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PO Box 68052, Zip 23471
January 2004
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season! For those that came out for the hay ride to Ferry Plantation, I think it was a great way to begin rejoicing in the holiday spirit. I want to thank Belinda and Gerry and all those who contributed, as well as those who came out. I also want to express my appreciation to all families that took the time to decorate their houses. The neighborhood looked beautiful! It seems that when we near the holiday season that most people begin reflecting on the past year. As I reflect back on this past year, I am humbled by the dedication and commitment that many of you have for our community. It truly makes this area a great place to live in! We shared in many experiences some good and some not so good; however, we persevered. I am thankful and appreciative of the help and support I received in attempting to lead our civic league. 

   Respectfully, David Long

Election of officers

The January meeting is of considerable importance and 20 or more members in good standing are needed to attend to elect officers and approve an operating budget for the next year. The nominating committee has presented the following slate of officers for the new year.  Nominations from the floor will also be accepted.  Remember, we are only as strong as our leadership.   The candidates are:


The pool director has already been elected.  He is HUBERT PONCHO.

Other significant items to be considered at this meeting will be discussion and approval of changes to the By-Laws of our organization.  Our President, David Long will speak of first aid procedures. 

Sid Sward


We are all thrilled with the new lighted flagpole and lanterns atop the brick entrance wall.  Keep in mind that we pay the electricity bills each month -- it looks like it may average out to $70 a month, although we need a year's bills to see what the actual average is, what with longer nights in
the winter keeping the lights lit longer.

 It is time to pay annual dues for 2004 Civic League Membership – still only $10 per household. Each year we write all the reasons a Civic League is a great deal: it provides a forum where we can come together to discuss action to keep our neighborhood a good safe place to live, to keep property values up, etc.  Added to that, your dues will help pay the electric bill that keeps the flagpole lighted and the lanterns atop the brick entrance wall glowing.  These are expensive but they add immeasurable joy and pride to our trips in and out of the subdivision. ( If you want to add a few dollars extra as a donation, that's OK too.)

 Most of all, of course, your Civic League needs your time -- a few hours a month, helping on a committee.  So if you can, please write a check for your dues and send it in the envelope attached to the printed Newsletter or mail to: 

Pembroke Shores Civic League
Attn: Membership
PO Box 68052
Virginia Beach, VA 23471

And if you can, please join us at the monthly Civic League meetings.  Many hands make light work, they say, and your presence and help would be most welcome. God bless.

 Questions?  Call Loretta Watkins, Membership, 497-2130

Ferry Plantation

A wonderful time was had by all of us that joined together for our FIRST CAROLING HAY RIDE on December 21st. We made several trips riding in a hay wagon thru the neighborhood and on to Historic Ferry Plantation House.  Upon arriving at Ferry Plantation everyone got to enjoy refreshments, warm beverages, and make edible decorations for our "outdoor creature tree."  A special guest, a surprise for the children and adults, listened to requests and gave out candy canes and reindeer food.  Special thanks to Dan Hammer, we will see you again next year.  For many, it was the first time they had been inside the Plantation House and all were delighted at what they experienced and saw.  Everyone expressed that we should make this an annual event.  Our caroling hay ride took the place of the children's craft making Christmas party at Pembroke Meadows Elementary school.   We felt that this type of celebration would be more fitting for all ages and greater participation with fewer volunteers

Volunteers Needed

Searching for knitters and crocheters  - Project Linus and /or Angels for Afghans and/or Warming Families

Are there people in the neighborhood involved in any of these worthwhile charity projects or who would like to form a loose knit group (pun intended) of like-minded gals?

Loretta Watkins   497-2130


Our Neighborhood Park was recently vandalized and some of the playground equipment soiled by "paintballs".

If you see what may be criminal activity call 911.  Innocent citizens approached by the police as a result of your call will realize that our concern is for their well being.

Marge and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch, Pembroke Shores


My musings on the joys of trash collection in the last issue have somehow qualified me to be the exchequer of the Median Watch Volunteer List.  So here is the list for 2004.  Please volunteer.  Call me (499-5115) or e-mail me ( to be placed on the list.  It is a quick and easy way to do the community a good turn. 

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up
DATE  2004
Jan 1-15
Barbara Willenbrink
Jan 16-31
Sid Sward
Feb 1-15
Feb 16-29
March 1-15
 March 16-31
 April 1-15
Jim Willenbrink
April 16-30
May 1-15
May 16-31
June 1-15
June 16-30
 July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
 Sept 1-15
 Sept 16-30
 Oct 1-15
Price Boys
Oct 16-31
Nov 1-15
Nov 16-30
Dec 1-15
Dec 16-31

Jim Price

Defective Ceilings in Houses with Radiant Heat

Many homes in the civic league area had improperly installed ceilings.  A simple do-it-yourself inspection will let you know if you have the problem.  This article is for residents that haven’t had their ceilings repaired or don’t know if previous owners had the work done.

The radiant heat wires in the ceiling are covered with a heavy layer of plaster.  If not properly installed, the ceiling can sag down from the wooden beams above and collapse entirely.  Anyone in the room could be seriously injured or possibly killed.  If you ask around your neighborhood, you’ll discover that many houses have had repairs done to fix this problem.

You can perform a simple inspection that will set your mind at ease or warn you of trouble.  You’ll need a 4 ft or 6 ft step ladder that allows you to put your head close to the ceiling in one corner of each room.  Stand on the ladder and look diagonally across the room to the opposite corner.  You should be able to see where the wall meets the ceiling by sighting across the room.  The ceiling should be perfectly flat.  However, if the ceiling is defective, it will drop down in the center so you can not see the opposite corner.    If the ceiling is flat, either your ceiling was properly installed or it has been repaired.  If the ceiling is sagging down in the middle, then you should vacate the room and have it repaired.  A ceiling that is drooping in the center could fall down without warning at any time.

Unfortunately, repairing defective ceilings will not be quick or easy.  There are two common ways to remedy this situation:

Solution One: Tear out the defective ceiling and replace it with a new ceiling.  This will remove the radiant heat and you will have to either put in a forced air heating system or baseboard heaters.  While this almost completely solves the ceiling problem, the expense for new heating, ceiling, plastering and attic insulation is very high.  (If you already have another type of heating system, then this will be your best option). 

Solution Two:  Have the existing ceiling jacked back into place and reattached to the overhead beams.  The repair person must have considerable experience and skill so that the radiant heat wires are not damaged or you will no longer have any heat in this room.  This solution may take more time, but usually is less expensive in the long run and preserves the radiant heat.

A precautionary note:  The power to the radiant heat must be shut off during the repairs to avoid possible electric shock.  The radiant heat wires can become energized by the wall thermostat at any time and anyone in contact with the wires can be injured, seriously burned or electrocuted.

Both solutions have been successfully used by Pembroke residents.  This is a familiar problem to most commercial contractors in this area and they can give you additional advice, recommendations and cost estimates.

What to do if you have falling ceilings:

Do not let anyone into the room until it has been repaired.  The plaster ceiling is extremely heavy and if it falls on someone, they could be seriously injured or killed.

Consult a professional contractor, a ceiling specialist familiar with this problem or both.

Decide if you want to remove the radiant heat and convert to a new type of heating system, or if you want to repair the existing ceiling and retain the radiant heat.

If the contractor can not start work immediately, ask them to put braces into rooms with this problem to prevent the ceiling from drooping any further and possibly injuring someone.  Once the ceiling collapses, you have no choice but to replace it and the heating system.

Ask your neighbors if they had the problem, how they solved it and if they can recommend a contractor.

For more information on this subject, contact: Clif Furedy,

========A New Year Poem =========

Start Where You Stand

Start where you stand and never mind the past;
The past won't help you in beginning new;
If you have left it all behind at last
Why, that's enough, you're done with it,
   you're through;
This is another chapter of the book;
This is another race that you have planned;
Don't give the vanished days a backward look;
Start where you stand.

The world won't care about your old defeats,
If you can start anew and win success;
The future is your time, and time is fleet
And there is much of work and strain and stress;
Forget the buried woes and dead despairs;
Here is a brand-new trail right at hand;
The future is for him who does and dares;
Start where you stand.

Old failures will not halt, old triumphs aid;
Today's the thing, tomorrow soon will be;
Get in the fight and face it unafraid,
And leave the past to ancient history;
What has been, has been; yesterday is dead
And by it you are neither blessed nor banned;
Take courage, man, be brave and drive ahead;
 Start where you stand.



Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

CLICK HERE for a current and complete list of Civic League Officers and Committees

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2004