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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004. 
A Winner Printed Newsletter 2014, Electronic Newsletter 2014, and Runner Up Website for 2014
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 39-NO 3
MAY 2015

In This Issue
May Luncheon
June Luncheon
President's Message
Community Affairs
From The Editor
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
HRCMOAA Officers
Future Events
Career Corner
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
February Luncheon
March Luncheon
April Luncheon
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.

Luncheon 29 May 2015 
The date on the printed newsletter is an error.  
The correct date of the May Luncheon is 
Friday, 29 May 2015.  

Join us at the Atlantic Shores Community, Magnolia Room.  The event commences at 1100 hours with lunch at 1200 hours. 

Our guest speaker will be Delegate Chris Stolle, Virginia House of Delegates 83rd District Representative (parts of Virginia Beach and Norfolk).  Del. Stolle is a retired Naval Officer, who started his career in the Submarine force where he qualified as a Naval Nuclear Engineer and later entered the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences where he earned his doctorate of Medicine. He is an OB/GYN and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Riverside Regional Medical Center.  We will present him with the MOAA VCOC Commonwealth Legislator of the Year award.

US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
US Public Health Service
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
Luncheon 26 June 2015
Our speaker is John S. Adams, Special Agent in Charge Norfolk Field Office. Mr. Adams entered on duty as a special agent with the FBI in 1997. Upon graduating from the FBI Academy, he was assigned to the Washington Field Office, where he enjoyed a career investigating cases related to espionage, drug trafficking, violent crime, and terrorism. He has extensive experience investigating terrorist bombings overseas, to include the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, (Cont. Page 4)      (Cont. from Page 1)   Nairobi, Kenya; USS Cole in Aden, Yemen; and three residential compounds in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, he led the crime scene investigation and evidence recovery at the Pentagon.

In December 2014, Mr. Adams was appointed by Director James Comey to serve as the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.

President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

As you may have noticed, the Newsletter Editor position has been transitioned to Aaron Zielinski.  Aaron was our former 1st and 2nd Vice President and we are extremely fortunate that he has volunteered to take over from John Vermillion.  John has certainly set the standard as a perennial MOAA Marvin G. Harris award winner for both printed and electronic newsletter and I think Aaron will continue our run.  John will continue to serve our chapter in various roles as he is able and we look forward to his continued advice and council.  Thank you John!

The Chapter has had a very busy first quarter and I thank all those that continue to represent us at various events.  We were involved in the MOAA Spouse’s and Chapter Leaders symposiums. We participated in various legislative forums at both the state and national level.  Our Community Affairs committee has been very busy preparing for graduation of our cadets and midshipmen, coordinating gold bar presentations and leadership awards.  Recently, members of our chapter also participated in honoring our WWII and Korean War Veterans at the Honor Flight send off.  We have also made donations to both the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program and Vetshouse, Inc.  Our Programs committee has events planned for the rest of the year including just confirming ADM John Harvey’s, Virginia's Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security, availability to speak at our October luncheon.  We also look forward to seeing you at Memorial Day activities in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake.  The Chapter is always represented there at the wreath laying ceremonies. 

I am very pleased to announce two major Chapter sponsorship agreements.  The first is through MOAA/USAA affinity event sponsorship program which grants chapters $300 for use to provide support benefitting various community service projects and programs.  Our grant will be used to help sponsor Cadets and Midshipman at our November membership luncheon. We will also make a donation on behalf of the Chapter to the Toys for Tots program.  Our other sponsorship agreement is with the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce (HRCC), another non-profit organization. This no-cost and mutually beneficial agreement allows us to advertise military related events to our constituencies.  HRCC will also allow us to have sponsorship and a recruiting table at their events.  HRCC membership announcements typically go out to over 14,000 email contacts in our region. 

MOAA is rebranding its logo.  The change was made to reflect inclusiveness and attraction to today’s potential members.  Transition to the new logo will be gradual and you will begin to see it in the Military Officer magazine and other correspondence.  We will also gradually transition to the new logo. 

We hope to see you at one of our events soon.  Again, I am continually reminded that I serve you and this Chapter and as always, I am open to your comments, suggestions and ideas.  Please feel free to contact me any time.

Yours in Service, 

Bert Ortiz

Community Affairs Update
Spring is the busiest time of the year of your chapter’s Community Affairs. We have lots of awesome opportunities to help in the community.  Please reach out to a board member to find out how you can help!
Honor Flight, 4/18: 
The Departure Ceremony for the Honor Flight for World War II and Korean War Veterans was conducted in the early morning of Saturday, 18 April.  Old Dominion University Army ROTC, Hampton Roads NROTC Unit,  Princess Anne High School NJROTC, and Landstown High School NJROTC units participated.  SFC Thigpen of the ODU ROTC unit led 45 cadets in honoring the 20 veterans making the trip.  It was a caring and emotional event as we honored the patriotic men and women who have served before us.  Pictured below (left) from left to right are HRCMOAA members COL James Edge USA (Ret), Col Jack Hilgers USMC (Ret), LCDR Daryl Holland USN (Ret) and COL Dave Wade USA (Ret) who along with a host of the veteran’s family members, parents of the Cadets and many others participated in this tribute.
MOAA Leadership Medals:
The medals are presented to those ROTC and JROTC cadets being recognized for academic and leadership achievements and who exhibit the potential for military leadership.  The MOAA Medals were presented to deserving cadets as selected by their respective staff instructors at the Norfolk State University (NSU) AROTC unit and the Hampton Roads NROTC Unit. Our chapter presenters were Jim Smith and Mike Barea respectively.  Jim Edge presented at the ODU unit on 22 April.  Pictured below (right) is COL Jim Edge, USA (Ret) presenting the MOAA ROTC Medal to Cadet Brenton Hill for having demonstrated exceptional potential for military leadership as a member of the Reserve Officer’s Training Corps during the ODU President’s Review and Award Ceremony.  It was a superb performance by the Monarch Battalion Cadre and Cadets.  Welcoming remarks by Professor of Military Science, LTC Mark D. Rea praised the ROTC Cadets for their hard work and many accomplishments.  Remarks by ODU President, John R. Broderick were, as always, appropriate to the occasion and reflected his continued and sincere support of the ROTC Program. 
Presentations to selected cadets at our affiliated NJROTC high school programs will occur in May.  There will be six different ceremonies for the ten high schools. The Norfolk schools are combined into one ceremony.  Jim Daniels is coordinating this effort.  If you have interest in participating, please contact Jim at (757) 375-3973 or
Gold Bars and MOAA e-membership:
The chapter presents gold bars to those being commissioned from our three affiliated ROTC units.  For those who apply, an electronic membership in MOAA is provided free for one year. Jim Edge, Jim Smith and Mike Barea will present or arrange to have presented the gold bars and letters acknowledging membership on 8 May.
VetsHouse, Inc.:
VetsHouse is a non-profit that provides a transition program in a disciplined environment for homeless veterans which includes housing and assistance with job searching.  The chapter has supported VetsHouse for several years.  A check in the amount of $250 was sent in lieu of a presentation this year.
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program (VWWP): 
We continue our long-standing support of the VWWP. We presented a $1,000 check to the regional director, Carol Berg at the chapter 17 April luncheon.
Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund: 
Our chapter scholarship fund supports qualified ROTC cadets in need with financial support in the form of low interest loans and grants. This is an important effort.  The fund continues to grow and we remain on target to reach our annual goal of $5,000 by 31 December and our overall goal of $25,000 by the end of 2016. 
As of 4/20/2015 Total Goal:
Total  Collected:
Total %: 70%
  Annual Goal:
Annual Collected:
Annual % 51%

Donations are tax deductible. It should be noted at bottom left on the check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund.  Checks can be given to Steve Hackney, Treasurer, or to Dave Wade, Chair, Community Affairs, at luncheons. The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who send receipts to the donors. Members may also donate directly to the national MOAA Scholarship fund. MOAA continues to send receipts to the donors. Unless asked not to, donors are recognized in the chapter newsletter.

From the Editor
For those who I have not had the opportunity to meet, my name is Aaron Zielinski.  I have huge shoes to fill in taking the helm as your new editor.  The son of a retired Chief Petty Officer, I served 11 years as a naval officer before separating as a LCDR to begin a family and pursue my business career.  I have an incredible wife and son and I enjoy playing softball, backpacking, white water rafting, and attending Old Dominion basketball and football games.  I am the Associate Engagement Manager at Capital One in Chesapeake where my role is to make our site the most awesome place to work in Virginia!

In mid-April, MOAA announced the winners of the 2014 COL Marvin J. Harris Communications Awards.  As in past years, your Hampton Roads Chapter won 1st place for “The Tribute” newsletter and eNewsletter.  The chapter’s website was awarded 2nd place. Retiring editor, CDR John Vermillion, USN (Ret) is responsible for winning every year since the awards program started in 2003.  His talents for writing, organization, early implementation of advanced editing software, and negotiations with the printer to add color to the front and back pages, make the chapter’s newsletters visually exciting that stand out in competition.  Many chapters use John’s techniques.

Please join me in many thanks to John!  I will work hard to continue the standard of excellence that John set for us.

HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.

Please consider contributing this year!

Members may submit checks, made out to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, to the chapter treasurer, LT Stephen Hackney, USN (Ret) at 1736 Rally Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1233 or in person at our luncheons.   The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who sends receipts to the donors. 

Note on your check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts.

Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
2016 Goal:  $25,000.00
Collected :  $17,547.00
Need:           $ 7,453.00
2014 Contributions
PLATINUM - $500 and above
CAPT Williams, USN
COL Jim and Sylvia Smith
GOLD - $250 to $499
Clif Furedy
Bud Statzer
Helen P. Lowther
SILVER - $100 to $249
Jack Hilgers
John Vermillion
Jim Edge
Dave Wade
Jim Daniels
Daryl Holland
Jim Dellaripa
Bronze Under $100
CAPT William Lehr, USCG
CAPT Doug Williams, USN
Rita Statzer
Theodora Rink
Karin Barrett
Holly Hollandsworth
Carl Thoren
Steve Hackney
David Yacavone
Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Enter this Code Word
Click Here and type this access code
Trouble with access to form?
Click Here
HRCMOAA Officers and Board Members (2015)
From the left CDR Bert Ortiz, President; CAPT Holly Hollandsworth, BD member; CAPT Jim Jones, BD member; CAPT Jim Daniels, Secretary;  LT Steve Hackney, Treasurer; CAPT Loren Heckleman, 1st VP; LCDR Jeff Barrett, 2nd VP; COL Dave Wade, BD member; COL Larry King “Live”, BD member. 
Future Events
Memorial Day: 
On 25 May, chapter representatives will participate in wreath laying ceremonies at the Virginia Beach Veterans Memorial at the Convention Center and in Chesapeake at City Hall. Anyone interested in participation, please contact any board member.
PAC/VIP/HRC MOAA Mid-Summer Brunch Mixer: 
Join members of the Portsmouth and Virginia Peninsula MOAA chapters for some good food and conversation.  It will be held at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center on Sunday, July 12th, starting at 1100. 

The hotel is located at 2800 Shore Drive in Virginia Beach ( 
Plenty of parking is available on-site at the hotel but members need to be advised where the Tradewinds restaurant is located so they can park closer instead of hiking through the hotel.  There is an elevator at the rear of the indoor parking garage (Bayside) that will take you directly to the front entrance of the Tradewinds.  You can also park at the outdoor lot by taking the left ramp (up) facing the hotel. 

You can preview the extensive brunch menu online at

Cost of the brunch is $27.00 each plus tax and gratuity, which will be billed individually by the hotel staff.  They will have the piano player as they did last year.

RSVP to Bert Ortiz by 30 June. (757) 560-3671 or

Once you transition from active duty, we want you to stay in our community and chapter.  Please consider joining Norfolk NAVNET, a group of active and retired military officers and senior enlisted members seeking to network with others and those who are in a period of transition.  Here is a list of local military career fairs and networking opportunities:
May 14, 2015
11:00am to 3:00pm
Recruit Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach, Sandler Ctr for the Performing Arts 
May 20, 2015
9:00am to 12:30pm
Corporate Gray Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach Convention Center
Oct 14, 2015
9:00am to 12:30pm
Corporate Gray Military Career Fair
Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach Convention Center
November 12, 2015
11:00am to 3:00pm
DAV Recruit Military All Veterans Career Fair
Norfolk, Nauticus - Half Moone Cruise & Celeb Ctr 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is  taking contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500  __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to and Mail contributions to: 

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
c/o Veterans Services Foundation
900 East Main Street, 6th Floor, West Wing 
Richmond, VA 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719.

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

VCOC Schedule
21 May, 1100, Congressional Luncheon, Capitol Hill Club, Wash DC

Join us on May 21st as Eighteen Virginia chapters and the State Council representing over 4000 active and retired military officers in Virginia hold our 30th Annual Congressional Appreciation Luncheon in the Capitol Hill Club in Washington D.C.  Besides exchanging information on items of current interest, the primary purpose of this event is to honor the thirteen members of the Virginia Congressional delegation for their efforts and continued loyal support of the U.S. Military Community and the Armed Forces: active duty-reserves-National Guard- retirees-veterans- surviving spouses-family members 

8 July, 1000, Quarterly Meeting, Virginia War Memorial
For more information and/or to join in this effort, contact COL Jim Smith, Chapter VCOC Representative at (757) 425-5934
20 February Luncheon
CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret), Chapter President, presents the Jefferson Cup to Vice Admiral Matthew L. Nathan, 37th Surgeon General of the Navy and Chief of the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
20 March Luncheon
Guest speaker William F. Slingerland, Force Master Chief, United States Navy (Ret), Navy Mutual Aid Association Military Benefits Programs, spoke to our members about Veterans’ and Survivors’ Benefits.
17 April Luncheon
Dr. Ed Karotkin, CHKD Neonatologist, Professor of Pediatrics at EVMS, and past chairman of Physicians for Peace (below left) receives the Jefferson Cup from CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret), Chapter President.  Treasurer Steve Hackney presenting a $1,000 check on behalf of HRCMOAA to Carol Bert, Region Five Director of the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program (below).  The event took place at the Virginia Beach Hotel Resort and Conference Center. 
Snap Those Photos
As you attend our events, please take out your cameras and cell phones.  We’d love for you to snap photos documenting your experience and send them our way.  Please e-mail them to the editor, Aaron Zielinski, at  We love original content and will look to publish them when possible.
of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


Randolph Maury Browne, III

Mrs. Marion K. Chegin


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2015