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Pembroke Meadows & Pembroke Shores
Photo Album
The Early Days - 1968
Text and photos provided by Gerry Dashiell-Richter
There was a fountain, water wheel, bridge and water fall in the lake.  The lake was stocked with ducks.  A large play and picnic area was within the fencing.  This was all located between Independence Blvd. and Whitechapel Drive where the medical center is now located.
A view of the man made lake at the entrance. 
Original gazebo and Independence Blvd.
Note Independence Blvd. in background
A view of the bridge and original model homes and second gazebo.
Scott Dashiell feeding the ducks.  Still clean and dry. 
Entrance gazebo top right.  Notice, no Hardees, no Mobile gas station (Crown until 2007, Texaco until 2011), and no shopping center yet.
There were originally two gazebos.  One at the Pembroke Blvd entrance where our current gazebo is located.  Another gazebo at the entrance to the man-made lake/park.  The lake was later drained and filled with dirt.
Water Wheel.  The houses in the rear are Pembroke Manor. 
See the clear water of the lake in top.
Currently the tall medical building blocks the view.
Yes, we rode horses through the neighborhood. 
Not all street were paved yet.
Crops were still being  planted in the ground on all land that was not immediately under construction.
An agreement between Terry Corporation and "Pappy" Hudgins allowed him to continue planting and harvesting the land not under construction.  Terry had to wait if a crop was planted in the field until harvest before they could begin on that parcel or street.  It was funny to watch harvesting and the rush of construction crews to quickly take over the land.  As the crop was being pulled out of the ground heavy equipment was rushed into place before "Pappy" could plant it again.  Didn’t matter the hour or day.
View from Abbey Drive to rear of Whitechapel Drive.  Land was being leveled on Abbey and construction on Whitechapel underway.
Tot Lot in upper half of picture.
The city of Virginia Beach had a new requirement of all developers that wished to build in the city.  TOT LOTS were specific parcels set up within the neighborhood that were deeded to the City of Virginia Beach and spaced out through the area's development.  The concept was to provide safe, convenient play areas for small children and families.  The city would install play equipment and picnic tables, along with trees for shade and maintain the grounds.  There was only one wide access from the street into each Tot Lot.  The Tot Lot shown was in the process of being equipped when this picture was taken.

Once completed it became the only Tot Lot to be equipped.  It quickly became apparent that the city could not keep up with maintenance or mowing.  The open lots became unmowed ball fields.  Windows received footballs, baseballs and rocks thrown through them.  Noisy crowds, and fights ensued.  There was no lighting and late night parties kept neighbors awake. 

The city then decided that while the concept sounded good, it was in fact, a disaster.  Therefore a decision was made to remove the equipment from the above lot and divide all the Tot Lots into parcels which would be sold back to the homeowners surrounding the Tot Lot.  There was a cost to the homeowners involved.  $50.00 per parcel.  That cost included a new survey, legal costs, deed changes etc.  If the homeowner chose not to purchase that parcel adjoining their property the parcel was offered to the homeowner across the lot.   Thus some lots are huge.

600 Block of Abbey Drive
Notice unpaved street.  Son looks like a refugee living in squalor---
PLEASE SEND MONEY and more laundry detergent!
Underground phone lines not connected yet and garbage cans had to be hauled to a paved street.  For us it was Whitechapel Drive.  Mail was collected at Terry Corporation office.
Christmas 1968
Yes, we do get snow.  Notice Silver Maple trees have been planted.  Each house received two planted trees.  If you look very close you can see a 5 foot stick on the right side of this driveway.  (it is what looks like a line under the far window of the red house.  The tree is actually by the driveway closer to the street.  Optical illusions here.
"The Early Days of Pembroke Meadows"

Text and photos provided by Gerry Dashiell-Richter, email:

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011