PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
November 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
Dear Neighbors,
Since it is time to turn the reins over to someone else, I want to encourage
you not to take the selection of Civic League Officers lightly. Get involved
in the community and actively seek out those individuals who will serve
well. We need a president, first vice president, treasurer, membership
chair, etc; there are a number of vacancies this year. A slate of
potential officers is to be presented at the November Civic League meeting;
candidates can also be nominated at the meeting. If you are
interested in helping to identify the leadership for the coming year, please
call one of the Civic League Officers or come to the meeting with your
Lastly, we have some unfinished business that needs your attention.
Please plan to attend our November Civic League Meeting. The proposed
bylaws changes are posted on our web site and require a quorum of at least
20 people to conduct any business.
See ya ‘round the neighborhood,
Our speaker will be Sidney B. Sward, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Physical
Education Norfolk State University. He will discuss: “The Essence
of Fitness and Wellness.” |
The proposed revisions to the Civic League Bylaws are posted at the
web site:
here to review the proposed Bylaws. Please take the time to review
these changes and attend the next meeting so that we can vote on these
changes. |
Homefronts to Waterfronts
Help keep our community clean and free of debris in streets. It
is important that as homeowners we clean up the street gutters in front
of our homes. This is our responsibility.
Leaving grass clippings on the lawn can generate up to 25% of the lawn’s
fertilizer needs. When you clean up blow or sweep clippings back
onto the lawn rather than allowing it to wash down the storm drains.
Only rainwater should be going down the storm drains. Runoff has
become the leading cause of water pollution in our nation. Conscientious
clean ups will increase your own enjoyment in seeing a clean neighborhood
as well as preserving the water resources for future generations.
The City has received authority to impose civil penalties for enforcement
of some city codes. If you cause or allow debris to wash down the
storm drains, you may be subject to such a penalty. |
Neighborhood Watch Program |
On Monday, November 1, 2004 at 2:00 p.m., a man entered the Gateway
Bank located in the 3000 block of Shore Drive. He approached the
teller and handed her a note that demanded money. The teller provided
the money to the man. The man left the bank on foot. Although
a weapon was not seen, it was implied.
The suspect is described as a white male, 25-35 years of age, 5’-6”
to 5’-8” tall, weighed 140-150 pounds, wearing a orange Tennessee Volunteer's
baseball cap, a gray shirt with faded spots or camouflage pattern, blue
jeans, and mirrored sunglasses. He was unshaven, with a two to three
day growth.
Anyone with information about this suspect is encouraged to call the
Virginia Beach Crime Solvers Office at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.
Margie Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
The Waskey family donated the large air coffee pots to the Civic League.
Now we can have both “high test” and decaf coffee for the members who attend
the meetings. Many thanks for your generosity. |
Marguerite Wilson, a long-time resident of our neighborhood, recently
passed away. She is survived by her husband, Ashley. She and
Ashley were active members of our community for many years. |
We could not have ordered better weather for the day. Children
young and old had a great time with lots of fond memories to store for
the future. Our thanks go out to:
Mr. George Conery and Rose and Womble Realty for sponsoring the huge moon
walk. The little ghosts and goblins loved it, and I think many of
the parents were a bit envious of the fun.
Chanello's Pizza for their generous supply of pizzas for the band
Those that donated juice and cookies for the park party.
All of the volunteers serving at the park,
Providing safety along the route, chasing the bikes to the back of the
parade, stopping traffic, and keeping our little costumed treasures safe
for another year.
The Independence Middle School Band did a terrific job throughout the parade.
They deserve a lot of credit and support.
Those that tossed candy, treats and cheers along the route--you made the
day for the paraders extra special.
Keep up the good work...until next Halloween |
Would your company like to sponsor the hay wagon for our Christmas Caroling
Hay ride event? The cost is $200. and is fully TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Funds from this event goes toward restoration of Ferry Plantation House.
Please contact Belinda Nash at 490-2504 or Gerry Richter
at 497-5243. Thank you. |
Building and Grounds
The Building and Grounds committee appreciate the support you have given
us in volunteering for our median cleanup. We can always use your support,
suggestions and reports on neglect in the area in order to keep our wonderful
neighborhood in great shape. To volunteer for the median strip cleanup,
please contact: Jim Price @ 499-5115 or jdprice@cox.net.
Additionally if you need further assistance with Building and Grounds issues
or have questions, feel free to contact me: Travis Little
671-7885 or LITTLHOM@YAHOO.COM. |
Wow, leaves are everywhere! It's that time of year where trees are shedding
giving us the signal that cold weather cometh! As leaves pile up we request
you keep the gutters and sidewalks as clear as possible. As most of you
know clear bags of leaves left curbside will be picked up every Wednesday
by the city. I must say the grounds in the area look great and we are proud
to be a part of this well-established community. Keep up the good work! |
Building and Grounds
Travis Little
To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim at 499-5115 or e-mail at
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2004
Jan 1-15
Barbara Willenbrink
Jan 16-31
Sid Sward
Feb 1-15
Jake Froelich
Feb 16-29
Jenette Willenbrink
March 1-15
Peggy Caverly
March 16-31
Long Family
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Tony South
May 1-15
Jimmy Eddings
May 16-31
Steve and Karon Orr and Sharon Darling
June 1-15
Nancy Shafer
June 16-30
Jim and Caron Sanson
July 1-15
Valerie Davis
July 16-31
Justine Watts
August 1-15
August 16-31
Justine Watts
Sept 1-15
Sept 16-30
Justine Watts
Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Bryan Little
Nov 1-15
Jake Froehlich
Nov 16-30
Don Smith
Dec 1-15
Travis Little
Dec 16-31
Make your reservations NOW for the December 19th Caroling Wagon Ride
thru the neighborhood and on to Historic Ferry Plantation House.
Costumed docents of 1830 will greet you. Travel up the new Rose Hall
Walk and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate. Kids can make an edible
decoration, place it on the "Critter Tree", and visit with Kris Kringle.
The cost is $2.50 per person. Reservation is needed. Tours will
begin at 2 p.m.
Call Belinda Nash-490-2504 or Gerry Richter 497-5243.
Don't wait--space is limited. |
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage
& Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial
products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days. Inclusion
is subject to space limitations and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"
Better to remain silent and to be thought a fool than to speak out
and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
The belief in the possibility of a short and decisive war appears to
be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions.
Robert Lynd
Found Domestic Rabbit
If you have lost a domestic rabbit, please call Mr. Canada at 499-1367.
He is taking good care of it, but would like to return it to its proper
owner. |
Annual Halloween Parade |
“Thankful for so many things"
At this time of year we are reminded to be thankful for the many blessings
we each have, family, friends, a free country, and so forth, and those
blessings are many. But I especially want to thank the organizers
of the 13th Annual Halloween Walk for a fabulous day: also a true blessing!
When I moved into this subdivision, I brought with me an idea from my
previous residence in Royal Oak, Michigan. I asked the Civic League
if they were interested in a Halloween Parade -- an old fashioned one,
with no commercial overtones -- to create lifelong memories for our children.
Steve Hawthorne, our then president, and Henry Dean, the next president,
supported the idea. Leon Edwards, the band director, agreed to ask
band members to "volunteer" their time and we promised to reward them with
pizza and a donation. (Did you notice that Leon Edwards himself has
marched with us every year?) For the first two years, during the
week before the parade, volunteers phoned every household in the subdivision
where we knew there were children, to remind parents about the event.
Thus, from the very beginning we had a fabulous turnout of costumed kids
and grown-ups. Because I was unaware of the no-alcohol- in- public-
places rule, for the first three years we even served "Wassail" -- a hot
rum-based drink -- to the grownups at the park. Ooops. I often had
to miss the parade in the late '90's to accompany my own daughters to other
commitments on that day. But today I waited in the park for the parade
to arrive, and when I heard that Independence Middle School drum line --
well, I just about burst with happiness.
So, thank you to each and every one of you, who have worked so hard
to keep the Halloween Walk alive for 13 years -- Belinda and Gerry especially,
but so many more ladies and gentlemen -- you are all counted in my blessings
Loretta Watkins
Meet your Neighbor!
Donald & Debbie McHattie
Years in Neighborhood:
Where are you from if not Va Beach:
Don: Beaver Falls, PA
Debbie: Augusta, GA
Favorite Vendor:
Food Lion
What do you like about our Neighborhood
Great location, peaceful.
Holidays are just around the corner.
Need a Christmas present for that cook in the family? Or perhaps that
person that seems to have everything? How about a Cookbook that contains
some wonderful recipes, many of them offered at the formal Teas held at
Ferry Plantation House.
Pick one up at Ferry Plantation House on Tuesdays & Thursdays or
contact Clera Hall at 473-8258. |
Real Estate Assessor |
Administration |
2424 Courthouse Dr.
Municipal Center, Bldg. 18
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 |
http://www.vbgov.com/realestate |
Monday - Friday |
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. |
The Real Estate Assessor's Office provides an online search of assessment
records. This search is available at www.vbgov.com/E-Gov/Real_Estate/ |
If you have comments, questions, or concerns pertaining to this service,
please email us. |