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September 2003
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


Ahhhhhh! Welcome Back!  I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacation.  With the start of a new school year, we also find ourselves going back to work on our community.  The Entrance Light Project is complete.  Please extend a heart-felt thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Kupfer for landscaping around the flagpole.  In addition, I would like to ensure that we recognize Mr. Watkins for a job well done, providing the necessary plans for City approval. 

I would also like to congratulate the Pembroke Meadows Marlins on their accomplishments this season.  The team had another “undefeated” season, and they were runners-up in divisional competition.  The team also sent several ‘Marlins’ to the “All-Star” meet.  Way to go Team!!!!!

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the next Civic League meeting on September 18th.

David Long

      Median Enhancement

Our median enhancements are now complete.  Our neighborhood entrance has an inviting view to residents and visitors.  We have also received many favorable comments from our neighbors in Huddgins Shores and Old Donation Farm subdivisions.  Thanks to all for the fundraising efforts, donations, planning and execution of this neighborhood improvement.


Ferry Plantations annual PUMPKIN FLING is just around the corner.  We need items to sell in our "flea market" area.  If you are cleaning out the house, garage or attic and have items to donate, please call any of the neighborhood board members listed below.  Remember all proceeds from Pumpkin Fling go towards the restoration of Ferry Plantation House.  Be sure to mark your calendars--Saturday, November 1st-Pumpkin Fling at the Henley Farm in Pungo.  See you there.

Peggy Caverly     490-0925 
Clera Hall          473-8258
Belinda Nash      490-2504 
Bridget South     497-0645
Walter Westoff  671-2011


The deadline to register to vote in the November 4, 2003 General Election is Monday, October 6 by 5:00 PM.   The November General Election is for Members of the Senate and House of Delegates of Virginia, Clerk of Court and Soil and Water Conservation Directors.   You may register In-Person at either Virginia Beach DMV Customer Service Center or at our office at
the Municipal Center. Voter Registration Applications by mail are available at all Virginia Beach Public Libraries, Schools, Post Offices and Recreation Centers. A Voter Registration Application can also be downloaded from the Voter Registrar's Website at

Let Them Play (Letter to the editor)

I grew up in Pembroke Meadows and now as an adult; I live in the townhomes with my 8-year-old son.  One of the best attributes of this neighborhood is that it is family oriented.  There are many children here and the afternoon hours are generally their free time.  I am sure that we can all remember once upon a time when we were 6, 8, 10 or maybe 12 years old playing kick the can or some other game out in the street in front of our house. 

At a point when we have our own youths/teenagers from this neighborhood breaking into homes, stealing cars, or destructing neighbor’s property, I find it very difficult to swallow that on a Saturday afternoon in St. John Ct while an organized game of kickball with about 10 adults and 15 children the police were called.  The police came out and said there was a complaint that the people playing kickball were being too loud and disruptive at 12 noon on a Saturday.  Well I suppose if you consider cheering on your teammates, sharing and camaraderie and sportsmanship loud and disruptive then perhaps the activities shown by some of the older kids in the neighborhood that I mentioned before better suits you.

After all, if we do not strive to show by example positive, organized and healthy alternatives then aren’t we contributing to the problems associated with boredom and much idle time in some of our older youth?  In a time when so many negative influences surround our children- wouldn’t now be a good time to support some positivity?

I hope that the children get together again for a friendly game of kickball or dodge ball very soon.  Except this time let there be support and pride shown by our neighbors for our children doing what they do best-Being children.

Let them Play.

Clenie Russ 
   4509 St John Ct
October 8 Garden Club of Virginia Beach
 Central Library
Bill Daughtry - Floral Infusion
Tickets are available at the door. 
Scoop the Poop, Save the River

The SPCA is promoting a campaign to encourage pet owners to pick up and properly dispose of their pets poop.  Recent water quality tests along the Lynnhaven River have indicated that pet droppings have caused about 15 percent of the fecal coliform bacteria that is polluting the river and its tributaries.  Rising fecal coliform counts pose a health hazard to humans and can directly or indirectly affect the marine life in the waterways.  (The oyster restoration efforts can be impaired.)

The Study showed that the large majority of the fecal coliform (85%) comes principally form bird/duck/geese droppings and from human wastes  (presumably septic tanks) that would be difficult to control.  Residents can help by not feeding the growing populations of resident ducks (Muscovies) and Canada geese that are probably the major contributors to the fecal coliform pollution. 


 Join interpreter Darrin Owens for a “Walk On The Wild Side”, an entertaining and informative walking tour around the grounds of the historic Adam Thoroughgood House.  This program will be offered on Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 2:00 p.m.  Discover the secret life of the flora and fauna at this 17th-century site.  Explore the decorative and herbal gardens as you hear about the plants that were most important to the early colonists.  Watch for animals and birds in their natural habitat as you learn how they have interacted and survived since the arrival of the first settlers. Participants should wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to walk through wooded areas.   Do not miss this unique opportunity to observe nature from a historical point of view.

 Admission is $2.00 per person for this event.  $1.00 for members.  For additional information call 431-4000.  The Adam Thoroughgood House is located at 1636 Parish Road in Virginia Beach.



If you wish to report an EMERGENCY, dial the emergency number, 911. 
If you have information of a NON-emergency nature, or you wish information on police matters dial 427-5000.

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons


The proposed two office buildings and attractive landscaping on the long vacant three lots at Pembroke Blvd and Whitechapel Drive has been canceled due to unanticipated stringent building code requirements for class A office space and associated added costs.  The developer considered a lower density plan but this was not economically feasible and a reduced price offer to offset added costs was rejected by the owner.  The property remains on the market. 

Jim Willenbrink

It’s The LAW:  Keep Your Street Gutters Clean

Sec. 33-13 of the City Code states that all owners or occupants of real property shall maintain the sidewalks and curbs and the right-of-way up to the edge of the pavement of any public street abutting such property and on half of abutting alleys in a clean and litter-free condition.

Environmental Note - Public Works Department

Keep leaves, grass clippings, soaps, litter and harmful chemicals away from the streets, ditches storm drains, and waterways.  These materials frequently clog drainage systems and contribute to flooding.  In addition, the added nutrients and toxins of chemical products feed into our waterways and contribute to harmful algae blooms and fish kills. 

Special Recognition to Jimmy Eddings who single-handedly shoveled about 400 pounds of dirt muck, and weeds from the street gutters of Whitechapel and Hudgins Drive during June’s Clean the Bay Day efforts. 
Community Commended for Clean the Bay Day Efforts

Our community was commended by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Mayor Oberndorf, and by our City Clean Community Commission for our excellent participation in last June’s Clean the Bay Day efforts.  Forty-seven volunteers from our neighborhood lakes and waterways cleaned up approximately 2,460 pounds of trash and debris.  The trash picked up ranged from half a motorcycle, furniture and a scarecrow to numerous bottles, cans cigarette butts and lumber.  The following volunteers participated and their efforts are much appreciated. 

Area Coordinators:  Bob Lukeman, Frank Mulcahy, Jim Hall, Dave Bolz, FredWillis and Jimmy Eddings. 

Other Participants:  Roy Awhreyand grandson Geoffrey, Mike Ashe, Tony Addabo, Penney Bank, L. StClaire, Jake and Harriet Froehlich, Clera Hall, Steve Lockyeare, The Lukeman Family, The Mulcahy Family, Rich McGuire, Carol and Stephen Moore, the Brian Murphy Family the Jim Price Family Jeff and Yanna Sias, Robert Westmont, Walt Westhoff, the Willenbrink Families, and six residents of Old Donation Farms.

Thanks for your help and concern for our environment. 

  Jim Willenbrink, Zone Captain. 


Take at look at "Shop & Swap", a new section of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League web site. 

Classified Ads listed in the Newsletter, such as items For Sale, Garage & Yard Sale notices, Bazaar schedules and any ad for non-commercial  products or events will be posted on the web site for 30 days.  Inclusion is subject to space limitations and suitability. 

Click Here to Take A Look at "Swap & Shop"

  • No previous experience required.
  • Must be willing to work, be over age 10 and ambulatory.
  • Individuals must be willing to get lightly dirty/dusty.
  • We offer plenty of days off (364 per year).
  • No medical benefits other than Band-Aids provided.
  • Free on the job training offered.
  • Off all holidays.
  • Casual attire is acceptable.
  • Room for advancement.
  • No salary deductions  (no salary).
This position offers you the opportunity to gain experience, work with others, and experience the great outdoors, (outdoor bathrooms included as an extra),
gain friends enjoy the day knowing you are helping a good cause. (cause we can't pay you). 
All proceeds from the event go towards restoring lovely Ferry Plantation House.

All applicants may apply by contacting 
Belinda Nash   490-2504 or  Gerry Richter   497-5243

Chris Kuhrt update

The Kurht family found it necessary to sell their home and move out of the neighborhood in August.  Chris and the family continue in their battle with cancer.  Although Chris has been unable to receive his chemotherapy over the summer months, the lack of treatments did have some positive effects.  His hair is growing back. His energy level has increased and the nausea associated with chemo treatments has decreased.  The Kurht family wishes to thank every family that offered aid, support, supplied meals on Thursday evenings, contributed towards the medical needs, and offered prayers to and for the family.  It is difficult to leave this community of such caring and compassionate people.


Norman & Joan Walton and daughters Wendy and Connie of 641 Abbey Drive


Can you believe it?  We, as a community, have been holding this event for 13 years.  This year the walk will be held on Saturday, October 25th.  Mark those calendars and start thinking about costumes.  This gives you plenty of time to get ready.

Again, this year we ask for donations of money, cookies, juice and volunteers.  Volunteers are needed to help decorate the park for the party following the parade, conducting the games, serving beverages and juice, providing traffic safety at all corners along the route and marching along with the paraders to help with spacing.

If you can donate please call  Belinda Nash  490-2504 or Gerry Richter  497-5243.
Let's make this another great parade.  Get involved


As I arrived at the pool on closing day (September 1), it warmed my heart to see the crowd enjoying the sun and water.  The previous night, at the ice cream social, kids with floats abounded.  (Don’t worry, next year, we’ll supply Mr. Ballard with the recipe for sundaes.)

About 1/4 of the membership this year were new joiners.  There were even a couple folks who had grown up in the neighborhood and joined with their current young families.  The swim team had another great year, finishing the regular season with a 5-0 scorecard.  All in all, what began as lousy pool weather in early June, blossomed into spectacular sunshine and temperatures for pool use.

There will be a pool application for the 2004 swim season in the March edition of this newsletter.  If you have a desire for more information about the pool or swim team, please contact me at  Until March, have a great fall and winter.

 Jim Price

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up 2003
2 Jun – 15 June
16 June – 29 June
30 June – 13 July
14 July – 27 July
Sid Sward 
28 July – 10 Aug.
P Caverly 
11 Aug. – 24 Aug.
L. Cross 
25 Aug. - 7 Sep.
 Wilson Family
8 Sep. – 21 Sep.
22 Sep. – 5 Oct.
Price Boys 
6 Oct. – 19 Oct.
20 Oct. – 2 Nov.
3 Nov. – 16 Nov.
17 Nov. – 30 Nov.
1 Dec. – 14 Dec.
15 Dec. – 28 Dec.
CLICK HERE for a current and complete list of Civic League Officers and Committees
Recreation Centers Offer High School Diving Clinics 
Springboard Diving Clinics for students at Great Neck, Princess Anne and Bayside Recreation Centers 
Tuesday, September 02, 2003 
Eric Henniker (757) 437-4858

Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation is offering Springboard Diving Clinics to high school students in Virginia Beach. Students must be currently registered in high school to be eligible to participate. Clinics will be offered for high school students age 13-18 at the Great Neck Recreation Center (496-6766) on October 4; at the Princess Anne Recreation Center (426-0022) on October 11; and at the Bayside Recreation Center (460-7540) on November 8. All Dive Clinics will be held from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. The cost is $13 per person (membership card or day pass required). 

High school students can practice their diving skills and learn new dives. Take this opportunity to prepare for the upcoming high school diving season that begins in November. For more information call, Eric Henniker at 437-4858 (TTY 471-5839) or email us at


You; cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You can-not strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.


Difficulties are things that show what men are.


It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

Pembroke Meadows Garden Club

Pembroke Meadows Garden Club meets on the second Thursday of each month.  The schedule for this year will include:

September Gill Slippy, Master Gardner
 Subject: Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers
 Exhibits and floral arrangements judging
October Holiday Greens Sales Planning
November VB Master Gardener Sherry Kern 
 “Weed Identification and Control”
 Bring your weeds!
December Club Christmas Party
January A conversion with Mary Reid Barrow from The Virginian Pilot about “Weird and Wonderful Wildlife” 
February Speaker  Garden Historian and
Interpreter, Samantha Weaver, who provides and uses actual plants
March Program to be announced at later date.
April Floral arrangement and exhibition judging – 
Regular Meeting.  VB Garden Tour later in month.
May Installation of Officers
Lawn Maintenance

In Tidewater, fescue is a "cool season" grass.  Essentially this means that it grows from September through June and goes into dormancy through the July and August heat. The lawnkeeper who supports this natural growth pattern is rewarded with healthy grass with the fewest problems.  There is an additional reason to limit the fertilizer applications in spring and summer: disease control. Both the frequency and severity of fungal diseases, csp "brown patch," is increased when there is "free" nitrogen in the soil

September 15-October 15 Seed and/or Fertilize 

• Whether your lawn needs a complete make-over or just some touch-up, this is the time to seed.
• Apply "starter" fertilizer now. Starter fertilizer contains phosphorus and potassium in a ratio to nitrogen. The preferred ratio is 2-4-1 to 2-4-2. Mixtures commonly seen are 12-25-12 and 18-24-6. Even if you normally try to use organic fertilizers, a regular lawn starter food pays off at this time. The higher phosphorus and potassium help the grass recuperate from the stress of 
summer heat and sun, rebuilding the root system and increasing the vigor of the plant. 


All Invited To Attend, Participate In Huge Community Yard Sale

Treasures: A Community Yard Sale
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Saturday, September 20, 2003
Red Wing Park, 1398 General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach
Free and open to the public for shopping
(757) 427-2990 for more information

Media Contacts:
Caroline Ansel            (757) 427-2939 (event)
Caryl Thompson         (757) 427-4261 (marketing)

(Virginia Beach, VA) One man's junk is another man's treasure! Enjoy browsing and trading at an old-fashioned community yard sale where endless treasures abound. Free and open to the public for shopping, Treasures: A Community Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, September 20, 2003 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at Red Wing Park in Virginia Beach (1398 General Booth Blvd.). Prizes and giveaways will be on hand.

Do You Have Things To Sell? Individuals wishing to participate in Treasures: A Community Yard Sale can reserve a 15' X 15' space for $15. Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Spaces are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Food items are not permitted to be sold, but concessions will be available for purchase.

Treasures: A Community Yard Sale is brought to you by Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation in conjunction with Coca-Cola, Valpak, Oldies 92.9 and 100.5 WCMS. For more information, please call Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation's Park Special Events Office at 427-2990 (TTY: 471-5839) or e-mail

Pembroke Meadows Garden Club
Holiday Greenery Sale
Order by October 19th, 2003

For placing orders and for information call:

Jeanette Willenbrink - 497-0700
Valerie Davis - 497-7208
Michelle Browning - 497-1684
Unit Price
Blue Berried Juniper Wreath (20 inch) $17.50
Single Faced Mixed Evergreen Wreaths (16 inch) $15.00
Single Faced Mixed Evergreen Wreaths (20 inch) $17.00
Single Faced Mixed Evergreen Wreaths (24 inch) $21.00
Single Faced Nobel Fir Wreaths (20 inch) $16.50
Double Pointed Swag (20-24"Hx12-14"T) $12.50
Candle Ring (Fir w/inlaid cedar)(11" w/4-1/2" center)   $8.00
Large Boxwood Tree (12" wide x 18" tall)* $26.00
Double Faced Boxwood Wreath (20") $15.00
Double Faced Boxwood Wreath (24") $19.00
Pine Garland 75 feet $24.00
Bows - Custom made, your ribbon or ours!  Prices start at $6.00 each (Call for specific price)  
     * Arranged in floral foam and wilt proofed to insure quality

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003