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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the
Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004
A Winner Web Site For 2011, a Runner Up, Printed Newsletter 2010, and Winner E Newsletter 2011. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 36-NO 6

In This Issue
November Luncheon
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
Legislative Update
From The Editor
HRCMOAA Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
Cell Phones for Soldiers Award
MOAA Scholarship Fund
Transition (TOPS) System
ROWS Annual Dinner-Dance
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
September Luncheon
Honor Flight
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

16 November 2012 Luncheon
Our annual Toys for Tots program is scheduled for 16 November at the Princess Ann Country Club. Please bring an unwrapped gift for either a boy or girl. A check is also welcomed.

Our guest speaker will be Lieutenant General Paxton, Commander, United States Marine Corps Forces Command.  Prior to his current assignment he served as the Commanding General, II Marine Expeditionary Force; and Commander, United States Marine Forces Africa. He has served as the Director for Operations, J-3, The Joint Staff and as the Chief of Staff for Multi-National Force Iraq in Baghdad. Additional General officer assignments include Commanding General, 1st Marine Division, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruit Depot/Western Recruiting Region, and Assistant Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps, Programs and Resources (Director Programs).  In addition to service in Iraq, Lieutenant General Paxton has operational tours supporting stability efforts in the Bosnian conflict with Landing Force Sixth Fleet (LF6F) and in Mogadishu, Somalia as United Nations Quick Reaction Force (QRF), both while commanding Battalion Landing Team (1/8). 

Our new Officers and Board Members will also be voted on by the attending members, and then Installed. 

The ROTC guests will be introduced to the members. 

US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

On one December 2012 the nuclear aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, CVAN-65, will be deactivated at pier 12 on the Norfolk Naval Base. She is the second oldest ship on active duty in the Navy. Only "Old Iron Sides," the USS Constitution is older . She is the eighth Navy ship to bear the name Enterprise. Her immediate predecessor, CV-6, earned twenty battle stars in World War II, the most of any ship in that war. She was reported sunk so often by the Japanese that she was nick named the "Gray Ghost."

When contracted to be built, there were to be five more like her. However, Department of Defense, deemed it to expensive to continue the program and instead built the "John F. Kennedy" and the "America" using "fossil fuel" vice nuclear power. The advancement in nuclear engines made it possible to provide the necessary power with two reactors rather than eight as in Enterprise. So the program to power aircraft carrier with nuclear power was restarted resulting in the 10 other nuclear carriers starting with USS Nimitz CVAN-68.

Commissioned 25 November, 1961, her maiden voyage was with the USS Bainbridge, a nuclear cruiser, around the world. As the Viet Nam war had heated up with Gulf of Tonkin Resolution the "Big E," on 26 Oct. 1965 , sailed from Norfolk around Cape Good Hope to the Gulf of Tonkin. Her first ever combat hops were launched on 2 December 1965. I was on that cruise and was the second plane to be launched in to combat from her catapults. This association with Enterprise has made her a big part of my military career and why you got this thumb nail sketch of her service. She is still the longest Naval vessel in the world and only her nuclear cousins out weigh her.

New subject. The November luncheon is when we always do "Toys for Tots." It is scheduled for 16 November at the Princess Ann Country Club. Please bring an unwrapped gift for either a boy or girl. A check is also welcomed.

Please remember to vote this month, your vote is very important.  There are no excuses!  You can vote absentee, you can vote early or you can vote at the polls.  If you do not vote you have no right to complain over the next 4 years. 

Remember to contribute to our ROTC Scholarship Fund before the end of the year, it is tax deductible, details below

God bless.


HRCMOAA Directory




CAPT Paul Hollandsworth
1st Vice President
LCDR Aaron Zielinski
2nd Vice President
CDR Bert Ortiz
Recording Secretary
CAPT Loren Heckelman
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
MAJ Norm Crews
USA Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr.
CAPT Mike "Breeze" Barea
USN Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan
USN Ret 
Mrs Jo Carter
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
LCDR Dale Hendren
CDR Bert Ortiz
Cell: 560-3671
VCOC Representative
CAPT Jim Jones
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs
Col Jack W. Hilgers
Personal Affairs
MAJ Norm Crews
USA Ret.
CAPT John G. Colgan
CDR John E. Vermillion
USN Ret.
Community Affairs
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems
Maj Clifton G. Furedy
Maj Clifton G. Furedy
CDR John E. Vermillion
USN Ret.
(TOPS) Liaison
CAPT Loren Heckelman
Active Duty
Military Liaison
COLTed Cisowski, USMC-Ret
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

Senators Pledge Support for "Balanced" Sequestration Fix 

Six Senate Democrats and Republicans have signed a joint letter to Senate leaders, saying they are "committed to working together to help forge a balanced bipartisan deficit reduction package to avoid damage to our national security, important domestic priorities, and our economy." The September 24 letter was addressed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and was signed by Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI), Ranking Minority Member John McCain (R-AZ), and Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). 

"Sequestration will endanger the lives of America's service members, threaten our national security, and impact vital domestic programs and services. Meeting this challenge will require real compromise, and we do not believe that Congress and the president can afford to wait until January to begin to develop a short term or long term sequestration alternative," the letter concluded.  "All ideas should be put on the table and considered.”  Accordingly, we urge you to press between now and November the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation to score any bipartisan proposals forwarded to them so that Congress may evaluate these plans. 

"We believe it is important to send a strong signal of our bipartisan determination to avoid or delay sequestration and the resulting major damage to our national security, vital domestic priorities, and our economy." 

Will that be enough to convince Senate (and House) leaders to put partisan differences aside long enough to develop alternative legislation to stop the sequestration disaster before the first of the year?  We hope so.

Aid and Attendance Benefit  (By Debbie Burak-Founder)

The Veterans Administration offers Aid and Attendance as part of an "Improved Pension" Benefit that is largely unknown. This Improved Pension allows for Veterans and surviving spouses who require the regular attendance of another person to assist in eating, bathing, dressing, undressing, medication dosing, or taking care of the needs of nature to receive additional monetary benefits. It also includes individuals who are blind or a patient in a nursing home because of mental or physical incapacity. Assisted care in an Assisted Living facility also qualifies.

This most important benefit is overlooked by many families with Veterans or surviving spouses who need additional monies to help care for ailing parents or loved ones. This is a "Pension Benefit" and IS NOT dependent upon service-related injuries for compensation. Aid and Attendance can help pay for care in the home, Nursing Home or Assisted Living facility. A Veteran is eligible for up to $1,704 per month, while a surviving spouse is eligible for up to $1,094 per month. A Veteran with a Spouse is eligible for up to $2,020 per month and a Veteran with a Sick Spouse is eligible for up to $1,338 per month*.

Many families overlook the A&A Pension as it pertains to veterans who are still independent, but have an ill spouse. Keep in mind that in this situation, if the spouse's medical expenses completely depletes their combined monthly income, the Veteran can file as a Veteran with a sick spouse.

The Aid and Attendance Benefit is considered to be the third tier of the VA's Improved Pension. The other two tiers are known as "Basic" and "Housebound". Each tier has its own level of benefits and qualifications. While the objective of this site, link listed below, is to disseminate information on the Aid and Attendance level of the Pension, often referred to as A&A, we encourage you to view the other two levels in the event you or your loved one does not qualify for A&A. For more information about the Basic and Housebound tiers visit website The Improved Pension is not a new benefit, and has in fact been an entitlement for 60 years sitting idle while millions have and still are missing out on.

Please browse this site using the menu on the left to learn more about the Aid & Attendance Pension, FAQ's, Eligibility Requirements, How to Apply, What to Expect, and Resources to help you with filing for this critical benefit. Our forum offers a wealth of information and insights to the process of filing for Aid and Attendance. Be sure to take advantage of this resource.  It is a privilege and an honor to recognize the sacrifice of service and to hopefully make a difference for your loved one.

From the Editor
The Auxiliary Corner; by Joyce Harte and published in the Oct. Affiliate.

Auxiliary members have a reason to celebrate this year. Ten years ago, MOAA formed a study group to look at auxiliary issues and how MOAA could better meet the needs of this important membership group. Soon after, the Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee (AMAC) was formed, and auxiliary liaisons were appointed in many chapters. 

Today, 116 auxiliary liaisons are serving as chapter leaders, and 15 are part of council leadership teams. You have chosen to continue your spouse’s dedication, service, and loyalty to this country. You’ve supported military families, planned events, managed projects, raised funds, and given comfort and help to other military spouses who have suffered the same loss as you. You have advocated maintaining and improving the benefits promised to service members. 

Now MOAA’s membership has voted on a proposed bylaw change, granting the vote on national MOAA issues to auxiliary members and allowing auxiliary members to serve on MOAA’s board of directors. Results will be announced in October or November, but we anticipate member support for this initiative.

HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.  The contributions come primarily from membership donations.  Below is a sample check.
Members who already donate to the national MOAA Scholarship may continue to do so. You just need to note on the check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts to the donors.
Members may submit to the chapter treasurer, Col. Jim Edge, by mail (628 Secotan, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-7107) or in person at lunches.   The checks will be consolidated and submitted to MOAA who will send receipts to the donors. 
Tracking Chart 
Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
Goal for 2012: $5,000.00
PLATINUM $500 and above

GOLD $250 to $499
CAPT Michael Barea, USN-Ret.

SILVER $100 to $249
CDR Bert Ortiz, USN-Ret.
LtCol Jim Dellaripa, USAF-Ret.
CAPT Jack Colgan,  USN-Ret.
CAPT Holly Hollandsworth, USN-Ret.
COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret.
COL David Wade, USA-Ret.
CAPT  Bill Lehr, USCG-Ret.
Aaron Zielinski
CDR John Vermillion, USN-Ret.
COL Jack Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Ms Theodora Rink, AUX.

Bronze Under $100
LT Stephen Hackney, USN-Ret.
CDR Frederick  Johnson, USN-Ret.
CAPT Ronald Ball, USN-Ret. 
CAPT Michael Nickelsburg, USN-Ret.

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Cell Phones for Soldiers Award
The HRCMOAA recently received a Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding support for the Cellphones for Soldiers program in the year 2011– 2012.  COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. was the chapter coordinator.  Below are his comments regarding this effort. 

Our combined effort for this wonderful support of our courageous military personnel serving in harm’s way, has resulted in generating 51,840 free telephone minutes for them to call home from their desolate locations.  We collected and shipped 864 old cell phones.

My most sincere appreciation to Ms. Teresa Bower who headed up the effort within the Navy Federal Credit Union, to Ms. Melissa Dodson-Dozier at the Navy Exchange NAS Oceana, Ms. Deborah “Debbie” Buttrum at the Norfolk Navy Exchange, to all the members of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (HRCMOAA), and to all the wonderful ladies of the Retired Officers Wives Society of Tidewater (ROWS).

The MOAA Scholarship Fund
This fund is providing more than $9.5 million in undergraduate educational assistance to 1,700 children from military families for the 2011-2012 academic year. This year, 667 students received a $5,500 interest-free loan and 976 top-performing students received Designated Scholarships consisting of a $5,000 interest-free loan and a $500 grant—in the name of a donor. The top 9 seniors, who received an interest-free loan in previous years, were selected to receive a grant for either $5,000 to $6,000. 

Since Sept. 11, 2001, the MOAA Scholarship Fund – American Patriot Grant has provided $1,770,000 to 225 children. This year, 57 children whose military parent died while in active service will receive a $5,000 American Patriot Grant. 

MOAA’s Educational Assistance supports children of those who are serving, have served, or are retired as a commissioned or warrant officer in one of the seven Uniformed Services, and children of currently serving and retired enlisted military members. Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year will be online in early November 2012 at

You can make a difference in a military child’s future by supporting the HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund through gifts of cash, securities, and bequests. For more information, see our chapter's scholarship goals (above) or contact COL David Wade at 549-2123.

Transition Officer Placement System 
The HRCMOAA (TOPS) Liaison is Captain Loren V. Heckelman, U. S. Navy (Ret.). Loren can be reached at email address; Check out our Networking and Jobs page on the chapter website at Click on the “Networking and Jobs” link on the left hand side of the home page. 

In addition, if you would like to be added to an email distribution list for job opportunities, contact Loren at his email address above.

ROWS Annual Christmas Dinner Dance
Virginia Ballroom, Princess Anne Country Club
Friday, December 7, 2012
6:00-7:00 p.m.—Cocktails; 7:00-10:00 p.m.—Dinner and Dancing
Music by Walter Noona & Band
Winter Salad with Maple Vinaigrette
(1) Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus with Horseradish Cream Sauce
(2) Fresh Broiled Atlantic Salmon
Roasted Red Potatoes & Green Beans Almondine
Hot Rolls/Butter                      Coffee/Tea
Chef’s Choice Holiday Dessert

Price: $50.00 per person

Invite your friends to join us for this traditional celebration!

Black tie or military uniform optional.

Make a list of your guests (and yourself!) and indicate entrée for each person. 
All checks must be made payable to ROWS.

Mail list of guests and entrees with checks to
Barbara Smith, 1201 Faulkner Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Reservations, checks and menu choices must arrive in Barbara’s mailbox by Saturday, December 1, 2012.

If you have questions, phone Barbara at 427-3475 

HRCMOAA members are invited to participate.

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to: 

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation For: VWWP
900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. 

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________ 
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may also donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

Veterans Day Parade, November 12
The parade will be held in Virginia Beach, commencing at 19th and Atlantic.  The Hampton Roads Chapter will be participating with one car.  The parade starts at 0900 and the reviewing stand will be near the Convention site and Veterans Memorial.  There will be over 60 units participating this year.  Some seating will also be avalilable near the reviewing stand.  Viewers normally  line the parade route from about 16th street.  Please join us!!  There will be a flyover after the parade provided by the Aviation Museum. 
November 16, 2012  Luncheon
Our guest speaker will be Lieutenant General John M. Paxton, Jr., Commander, United States Marine Corps Forces Command to be our guest speaker.  Our November luncheon is normally dedicated to the USMC as we support the USMC Reserves Toys for Tots program and ROTC programs in the Hampton Roads area.  The Princess Anne Country Club will be our venue.
28 September Luncheon
HRCMOAA 2nd Vice President CDR Bert Ortiz, presents the Jefferson Cup to the Honorable Terry L Suit.  Terry is Virginia’s Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security.   She addressed 77 chapter members at the Aberdeen Steak House on Northhampton Boulevard.   Terry highlighted the state's programs on Veterans Affairs, including the Veterans Cemeteries, Care Facilities, Hiring programs on their discharge from the service and how the state is working with employers to encourage the hiring of veterans.  The state is also encouraging the hiring of military spouses and recognition of out-of-state licenses here in Virginia.  The state wants to be the most Active Duty and Veteran Friendly among all of the states. 

Bert announced that the Chapter had won its 9th straight 5 Star Award.  To be presented at MOAA  National at the end of the month.  Our President, CAPT Hollandsworth will receive the award. 

CDR Bert Ortiz is shown presenting the annual MOAA Col Marvin J. Harris Communications Awards to Maj Clif Furedy, our chapter Webmaster for the Top Website award, shown above, and to CDR John Vermillion, our Newsletter Editor, for the Top E-Newsletter award, shown below. 
Honor Flight 
Our chapter  coordinated departure ceremonies for the World War II, Korea, Honor Flight on 20 October. The ceremony involved three ROTC programs and two JROTC high schools, including two honor guards.  This is one of the initiatives and highlights of our chapter that has become institutionalized.  It is appreciated by the veterans themselves, the Honor Flight organization and the cadets from the ROTC and JROTC programs.

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


LCDR Howard G. Johnson, USN-Ret.

LCDR Gerald Saucier, USN-Ret..

CAPT Walter J. Riedemann, Jr., USN-Ret. 

COL P. Lee Starkey, USA-Ret.


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2012