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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004.  A Winner Web Site For 2013, a Second Runner Up Newsletter 2013, and Winner E Newsletter 2013
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959 

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 39-NO 1

In This Issue
January Luncheon
Veterans Bridge Dedication
President's Message
Legislative Update
From The Editor
November Luncheon 5 Star Award
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
AROTC Commissioning
NSU Commissioning
NROTC Commissioning
Veterans Day in Chesapeake
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
November Luncheon Toys For Tots
ROTC Luncheon Guests
Veterans Day in Virginia Beach
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Luncheon  23 January 2015 
The luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community, Magnolia Room.  Our guest speaker will be City of Chesapeake Mayor, Dr. Alan P. Krasnoff

Mayor Krasnoff graduated from Queens College and National college of Chiropractic.  He received a Master’s in Urban Education and Counseling, from NSU.  He was elected to the City Council in May 1990.  He was elected to Mayor in May 2008 and re-elected in 2012.

US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA National, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers
Dominion Blvd Veterans Bridge Dedication
Click for Larger Photo
There was a dedication ceremony on Friday, December 12, 2014 at 1030 am held by the City of Chesapeake to name the new Dominion Boulevard Bridge as Veterans  Bridge.  Veterans present at the ceremony were honored with unveiling the sign.  Our HRCMOAA was represented by CDR Bert Ortiz and CDR Matt Krakower.
President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

Congratulations to our newly elected Chapter Officers and Board Members.  The time has arrived to pass the gavel to our new President, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret).   We are in good hands – Bert, along with 1st VP, CAPT Loren V. Heckelman, USN (Ret), 2ndVP, LCDR Jeff Barrett, USN (Ret), Secretary, CAPT Jim Daniels, USN (Ret) and Treasurer, LT Steve Hackney, USN (Ret) and the Directors will lead in an outstanding manner.  They possess a wealth of knowledge, experience and an absolute positive attitude. I know that you join me in supporting our leadership 100% as we move forward. 

Again, I want to thank all our members for allowing me to serve as your president for the past two years.  It has truly been an honor and pleasure.  Working with the Chapter Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and those behind the scenes was enormously satisfying.  Everyone had a positive can-do attitude. These are the dedicated troopers that make your Chapter an 11th consecutive year 5 Star Level of Excellence Chapter.  Reflecting on the past two years (seems like yesterday),  the Board of Directors Meetings, our luncheons, storming the hill, the Honor Flight, ROTC  Commissioning ceremony’s, JROTC drill competition, the many other ceremony’s I participated in, the incredible number of late night email actions and just helping each other have left me with a wonderful sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.  The comradery experienced within the Chapter is worth the time and effort to be intimately involved. I encourage all to be active in the leadership of our Chapter.  We are not going anywhere as I will continue as a Director and we will vigorously participate in all activities as we have in the past.

Evelyn and I wish all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.  See you at our luncheons.


Jim Edge

Legislative Update 

Spending Bill

In a bit of high tension on Thursday night, the House of Representatives narrowly avoided derailing a $1 trillion funding measure to keep the government open. With only hours before the government was set to shut down, Congressional leaders cleared a major hurdle before finalizing the agreement.  Part continuing resolution (CR) and part omnibus appropriation bill, the funding measure has been dubbed a “cromnibus” by Washington insiders. The CR will keep the government running for a few days while Congress finishes an omnibus appropriations package funding 11 out of 12 federal agencies until October 1, 2015.  In a major win, the omnibus proposal includes two year advanced appropriations for VA benefit programs through FY 2016. These accounts include VA compensation and pensions, readjustment benefits such as the GI bill, and insurance and indemnities for survivors. This comes in addition to advance funding for VA health care, which MOAA helped secure in FY 2010. The VA advanced appropriation effort was championed by Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), who worked closely with MOAA and other service groups on the measure. The provision will ensure veterans and survivors benefit checks would continue in the event of a future government shutdown, and allow important VA research programs to continue unhindered by annual budget negotiations. With House passage late Thursday, the bill cleared the Senate shortly thereafter.  The measure includes $554 billion for DoD, slightly less than what President Obama originally requested. In another win for the military community the deal protects the commissary benefit. It restores $90 out of the $100 million in commissary funding originally cut by the defense authorization bill. This will help commissaries maintain adequate staff levels and operating hours.  Failure to pass a funding measure would have resulted in another short term CR, or worse, a government shutdown. CRs significantly reduce the ability of the services to provide necessary training, and place considerable stress and uncertainty on the active duty force. On the budget deal, MOAA’s Director of Government Relations, Col. Mike Hayden, USAF (Ret) praised the inclusion of VA advanced appropriations, “We applaud Congress and especially Senator Mikulski for looking out for the best interests of our nation’s veterans. VA advanced appropriations will ensure veterans’ health care and compensation programs are not held hostage by future partisan budget debates.”

Military Morale Crashing 

A recently released Military Times survey shows that troops are beginning to feel burned out, underpaid and unsupported by senior leadership.  These findings come from nearly 2,300 active duty personnel participating in a survey between July and August of 2014. Only 56 percent of surveyed servicemembers indicated their quality of life is “good” or “excellent.” This pales in comparison to the 91 percent of respondents in a similar 2009 survey.  More than two thirds (70 percent) believe their quality of life will further decline in future years.  On senior leadership, only 27 percent viewed senior military leaders of having servicemembers’ best interests in mind. More than half of respondents felt that way in 2009.  Views on military compensation and health care have also dipped.  In 2009, 87 percent of respondents indicated their pay and allowances were either good or great.  In 2014 only 44 percent took the same view.  For health care, the numbers plummeted from 78 percent to 45 percent.  Despite the grim outlook, DoD officials continue to report that recruiting and retention remains high.  But underlying problems are easily masked by the ongoing drawdown.  This survey – echoed by similar surveys conducted by Blue Star Families and the Navy Retention Study – should serve as a bellwether for the health of the all-volunteer force. These surveys highlight what MOAA has said for years: short-sighted cuts to compensation and benefits prove to be a slippery slope—once started, cuts historically continue until they damage recruiting and retention.  “It’s not surprising servicemembers would show increased signs of disappointment with current compensation,” said MOAA’s Deputy Director of Government Relations, Col. Mike Barron, USA (Ret).  “2009 and 2010 saw the last pay raises that exceeded private sector wage growth.  Those plus ups were critically needed to eliminate a 13.5 percent pay gap that existed between troops and their private sector counterparts.  Since then, today’s active duty force has had two straight years of pay caps that represented the smallest pay raises in 50 years. Their health care benefit has been eroded with the elimination of Prime Service Areas and service members will soon see out-of-pocket costs for their housing.  High operational tempo and the uncertainty of the drawdown leave many service members and their families wondering what tomorrow will bring.

From the Editor
I am providing an update from 66 District, Delegate Kirk Cox on the JLC Legislative Objectives.

Joint Leadership Council (JLC) Update
During its meeting on December 18th, the JLC reviewed the Governor's Budget for support for the JLC Legislative Objectives (LOs).  DVS Commissioner John Newby summarized the review by noting that DVS overall budget increased by 25%. 

LO #1. DVS Veterans Service Representatives and Benefits Offices - added $1,075,201.00 in new money to fill 5 positions at understaffed offices, convert 13 staff positions to claims agents and implement a career development program. This amounts to a 40% increase in the Benefits Office funding. 

LO#2. Wounded Warrior Program - Continued at the present level of funding.

LO#3. Virginia War Memorial - Continued at current level of funding.

LO#4. Virginia Homeless Veterans Programs - added $180,000.00 to fund three housing specialists (one for Northern Virginia, one for Southwest Virginia, and one for Hampton Roads), and added $1,000,000.00 for rapid re-housing of the homeless including veterans. 

LO#6. Care Centers - raised the state commitment funding levels to $32,640,481 for the Hampton Roads Center and $33,912,128.00 for the Northern Virginia Center to accommodate increased construction costs. 

21 November Luncheon
Click for Larger Photo
Our new incoming president, CDR Bert Ortiz, third from left, is shown above attaching the eleventh 5 Star Award to our chapter flag.  Six past presidents were present to assist.  L-R, COL Jim Edge (outgoing president), CAPT Ray Hart, CAPT Holly Hollandsworth, CDR John Vermillion, LtCol Jesse Sandlin and LtCol Jim Dellaripa.
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.

Please consider contributing this year!

Members may submit to the chapter treasurer, LT Stephen Hackney, USN-Ret at 1736 Rally Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1233 or in person at our luncheons.   The checks are consolidated and submitted to MOAA who sends receipts to the donors. 

Note on your check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts.

Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
Goal for 2016: $25,000.00 Collected to date; $16,037.00.
Goal for 2014:  $5,000.00  Collected to date, $6,037.00.
2014 Contributions

PLATINUM $500 and above
CAPT Williams, USN, $1000 
COL Jim and Sylvia Smith, $500 in Memory
of Ms Jo Carter

GOLD $250 to $499
Clif Furedy $300
Bud Statzer $300
Helen P. Lowther $250

SILVER $100 to $249
Jack Hilgers $200
John Vermillion $200
Jim Edge $100
Dave Wade $100
Jim Daniels $158
Daryl Holland $100 

Bronze Under $100
Theodora Rink $50
Karin Barrett $20
Holly Hollandsworth $55
Carl Thoren $50
Steve Hackney $35
David Yacavone $39

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Enter this Code Word
Click Here and type this access code
Trouble with access to form?
Click Here
AROTC Commissioning at ODU
On 12 Dec. COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret, our President, had the pleasure and honor to participate in the U.S. Army ROTC Monarch Battalion ODU Winter Commissioning Ceremony.  Cadet Alexa Leigh Wineman was Commissioned a 2Lt. in the Medical Service Corps, U.S. Army Reserve.   As usual, the PMS, Staff and Battalion Cadets conducted a professional, well done ceremony.  The PMS, Major Ed Hoffler, introduced the guest speaker Jeffrey C. Horne, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret).  Following his thoughtful and inspiring remarks, General Horne administered the Commissioning Oath to 2Lt. Wineman and her Mom and  Dad pinned her bars on her.  Many family members were in attendance to include her brother and  grandmother.  Above is COL Edge presenting 2Lt. Wineman with the traditional set of gold bars and her membership in National MOAA. 
NSU AROTC Commissioning 
On 12 December, Colonel Jim Smith of the HRCMOAA presented gold bars to 2nd Lieutenants Shayla Jennings, Engineer Branch, and Michael Lee, Quartermaster Branch, two graduates of Norfolk State University who recently received commissions in the United States Army. The commissioning ceremony was hosted by Lieutenant Colonel Evangeline Rosel, Professor of Military Science.  Principle speaker and the Commissioning Officer was Major General Lawarren Patterson, Deputy Commanding General and Chief of Staff, Installation Management Command, US Army. General Patterson is a 1982 graduate of the NSU, and the ranking NSU ROTC graduate currently on active duty. 
NROTC Commissioning at NSU
Click for Larger Photo
The Hampton Roads Naval ROTC Fall Commissioning Ceremony was held on Friday December 12, 2014 at 6pm.  The ceremony was held in the L. Douglas Wilder Center on the Norfolk State University Campus. The Naval Service ROTC Unit commissioned eleven Ensigns in the Navy and three Second Lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps. The ceremony was hosted  by CAPT Daniel S. Cave Commanding Officer, Professor of Naval Science. CAPT Barea presented newly commissioned officers with a set of Gold Bars following First Salutes rendered. The Guest Speaker was Vice Admiral (VADM) Bruce Estes Grooms, USN, Deputy Chief of Staff, at NATO Headquarters.
Veterans Day in Chesapeake
This year’s Veterans Day ceremony was held in Chesapeake City Council Chambers due to weather.  CDR  Matt Krakower, swore in new recruits and CDR Bert Ortiz placed the wreath at chamber center.  Guest speaker was Linda Bryant, Virginia Deputy Attorney General for Public Safety & Enforcement (Former JAG Officer and husband is EOD Officer and LDO).
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is  taking contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500  __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to and Mail contributions to: 

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
c/o Veterans Services Foundation
900 East Main Street, 6th Floor, West Wing 
Richmond, VA 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719.

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

23 January 2015 Luncheon
The luncheon will be  held at the Atlantic Shores Community in the Magnolia Room. The guest speaker will be Chesapeaks Mayor Krasnoff. 
VCOC Schedule
The Virginia Council of Chapters will Storm the Hill in Richmond.  The Storming is scheduled for Monday, 26 January 2015. It's important that Chapter members join in participating to meet their state Delegates and Senators and help make them aware of the legislative issues being emphasized by the Joint Legislative Council, Hampton Roads Chapter, the Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC), and to obtain our legislators support. The first meeting of the VCOC in 2015 will likely be conducted the day prior to Storming the Hill, 25 January. For more information and/or to join in this effort, contact COL Jim Smith, Chapter VCOC Representative at 425-5934. 
21 November Luncheon
Chapter president, COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret presents our guest speaker, LtCol Brett “Salty” Allison, USMC CO MAG-49 Det. D. with the Jefferson Cup after his speech.  Salty discussed the transition from the helo to the V-22 Osprey.  The Osprey was very effective in Afganistan in moving troops and bringing in wounded military very quickly. 

Seventy-one chapter members and guests attended the annual Marine Toys for Tots program and voted unanimously for the 2015 Officer and Director slate.  Also, the membership voted unanimously for the board recommended dues increase.  Page 11 reflects the new dues. 

ROTC Luncheon Guests
Pictured above are guest from the ODU ROTC programs.  L to R are CDT Brittony Dixon, CPT Joe Brown, CDT Steven Andrews, and Midshipman Redford
Veterans Day Parade, Virginia Beach
The Hampton Roads Council of Veterans Organizations sponsors an annual Tidewater Veterans Day Parade.  This year it was held on Tuesday 11 November.  The parade started at 9:00 AM on Atlantic Avenue and proceeded up 19th Street to a reviewing stand at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial.  The HRCMOAA is a member of the Vets Organization and participates in the parade and luncheon each year.  Chapter members attending the luncheon were; COL Jim Edge, CAPT Jim Jones, CAPT Loren Heckleman, COL Jim Smith and wife Sylvia, COL Floyd Gilbert, COL Jack Hilgers, and CDR John Vermillion.  The Chapter also sponsored another table of ten for the Virginia Wounded Warriors.  As shown above, thousands showed up for the parade, even with the steady rain.  One hundred units participated. 
of Officers, Directors and Committees
Click Here for a Complete Directory

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CAPT Steven William Perand
USN (Ret)


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2015