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PO Box 68052, Zip 23471
December 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


Dear Neighbors,

What a WONDERFUL time of year! As my two-year term as Civic League President comes to a close, I want to thank several people. First, I want to thank everyone I have met over the past two years for your participation and support of the PMCL. Second, I'd like to thank the Board, Committee Chairs, and my fellow officers for their dedication and willingness to serve our community. Lastly, I want to thank Jim and Clera Hall for their hospitality hosting many of our Board meetings; Sid Sward for filling in my absence and arranging many interesting speakers; Christina Westmont for her youth, energy, and spirit for improving our neighborhood; Jim and Jeanette Willenbrink for providing the history lessons about the neighborhood; Belinda Nash for her undying enthusiasm and optimism (what a friendly smile!); and finally Phyllis Anglin for asking me to get involved in the first place.

While I will be taking some time off from the duties of Civic League Office, I will still be working to improve the conditions in our neighborhood. My personal undertaking will be to begin generate the funding necessary to replace our neighborhood pool. Additionally, I'd like to be able to build a
two-story clubhouse that can be used for Civic League meetings and rented for birthday parties, etc. If anyone is interested in this endeavor, please call me.

Please come join in the hayride to celebrate "Christmas at Ferry"!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Proud to Serve,


The proposed revisions to the Civic League Bylaws are posted at the web site:

Click here to review the proposed Bylaws.

You can get there from the main page by selecting "About The Civic League" and then selecting "Bylaws" and clicking on the link to view the file. Please take the time to review these changes and attend the next meeting so that we can vote on these changes.


If you have not made reservations yet--hurry up.  There are a few more spaces available on the wagon.  $2.50 donation per person. We will travel thru the development and on to Ferry Plantation House. Come join in the fun and excitement. 

Call Belinda Nash at 490-2504 or Gerry Richter at 497-5243 today!

Remember our Troops during this Holiday Season

The patriot volunteer: fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth.

Stonewall Jackson

Neighborhood Watch Program

Good lighting is a contributor to the security of your home.

Replace "burned out" exterior bulbs.

Light all major entrances to your home.

Leave select interior lights on when out of the house.

Consider the installation of exterior fixtures with a built in light sensor or add a light-sensing socket to your fixture.

Light up.

Margie Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator


Would your company like to sponsor the hay wagon for our Christmas Caroling Hay ride event?  The cost is $200. and is fully TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  Funds from this event goes toward restoration of Ferry Plantation House. 

Please contact Belinda Nash at 490-2504 or Gerry Richter at 497-5243. Thank you.



Would your company like to sponsor the hay wagon for our Christmas Caroling Hay ride event?  The cost is $200. and is fully TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  Funds from this event goes toward restoration of Ferry Plantation House. 

Please contact Belinda Nash at 490-2504 or Gerry Richter at 497-5243. Thank you.

Building and Grounds

Median Cleanup
The Building and Grounds committee appreciate the support you have given us in volunteering for our median cleanup. To volunteer for the median strip cleanup, 
please contact: Jim Price @ 499-5115 or

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2004
 Sept 16-30
Justine Watts
 Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Bryan Little
Nov 1-15
Jake Froehlich
Nov 16-30
Don Smith
Dec 1-15
Travis Little
Dec 16-31
David Long

A request was reported to the city on 11/24/04 for several storm drain, easement and sidewalk repairs needed in the following areas. (Should take 1-2 weeks).

Whitechapel at Hudgins
Whitechapel at Bristol
Hudgins near Leeds
Abbey Drive at Cavendish 

We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the area in order to keep our wonderful neighborhood in great shape. Additionally if you need further assistance with Building and Grounds issues or have questions, feel free to contact me:  Travis Little 671-7885 or LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COMMERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Note: Safety is paramount during this time of year while hanging Christmas lights on your roof and around your home. Please following voltage recommendations and check connections periodically. It is important to use a spotter for ladders when ascending rooftops. 

Building and Grounds
  Travis Little
Holidays are just around the corner.

Need a Christmas present for that cook in the family? Or perhaps that person that seems to have everything? How about a Cookbook that contains some wonderful recipes, many of them offered at the formal Teas held at Ferry Plantation House.  Pick one up at Ferry Plantation House on Tuesdays & Thursdays or contact Clera Hall at 473-8258.


The newsletters would never reach you if it were not for our dedicated distributors.  A special thanks to Elaine Kane, Terri and Ginger.  Next month’s newsletter will pay special tribute to the dedicated people who pound the pavement to deliver these newsletters. 

Thanks for all your help!


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"


As we drive around the neighborhood, the holiday season really pops!  Everyone is getting into the spirit of the season with lights and other outdoor decorations.  Thank you for being good neighbors and sharing your holiday trimmings.

Please be as conscientious about taking down “Yard Sale” signs as you are in putting them up.  We all love yard sales, but we don’t really like seeing old signs hanging around!  Also, thank you for not attaching the signs to the gazebo or the brick wall.

Thanks to the ladies of the Pembroke Meadows Garden Club, the entrance looks beautiful.  The brick lining of the flower bed was an endeavor that took lots of muscle and time.  Thanks to Jim Hall and Bart Rinehart for their help.  These projects are hard work, but also an effort of caring for the neighborhood.  Please slow down (at least to the posted speed limit of 25 MPH) when these diligent ladies are working on the median.

Remember that there is a leash law in Virginia Beach.  Dogs and cats cannot run loose.  If your dog or cat should accidentally get out without supervision, please call the Dog/Cat Hotline for the Meadows (497-0700) or Shores (490-2504).  Also, you may want to register your pet if you have not already done so.  Call Jim Willenbrink or Belinda Nash for the sign-up forms.

 Be sure to sweep the leaves and debris from curbside on a regular basis.  Anything in the gutters ends up in our waterways and pollutes our water.  Please be a concerned citizen and help keep our waterways clean.

Happy Holidays to all! 

Jim and Clera Hall

Click Here for the 
Civic League Officers and Committees
complete with photos
Meet your Neighbor!
Bobby & Yolanda Allen
Kids: Calisha, Keyona, Jahrobi & Imani
Years in Neighborhood: 
1 YR 4 MO
Where are you from if not Va Beach: 
Moultrie, GA
 What do you like about our Neighborhood
Location, Schools and People!

Virginia Beach, VA—It’s that time of year again. Soon, everyone will be hanging holiday lights and rushing out to buy the perfect gifts. It’s a time of great cheer. However, every year, many holiday-related accidents occur requiring emergency medical assistance.

This year the 10 Volunteer Rescue Squads of Virginia Beach would like to remind everyone about the importance of taking a little extra caution. They want us all to have Happy Holidays, so they have developed this list to help out.

Holiday Decorations
If you are going to climb onto the roof 
Make sure the ladder is secure
Use a safety harness 
Do not plug in the lights until you have finished installing them and you are safely on the ground.
Never run extension cords under the carpet.
Never use holiday lights if the cord is frayed.
Holiday plants could be poisonous, keep them out of the reach of children. 
Small ornaments, wrapping paper and ribbons can become choking hazards to young children.
Artificial snow in an aerosol spray can irritate the lungs if inhaled.

Parties & Alcohol
Don’t drink and drive.
If you are going to drink at a party, make sure you have a designated driver.

Toys and Gifts
Choose age-appropriate toys. 

During the holidays there is often more traffic on the road, be aware of other vehicles.
There are more distractions during the holidays. It is best to move off the road to admire holiday lights and decorations.
Be aware of pedestrians.
Be alert for emergency vehicles and move to the side of the road to let them pass.

Always be aware of your surroundings.
Be alert for suspicious people 
Report suspicious activity to the closest Security Station or Officer.

Avoid last minute shopping.
Avoid over-indulging on holiday food.
Don’t use alcohol to relax. 
Take time out for yourself.
Relax and enjoy the holidays.

“We offer these safety tips as a service,” says Rescue Council President, Bill Laws. “If an emergency arises, please do not hesitate to call 911.”

Virginia Beach has the largest volunteer rescue service in the country. But we need you! If you would like to become a member of the Rescue Squads of Virginia Beach, please call 426-5000 or visit No experience necessary, training is provided.

Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2004