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Pembroke Meadows & Pembroke Shores
Our Neighborhood History
The First Inhabitants
The first inhabitants of our area were Indians of the Chesapeake Tribe.  Upon arriving on our land they quickly found that they needed to go no further.  Life for the Indian tribe was good.  The climate was ideal.  They found plentiful animals to hunt.  The entire animal was also used for clothing, utensils, housing, jewelry, blankets and much more.  Indians threw nothing away.  They were truly recyclers and inventive.  The land was fertile for planting, with good drainage.  There were plenty of trees, nuts, berries, bushes and plants.  The Lynnhaven River was abundant in crabs, oysters, clams, mussels, and many species of fish.  The oysters were so plentiful that at times, even in the deep waters, the bottoms of their canoes scraped on the tops of the oyster beds.  In fact, the only thing they did need but was not available here were rocks.  Stones for tools and arrowheads had to be brought or traded for with other tribes.  Our area is a huge sandbar and sandbars do not produce rocks.  Thus, all rocks in Virginia Beach have been transported here from somewhere else.  Interesting?
Text  by Gerry Dashiell-Richter, email:

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011