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Pembroke Meadows Civic League
Photo Album - Page 8
National Night Out
August 7th, 2007
Ginger Avoli and Danielle Kreassig sold over $500 in raffle tickets
Target, one of the event sponsors, handed out pin wheels and other goodies
Peggy Caverly tries to keep cool with her pin wheel while
signing up members for the civic league
Finally, it was time for the big raffle.  Ginger Avoli, Danielle Kreassig and Clera Hall
help Don Sanders call out winners and give away prizes
People bought lots of raffle tickets
Seventy-five merchants donated food, money and prizes
There were lots of prizes for the games and we handed out hundreds of coupons
We raffled off 39 special prizes to lucky winners.
Even the Third Police Precinct K-9 patrol was on hand
Yes, it was really hot and muggy, but it was a great opportunity for over 300+ people from the  neighborhood to enjoy a night out together, have some free food, swim in the pool, receive some great prizes and express our appreciation to the Police, Fire Department and Rescue Squad for all they do for us.  A big "THANKS" to everyone who helped organize this great event and to all the neighbors who came to have fun and maybe make a new friend!
Photos by Clifton Furedy

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007