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January 2005
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


Dear Neighbors,

Final Thoughts!

I sincerely hope that each of you enjoyed the Holiday Season celebrating Christmas and New Years. Please make plans to attend our next business meeting. We must vote on and swear-in our "new" officers for 2005, and we must approve an operating budget for the fiscal year. 

Once again to the departing leadership of 2004, I thank you for your time and for a job well done. I am indebted to each of you that I had the pleasure of working with. I urge each of you to remain active in the neighborhood and to lend a hand to those replacing you when requested. 

Have a blessed New Year!

David Long

Did you know that 700 Civic League Newsletters are distributed each month? 
Twenty-eight neighbors pound the pavement to deliver the publication to each home!
The POT LUCK DINNER will be held in February this year.  Be sure to mark your calendar for February 17 at 6 p.m.  Bring a dish to share!

It is time, once again, despite the cold and precipitation, to consider summer activities. Instead of bundling up against the chilling wind, think about lying poolside in a lounge chair, soaking up the sun and watching children play in the pool.

Enclosed  in the January newsletter is an application for pool membership.  It is fairly self-explanatory, but any questions can be directed to Jim Price (499-5115 or or Hubert Pancho (321-0658 or  Pool membership is a great bargain; where else can your family enjoy an entire summer of recreation for less than the cost of a weekend out of town?  What a great Valentine’s  Day gift!

There are lots of advantages open to pool members: swim lessons, discount on swim team (the pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins), weekend cookouts, Thursday dinner nights, a youth overnight, Fourth of July activities, a Christmas in July party, family nights and an adult social.  An itinerary of the events will be forthcoming in a future newsletter.  Join and be a part of it.  Those who join as new members before February 15, the initiation/maintenance fee will be waived; the membership fee has been set at $375, no increase over last year.

The Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team will remain in the top division of the Virginia Beach Swim League.  Swimming for the Marlins is great for exercise, camaraderie, skill building and fun.  Information on swim team sign-ups will be listed in a future newsletter.

Reserve your place in the sun.  Hope to see you in the cool of the pool. 


Our Civic League Board of Directors has reviewed a number of proposed changes to our Civic League “Governing ByLaws”.  These proposed changes were submitted to, and recommended by, our ad-hoc Bylaws Committee.  In accordance with Article XIII of the Bylaws, those amendments were considered by the Board and are hereby presented to the general membership for approval by vote at our next Civic League meeting (October 20, 2004):

Proposed changes of Article Number: 

III – MEMBERSHIP:  Change the annual membership period from “May 1st through April 30th” to “January 1st through December 31st.”

V – ELECTIONS, Paragraph C:  Add following sentence:  “Absentee or proxy voting is permitted in accordance with Article VI.”

VI – ABSENTEE BALLOTS:  Change Title to “ABSENTEE OR PROXY BALLOTS.”  Change submission of vote required from “one week” to “one day” prior to election, and ad the words “or proxy designation” after the word “ballot” and the phrase “which will authenticate said vote” after “nominating Committee” in the last line. 

VII – BOARD OF DIRECTORS, paragraph E; Add the following phrase, “subject to the provisions of Article XI, G “after” The Board shall act on all requests from committees for money.”

ARTICLE VIII – ADMISITRATION, paragraph B:  Add “Website” to the list of standing committees.  Delete paragraph C, which refers to a non-existent “Figure 1, page 25,” and change Paragraph D to new Paragraph C. 

ARTICLE IX – DUTIES OF OFFICERS, paragraph B: Add “Website” to the list of committees under the First Vice-President. 

ARTICLE XI – FINANCES AND OTHER ASSETS, paragraph G: Add to both sentences 3 and 4 the following qualification re-authorization of expenditures: “after recommendation of the Board.”

Where appearing throughout the Bylaws: the terms civic league, board, city and recreation center should be capitalized when referring to our Civic League or the City of Virginia Beach, and the term “Chairman (chairman)” should be change to “Chairperson (chairpersons).”

NOTE:  Any civic league member who does not have a copy of the current Bylaws, may barrow a copy from any Board member or view the Bylaws (with proposed changed) on our Civic League website at 

Click here to review the proposed Bylaws

Neighborhood Watch Program
The following article appeared in the Crime Prevention Chronicle, a publication of the Virginia Beach Police Department.  Where Can I go to Find....

Information on past criminal involvement by a person?  Go to and under Case Information, click on which court you'd like to look at.  Follow the links from there.

A list of registered sex offenders in Virginia?  Go to the Virginia State Police website at and click on Sex Offender Registry.

Crime statistics in my neighborhood?  Go to and click on Neighborhood Crime Reports.

Volunteer opportunities with the Police Department?  Go to and click on Civilian Volunteer Program, or call Sherry Kingsbury at 427-4970.

Margie Brotman
Neighborhood Watch, Chair Pembroke Shores

Building and Grounds



Unfortunately there have been several complaints during the holidays and the start of the new year that have been addressed concerning vehicle parking and grounds care. Please be aware that these problems affect property value for the community. 

We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. Additionally if you need further assistance with Building and Grounds issues or have questions, feel free to contact me:  Travis Little 671-7885 or LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COM

Median Cleanup
The Building and Grounds committee appreciate the support you have given us in volunteering for our median cleanup. To volunteer for the median strip cleanup, 
please contact: Jim Price @ 499-5115 or
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2005 
 Jan 1-15
Travis Little
 Jan 16-31
Bryan Little
Feb 1-15
Feb 16-29
March 1-15
March 16-31
April 1-15
April 16-30
May 1-15
May 16-31
June 1-15
June 16-30
July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
Building and Grounds
  Travis Little

Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2005