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March 2006
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

Feeding the water-fowl may be
dangerous to our health?
Avian Flu Warning- Don’t Feed the Wildfowl
By : Jim Willenbrink 

Because of the large numbers of wildfowl (particularly Canada Geese) which frequent our neighborhood lakes, parks, lawns and school fields, we should be alert and alarmed reference the dangers of the spreading avian flu threat. As news reports attest, ducks and geese are major carriers of the potentially catastrophic avian flu (H5N1) virus which has spread across Asia into Europe and is expected to reach our continent soon.

What can we do? One obvious precaution is not to encourage large number of waterfowl by feeding them. Did you know that one mature Canada Goose can excrete as much as three pounds of fecal matter per day? And we and our kids are playing in these “fecal mine-fields”; and some of our pets are actually eating these excretions (which, even without the H5N1 virus, contains potentially health hazardous bacteria). SICK! Yes; but we and our pets could be much sicker when the avian flu reaches our area. So PLEASE ! Heed the signs posted at the parks– don’t feed the wildfowl.

Jim Willenbrink is the PMCL Chairman for Lakes & Waterway Committee- if you would like to join this committee to help improve and protect our waterways, give him a call at 497-0700 
Easter Egg Hunt !
Kids will be searching for hidden treasure at our Pembroke Park on April 15th from 1:30pm ‘til 2:30. Donations of candy, small egg stuffings are needed, as well as volunteers. Please call Vivian Hance if you can donate or assist- 477-3273.  The kids deserve a fun event.
Fun Run Reminder

The Fun Run at Pembroke Meadows Elementary  is…

Sunday March 12th 1pm-3:30pm.

Watch for the kids running the street and stop by the school for the fun!

Thursday, March 16th at 7pm in the school cafeteria. 
Dr. James Maggio, D.C., will be our guest speaker.
 We look forward to seeing you there!

Coming Events!

  • Ladies Luncheon March 23rd, noon
  • Relay for Life Yard Sale, March 25th, 8am-noon
  • Easter Egg Hunt, April 15th, 1:30-2:30pm
Click Here to see the Complete Civic Leage Calendar
Remembering Scottt E. Sward (1962-2006)

     Thank you to everyone who has sent those kind expressions of sympathy.  It gives us much comfort to know that so many people cared about Scottt, and that he touched so many lives.  Scottt grew up in Pembroke Meadows.  We lived in the first house completed on Chelsea Street.  Scottt attended Princess Anne High School– you may remember the two talent contests he won on the love of his life, the piano. 

     He could have gone into many fields, but it was always music for him.  Scottt took a double major in piano and pedagogy, with a double minor in organ and voice, graduating Cum Laude from Eastern Carolina University.  Thanks to a strong recommendation by Jim and Jeannette Willenbrink, plus a successful audition, he was hired by Little Creek Amphibious Base Chapel as church organist/pianist.  Through his talents, enthusiasm and ambition, he rose to the rank of music director during his 17 year tenure.  Unfortunately, Scottt was forced to leave the chapel for economic reasons.  He accepted a plum position as music director in Libertyville, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago), at a church with 4200 families. 

     Scottt’s musical talents, intelligence, sense of humor, compassion, but most of all his empathy and love for others, won much praise.  He seemed to excel at everything he tried.  He was a computer wiz, a natural athlete, and a savvy collector.  His personality had more facets than the diamonds he amassed, however, Scottt never thought of himself as extraordinary.  He was a humble, spiritual and gentle man.  The void created by his sudden demise will never be filled.  All who were lucky enough to know him have a piece of Scottt that will live on and make the world a better place.  Scottt was a giver– he loved to give away some of his treasured belongings with absolutely no alterior motive.  He was a complex, loving man, and truly a GREAT SCOTTT. 

      With great appreciation and affection,

  Sid and Lynne Sward

P.S.- “When tomorrow starts without him, don’t think we’re apart. 
         For, every time you think of him, he is right there in your heart." 

Sward Memorial Fund

The family of Scottt Sward asks for those who want to honor their son’s  life and wish to give to something that was an important part of his life growing up in Pembroke Meadows, please do so by contributing in Scottt’s name to:

Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center
P.O. Box 68276
 Virginia Beach, VA. 23471

Ladies Luncheon

Excellent turnout spurs the meetings to continue! Ladies make a date to attend, and come have a great time socializing with your neighbors. (Sorry guys, you are not allowed). Going Dutch!

Thursday March 23rd, 
12 noon @ C&M Cafeteria

April’s date will be: Wednesday April  26th

So What is a SPRING FLING ?

Each year, when spring is in full swing, in preparation for the hustle and bustle of warm days, friends and neighbors gather together for the neighborhood rite known as Spring Fling.  This year, the event takes place on Saturday, April 22.  Mark your calendars.

On that date, many will meet at the neighborhood park and help with cleaning and sprucing up the park area, dam path, median and pool grounds.  This is a great opportunity to contribute your labor, improve the area’s look and have fun while doing it. This is a time to renew old acquaintances, make new friends, leave your mark, and enjoy the outdoors.  The gathering begins at 9:00am followed by a well-earned gourmet lunch in the park. More information will follow in the newsletter’s next edition; just be sure to reserve that date: April 22nd. 

Annual Pot Luck Dinner   — Huge Success !

If you were one of the neighbors who missed the Pot Luck Dinner, you missed a real treat. Over 55 neighbors turned out for this years gathering, social, and dinner.

This was a four star event in the new school cafeteria with white table cloths loaded down with beautiful English Ivy Greenery and many types of Camellias in bloom provided by our own Garden Club.  Thank you Jeanette Willenbrink, Bridget South, Clera Hall and Peggy Caverly. Awesome setting for the appropriate mood!

Our roving accordion player was Sid Sward on a local tour, and our Social Committee Chairman, Vivian Hance, supplied the drinks, door prizes and headed up the Karaoke contest.

We had serving tables filled with several types of Fresh Vegetables, numerous salads of mixed fruit, vegetable, potato, apple, and chicken.  Add to this the ham, meat balls, beans and rice dishes, shrimp, spaghetti, and pork barbecue that tasted like it was right off a South Carolina farm... and did I mention the various casseroles?!

Since the fine folks at King Hua Restaurant were working and could not attend, they sent a big tray of Fried Crab Meat Cream Cheese Wontons and a tray of General Tso’s Chicken.  It is great to have such fine neighbors in the community. 

The Desert table was loaded with cake, pie, cookies, brownies and eclairs.  The drink table with coffee, juice and  sodas was a treat to the palate. 

All these dishes were certified to be calorie free before the food was added.

As with all great events, some one had to set it up and man the clean up committee.  Here we give thank to our Civic League President Don Sanders and our Treasurer Jim Hall.


Submitted by:      John Sheadel                                   Don’t miss this event next year!

Many who attended the Pot Luck Dinner raved over Jeanette Willenbrink’s Fruit Salad...
THANKS to her, here is the recipe! As a new feature to the Newsletter we will be including at least one of our readers’ favorite recipes to share with all readers. So if you have that special dish that you would like people to experience, please e-mail the editors. 
Submitted by : Jeannette Willenbrink
Jeannette’s Glazed Fruit Compote
Servings: Approx:8                                      Prep Time: 20 minutes
(1) 20oz can Pineapple Chunks /natural juice (retain the juice for the glaze)
(1) 15oz can Tropical Fruit / natural juice (retain the juice for the glaze)
(1) 15oz can Mandarin Oranges, drained
1-1/2 cups of Seedless Red or Green grapes
Last minute add following fruit:
(1) pt. or (1)qt. Strawberries, cut up
(4) Bananas, sliced
(2-3) Kiwi Fruit (peeled and sliced with egg slicer)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1-1/3 cup of  reserved juice
3 Tbsp. Cornstarch slightly rounded
1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar
1/8 teas. Salt
2 teas. Vanilla (use white if you have it)
Place the drained fruit in a bowl and set aside. Pour reserved juice in a sauce pan. Combine cornstarch, sugar, and salt in small bowl and mix before adding to juice. Heat on medium to medium-high stirring with a whisk until boiling—reduce heat and continue cooking one minute. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool to room temperature before pouring over the fruit. About 30 minutes before serving, peel and slice bananas and add to fruit bowl along with the sliced strawberries. Add Kiwi fruit to top of finished salad for great flair.  Note: Other canned or fresh fruits such as blueberries, raisins, etc., can be added without additional glaze. Add contrast with variety of colored fruits. Enjoy!
Keeping our Yards Clean… 

I would like to thank all residents that are doing their part to maintain our community as a desirable place to live.  We understand there are some homeowners that are simply not able to perform the upkeep of their residence due to work schedule, illness, physical disabilities etc.  In many of these cases, we want to assist those in need.  For those that are able and not in compliance please take note of Virginia Beach City Codes.

CODE ENFORCEMENT (Weeds & Litter) Section 23-50 of the City Code.
This covers overgrown grass or weeds in excess of 10 inches in height.
The ordinance applies to private property including resident premises and vacant lots. Trash and litter can also be cited under this ordinance.  Violations are normally found through patrol or response to complaints, and notice is sent to the owner or occupant allowing 7 days to correct the violations.
We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. Additionally if you need further assistance with Building and Grounds issues to include lights, potholes, parking or have other questions such as where to ask for help, feel free to contact: 
Robert Westmont @ 473-1024 or contact Wes Denton @ 499-2996.
Flag Lights

The lighted flag is undoubtedly the highlight of our entrance way.  Did you know that it takes a special “metal halide” light bulb to shine all the way up from the ground to the flag at night?...three of them, in fact...and they are almost $60 each.  When you send in your dues, please consider adding a little extra for upkeep of the median flagpole.  God Bless the USA..


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a special section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Sidewalk Parking

Please be considerate of others and avoid parking cars over sidewalk pathways (city ordinance Section 21-364 (B) (1) states that it is also a violation of city code). Remember that the sidewalks are for walkers, runners, and people using wheelchairs. . 

President’s Corner
By: Don Sanders /President 
 Civic League of Pembroke Meadows

At the March meeting our speaker will be Dr.James Maggio, D.C.  He will conduct a health and wellness workshop based on the Seven Steps To Peak Energy.  Please plan to attend.  The program will be very informative and benefit the overall  health of your  family.

We are still in need of everyone to return their Neighborhood Directory information and their yearly dues for 2006.  Though the dues are not a big sum of money ( only $10 ), what they provide for maintaining such a nice neighborhood is priceless. PLEASE TAKE  THE TIME TO SEND THESE ITEMS IN.  Envelopes and forms were provided last month in the newsletter and can also be printed from our web site: Click Here for the Directory Form.. If you still need help with getting the forms please call our membership coordinator Jana Sias at 493-2990, or e-mail her at .

For Directory questions: contact Robert Westmont  at 473-1024 or e-mail him at

We need a coordinator for the Directory Update for the Meadows homes.  Please contact Don Sanders at 499-7987.


The Civic League is looking for a few community minded student to join our depleted Teen Committee to assist with special projects, holiday events and to provide input to other committees. This is a wonderful opportunity for teens to get involved with their neighborhood while also accumulating volunteer hours for High School in preparation for College applications. If you are interested in getting involved or know someone that would, please contact: 

Travis Little: 671-7885 or via e-mail :

    Become a Civic minded Teen!


Neighborhood Watch is a simple program that involves neighborhood concern and awareness, along with police cooperation. All residents should practice these simple steps:

  1. Be alert to things happening on your street and in your neighborhood.
  2. Watch for the unusual– if you suspect ANYTHING out of the ordinary– Call the police at 427-5000 ( Non-emergency number ) or  911 for Emergencies.
Remember the police need your eyes and ears to help them protect our neighborhood!!!

Submitted by:  Marjorie Brotman, PMCL Neighborhood Watch / Block Security


To sign up for median strip duty, email Travis Little @ or Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at Thanks for your support!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2006
Thanks to:
Jeanette Willenbrink
Thanks to:
Terri & Bill Hawley
Thanks to:
Jake & Harriett Froehlich
March 1-15
Barb & Grace Ann Willenbrink
 March 16-31
Roger & Kim Vaughan & Kids
 April 1-15
John & Pat Sheadel
April 16-30
Jim & Clera Hall
May 1-15
Jeanne Blair
May 16-31
Bob & Marge Brotman
June 1-15
Robert and Christina Westmont
June 16-30
 July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
 Sept 1-15
 Sept 16-30
 Oct 1-15
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Kindergarten Registration!

April 25, 2006
Nancy C. Chandler, Ph.D., Principal

Annually, one of the most exciting days at Pembroke Meadows Elementary is Kindergarten Registration Day.  This year kindergarteners will be registering on April 25th.  Registration will begin, with an overview of the kindergarten program, at 9:00 AM, in the school’s (new) cafetorium.  Soon-to-be kindergarteners are invited to attend and will be treated to a tour of the school and a bus ride!

 Parents should bring the following items to registration:  the child’s birth certificate and social security card and proof of residency. They may bring shot records and physicals with them, or at a later date. 

For all who attend, a drawing will be held for a bookbag containing all of the supplies a kindergartener will need to start school! 

 Please apprise your friends and neighbors of this citywide registration day, for all children who will be five, on or before Sept. 30, 2006. We are looking forward to a big turnout and don’t want any child to miss out on this important milestone!  For questions, call the school at 473-5020

New Community Bank plans approved
for our Neighborhood 

The First National Bank of Virginia has received preliminary approval for the construction of a new “community” bank on the long vacant lot(s) on Professional Circle at the corner of Whitechapel and Pembroke Blvd.  This will be the third planned development for that property in the last four years and is an apparent outgrowth of the “Liberty Capital Bank” proposal of 2004.

Our Civic League will form an ad hoc committee to meet with the new bank’s president and agents to discuss and review the proposed plans; and we plan to schedule a Civic League information session about the plans later this year. For more information on this development call Jim Willenbrink at 497-0700.

Brick Wall Bulletin Board

The bulletin board on the brick wall on Pembroke Boulevard is ever-changing, thanks to our good neighbor, Loretta Watkins (great job)!  Please slow down and read her messages. 

Helpful Information

Tax Relief for Qualified Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities: The City of Virginia Beach Real Estate Assessor’s Office is accepting applications through June 30th. 
For qualifying requirements call them at 385-8847 or on-line @

AARP offers tax assistance at the Central Library location. 

For times call the library at 385-1050
Neighborhood News
We extend our sympathy to the family of Betty Seidel, a long time neighbor who passed away in January. Betty was a fine neighbor and a sweet, good person. We shall miss her!
FEEL BETTER SOON ! Our thoughts are with Paula Keys and Valerie Davis and we pray for a speedy recovery.
January was also the month of the death of Scottt E. Sward, who grew up in the neighborhood. Our thoughts are with his parents and family for their loss.
Upcoming Events
Public Forum on City of Virginia Beach redevelopment issues- Bayside Library-March 23rd, 6:30-8:30 PM.  Call 385-2680 for registration.
Annual Yard Sale to Benefit “Relay for Life”
Rose & Womble Realty Office— Whitechapel
March 25th from 8– 12pm

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006