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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004. 
Newsletter 2014, Electronic Newsletter 2014, and Runner Up Website for 2014
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA
VOL 39-NO 6

In This Issue
October Honor Flight
President's Message
From The Editor
Community Affairs
Veterans Day
Gold Bars
Continental Marines History
Vietnam Presentation
From The Editor
November Luncheon
ID Card Notification Program
Career Corner
Legislative Update
MOAA Annual Meeting
October Luncheon
Future Events
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
Join Our Chapter
Address Changes or Unsubscribe
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.

Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
US Army
US Marine Corps
US Navy
US Air Force
US Coast Guard
US Public Health Service
Honor Flight:  October 17, 2015
At Zero Dark Thirty, Saturday October 17, 2015, Old Dominion University NROTC Hampton Roads Unit Bravo Company Norfolk State University, Old Dominion AROTC Monarch Battalion, Princess Anne and Landstown High Schools respective Navy and Army ROTC and JROTC students lined up to render honors to WWII and KOREAN WAR veterans.  The anticipation was high as our veterans walked to awaiting buses that transported them to Washington, DC to visit various War Memorials.  This ceremony takes place twice a year (Fall/Spring) and is also joined by several civic and veteran organizations. 

Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members LTJG Scott Hatzung, Daryl Holland, Bert Ortiz, Jim Jones, Steve Hackney, Jim Edge and Michael Barea were present to help send off the veterans (pictured below from left to right).

Old Dominion University Military Instructor, CPT Joseph Brown, US Army served as Officer in Charge (OIC) providing guidance and instruction to the students participating in the departure ceremony.  Pictured L-R below:  Daryl Holland, Jim Edge, Mel Runzo.
Honor Flight Historic Triangle Virginia (HFHTVA) is a Williamsburg-based non-profit organization established in October 2008 with one goal:  Take every World War II, Korean War and terminally ill veteran in the Hampton Roads and Richmond areas that is able and has not visited the World War II Memorial on a charter bus day trip to Washington, DC.  Additionally, other scheduled stops include Arlington National Cemetery and the Marine Corps War (Iwo Jima) Memorial, Korean War, and/or Vietnam War Memorials. 

There is no charge to the veterans as they paid for it through their dedicated service to our great nation more than sixty five years ago. HFHTVA is a hub of the National Honor Flight Network, which was founded in 2005 and has over 130 hubs throughout the United States.  They have taken over 118,000 veterans to the memorial as of November 2013.

Pictured below, CPT Joseph Brown, USA and CDR William “Josey” Wales, USN (Ret) provide direction to the cadets.

President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

MOAA is healthy, well and continues to lead by example. During the national membership meeting, Gen. Charles T. "Tony" Robertson, Jr., USAF (Ret), MOAA’s Chairman of the Board, reported that we are now over 400,000 members strong with over 90,000 active duty members.  MOAA has more officers in its organization than all the other service organizations combined. MOAA was recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) with the 2015 Summit Award for its Military Caregiver Assistance Program, which incorporates several programs and services that provide practical, meaningful assistance to more than 1 million military family caregivers of disabled veterans.  Additionally, the political newspaper, The Hill, has named MOAA as one of the top lobbying associations in Washington, D.C., for the ninth consecutive year. The Hill particularly cited retired Navy Vice Admiral Norb Ryan, MOAA's President. “The retired vice admiral spent the last year fighting to preserve U.S. troop pay and benefits against budget cuts, a cause he'll continue to champion in upcoming fiscal fights,”  A fitting tribute to MOAA’s President as he retires from MOAA at the end of this year.  In his place, your MOAA board of directors has unanimously selected retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins, a distinguished military officer and seasoned private-sector business leader, as its new president and chief executive officer. 

MOAA new tagline is “Never Stop Serving” and has set three priorities for Councils and Chapters:  Achieve Legislative Priorities, Promote the Military Caregiver Initiative, and Make a Difference.  Your Chapter already has a strong and connected Legislative Committee ably led by COL Jack Hilgers, USMC (Ret) which represents our legislative priorities to both State and National leaders regularly. We are aiming at achieving our five year MOAA Scholarship donation goal and supporting the MOAA’s Military Family Initiative, a philanthropic foundation that creates, enhances, expands, and supports high-impact, proven-successful veteran and active duty programs and services.  We will have more to follow.

As we enter into the Holiday season, I am thankful for your support of our organization and cherish all of our blessings. If you are traveling, please travel safely and we will see you again in the New Year!

Yours in Service, 

Bert Ortiz

From the Editor
As I write to you, it’s 30 degrees outside and the holidays are nearly upon us.   Our November luncheon was fabulous and I hope you enjoy some of the pictures that appear later in the newsletter.  Once again, our chapter members and The Retired Officers Wives Society (ROWS) came up huge for the Toys for Tots drive.  If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, please consider attending the ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance as they have strongly supported our chapter.

Our next luncheon is tentatively scheduled for 22 January at Atlantic Shores.  We are busy planning next year’s events and great things are ahead.  In the next newsletter we will layout events for 2016.  If we see you regularly, that’s awesome and we look forward to seeing you next time.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend recently or ever, we look forward to seeing you.  The luncheons are a great opportunity to listen and ask questions about important community matters and legislative events that affect all of us. 

MOAA is committed to increase grassroots legislative advocacy. To increase support for pending legislation, please look for our newsletter’s legislative update section and visit:
We had a great response to last edition’s letter about membership.  I committed to each of you that I will do my part and make a concerted effort to recruit a couple new members during the coming year.   That promise stands.  Please join me in educating and inviting some of our fellow veterans who may not know much about us. 

Best regards, Aaron

Community Affairs Update
Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund.

Our chapter is committed to funding the HRC ROTC Scholarship Fund, which is managed under the MOAA Scholarship at MOAA headquarters. The scholarship fund supports qualified ROTC cadets in need with financial support in the form of grants and low interest loans. Our goal is $25,000 by the end of 2016 which is the last year of a 5 year program with annual goals of $5,000.  Below is the status of our chapter scholarship fund. 

As of 11/23/2015
Total Goal $25,000
To Goal
Annual Goal $5,000
To Goal
We are very close to our goal!  We need to meet the $5,000 goal in order to remain on track to meet our final goal by the end of next year of $25,000.
  • Checks should be made out to the MOAA Scholarship Fund.  In the Memo section at the bottom left on the check, it should be noted that it is for the HRC ROTC Scholarship Fund.  Donations are tax deductible.
  • Checks can be sent directly to MOAA in the envelope found in each edition of the MOAA magazine, Military Officer or directly to MOAA at:
Military Officers Association of America
Attn: MOAA Scholarship Fund
201 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Donations so far this year range from $25 to $500.  If you have not participated in making a contribution to the fund, this is a great time of year to do so.  Our chapter is off to a great start in funding our scholarship fund. 

2015 Contributions

The window to participate will be over in 13 shorts months.

PLATINUM - $500 and above
CDR Roberto and Suzanne Ortiz, USN (Ret)
GOLD - $250 to $499
Rita Statzer
CDR John Vermillion, USN (Ret)
SILVER - $100 to $249
CDR Daniel D. Edwards, USN (Ret)
LT Charles Haskins, USN
CAPT Gilbert Kraine, USN (Ret)
CAPT William Lehr, USCG (Ret)
COL David Wade, USA (Ret)
Bronze Under $100
LTC James Dellaripa, USAF (Ret)
COL Jim Edge, USA (Ret)
MAJ Steve Hackney, USA (Ret)
LCDR Edward Hendren, USN (Ret)
COL Mike Nickelsburg, USN (Ret)
Rita Statzer
COL Martin Vozzo, USA
CAPT Doug Williams, USN (Ret)
Veterans Day Activities
An annual tradition, chapter members participated in Veterans Day events across the area.  In Virginia Beach, many participated in the Veterans Day parade and luncheon alongside members of the armed forces.  We also participated in the Chesapeake Veterans Day celebration and  presented a chapter wreath at City Hall.
Above:  CDR Matt Krakower, USN (Ret) enlists a group into the Army at City Hall in Chesapeake.   Below:  CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret) and CDR Matt Krakower, USN (Ret) present chapter wreath.
Above center, Col Floyd Gilbert, USA (Ret.), Co-Marshal for the Virginia Beach event and past president of HRCMOAA receives a quilt from the Not Forgotten Quilts of Valor organization.
Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA represented by (above, second from left) Col Jim Smith, USA (Ret), CAPT Loren Heckelman, USN (Ret), Col Jim Edge, USA (Ret), and CAPT Jim Jones, USN (Ret) at the Tidewater Veterans Day Parade, Ceremony, and Luncheon Program—sponsored by the Hampton Roads Council of Veterans Organizations
Gold Bars and MOAA e-membership
Looking forward, the chapter presents gold bars to those being commissioned from our three affiliated ROTC units.  For those who apply, an electronic membership in MOAA is provided free for one year. On 11 December, three members of our charter will present gold bars to the newly commissioned officers at our affiliated ROTC programs (Hampton Roads Naval Unit, Norfolk State University AROTC, and Old Dominion University AROTC).  A total of 16 gold bar sets will be presented for those being commissioned in the United States Navy, Marines Corps, and Army.
History of the Continental Marines 
and the Marine Corps Ball Discussion
Chapter member and Active Duty Military Liaison, LtCol Benjamin “Zach” Woodworth gave a talk to the Daughters of American Colonist, Norfolk Chapter, at Atlantic Shores on 10 November.  The topic was the history of the Continental Marines and the Marine Corps Birthday Ball.   He was representing U.S. Marine Forces Command, but spoke fondly of our chapter.  Many of the ladies were familiar with HRCMOAA and one, Martha Giovanelli, regularly attends our luncheons with husband LtCol Bob Giovanelli, USMC (Ret).
Vietnam Presentation and Discussion at Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School
Ms. Noreen Baker, English Department Chair at Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School assigned her students the task of reading “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien – a portrayal of the Vietnam War.  She invited COL Jim Smith, USA (Ret), LCDR Ray Lopez, USN (Ret) and COL Jim Edge, USA (Ret) to participate in a presentation and discussion of our experience in Vietnam and how it related to the assigned reading.  They met with about 60 students on 15 September at the High School.  It is a pleasure to report that the students were interested, attentive and participated in a healthy question and answer session following their presentations.  At the end, several students thanked us personally and asked additional questions.  It was a good day for our veterans to interface with the good, strong and smart young high school 
Above:  COL Jim Smith, USA (Ret), Ms. Noreen Baker, English Department Chair, LCDR Ray Lopez, USN (Ret) and COL Jim Edge, USA (Ret)
November Luncheon and
Toys For Tots Program
Above from L-R:  GySgt Villanueva and Maj Matt O’Hara, accept a $100 check for Toys for Tots from LtCol Benjamin “Zach” Woodworth, USMC (Active Duty Military Liaison) from HRCMOAA.
Two Corporals from Marine Air Control Squadron-24, the sponsoring unit for this year’s Toys for Tots program, with chapter member CDR Bob Armour, USN (Ret).
Above:  Guest speaker, Col Russell E. Smith, USMC, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command, G-3/5/7 discusses the status of world-wide USMC operational forces. 
Officers and board members install HRCMOAA’s 12th consecutive five star award banner.  L-R, LCDR Jeff Barrett, USN (Ret) - 2nd VP; CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG (Ret) - Board of Directors; LT Steve Hackney, USN (Ret), Treasurer, Mrs. Barb Smith, Aux. Liaison, and CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret).
COL David C. Wade III, USA (Ret) receives the MOAA Leadership Award for his hard work and outstanding service through the chapter’s work in the community.  COL Wade has been instrumental in the development of the HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund and local Historic Honor Flight in addition to many other community outreach projects.
Chapter President, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret) conducts the installation of HRCMOAA Board of Directors at the November luncheon.  CDR John Uhrin, USN (Ret) and Maj. Gen. John McLaren are pictured receiving the Oath of Office for their two year term. 
Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
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Click Here and type this access code
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Once you transition from active duty, we want you to stay in our community and chapter.  Don’t wait until the last minute to start networking, learning about transition, and talking with recruiters at career fairs.  Here is a list of local military career fairs and networking opportunities:

February 23, 2016
9:00am to 12:30pm
Corporate Gray Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach - Virginia Beach Convention Center

May 12, 2016
11:00am to 3:00pm
RecruitMilitary All Veterans Job Fair
Virginia Beach - Sandler Center for the Performing Arts

May 18, 2016
9:00am to 12:30pm
Corporate Gray Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach - Virginia Beach Convention Center

Legislative Update 

The Hampton Roads Chapter of MOAA met with U.S. Representative Scott Rigell, 2nd District of Virginia on 14 November from 9 to 10 a.m. at his Virginia Beach Office.  Chapter members, Legislative Director Jack Hilgers, Asst. Legislative Director Lincoln Smith, and Legislative Committee member Chris Vatadis attended the meeting.  A general outline of the meeting follows:

Members reviewed the Commonwealth legislative and budget initiatives (not in order of priority) to be pursued by the Joint Leadership Council (JLC) of Veterans Service Organization during the 2016 session of the Virginia General Assembly as listed below:

  1. Construction of veterans care centers in Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia
  2. Continued funding to improve Commonwealth veterans claims offices throughout Virginia
  3. Increased funding for Virginia Veteran and Family Support (Formerly Virginia Wounded Warrior Program)
  4. Authorize increased personnel and funding for the Virginia War Memorial
  5. Authorize in-state tuition eligibility for all National Guard and Reserve members
  6. Increase income tax subtraction from $3,000 to $5,000 for National Guard members
  7. Increase eligibility for the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program
  8. Approve electronic return of absentee ballots by overseas military voters
  9. Strengthen military and veterans court dockets in the Commonwealth
  10. Place veteran advisor and resource centers a all community colleges
  11. Provide property exemptions in the tax code for veterans service organizations
The Chapter is pleased that Congressman Rigell is cosponsoring legislation to correct a number of key MOAA issues in Congress, including:
Service Benefit Plan (SBP) 
HR 1594
Concurrent Receipt 
HR 303 and HR 333
Caregiver Expansion 
HR 1969
Veteran Status for Reserves 
HR 1384
VA Access for Female Veterans 
HR 1356
Military Souse Employment 
HR 1620
Pictured above:  COL Jack Hilgers, USMC (Ret), Rep. Rigell, CDR Linc Smith, USN (Ret). 
Pictured above:  COL Jack Hilgers, USMC (Ret), CAPT Chris Vatidis, USN (Ret), Terri Dunn-Campbell (Congressman Rigell’s military liaison, and CDR Linc Smith, USN (Ret)
MOAA Annual Meeting
MOAA’s affiliates compete annually to receive a four- or five-star Levels of Excellence Award, with the very best councils and chapters receiving five-star awards, and above-average councils and chapters receiving four-star awards.  More than 140 council and chapter leaders and their spouses, along with members of the national staff and board of directors, gathered Oct. 31 for the 2015 Levels of Excellence Award dinner held at the Buena Vista Resort hotel in Orlando, FL. Pictured below right is HRCMOAA Chapter President, Bert Ortiz, accepting the Chapter’s 2015 five star award streamer from Gen. Charles T. Robertson Jr., USAF (Ret), chair of MOAA’s board of directors.  Also pictured at bottom is Virginia’s Council of Chapter’s President, Col Victoria Revilla (seated center) with Chapter Presidents from around the state that received five and four star awards. “Councils and chapters continue to be the bedrock of our organization,” Robertson told council and chapter leaders. “When we want something done and done right."
23 October Luncheon
Department of Veterans Services Commissioner, John Newby joined us at our October luncheon at the Virginia Beach Hotel & Resort.  He discussed current veteran-related issues, current and future plans for veteran medical facilities including long term care facilities, and answered a number of questions from our members.  Below, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret),  presents the Jefferson Cup to Commissioner Newby.
Future Events
ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance
Atlantic Shores – Magnolia Room, Saturday, 12/5/2015
6:00-7:00 p.m.—Cocktails; 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Dinner and Dancing
Music by The Dudes from The Rhondels

Toss Salad with dressing on the table
(1) 8 oz Filet with Cabernet Sauce – Medium Rare
(2) 8 oz Honey Roasted Salmon 
(3) Chicken Saltimbocca
Twice Baked Potato with Cheddar and Sour Cream on the Table & Green Beans Almandine
 Hot Rolls/Butter, Coffee/Tea,
Applesauce Bundt Cake w/ Cream Cheese whipped icing
Price: $60.00 per person

Black tie or military uniform optional.
Reservations, checks, and menu choices must arrive in Barbara’s mail- box by  Friday, November 27.

If you have questions, call Barbara at 427-3475.

January Luncheon:  (1/22) - Speaker TBD - Atlantic Shores.
of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory
Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email

Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2016