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June 2003
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


Hi ya'll,

Looking back, I hope that each of you enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend, and that you took a moment to reflect on those who protect us and those who have lost their lives defending the freedoms we enjoy! 

Well later spring, early summer is upon us. Hopefully we are through the rainy season and moving on to some SUN! The pool is open and the Pembroke Meadows Marlins swim team has begun practice, and their competition starts in mid-June.

The entrance is taking shape with the colonial style lights added to the entrance structures, a light added to the gazebo, and at least temporary lights around the flagpole. The lights should be in soon. I'd like to commend John Kupfer for his hard work and dedication to our community. If you see him in the neighborhood, please express your appreciation. I would also like to commend Jim Hall for his many trips to and from the flagpole each day raising and lowering the flag prior to the lights being installed.

I have placed a work order to have the light poles in the median reworked per John Kupfer's request/recommendation. We should know within a week if Dominion Power will agree to do the work.

Enjoy the weather, your friends and neighbors, and living in our community!

David Long

Important Safety Message

Summer is just ahead of us.  School will be over and children will once again be outside playing.  Please speak to each and every driver in your household and remind them the speed limit is 25 mph throughout the development.  That does not mean the vehicle must travel at that rate of speed.  It means that is the maximum allowed by law.  Children will be chasing balls, each other, playing games, etc. They will be running from behind and between parked cars.  It is too late to say I'm sorry after the fact.  Please watch out, slow down and be extra careful driving thru the neighborhood.

Gerry Richter
  Median Enhancement

Our median enhancements should be complete by the time you get the newsletter.  When we went to press, the flagpole was up with temporary lighting and the electrical work on entrance was complete and functioning properly.  Permanent light fixtures around the flagpole should be complete soon. 

Enhancement Committee
Editors Note:  the following comment about the enhancements was sent to the editor and I think it reflects how most of the residents feelings about this effort that took over two years to complete. 
“I agree.. The flag idea was wonderful and accomplishing the task was outstanding. 

The 297th Anniversary of the ducking of THE WITCH OF PUNGO will be held on Thursday, July 10th.  A reenactment of the trial by water on the very spot where the ducking took place in 1706.  The actual ducking took place at 10:00 a.m.  Actress Molly McDermott as Grace Sherwood will be tried and found guilty.  Canoes and kayaks will be available at a charge of $15.00 per person to observe the history at the ducking point.  Launching point will be Ferry Plantation House.   Reservations will be strictly on a first come first serve basis.  Media coverage will take place.  Call Lilly at Wild River Outfitters for reservations and times.

Neighborhood Directory 2004

Volunteers are currently visiting homes in order to update our Community directory.  They will also have information about joining the pool, and forms for registering your pet for the neighborhood "Pet Program".  Many pets have been returned thanks to the programs information and the coordinators.  If you have not yet paid your annual Civic League Dues for 2003  ($10.00) you may also pay it at this time. 

Gerry Richter
Chris Kuhrt update

Thanks to the wonderful neighbors attending our May Civic League meeting, we have filled our calendar for both June and most of July.  We have all of August dates open.  If you would like to participate in taking a meal to this family on a Thursday night please call Gerry Richter at 497-5243 to schedule.  Are we a caring community or what!!!!

Classified Ads

LOST:  Pair of foam, black canvas-covered carrack covers. Each is about three feet long and has the name Wild River Outfitters imprinted in white. I lost them on Friday, May 16. Reward. Please call Lorraine at 671-8011.

Childcare in my Pembroke Meadows home. Non-smoker, CPR & First Aid Certified, nutritious meals, snacks and activities.  Member of VICCHA. FT/PT. M-F. 
References available. Please call 456-9188 


If you wish to report an EMERGENCY, dial the emergency number, 911. 
If you have information of a NON-emergency nature, or you wish information on police matters dial 427-5000.

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons

It is not too late to get on the neighborhood notification list.  Those on the list get information on lost pets, crime reports, and suspicious activity, lost children, important information regarding the neighborhood, etc. 
Simply send an EMail to


Of the 600+ households in this neighborhood, I wonder how many are unaware that we have a community pool at the dead end of Pembroke Blvd., across from the park.  This neighborhood treasure is in its 34th year of operation.  Any family is welcome to join; the fees are the cheapest of any private pool in the area. 

Applications and information are available at the pool.  You can drop by or call the pool at 963-2239; this is a new telephone number.  Information is also available by e-mailing

There are a host of activities planned for the summer. Swim lessons are slated to begin June 17 at 10 a.m.  Costs are $35 for members and $50 for nonmembers; there is a discount for additional children from the same family.  Sign-up at the pool.

The first two weekends of this pool season brought intermittent rain, so the next several are deserving of warm sunshine; perfect pool weather.  Reserve your place in the sun, by the cool of the pool.

 Jim Price

Since 1998 Loretta, with the assistance of Gerry Richter, has been painting Memory Boxes as a volunteer and donating them to the local infant bereavement program for our Sentara Hospitals locally. The program is nationwide.  The precious memories of the tiny angels are placed in the box and given to the mother.  i.e.: picture, lock of hair, pacifier, cap, identification bracelet, poem etc.  Often, these boxes at taken and the memories shared with other grieving parents at group program.

As of May 2003---over 1,007 boxes have been painted and donated for this program.
That is a lot of boxes.

Congratulations Loretta and Gerry!!!!
Summer Musical Events

Oceanfront Concerts Again this summer, starting with rousing Independence Day Celebrations on July 3 and 4.

On Wednesdays in July, the Tidewater Winds will perform at the 24th Street Stage on the Boardwalk.  The Tidewater Winds plays lots of Sousa, Broadway, and Patriotic tunes under the direction of Mr. Al Ascersion.

On Thursday nights in August, the Virginia Beach Symphonic Orchestra will perform there, conducted by the founding director, David Kunkle.  VBSO also plays a wide variety of delightful music,  specially chosen to enhance the relaxing days of summer.

We are so fortunate to have these two award-winning performing groups in our area!  Bring chairs and come join (you-know-who is a student intern in the percussion groups of both orchestras this year.) 

Loretta Watkins 
Old Donation Creek Waterway Association

Our association has been rather informal in the past and we realize that we need to coordinate our efforts with other waterway associations and political entities in order to maximize our impact as an organization.   As a result we discussed the following items in the May meeting:

  • To formalize our association, the officers decided that a set of by-laws would be beneficial. As such, a by-laws committee was created with Lee Norton leading the effort. 
  • Save the Bay day groups were formed.  Jim Willenbrink is the area coordinator for the Pembroke Meadows/Shores and Old Donation Farms and Jim Hall will be the Zone Captain for Pembroke Shores.   The pickup point for the Shores area will be in front of Jim’s house at 4301 St Martin Ct. 
  • Committee for studying the need for additional day markers, no wake signs and tide marker. Jack Dutko volunteered as Committee Chairman and Rich McGuire volunteered to be on the committee. 
  • Update by President of recent contacts with State and City Officials and a briefing on "Thoroughgood/Church Point, LLC" efforts to begin dredging on the ancillary channels. 
  • Storm drain effects on our creek and the recent efforts by our association to intensify the pressure on our legislatures to apply our Storm Drain Management fees to assist in cleaning up our creek 
  • City of VA Beach’s status on CIP #8-005, the maintenance dredging of the Western Branch of the Lynnhaven River. 
  • Discussion on the ramifications for the Lynnhaven River's Chesapeake Bay Oyster resurrection project on all waterfront homeowners.

    Now that summer has finally arrived and we can get outside and walk around the neighborhood, we can observe the sights in our neighborhood.  Overall we have a fine looking area.  Many neighbors take great pride in their lawns and flowerbeds.  In most places the gutters have been cleared of leaves and grass clippings, BUT in some areas, that’s not the case. Leaves have been observed in the gutters that have been there since last fall!  When we leave these things in the gutter, they go right into the storm drains and into our waterways.  Please do your part to keep our waterways clean and healthy for the next generations of children. 

    The mosquitoes will be a problem again this summer because of all the rain we have had.  Please check your yard to make sure that you do not have standing water for mosquitoes to breed.  The West Nile virus is very serious and it is up to us to help eliminate the causes.  Do you have old tires lying around in your yard?  Do you have flowerpot saucers holding water?  It’s a good idea to periodically go around and check these areas to be sure mosquitoes are not breeding.  Also, replace water in birdbaths frequently.  There is a biological mosquito control now available on the market called Quick-Kill Mosquitoes.  It can be sprinkled in any standing water, including water gardens and birdbaths.  It is not harmful to birds.

    Our lovely neighborhood park has been lively with children having a good time.  What a neat thing to be able to ride your bicycle with your child to a fun playground and not have to cross a major busy street!  We are very fortunate to have such a safe place to take our children.  Let’s do our best to keep it clean and safe for them.  Help by picking up trash that may have been left by some uncaring person.  There are several trash receptacles in the park area.  Also, report any unusual activity or persons to the non-emergency police telephone number, 427-5000.  There were reports of a man on a yellow motor scooter being seen loitering at the park and near the elementary school.  Better to be safe than sorry.

    Have a great summer and enjoy all the beautiful things around us.  That new flag makes my heart soar!  Our neighbors worked hard to raise the money for the project and now it’s time to ENJOY the efforts.

    Plan to come to the Civic League meeting in September and join the neighborhood discussions and enjoy the social session.  It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors.  Knowing your neighbors is also a way of keeping the neighborhood safe.  Be sure to keep in touch with neighbors so they can be aware of any unusual activities around your home.  We always tell our neighbors to call the police if they see a van at our house while we are gone—we’re not moving, just away for a while!


    For Sale:  1989 Chevrolet Suburban Silverado with 1997 454 fuel injector.  4X4 tow package, new transmission.  $4500 Call 473-1112, 749-4218

    For Sale:  1984 Blazer 4X4.  New 350 motor and transmission.  3/X10.50 Michelin tires.  $2500. Call 473-1112, 749-4218.

    For Sale:  Small white rattan glass-topped table with two rattan ice cream parlor type chairs.  Very good condition.  Perfect for a small screened or glassed in porch.  $75.  Call Clera Hall at 473-8258 for more information.

    Boat For Sale:  Sugar Sand Tango, 1998, 16 ½ ft. 175 hp V-6 Mercury Marine Sport Jet, approx. 100 hrs.  Seats 6, factory stereo, custom top, lift stored with 1998 Shore Lander boat trailer.  $9,000.  Call Jim Hall at 473-8258 for more information or to see.

    Next Civic League Meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Pembroke Meadows Elem. School, Thursday, September 18.

    Pembroke Meadows Garden Club, September 11, 7:00 p.m., at Ferry Plantation House.

    All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003