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Pembroke Meadows & Pembroke Shores
Photo Album
Early Photos - 1967-71
Pembroke Meadows development begins to take shape in this 1967 aerial photo looking to the Southwest.  Old Donation Farm still fills most of the area and the streets in Pembroke Meadows are barely scratched out and unpaved.  You can see that Aragona Village and Pembroke Mall are fully developed.  Pembroke Shores is yet to be. 

Note: The available PDF files are large and may take several minutes to download.  Be patient.  All photos have significant detail.  Use the magnification tool to zoom in for a closer look.

Photo: Fariss Pictures, Inc.
Click Here to see a larger image in pdf format with Labels
Click Here to see a larger image in pdf format (no labels)
After Pembroke Boulevard was paved, the original gazebo and the brick entranceway gates were built.  On the right are the Pembroke Meadows model homes on Whitechapel Court.  The field on the left is where Safeway (now Food Lion) and Pembroke Meadows Shopping Center was built.
(You may click on the photo to see a larger image in pdf format.)

Photo: Fariss Pictures, Inc.
In front of the Pembroke Meadows model homes, across Whitechapel Drive, was a man-made lake with a replica of a mill with water wheel.  This view is looking Southwest toward Independence Boulevard and the culverts over Lake Pembroke.  Part of the medical plaza sits here today.
(You may click on the photo to see a larger image in pdf format.)

Photo: Fariss Pictures, Inc.
This undated copy of an aerial photo shows homes on Cardiff Road (back) and Sheffield Court (near) that have been completed and occupied or still under construction.  Lake Pembroke is on the left and Sheffield Drive is on the right.  All six Pembroke Meadows and Shores home models are representend here.  From bottom right clockwise around the circle: Chesterfield, Gloucester, Fairfax, Westover, another Gloucester, another Westover and Lancaster.  The center house on Cardiff Road is a rear view of a Sussex.  (Click on the model name to see a front view and floor plan.)
(You may click on the photo to see a larger image in pdf format.)
This satellite photo from March 16, 1971 shows a completed Pembroke Meadows and the first homes under construction in Pembroke Shores.  Pembroke Meadows Elementary School has been built and also the PMRC Pool.  You can see the new model homes on Saint Mark Court and new houses on Saint Albans Street.  Pembroke Meadows Shopping Center, Giant Square and Bayside Hospital are still open fields. 
(You may click on the photo to see a larger image in pdf format.)
Documents from a collection by Jim Willenbrink
Text by Clif Furedy
Where marked, photos by
Fariss Pictures, Inc.
Commercial Photographers
333 W. 21st Street
Norfolk, 17, Virginia

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011