PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
March 2005
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
March Civic League Meeting:
Thursday, March 17! Please attend!
Civic League Speaker. Roy Dudley, a member of the VB 2007 committee,
will tell us about all the wonderful things that are planned by the City
of Virginia Beach for the 400th anniversary of English settlers in the
new world. This great committee is responsible for coordinating the events
that will take place -- including a possible visit by Jamestown's three
ships and a reenactment of Cape Henry Landing. Don't miss out, come to
the meeting to hear all about it. |
Guess what's new at the meetings?! The social committee has a teenage
volunteer who will entertain the children with games and books while we
attend to business. Way to go, Vivian!
We will have a short program, break for a cup of coffee, have a short
business meeting and then anyone who wants may stay around to socialize
or get home early to put the kids to bed. |
Our Neighborhood Welcome Committee is Revving Up
and Moving!
When you moved into your home, did someone reach out to say "Hi, new
neighbor?" Whether it was an "official" Civic League welcome or just a
friendly "howdy" from someone who lives nearby, it felt good, didn't it,
to be warmly acknowledged?
Our Civic League Welcome Committee is making an effort to greet each
family or individual that moves into the subdivision. But, it is obvious
that we cannot welcome a new neighbor unless someone tells us that there
IS , in fact, a new neighbor!! In the case of renters for instance, there
is often no sign outside to let us know the property is changing hands.
As a community, we have so much to offer -- the Civic League, the Newsletter,
the Pool, Pot Luck, Halloween Parade, Ferry Plantation, Pet Lost and Found,
etc, -- will you help us let them know about these things? The
committee members are counting on you to alert us to residences with new
neighbors. We need the help of people like you.
As soon as we hear of a house that has changed hands, we will send a
welcome card, followed up with a short welcome visit to each new resident
in the Meadows, Shores and Townhomes. Ideally, this should happen within
the first few weeks the new owners or renters move in. So, if you see old
neighbors move out or new neighbors, please call me. Even if you do not
know their names, just the address will do for the initial contact. Let's
reach out and let our newest residents know what a great place this is
to live.
Give one of us a call. We will really appreciate the "heads up." And
don't presume someone else has already called -- it's OK if we hear from
more than one person ...we won't mind at all.
Loretta Watkins, Meadows (497-2130) |
Elizabeth Hayes, Townhomes (473-0283)
Pat Cook, Shores (499-8388)
The Social Committee would like to thank everyone who attended the Annual
Pot Luck Dinner. We had such a great time, and the brave souls who sang
Karokee rocked! For those who had thought of coming, but didn't: We had
thoughts of wishing for your arrival! The members of the social committee
attest to full bellies and meeting lots of new faces. Once again congrats
to the families who won door prizes at the meeting. Sid Seward won the
raffle -- a handpainted mailbox donated by Clera Hall. |
to new business, the Social Committee is planning an Easter Egg Hunt
for the kiddies (ages 0-10 years). When: March 19 at 1:00 p.m.
(rain date is March 26). Where: Pembroke Wayside Park. We are accepting
donations of plastic eggs, wrapped candy and art supplies, like sequins,
pom-poms, beads, yarn and glue. Volunteer are also needed.
Call Vivian
Hance at 477-3273. While the kids are being kids, pay your Civic League
membership dues if you have not done so already.
Vivian Hance
Social Chairman
Remember it is against the law to post
unauthorized signs on city right-of-ways. Our community is particularly
concerned about signs posted on our "signature" entranceway and median
strip along Pembroke Boulevard. |
All residents should be aware of the 17
deed restrictions (covenants) which apply to ALL of our lots here in the
Meadows and Shores. These restrictions (which "attach" to every deed) are
listed in our Community Directory. If you did not receive a copy,
contact Robert Westmont at 473-1024. Click
here to view the Deed Restrictions
Jim Willenbrink
Some changes in our neighborhood banks will occur later this year. Most
significantly, a new bank, Liberty Capital Bank, is planned for construction
on the vacant lots near our entranceway at Whitechapel and Pembroke Boulevard.
Our neighborhood is obviously interested in that proposal and our Civic
League is in touch with their President/CEO and agent who have been very
receptive to our concerns. The bank will be a "community" bank and
plan to include a large meeting room which will be available to our Civic
League. When their architectural and site plans are finalized, we expect
to invite their executives to present them at a future Civic League meeting.
Sun Trust Banks, Inc. is merging with National Commerce Financial Corp.,
but have not heard of any change in our Pembroke Meadows Shopping Center
Jim Willenbrink
Mrs. Angela (Angle) Willenbrink has been selected recently as the Hampton
Road Ombudsman Chairman?the coordinator for all area Navy command ombudsmen
(these are volunteers from every Navy command who assist families/dependents
in their commands). |
The Civic League Pot Luck Dinner
I would like to mention the generous donation King Hua sent from their
Pembroke Meadows Chinese restaurant. We had not been seeking donations
the past few years, but who am I to turn down a great offer like theirs.
Their two huge pans of great food was eaten, but I brought most of my Spanish
meatballs dish home (go figure). The managers, Chen, Choy, Wu and Leon,
went the extra mile and loaded down one tray with General Tso's Chicken
and another with Fried Crab Meat cream cheese wantons. Most of us had seen
the General Tso's Chicken before (S27 on their menu), but the wantons were
new to most of us and I had to go back and ask what they had . sent. The
wantons are listed # 13 on their to menu. Since King Hua opened 10 years
ago, I have had the opportunity to bring large trays of their donated food
to each dual Pot Luck dinner. The next time you are at the King Hua, thank
Leon and Choy for their many years of support to the civic league.
John Sheadel
Many thanks to the ladies of the Pembroke Garden Club for the lovely
flowers on the tables at the Pot Luck Dinner. The garden club meets on
the 2nd Thursday of each month. Call 497-0700 or 473-8258 for more information
about the meetings. |
Neighborhood Watch Program |
Source: Virginia Beach Crime Prevention Chronicle
Crime Prevention goes beneath the surface symptoms of crime, addressing
underlying factors and their effect on crime. Problems such as illegal
drug use and trafficking, illiteracy, unemployment, lack of education,
and the community's physical appearance and condition must be considered
and treated in the pursuit of crime prevention.
Submitted by Margie Brotman
Neighborhood Watch
Pembroke Shores
Teen Committee!
The Teen Committee is still actively looking for community minded students
to join the group. You will assist with special projects, holiday events
and provide an important voice to your Civic League and community. The
current Committee chairman and members are:
Steve Green (Chairman)
Aimee Savage
Bryan Little
This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with your neighborhood
while also accumulating volunteer hours for High School and in preparation
for College applications. If you are interested in getting involved or
know someone that would, please contact: Steve Green at SteveoBlake@yahoo.com
or Travis Little at 671-7885 or littlhom@yahoo.com. |
Building and Grounds
Residential Waste and Recycling Services:
Keeping Virginia Beach clean is a monumental task. Waste Collection
crews travel over one million miles, making over six million pickups, and
collecting approximately 200,000 tons of waste each year! The website and
contact information below provides information for transfer of Bulky items,
Garbage and Household waste and Yard waste. I have brochures available
if you need one.
Waste Management Division
Phone: 430-2450
TDD: 427-4305
EMAIL: wastemgt@VBGOV.com
WEB: www.VBGOV.com/pw
Landstown Transfer Station:
Phone: 468-3382
(1825 Concert Drive)
Landfill II: Phone: 366-4560
(1989 Jake Sears Road, near Regent)
We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the
area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. We also
like to hear reports on exceptional care and commend
these neighbors for their efforts. Additionally if you need further assistance
with Building and Grounds issues to include lights, potholes, parking or
have other questions, feel free to contact: Robert Westmont at 473-1024
or contact Travis Little at 671-7885 email: LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COM. |
Hundreds of volunteers over the life of this neighborhood have kept
the median area of Pembroke Blvd clean. Several signed up at February's
potluck supper. One called me to sign up and I have misplaced that family's
name; please call back. Also any others who would like to sign up for a
two week timeframe of median strip duty, you're welcome to contact me (Jim)
at: 499-5115 or jdprice@cox.net or
Travis at littlhom@yahoo.com.
Thanks for your support!
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2005
March 1-15
A. Wilson
March 16-31
Travis Little
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Marge & Bob Brotman
May 1-15
Jim & Clera Hall
May 16-31
June 1-15
Watkins Family
June 16-30
James Willenbrink Jr
July 1-15
Hayes Family
July 16-31
Jana Sias
August 1-15
Caverly Family
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink
what you don't like, and do what you'd rafter not.
Mark Twin
With that said, go ahead and sign up for the Median Watch! The exercise
is good, and you will always think twice before dropping a piece of paper
or a cigarette butt! |
The winter's cold has given way to way too much rain for my taste. It
seems like human nature to tire of too much of anything. With this in mind,
it's only a matter of time until we grow tired of the coming summer's heat.
Here's the antidote to that growing weariness: a membership to the pool. |
Enclosed with this month's newsletter is an application for membership.
It is fairly self-explanatory, but any questions can be directed to Jim
Price (499-5115 or JDPrice@COX.net)
or Hubert Pancho (321-0651 or HPancho@USA.net).
Pool membership is a great bargain; where else can your family enjoy an
entire summer of recreation for less than the cost of a weekend out of
town? There are lots of advantages open to pool members: swim lessons,
swim team (the pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins), weekend cookouts,
Thursday dinner nights, a youth overnight, Fourth of July activities, a
Christmas in July party, family nights and an adult social. (An itinerary
of the events will be forthcoming in the next newsletter.) Join and be
a part of it. Those who join by April 30th will receive a 10% discount
on the membership fee; the membership fee has been set at $375, no increase
over the 2004 season. |
The Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team is one of 24 teams in
the Virginia Beach Swim League. Over the life of the swim team, thousands
of kids have enjoyed the thrill of competition and spirit of camaraderie
as members of the team. Kids between 5 and 18 years of age, regardless
of skill or speed, compete in swimming events at five regular season meets.
Regular exercise, sportsmanship and skill improvement are benefits of the
swim team. For swim team information, contact Donna Price (499-5115
or DonnaPrice@COX.net ) or Vicki
Vaughan (jovic.vaughan@verizon.net) |
In preparation for the summer season and to shape up the park and dam
path for spring, mark your calendars for the neighborhood's Annual Spring
Fling. This is a wonderful opportunity for neighbors to gather, make
new or renew old acquaintances, spruce up a neighborhood asset, and enjoy
a well earned lunch. On April 23, clean up will commence at 9 a.m. |
Reserve your place in the sun. Hope to see you in the cool of the pool.
Jim Price
You have probably heard or read the warnings
about the deadly bird flu virus which may reach pandemic proportions worldwide.
Of particular concern to our neighborhood would be a recent newspaper report
headlined "Waterfowl play a pivotal role in the spread of bird flu."
This article noted that ducks and other
waterfowl are "particularly dangerous in the spread of the deadly virus."
Considering the many ducks and geese in
our neighborhood, we all should be very aware and concerned about the large
quantities of their fecal droppings which litter our lawns and playgrounds
(e.g. our own Pembroke Meadows Wayside Park). Take care where your children
play, and please don't encourage proliferation of excessive ducks and geese
by feeding them regularly.
Jim Wllenbrink
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from
James Matthew Barrie
When there is a job to be done, ask a busy person. That is not 100%
true, of course, but in the case of our present civic league board and
committee members, it certainly is true.
How many people does it take to change a light bulb? ONE. How many people
does it take to coordinate and maintain a great civic league organization?
At least SIXTY SEVEN and still counting! I do not have all the names yet,
but all of you are needed to make a whole and successful civic league for
serving our community.
We all appreciate and extend thanks to:
Jim Willenbrink for once again stepping up to the bat
as President for our C. L. (however, temporarily).
Travis Little for not only accepting the multi responsibilities
of 2nd VP, but for his creative initiative in organizing and coordinating
a Teen Program (see details in newsletter.)
Hubert Pancho for the monumental task of Director of the Recreation
Jana Sias for volunteering to coordinate very important
duties of Membership Chairman.
Danielle Kreassig for being responsible for correspondence,
condolences and letters of commendation (be sure to let her know what happens
on your street).
Clera Hall for resuming the vital task of Newsletter Editor
(the newsletter is the heart of our C. L.).
Other committee and chairpersons deserving applause and kudos:
Vvian Vance - Social Chairman (look for exciting new
activities planned).
Loretta Watkins - Publicity (Bulletin Board) and Welcoming Committee
Caron and Jim Sanson - Program Chairpersons
Terri Hawley - Social Committee
Norma Peters - Block Security and Social Committee
Pat Cook and Ray Marian - Welcoming Committee Chairpersons
Elizabeth Hayes - Welcoming Committee
Mary Trosein - Welcoming Committee
Carol Guirioli - Welcoming Committee
Steve Green - Teen Committee Chairman
Elaine Kane - Newsletter Distributor/Coordinator
Ginger Avoli and Teri Mikulka - Newsletter Distributors
The following names are the dedicated neighbors who get out and deliver
the newsletter to your home each month:
Jamie Travis, Tim Willenbrink, Tony & Bridget South,
Tim and Donna Price, Rita Horvatic, Jana Sias, Paula Keys, Jimmy Eddings
(standing in for Dan
Santivasci), Paige Slayton, Gerri Richter, Jake Froelich, Brenda
Harris, Debbie McHattie, Linda White, Brian Niehart Hubert Poncho, David
Long, Loretta Watkins, Phylis Kurewski, Belinda Nash, John Shaedel, Susan
Barnes, Eileen Byman, Pat Cook and last but not least, Ginger Avoli.
Peggy Caverly
1st Vice President (temporary)
Editor' note: Also, thanks to Peggy Caverly for agreeing to
stand in as 1st VP temporarily. |
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage
& Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial
products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days. Inclusion
is subject to space limitations and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"