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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004. 
A Winner Printed Newsletter 2014, Electronic Newsletter 2014, and Runner Up Website for 2014
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 39-NO 5

In This Issue
October 23 Luncheon
President's Message
Community Affairs
Legislative Update
Joint Leadership Council Iniatives
From The Editor
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
Career Corner
Virginia Veteran and Family Support
September 18 Luncheon
Future Events
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
Join Our Chapter
Address Changes or Unsubscribe
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.

Luncheon 23 October 2015
The luncheon will be held at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center at 2800 Shore Dr., commencing at 1100 hours with Lunch at 1200 hours.

Our guest speaker will be John Newby, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services. 

Son of a retired Army Sergeant Major from Isle of Wight County, Commissioner Newby commanded an Air Force special operations forward air control unit supporting the U.S. Army’s 3rd and 7th Special Forces Groups (Airborne) and served in Iraq as an aviator aboard the Boeing B-1B Lancer strategic bomber. Following his military service, Commissioner Newby served as an attorney at private sector law firms and an international defense contractor. He also served as a member of former Senator Jim Webb’s Service Academy Selection Board.
In January of 2014, Commissioner Newby was appointed to serve as Virginia’s Deputy Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs. In this role, he assisted the Secretary with oversight of all veteran-related issues in Virginia, and supported Governor McAuliffe’s initiatives focused on relationship building with our nation’s military services and our active duty military communities.

Commissioner Newby received his commission and Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Air Force Academy, and earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Law. He, his wife Reba and daughter Jillian reside in Richmond, Virginia.

US Army
US Marine Corps
US Navy
US Air Force
US Coast Guard
US Public Health Service
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

Fellow Officers and Spouses: 

I am pleased to announce that your Chapter has once again been selected as a Level of Excellence Five Star award winner.  We have been a perennial award winner since inception of this chapter recognition by National MOAA and this is our 12th consecutive award. For all that help us keep this chapter as one of the best in the nation, I thank you and thanks to you all for your membership!  I look forward to traveling to the MOAA National Meeting in Orlando, FL in late October to accept the award on the Chapter’s behalf. 

It is certainly is not an easy task to keep the chapter moving forward. Your Officers and Board Members always try to balance expenses with our income, which primarily comes through membership dues.  Please read our Membership Chairman’s article calling for action on our recruiting efforts.  I also would like to personally ask each of you to help us with recruiting. Membership is truly the lifeblood of the Chapter and Larry presents that viewpoint very well. 

Another painful reality is increasing costs.  Our luncheon program, which is critical in maintaining active communication with our membership, is cutting into our bottom line and taking away from our community/veteran affairs efforts and donations. We have tried to maintain stable costs by consolidating to two venues which we maintain a great relationship.  However, in calculating all costs associated with the program, including the speaker’s lunch and post card mailing, we reluctantly must increase the cost in the coming year. Starting in January 2016, we will increase our luncheon costs to $25.00 per person. This was not a decision we took lightly, however, it became evident that it was the decision we needed to make to remain solvent. This cost is still lower than most other Chapters in the state for their membership meetings. This will ensure we continue to provide a quality membership luncheon with dynamic guest speakers. 

Again, I am continually reminded that I serve you and this Chapter and as always, I am open to your comments, suggestions and ideas.  Please feel free to contact me any time.

Yours in Service, 

Bert Ortiz

Community Affairs Update
Spartan Battalion Reserve Office Training Corps, 
Fall Opening Ceremony, 9/2: 

On September 2, 2015, the Spartan Battalion Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC) at Norfolk State University conducted its Fall Opening Ceremony. Major Cedric Lee, Professor of Military Training and Leadership, welcomed faculty, cadets and guests, and  conducted the Change of Command between the outgoing and incoming Student Battalion Commanders. Faculty members attending the ceremony included University President Doctor Eddie Moore who expressed the university's appreciation for the mission of the military organization and the contribution the ROTC Program makes to the University. Dean's List cadets and those who excelled on the Army Physical Fitness Test were recognized and enjoyed a number by the NSU Marching Band.

Following the ceremony, the ROTC Department showed Colonel Jim Smith, Chapter member, the display case containing Gold Bars with cadets' names affixed. The purpose of the display is to incentivize cadets to achieve their goal of becoming commissioned officers in the Army.

Legislative Update 

"The Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC) will conduct its Fourth Quarter Meeting at 1000 hours on 14 October 2015 at the Patriots Colony, Williamsburg, Virginia. Following the initial business meeting, the VCOC 2015 Biennial Luncheon will be held at 1200 hours.  It will include a Memorial Service to remember the passing of MOAA members from each Chapter and administration of office for the incoming VCOC Officers. The luncheon and other activities are expected to conclude about 1430. Contact COL Jim Smith, or (757) 425-5934, for reservation forms.  Cost is $20.00 per person and seating is limited to 200. Your form and check must be received by COL Victoria Revilla no later than 10 October 2015. Mail your check to COL Revilla, USA (Ret), 10824 Bland Ridge Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805."

Commonwealth of Virginia 
Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations
Initiative Recommendation
JLC 2016-01
Veterans Care Centers
That the Governor and General Assembly continue state support for the Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia veterans care center construction projects by appropriating additional state funding to complete the construction of both centers.
JLC 2016-02
DVS Benefits Services
That the Governor and General Assembly support funds to provide continued improvement to training, services, compensation, facilities, and equipment for DVS Benefits Services’ staff in the FY17/18budget.
JLC 2016-03
VA Veteran and Family Support Services
That the Governor and General Assembly support increased funding for Virginia Veterans and Family Support services in the FY17/18 budget.
JLC 2016-04
Virginia War Memorial
That the Governor and General Assembly authorize three additional positions for the Virginia War Memorial in the FY17/18 budget and appropriate the necessary funding for these positions and other requirements.
JLC 2016-05
In-state tuition for all members of the Reserve Components
That the Governor and the General Assembly change the eligibility for in-state tuition to include all members of the Virginia National Guard and the Reserve components, thus recognizing their service to the Commonwealth and treating them equality to the active components and veterans
JLC 2016-06
Guard Income Tax Subtraction
That the Governor and General Assembly increase the state income tax subtraction level for members of the Virginia National Guard from $3,000 to $5,000 per year.
JLC 2016-07
That the Governor and General Assembly
  1. When determining eligibility for higher education benefits under the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP), remove the requirement that a veteran’s disability rating be combat related.  Instead, a permanent disability rating of at least 90%, plus satisfaction of the other requirements currently in the Code, would qualify a veteran’s spouse or child for education benefits.
  2. Evaluate whether funding from other programs could potentially offset increased cost to VMSDEP.
JLC 2016-08
Electronic Ballot Return
That the Governor and General Assembly promote the development, approval, and budgeting of secure procedures to permit the electronic return of absentee ballot by overseas uniformed military voters.
The Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Organizations continues to work arduously to support Virginia Veterans.  The JLC adopted its 2016 Initiatives on July 15, 2015.  Below is a summary of the  initiatives, adopted.  If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
From the Editor
As the season changes again and the temperatures begin to cool, our event schedule is beginning to warm up!  We have some great luncheons and the ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance coming up in the next couple of months.

I would encourage each of our member to attend at least one of these events.  The luncheons are a great opportunity to listen and ask questions about important community matters that affect all of us and our fellow veterans.  The ROWS Christmas Dinner Dance is sure to be a great time where we have an opportunity to enjoy each others’ company and have some fun.

Additionally, you will notice a letter about membership as you read this issue.  We have great folks who are working hard to ensure that our chapter stays strong now and well into the future.  I commit to each of you that I will do my part and make a concerted effort to recruit a couple new members during the coming year.  Please join me in educating and inviting some of our fellow veterans to our group who may not know much about us. 

When you see me at one of these events please say hello.  I’d love to hear ideas for what you’d like to see in our newsletter.  See you at the luncheon on October 23rd !

Oh by the way, please consider contributing to our scholarship fund.  A luncheon is a great time to drop off a check and support our young ROTC cadets in the local area.

HRC ROTC Scholarship Fund
2016 Goal:  $25,000.00
Collected :  $17,897.00
Need:           $ 7,103.00
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. 

Please consider contributing this year!

Members may submit checks, made out to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, to the chapter treasurer, LT Stephen Hackney, USN (Ret) at 1736 Rally Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1233 or in person at our luncheons.   The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who sends receipts to the donors. 

Note on your check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts.

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Enter this Code Word
Click Here and type this access code
Trouble with access to form?
Click Here
Once you transition from active duty, we want you to stay in our community and chapter.  Don’t wait until the last minute to start networking, learning about transition, and talking with recruiters at career fairs.  Here is a list of local military career fairs and networking opportunities:

October 14, 2015
9:00am to 12:30pm00am to 12:30pm
Corporate Gray Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach - Virginia Beach Convention Center

November 7, 2015
Annual Retiree Summit & Career Fair
8:00am to 12:00pm
Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
Rockwell Hall Gym, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek, VA

November 12, 2015
11:00am to 3:00 pm
DAV Recruit Military All Veterans Career Fair
Norfolk - Half Moone Cruise & Celebration Center


From: HRCMOAA Membership Chairman
To: HRCMOAA Board of Directors
Subject: Membership

Our members are the life blood of our Hampton Roads Chapter.  The membership represents generations of America’s heroes who have served and sacrificed for this great nation.  You continue to display the same honor, courage and commitment to God, country and community by continuing to serve as members in this association.  Being a 'Baby-Boomer' and a product of the 'Greatest Generation', I grew up hanging around DAV and VFW Posts a lot.  Listening to all the old guys talking about how they won the war, I guess I developed some kind of interest in what they were talking about.  I was fascinated by the displays of memorabilia on display in these places and, as I got a little older, I'd check out books on the military and WWII and try to see what they were talking about.  My decision to join the Marine Corps was a result of these personal experiences. 

Times have changed and with the information revolution has come email, Facebook, texting and other social media which has changed the way in which people connect today from personal to virtual.  Although we use those media forms, organizations like ours find it hard to recruit new younger members because they don’t recognize the value of personal contact by gathering for luncheons and attending other community affairs events that we support.  This is where I would ask for your help.  You are the best asset we have to make personal-to-person connections and tell non-members about HRCMOAA and the work that we are doing today to preserve their benefits for tomorrow.  I urge you to make a commitment to make at least one personal connection each week with someone new and tell them your story and why they should become a member.  Using this newsletter helps to show examples of what we do and also provides a membership application.  By the way, please check your newsletter label to see if your membership is expiring on 31 Dec 2015.  The most significant cost to our chapter recruiting is sending reminder postcards to those who let their membership lapse.  So, get your renewals in early!  Again, thank you for your support.

Semper Fi,
Larry King "Live"

HRCMOAA Membership
(757) 650-1086 (Cell)
(757) 203-5228 (Work)

Department of Veteran Services
Statement of Intent:  The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) intends to rebrand the “Virginia Wounded Warrior Program” (VWWP) as “Virginia Veteran and Family Support” (VVFS).  Additionally, DVS and VWWP are no longer affiliated in any manner with “We Are Virginia Veterans”, which was a VWWP Website until May 2015 and has been purchased by a private marketing firm. 

Why change the program’s name?
DVS strives to take a wellness approach in our services to veterans and families.  It has become obvious to those of us conducting VWWP that the words, “wounded” and “warrior”, have been over-used and may detract veterans and families from seeking support from VWWP.  The name change also will avoid brand confusion between VWWP and the national nonprofit organization, the Wounded Warrior Project.

Why was “VVFS” chosen?
DVS sees the need to focus on the services provided directly to veterans and their families.  The program’s new brand communicates every aspect of what the program represents to everyone who is touched by it – consumers, employees, and community partners. Service to “wounded” veterans will remain a priority.

When will the rebranding take place?
The official date is October 1, 2015.  On that date DVS will stop using the VWWP brand.  There will be a transition period where DVS will start using “Virginia Veteran and Family Support” or “VVFS”. 

Will program services change?
No, the services will remain the same.  The VVFS will serve Virginia veterans coping with the impact of military service, deployments, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and stress- or trauma-related conditions such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder received during military service.  This will be done through peer and family support, and care coordination services. 

How do I donate to VVFS?
VVFS will rely on donations to enhance core services to Virginia veterans and families.  You can make checks payable to the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation (VVSF)/Virginia Veteran and Family Support (VVFS) and send them to:

900 East Main Street 6th Floor West Wing 
Richmond VA 23219 

or donate online after 1 October 2015 at
or and click on the Donate button.

The Foundation will accept donations, of which 100% go to veterans and their families, for VVFS, VVFSP, and VWWP.

Who can I contact for more information?
Brandi Jancaitis, Director, Virginia Veteran and Family Support, 804-371-4675 
Jack Hilgers, Foundation Executive Director, 804-382-3715.

18 September Luncheon
RADM Larry Baucom, USN (Ret) (above left) joined us at our September luncheon.  He discussed current national security, carrier readiness, and answered a number of questions from our members.  CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret), presents the Jefferson Cup to RADM Baucom.
Each year, national MOAA recognizes chapters that do an outstanding job communicating with their members in a number of categories including websites, print, and electronic newsletters.  Please join me in congratulating CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret and Maj Clifton G. Furedy, USAF-Ret for their 2014 Col. Marvin J. Harris Communications Awards:
Print Newsletter, The Tribute, - Winner
Electronic Newsletter, The Tribute - Winner
Website, - 1st Runner Up
Maj Clifton G. Furedy, USAF-Ret (above right) accepts the Col. Marvin J. Harris Award for his hard work on the website.  In addition to his work on the website, Clif also makes huge contributions to the electronic newsletter
Future Events
November Luncheon:
(11/20) – USMC speaker TBD.  This is our annual Toys for Tots drive and N/AROTC appreciation luncheon.  USAA has provided sponsorship through MOAA.  Venue:  Atlantic Shores
ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance
Atlantic Shores – Magnolia Room, Saturday, 12/5/2015
6:00-7:00 p.m.—Cocktails; 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Dinner and Dancing
Music by The Dudes from The Rhondels

Toss Salad with dressing on the table
(1) 8 oz Filet with Cabernet Sauce – Medium Rare
(2) 8 oz Honey Roasted Salmon 
(3) Chicken Saltimbocca
Twice Baked Potato with Cheddar and Sour Cream on the Table & Green Beans Almandine
 Hot Rolls/Butter, Coffee/Tea,
Applesauce Bundt Cake w/ Cream Cheese whipped icing
Price: $60.00 per person

Black tie or military uniform optional.
Reservations, checks, and menu choices must arrive in Barbara’s mail- box by  Friday, November 27.

If you have questions, call Barbara at 427-3475.

of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory
Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2015