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October 2005
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes

October Civic League Meeting:
Thursday, October 20 at 7 p.m.!
Click Here to see the Complete Civic Leage Calendar
The Bayside Library Drive-Up Window Is Now Open for Service.

Use it to pick up and return books and other library materials.  Request books, music and movies by phone, or in another Virginia Beach Public Library, or through our online catalog linked from  To reach the new library, turn east off Independence at the light for Honeygrove Road, then turn south on the 4th driveway.  Do not use the old parking lot off Independence -  the old library is now unoccupied. 

We will open the new library in October as soon as our check-out and security equipment is installed.  Programs will begin October 1st whether we are fully open or not.  The new library also has a computer lab, two group study rooms, and a meeting room which we will begin booking (219-2689) on October 1st for 2006.  However, parking will be quite limited for several months until the old building is replaced with the new parking lot.

In the meanwhile, call if we can help you with something.  Staff are available to come out and visit classes or to speak to meetings.  If desired, we will try to set up a tour of the new library even before we reopen.  Let us know what you need and we will find some way to make it happen. 

Our new phone numbers are:

219-2680        Bayside Main Number 
219-2681        Renewals 
219-2684        Special Services Library for the Blind 
219-2689        Meeting Space Bookings 
464-6741        Fax Line 

Carolyn Caywood,
Librarian & member of the
Pembroke Meadows Civic League

The President’s Note

The Civic League of Pembroke Meadows had its first meeting on November 12, 1969.  Forty-one prospective members attended.  Captain C.C. Taylor was elected as temporary Chairman.  Prior to that first meeting, a steering committee of the following residents worked on the preliminary organization for a civic league:

C.C.Taylor, Paul & Elaine Kane, Peter Meade, Abe & Vicki Kalfus, Skip & Dalphine Carey, Larry & Joyce Gillen, Ed Smith, Richard Delacey, Bob & Elinor Bordeau, Bob Cohen and Dick Cook.

Next month will be our 36th Birthday and we are still going strong!!

On behalf of all the residents, I would like to thank everyone over the years who have worked with the Civic League to make it so successful.  In the spirit of these early “pioneers,” I encourage all our present residents to attend our monthly meetings and participate in the discussions and plans for our neighborhood.  Everyone’s opinion on the issues and activities are encouraged.

Best Regards,

Don Sanders
A Celebrity in our midst

Talented and uniquely gifted artist Lynne Sward has resided here in Pembroke Meadows for about 37 years along with her husband Sid, a former Civic League Vice President.  They have three children and three grandchildren.

For the past 8 years, art figures have been her creative focus.  Originally from Chicago and born with an active imagination, influenced by studying art history and ethnic cultures, her dolls are often zany, eclectic, and colorful.  They always have a strong sense of personal style.

Lynne loves making things --- colors, textures, tribal and other worldly influences plus small glimpses into her own personal world contribute to what and why she creates.  She has a fascination with faces and is constantly researching new materials and techniques to create her non-traditional dolls.  She is eager to share what she has learned and lovingly gives classes in this art. 

Besides “making things”, Lynne has a fascination with spiritual philosophies, tribal cultures, art history, botany, movies and family to name just a few.  These interests influence the series of art she loves and creates.

In her own words, Lynne states that “as long as I can see and my fingers can move, and the “how” and “why” part of me stays agile and sensible, I will continue to challenge my creative muses “begging” for their guidance to keep making things”.

Her art, including her dolls has been exhibited in juried and invitational shows around America, Canada and Japan.  Her work has also been represented in over a dozen books.

She currently has a studio in Selden Arcade in Norfolk and welcomes visitors, but suggests you call before coming to insure she will be there.

 Jeanette Willenbrink

Neighborhood Watch  (Pembroke Meadows)

Neighborhood Watch can be an effective tool in keeping a safe community.  Please remember to ALWAYS report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police (Emergency 911) (Non-Emergency 427-5000) and to ALSO inform your block captain or neighborhood coordinator thereafter.  If you do not know whom your block captain is or if you are new to the neighborhood and would like to be a part of neighborhood watch, please do not hesitate to call.

 We currently have one street (Chelsea Street) that has been without a block captain for quite awhile.  If you would like to volunteer for this position, which does not require much of your time, it would be greatly appreciated.  Reminder:  All who are involved with the civic league are volunteers and that is what makes our neighborhood such a great place to live.

Stephanie Neihart,


Ferry Plantation House
4136 Cheswick Lane
will hold a
Harvest Lantern Tour
of the house at
8 p.m. October 31st.

A thrilling tour of the house and grounds will be held.  You will hear tales of past residents and stories that have been passed on by dozens that have seen a presence on the Plantation and by the waters of the Lynnhaven.  Tour guides in 1830's dress will collect your $5.00 donation at the door. The authors of Ghosts, Witches and Weird Tales of Virginia Beach will be present for a book signing.  Who knows what lurks in the darkness?  You may go home with a tale or two of your own.  Learn about the hanging tree, tunnel to water, and unearthed treasures.  Perhaps feel the unknown about you as many others have.  Further information- 473-5182

Neighborhood Directory Update

As pending Neighborhood Directory chairperson, I have been asked to provide an update on the status of revamping the Directory.  As I understand it, the Directory was last published in 2000.  At that time, its publishing costs were offset by advertisements and soliciting these advertisers was an integral part of the process.  This conventional model has served the neighborhood well; however, it is a laborious process for those involved.  I have agreed to lead this committee to update our directory from the standpoint of data collection and distribution; I am going to rely on the civic league board to decide how to pay for publication costs – if necessary. 

To date, informal discussions have been held with a few volunteers focusing on approaches to this substantial task – some conventional, some a departure from the old methods in the past.   Two approaches are being considered at this time for data collection, these are listed below:

1. The conventional model – this relies on volunteers to call or canvas the neighborhood and collect information from every resident.  One approach is to convert the existing directory into an electronic format (spreadsheet, database) and attempt to validate entries via a telephone campaign.   The invalidated entries would have to be canvassed.  Another is to start from scratch  and solicit all residents.  Obviously, either approach requires a pool of volunteers to canvas our neighborhood.  It has been proposed that the Neighborhood Watch volunteers could assist in this part of the process as they already have a network of Block Captains assigned to specific sections of the neighborhood, but  there is not a commitment at this time.

2. A new approach would be to acquire (purchase) a list of homeowners and corresponding “public” contact information and compile a totally new list in electronic format.  This solution has the benefit of not requiring solicitations, but the end product will lack certain personnel information such as family members names.  In addition, renters would most likely be misrepresented.

As for distribution, we are discussing the possibility of publishing a similar booklet as has been prepared in the past.  But this may be very costly and other methods are being explored.  The idea of a Virtual Directory has been proposed where the electronic formatted list would be placed on the Civic League’s Website.  This proposal has several advantages:

1. Easy updates to the directory once it is in place.
2. Hard copies could be printed off at will for reference
3. For those without access to a computer, the Civic League could print off copies for distribution at monthly meetings.
4. No need to have an advertising campaign to pay for publication costs.
5. Minimal publication costs.

The obvious disadvantage is the nicely formatted booklet for easy reference.  However, the Website version could be created to closely resemble the booklet including all the content present today.  Another stipulation to this “virtual” approach is for the Webmaster to concur and he’s probably reading the idea for the first time here.

As I mentioned in the beginning, this article is a status update comprised of conceptual ideas.  For those who have offered to help out on this committee and have not been contacted as of now, please know I have not forgotten you.  We will be calling a formal committee meeting in the near future.  If you would like to help out, please email Carol Scott at or myself at  Thank you for your support.

Robert Westmont

Help Us Keep Our Community Clean
Volunteer for the Median Strip Cleanup!

Keeping our Median strip litter free maintains the quality of life for the neighborhood; more specifically, the aesthetics of the road, streets and other properties in the area.

Program Intent
It is the intent of the Building and Grounds Committee to encourage citizen participation in litter cleanups of not only the median, but all areas of our wonderful community. 

See Median Watch list
Individuals, families or groups agree to keep the median clean from the gazebo located on Pembroke Blvd to the corner of Cathedral for a designated two-week period.

Sign ups can be completed with Jim Price (499-5115, or Wes Denton (499-2996) or at any Civic League meeting.  Thanks for your support on this issue.

Travis Little,
2nd Vice President


As the leaves begin to fall, I am reminded that I have not yet updated our neighborhood on the tremendous success this past season of the Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team.  Our team roster decreased a bit in numbers this year to a season ending count of 156 swimmers.  Our team saw all three coaches – Christyn Weinstein, Mike Zmuda, and Paul Brown – return again this past summer to lead the Marlins.

The swimmers practiced very hard and ended the season UNDEFEATED in regular season meets against Broad Bay Country Club, Little Neck Swim and Racquet Club, Alanton-Bay Cliff, Club Brittany and the Great Bride Swim and Racquet Club.   There are four divisions currently in the Virginia Beach Swim League and our team is currently swimming in the top division – Marlin Division.  To accomplish an undefeated season against some of the best swimmers in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake is quite an impressive feat!

Due to a scheduling conflict at the Broad Bay Country Club, the team hosted three regular meets as well as our own practice meet.  We would like to acknowledge and thank our neighbors for again welcoming visitors to our neighborhood, tolerating the early morning sounds of cars, swimmers, cheering, the start system, etc.  We know those noises that begin around 6:30 or so can be irritating and are grateful for your patience once again.

The four team representatives – Joe and Vicki Vaughan and Jim and Donna Price – again feel the Marlins’ is the best team in the league.  We have supportive parents who not only volunteer but also ensure their swimmers attend the practices and exhibit good sportsmanship.

As many of you know each year the team members, ages 10 to 18, vote for the one swimmer who exemplifies the greatest Marlin team spirit.  This annual award is named for our neighborhood’s own Tommy Horvatic who passed away 19 years ago.  Tommy was well known for his love of the team, swimming skills, competitive spirit and good sportsmanship.  This year the team voted to give this award to Brian Golden.  Brian is a senior at Princess Anne High School, active in school clubs and sports, and resides here in our own neighborhood.  Congratulations, and thank you, Brian!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to encourage each of you to consider pool and swim team memberships next season.  Our pool though showing some years remains a wonderful and safe environment for our children and our neighbors.  Each year, Jim and I wonder at the small numbers of our neighbors joining the pool.  We think back to our early years here in the neighborhood and are grateful to Rita and Tom Horvatic and Jean and Jimmy Furlough for strongly encouraging us to join the pool.  It’s been such a warm and inviting environment for our sons.

Both of our sons learned to swim in the Pembroke Meadows pool and have spent countless hundreds of hours there with their parents and friends swimming, playing basketball and wallball or just socializing.  They have each had opportunities to see their names on the swim team “record board” and to achieve success in the pool.

Carl was a lifeguard there early in his working career and learned many of the skills that have served him well in other employment, school and life.  Dale hopes to be employed there next year.  Employment within biking distance is a real plus with gas prices like they are these days!  We’ve met many wonderful neighborhood and pool families and there are endless opportunities to volunteer for all of the Prices.

Donna Price

Another Commendable Clean the Bay Day

As we have been for many past years, our community was again commended (by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Civic leaders and the Clean Community Commission) for our excellent participation in last June’s Clean the Bay Day.  In our zone, sixty-two volunteers helped to clean up more than 2,100 pounds of trash and debris from our neighborhood lakes and waterways (Pembroke Lakes, Lake Meadows, Old Donation Creek and Cove, Thurston Creek and part of the Lynnhaven River).  Except for the considerable debris from Hurricane Isabel, we have noted an encouraging decrease in the amount of litter found over the past 17 years.  However, we continue to be disappointed (and disgusted) with the large numbers of beer/soda cans, bottles, plastic and paper cups/pieces and, of course, huge numbers of ubiquitous cigarette butts—most of which enter the waterways via the street and parking lot storm drains. 

The following volunteers participated and their efforts are much appreciated:

Area Coordinators:  Debbie Evelyn, Jim Hall, Bob Lukeman, Frank Mulcahy, Jim Willenbrink, Jr. and Fred Willis.

Other Participants:  Roy Awbrey and Grandson Jeff Stanley, Mike Ashe and family, Wes and Karen Denton, Jack Dutko, Jimmy Eddings, Brandon and Michael Gravesmill, Jim and Clera Hall, the Lukeman family, the Frank Mulcahy family, Jim and Donna Price, Mark Rogers, Aimee Savage, Jeff Sias, Sid Sward, Robert Westmont, Jim and Jeanette Willenbrink, Angie and Madison Willenbrink, Barbara and Grace Willenbrink, Fred and Jean Willis, Carlisle Wilson and three sons, plus 16 members of the Old Donation Farm Homeowners Association.

Jim Willenbrink


The VBBC Landscape Recognition Awards for 2005 were presented by Mayor Meyera Oberndorf at the Annual Meeting. 

The awards were made to individuals, businesses and institutions in the City’s Bayside Voting District.  The Commission has been rotating its awards among the City’s seven voting districts so that individuals and organizations throughout the whole city can be considered and have the opportunity to vie for the awards.  By rotating the awards, the Beautification Commission hopes that it encourages beautification in every part of the City.

Second place in the Reisdential area was awarded to Clera and Jim Hall, Pembroke Shores.  Their son commented, “What an honor to be recognized for something you love!” 

Jeanette Willenbrink 

  • A dog out and about, unleashed and unrestrained (Cats, too).
  • Not picking up your pet’s feces (a health code violation).
  • Curbside discards for collection prior to 5 p.m. Tuesdays.
  • Failing to call 430-2450 for non-barreled trash/discards.
  • Parking vehicles left wheels to the curb.
  • Disturbing your neighbor’s peace, 24/7/365, i.e. 10 minutes of barking animals, bouncing basketballs, subwoofer booming.
  • Reckless driving, at 45 mph in a 25 mph residential zone, i.e. Pembroke Boulevard.
  • Substantial mechanical repair of vehicles in a residential setting.
  • Under 15 years and not wearing a bicycle helmet while riding.
  • Bikers and walkers failing to obey all traffic signals and signs.
  • Using the street as a playground.
  • Commercial vehicles remaining in the neighborhood (7’ in height or 10’ in length, or capable of carrying 1 ton or more).
  • 11:00 pm- a juvenile (under 18) curfew, unless accompanied by an adult or returning from an evident employment work shift.
  • Motorcycle wheelies/spinning vehicle tires.
  • Parking on residential lawns with resultant soil erosion.
  • Windblown cigarette package cellophane wrappers and cigarette butts (littering).
Web site address brings you the source of the City Code (laws) that are easily found.

To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim Price at 499-5115 or e-mail at Thanks for your support!

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2005 
September 1-15
 Steve Green
September 16-30
Aimee Savage
October 1-15
Bryan Little
October 16-31
Christie Family
November 1-15
Vivian Hance
November 16-30
Sid Sward
December 1-15
Price Boys
December 16-30
Commemorating 400 Years of
 Virginia Beach’s History

Core Events – April 26-29, 2007 
Reenactment of the First Landing
Exploration of the Lynnhaven River
Virginia Beach Boardwalk History Festival
Erection of Cross and Departure of Ships

The Reenactment of the First Landing was featured in the May 2005 issue of this newsletter.

Friday, April 27, 2007 is the Exploration of the Lynnhaven River to be held at various points along the Lynnhdaven River.

In partnership with the Lynnhaven River 2007 group, weekend commemoration events will include boating exploration of the Lynnhaven River.  Specific destinations along the river are still being finalized; however, the plans are that locations of historical significance will be featured during the exploration trips.

Saturday, April 28, 2007, the Virginia Beach Boardwalk History Festival will offer a celebration of the city’s history and people. 

Sunday, April 29, 2007, Erection of Cross and Departure of ships held at Cape Henry and First Landing State Park.  Annually, on the Sunday nearest to April 26, the Order of Cape Henry 1607 hosts a celebration and pilgrimage at the First Landing Cross, the site where those first settlers, led by their chaplain, held one of the first New World services of the Church of England.  They then erected a cross and officially “named that place Cape Henry,” in honor of the 13-year-old Prince of Wales, oldest son of King James I.

The Order of Cape Henry will commemorate the erection of the cross, after which the ships will depart, as the first English settlers did, on their way to Jamestown.

Plans are currently being developed that would tie this ceremonial activity with a tribute to our military.

In keeping with the President’s message at the beginning of this issue, this editorial was taken from an early PMCL Newsletter:

“Progress through Participation"

The Civic League has been formed and has initiated programs for 1969 and the future.  Their success or failure depends on you.  You are the league.

The proposed recreational center has need for immediate support, and may emphasize active support.  This is an enormous undertaking for our new league, and we need a commitment from 200 families to this dream a reality.

Social events, such as dances and picnics will need both planning and attendance.  Membership – although increasing – is not just the responsibility of the membership committee but the members as a whole.  If you have a neighbor that is not a member – ask him to join; encourage him to attend meetings.

If you have a special talent or would like to help within the league’s organizational structure, feel free to volunteer.  You will not be refused.

Our message is simple, WE CAN DO, IF YOU DO, and that what we mean by progress through participation.”

Those words hold true today.  Our civic league is only as strong as our neighbors who participate. 

Did you know?  The land for the rec facility consisted of 3 ½ acres donated by Terry Corp.  The land was valued at $5,500 an acre.

More trivia next issue.  Have some trivia you would like to share? 
     Send it to the editor, Clera or call 473-8258.

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2005