization Bill. 

The full House passed its version of the defense bill (H.R. 1815) May 25 by a 389-to-39 vote. The Senate bill had been approved by the armed services committee, but was not scheduled to come up for consideration by the full Senate until sometime in June.

The two bills have many initiatives in common, including:

  • a 3.1 percent pay raise for active duty and Guard and Reserve members;
  • significant manpower increases for the Army;
  • permanent improvements in military death benefits;
  • additional funding for military family support;
  • updated casualty assistance guidelines; and 
  • limitations on the civilianization of military medical positions. 
But several differences between House and Senate bills remain to be resolved.

Concurrent Receipt. 
The house bill would modestly hasten the time table to end the disability offset for retirees rated "unemployable" by the VA (from 2014 to 2009). In the Senate, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was planning an amendment authorizing an immediate end to the offset for this group.

Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). 
Although the House took no action on SBP, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) plans to seek a Senate amendment that would authorize paid-up SBP coverage as of October 2005 for retirees who have attained age 70 and paid 30 years of SBP premiums. In addition, the amendment would end the deduction of VA benefits from SBP when the service member dies of a service-connected cause. Reserve health care. The House Armed Services Committee, by a two-vote margin, had approved extension of permanent, premium-based TRICARE coverage for all members of the Selected Reserve. But House leaders claimed the provision caused a $5 million technical violation of the committee's mandatory spending guidelines. Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) sought to adjust the amendment to get within the guidelines, but his effort was rebuffed by the rules committee, and the provision was dropped before the final House vote. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) plans to offer a similar amendment in the Senate.  For a complete summary of all of the personnel and benefits provisions of the two bills, check MOAA's Web Base at

Marshall Pushes New Discharge Petition. 
Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.) has introduced a discharge petition to force a House vote on H.R.303,Rep. Mike Bilirakis' (R-Fla.) bill that would end the disability offset to military retired pay for all service members otherwise entitled to retired pay, independent of any disability. Under current law (which was influenced by a similar discharge petition Marshall filed in 2003), members with at least 20 years of service and a 100 percent disability rating or a combat-related disability rating receive their full service-based retired pay. Those with 50 percent to 90 percent ratings (and those rated "unemployable" by the VA) will have their retired pay restored on a phased basis over the next eight years. Those with 40 percent or lower disability ratings lose $1 of their earned retired pay for each $1 in VA disability compensation. As of May 26, 162 House members had signed the discharge petition, more than the number of current H.R. 303 cosponsors.  At press time, H.R. 303 had 159 cosponsors - 40 Republicans, 118 Democrats, and one Independent. To date, all 162 signers of the discharge petition are Democrats. You can view the list of signers at  Please ask chapter members to use MOAA's Web site to urge their representative to sign the discharge petition by visiting and clicking on "Disabled Veterans Tax Discharge Petition." 

Supplemental Appropriations Act Includes Death Benefits, Disability Protection
In May, President George W. Bush signed H.R. 1268, the Emergency Supplemental Wartime Appropriations Act, which will fund continuing military operations overseas as well as increases in military death and disability benefits in several areas.  But the final bill dropped other initiatives sought by MOAA and other advocates for disabled retirees and Guard and Reserve members.  A summary follows.
  • Service members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage. Increases maximum coverage from $250,000 to $400,000 for all eligible members, effective Sept. 1, 2005. Survivors of members who died in a combat zone or of combat- or operations-related causes between Oct. 7, 2001 (the official start of the war on terrorism), and Sept. 1, 2005, will be eligible for retroactive payment of the extra $150,000.
  • Military death gratuity. Establishes a special $100,000 death gratuity for the survivors of service members who die in a combat zone or of combat- or operations-related causes. For other active duty deaths, the standard $12,450 death gratuity still will apply. Survivors of service members who died of combat- or operations-related causes since Oct. 7, 2001, will be eligible for the $88,000 difference. Hill leaders have indicated their intent to ensure it's not taxable.
  • SGLI election requirements. Requires married service members who wish to decline SGLI coverage or elect less than maximum coverage to attain the spouse's written consent in the future. In the case of single service members who do so, the service will have to notify their next-of-kin of that decision. The government will notify spouses (but written spousal consent will not be required) any time a married service member changes his or her SGLI beneficiary.
  • Traumatic injury protection. Authorizes a "traumatic injury" insurance rider to SGLI that would pay a service member $25,000 to $100,000 for certain severe injuries, ranging from significant burns or loss of a thumb and finger to total paralysis or coma.

Spotlight Closes Out
This will be the final "Legislative Spotlight."  Because deadlines for the "Spotlight" and the "Washington Scene" column in Military Officer fall close together, we've found that almost all of the "Spotlight" issues are redundant to information in the magazine.  We think it’s more cost effective to put Spotlight funds to other uses that will serve you better.
Community Affairs Activities
Another successful school year has been completed and our chapter sponsored thirteen Leadership awards on behalf of MOAA.  There were three college-level ROTC ceremonies and six high school ceremonies for ten high school NJROTC units .  The list of the schools and the recipients of the MOAA leadership awards are below.

The ceremonies vary in scope and form, as befits the various traditions of the services we represent. Formal parades complete with all the pomp and ceremony were common themes for the ROTC units.  The Norfolk NJROTC units conduct a combined pass-in-review for all of the City’s schools. 

One of the rewarding aspects of participating in the awards ceremony is to see the enthusiasm, dedication, and patriotism of the young men and women who comprise each unit.  This is especially true at the high school level where the cadets may not be heading towards a career in the military.  Yet their exuberance shines during the awards ceremonies.

The chapter also helped to sponsor the annual Princess Anne NJROTC Drill competition.  This annual competition is conducted at Rockwell Hall Gym at Little Creek Amphibious Base and is attended by JROTC units from up and down the east coast. 

There is always a need for folks to present.  There are nine separate ceremonies so the opportunities are many.  Contact Tim Stark if you would like to help with next year’s awards program.

ODU ROTC Cadet Jaqueline Hubbard
NSU NROTC Off. Cand. James Reynoso
NSU ROTC Cadet Jarrell O. Horsley

Princess Anne Cadet Steven Kohl
Salem Cadet/PO2 Andrew Ware
First Colonial Cadet/SCPO Ashley Reisner
Landstown Cadet LTJG Matthew Andrews
Green Run Cadet Ashleigh O'Rork

Norfolk  (Combined Ceremony)  
Lake Taylor PO2 D. Llarenas
Maury Allen Taylor
Booker T. Washington Quintel Brooks
Granby Edwin Wells
Norview PO2 Travis Delay
Memorial Day 
The HRCMOAA participated in the annual Memorial Day celebration held in Virginia Beach at the Veterans Memorial.  The many veterans organizations in the Hampton Roads area are participants.  Our President Ray Hart (center), First Vice President Jim Dellaripa (right), and a past President Jesse Sandlin (left) placed the wreath.  The picture was taken at a later date.
VCOC Scheduled Functions 

The next meeting will be held on 14 October, at Fort Lee  starting at 1000.  This will be followed by the Bi-Annual Dinner Meeting with a guest speaker, to be determined.  Contact your VCOC representative John Vermillion at 382-9843, if you would like to attend. 

The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent’s ID cards in a timely fashion.  This voluntary program is totally free to those wishing to participate.  A database will be maintained and participants will be notified in sufficient time to renew their military ID cards prior to expiration.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled, you need do nothing more.  You will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings

Board meetings will continue to be held on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Little Creek Eagle Haven Golf Club, starting at 0830.  Breakfast may be had at the Club Restaurant prior to the meeting.  All members are invited to attend.  This will be an opportunity to observe your Board in action and to see if there are any committees that you might be interested in helping out.  Just show up or contact the Chapter President. 

Volunteers Needed for the 
Hampton Roads Retired Activities Office 

Are you bored? Tired of sitting home? Would like to get involved in helping out retired members and their families?  If so, contact your Chapter coordinator: CAPT James Hereford, USN (Ret) at 486-7639 to participate and offer your services.No experience is required; we’ll train you. 

Need a Ride?

If you would like to attend one of our functions but cannot drive, Contact CDR John Rooney, USN (Ret) at 427-2402.  We will find someone to pick you up and take you home. 

From HRCMOAA President to Chapter Members 

I encourage you to take the time to email, write, call your Congressional Representatives and support keeping the East Coast Master Jet Base at NAS, Oceana. Go online now to strengthen the Department of Defense and let BRAC know why Oceana should be kept open. Visit ASAP and submit your positive comments. We all know that having the carriers home ported at Norfolk and having the planes at Oceana is both cost efficient and militarily effective. The planes are less that 2 hours from the carrier decks on deployment and returning from deployment. In addition, this gives the Navy great surge capability to meet any contingency both at home or abroad. Both HRCMOAA and its membership have gained many benefits from having Oceana in our area. Let’s keep them!

HRCMOAA Luncheon
Your Chapter recently hosted a luncheon at the Atlantic Shores Retirement Community.  Our guest speaker, CDR John Fahey, USN (Ret.) (left), noted Author and Educator. He talked about his service behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany before, during and after the construction of the Berlin Wall.  At right is our President CAPT Ray Hart, USN (Ret.) thanking John and presenting him with an engraved silver cup. 

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.


WHEN: Saturday, August 13, 2005
WHERE: Ft Story Club, Virginia Beach
TIME: 1200-1500  hours
Lunch: 1300-1400 hours
MENU: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Bar-B-Q Chicken
Baked Beans, Sliced Tomatoes, Onions, Lettuce
Coleslaw, Potato Salad
Iced Tea, Lemonade, Beer until it runs out
PRICE: $16.00 (inclusive)
Pay as you go bar
RESERVATIONS: Jim Dellaripa , 640-0947 or 
Frank Hinchy, 689-2463. 
Call between 0900 and 2000 hours.
CUTOFF DATE is August 03, (FIRM)

CWO4 S. Vincent Dantoni, USN (Ret).
(Shirley E.)

Lorraine Nimmo
(LCDR James E., USN (Ret)

CDR William J. Collins, USN (Ret)

Mrs. Ellie Gregorio 
(LT Daniel S., USN) 

LCDR Berry F. Turner, USN
(Chapter Life Member)

CDR Albert Leon, USN (Ret}
Al was a recent Chapter Officer and 
served with honor as our Secretary
for 4 years, he will be sadly missed. 

 The chapter members extend their sincere condolences
to the surviving family members.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2005