Everyone cheered as the vehicle procession passed by
There was even "Dan" the Purple Dragon!
The scouts marched in bringing the colors
Ladies dressed in period costumes from the historic Ferry Plantation
One of the Third Police Precinct's Finest Officers
Grand Marshalls, Virginia Beach Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones and Mayor
Meyera Oberndorf
Cub Scout Pack 475 and Boy Scout Troop 375 lead us in the Pledge
of Allegiance
Sid Sward plays and Leslie Fenter sings "God Bless America"
Civic league President Don Sanders, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones,
event coordinator Joe Avoli and Mayor Meyera Oberndorf
Joe opens the ceremonies by thanking all the First Responders
and reminds everyone that the National Night Out is to
increase awareness of crime and fire prevention
Photos by Clifton