PO Box 68052, Zip 23471 |
March 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes
I want to express my appreciation to each and everyone that attended
the February Civic League Meeting. Thank you for taking time out of your
busy schedules to actively participate in YOUR community. Of particular
importance, there has been a proposal to change or modify the current bylaws.
The request was made by the Recreation Center body to alter the election
and time frames of the governing body. We will be voting on this change
during the April Civic League Meeting. Please plan on attending!
Our March meeting has given way to our annual "potluck" dinner. Since
there will not be any business, please seize this opportunity to bring
a friend out to socialize with the "regulars"! This may be the catalyst
necessary to get more people of our community actively involved.
I have a personal goal this year of having 60 people present at a civic
league meeting. I look forward to seeing you there!
Respectfully, David Long
Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 18 at 6:00 p.m.
The Annual Pot Luck Supper promises to be a fun time for all!
Who can ever forget the wonderful food that is served every year by our
own best cooks in the world? |
Civic League Membership Drive Continues –
OK, so it's not very original. But . . .membership income is slowing
down a bit, so if you haven't paid your annual dues for Civic League 2004,
please do stroke a check for $10 (or a little bit more to help pay for
the lights on the median) and send it to:
Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc.
PO Box 68052
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
NOTE: 23471 is the zip code for our post office box, even
though it is located in Haygood.
Loretta Watkins, Membership Chair, 497-2130
Back Issue of Newsletter Available On-Line
Misplaced your copy of the Civic League Newsletter? Wish you had
last month's Newsletter but it's already been thrown out? Can't remember
the details of an article published some months back? Now all your
problems are solved! The Civic League Newsletter is posted on the
web site and becomes part of the permanent archive. So you can always
visit www.pembrokemeadows.org and read any of the previous newsletters
back to December 2002. |
Security Added to Civic League Web Site
The home page of the Civic League web site has been modified to increase
security to protect individual’s names, phone numbers and email addresses.
You can still access all the features because you can "read" the access
code displayed on the screen. But companies that automatically scan
the Internet for personal information won't be able to get in. All
you have to do is click on the access code graphic and then type in the
word on the screen. For you, it's very easy. Computer's can't
read the access code and therefore can't go any further to visit the actual
Civic League web site. This simple security device won't prevent
humans from visiting our site, but it will prevent virtually all bulk-emailers
from finding our email addresses and sending SPAM. If you have any
questions, contact Clif Furedy, pmcl@cox.net. |
To sign up for median strip duty, call Jim at 499-5115 or e-mail at
Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE 2004
Jan 1-15
Barbara Willenbrink
Jan 16-31
Sid Sward
Feb 1-15
Jake Froelich
Feb 16-29
Jenette Willenbrink
March 1-15
Peggy Caverly
March 16-31
Long Family
April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
Tony South
May 1-15
Jimmy Eddings
May 16-31
Steve and Karon Orr and Sharon Darling
June 1-15
Nancy Shafer
June 16-30
Jim and Caron Sanson
July 1-15
Valerie Davis
July 16-31
Justine Watts
August 1-15
August 16-31
Justine Watts
Sept 1-15
Sept 16-30
Justine Watts
Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31
Jim Price
Help Clean Virginia's
Waterways June 12, 2004

Last month, the Newsletter included a copy of the pool membership application.
There are lots of activities planned for the summer at the pool.
In addition to Thursday dinner nights, weekend cookouts, youth nights,
and family socials, there are swim lessons, a Christmas in July party and
expanded Noodle and Float Nights. There is still time (until April
30) to take advantage of the discounted (by 10%) pool membership. For those
who have never been members of the pool, it provides great, safe, fun and
cheap (less than the cost of a family weekend out-of -town) family activity.
If you need an application or have questions about pool membership, contact
either Jim Price (jdprice@Cox.net
or 499-5115) or Hubert Pancho (HPANCHO@USA.net
or 321-0658).
The pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins Swim Team, one of 24
teams in the Virginia Beach Swim League. Over the life of the swim
team, thousands of kids have enjoyed the thrill of competition and spirit
of camaraderie as members of the team. Kids between 5 and 18 years
of age, regardless of skill or speed, compete in swimming events at five
regular season meets. Regular exercise, sportsmanship and skill improvement
are benefits of the swim team. For swim team information, contact
Donna Price (499-5115 or DonnaPrice@COX.net
A neighborhood tradition continues on April 24: the annual Spring Fling.
This is a time when neighbors come together to spruce up our assets at
the end of Pembroke Blvd: the park, the dam path and the pool grounds.
Come renew old friendships. Come make new ones. Meet your neighbors.
Join in a group effort to beautify the area that so many of us use for
walking, running, biking, wildlife observing, fishing, and just plain relaxing.
Bring yard tools and make your mark. Lunch will be served in the
park for all those who helped. Clean up begins at 9 a.m. followed
by a cookout in the newly spiffed up park.
Hope to see you at your place in the sun, in the cool of the pool.
Jim Price
Neighborhood Watch Program
Make crime prevention a priority.
Watching out and reporting suspicious activity to authorities are still
the best tools for fighting crime of any nature.
The average citizen is his or her own first line of defense. The
police, nine times out of ten, get there after the crime or incident has
already taken place.
Call 911 when necessary.
Margie and Bob Brotman.
Neighborhood Watch, Pembroke Shores
Some of our neighbors have taken it upon themselves to have every tree
removed from their property. Although they may have to legal right
to do just that, they obviously have given little to no consideration to
how their actions may affect others in our community. There are literally
thousands of homes in Virginia Beach on property that is completely barren
of trees. Anyone wanting to avoid the fall leaf cleanup, or anyone
paranoid of the next hurricane, or anyone that just doesn't like birds
and squirrels can easily find solace outside of Pembroke Meadows.
So why then would these people want to live here and then destroy the things
of beauty that are enjoyable to the rest of us? Those trees that
are already gone will never be completely restored during my remaining
lifetime. For those neighbors that are still contemplating tree removal,
please have an arborist (tree expert) advise you prior to removal of these
beautiful assets to our community.
Charlie Russ
Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke
Meadows Civic League web site.
Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage
& Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial
products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days. Inclusion
is subject to space limitations and suitability.
Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"
Our Community Directory
Our neighborhood has reinvented itself in recent years! While our civic
league and garden club have been most productive in median enhancements
and beautification projects respectively, our neighborhood welcomes many
new homeowners. New businesses are sprouting up around us, and the median
price of our homes continues to rise. We welcome those new neighbors, and
encourage all, new and established residents, to become involved in your
civic league.
Because we have many new faces in the neighborhood, our community directory
is more important than ever. Our directory is a publication that includes
the history of Pembroke Meadows/Shores, neighborhood covenants, local advertisements,
and current resident information. The directory is typically published
every four years, and it is distributed to all neighborhood homes at no
The civic league is calling for volunteers to work on the directory,
and because it only comes around every four years, it is a great way to
volunteer without a long-term commitment! We desperately need volunteers
to help canvas the neighborhood, and to work on our directory committee.
Canvassing will begin early spring, please neighbors - lend a hand. This
is a great
way to meet new neighbors, or renew old friendships. Canvassing would
be a great community service project for students required to volunteer
in their community. If you are interested please call David Long at 493-8588/e-mail
SPECMEDIC@aol.com. |
The next Afternoon Tea will be held at Ferry Plantation House on Saturday,
June 19, 2004. This tea began as a fundraiser for the enhancement
of the median. When enough money had been raised for the flagpole
and lights, the tea was continued to benefit the restoration of Ferry.
The tea has had tremendous popularity; so if you would like to get your
name on the list, call Clera Hall at 473-8258 or Peggy Caverly at 490-0925.
Many neighbors in the community have volunteered to help with the tea,
be it helping to clean the house before the tea, setting up for the tea
or cleaning up afterwards. If you would like to join in the fun,
please call us. We can always report that “a good time was had by
all.” We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Clera Hall
Assistant Tea Coordinator and Board Secretary