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March 2003
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Townhomes


WOW!  It is already March!  I hope that everyone is having a wonderful 2003.  I would like to thank each of you that attended our February Civic League Meeting.  I challenge each of you to return and bring a neighbor to the March meeting.  During the February meeting, we approved much needed work on the Gazebo; confirmed contracts have been awarded for the median enhancements, and created a Website domain at  We are planning to conduct a membership drive and update our directory this year. 

Have you paid your dues?  While I prefer your membership and activity in the community to your $10.00, the dues help to ensure continued beautification of our median, the publication of our newsletter, and to cover costs of community events like the Halloween Walk.  Please join your Civic League and get involved in your community!

See ya in the neighborhood!

David Long


Mark your calendar for Thursday. March 20 at 6:30 p.m.

The Annual Pot Luck Supper promises to be a fun time for all!  Who can ever forget the wonderful food that is served every year by our own best cooks in the world?!
There will be a prize (A small George Foreman Grill) for the best dish!

Your Civic League is now on the
 World Wide Web!

Learn more about the Pembroke Meadows Civic League at our very own web site.  The address is  You can check the calendar of activities, learn about any special events, find the names of board members and committee chairpersons, review past Newsletters and look up specific addresses on a map.   In addition, check out links to Virginia Beach, Ferry Plantation House, other area civic leagues; plus all of our city, state and U.S. elected officials. 

In the near future we plan to add additional information about the Garden Club, Marlin Swim Team and a gallery of photos.  There’s a lot to see now and we're looking for suggestions from you about possible additions.  Please send your comments and suggestions to the Newsletter Editor, Jim Hall,

Clif Furedy


This is a message from your Civic League Treasurer.  To date only 19 % of the residences have paid their dues.  They are due January 1st of each year.

You all have the newsletter delivered to your door once a month, we have a wonderful pet lost and found service that returns hundreds of pets to their homes each year; you can take part in many activities put on by the Civic League; we have a lovely park to enjoy; the gazebo will soon have the shingles replaced and a new paint job; the entrance way will soon have new lighting and a flag pole to display our flag.

In talking with other Civic Leagues, they comment on how we all stand together to get things done.  We should be very proud of this.  Please
take a moment and make a check out for $10.00 for the year’s membership dues.  By sharing the expense we can get much more needed work done in
our neighborhood.

Please mail your civic league dues to:

Pembroke Meadows Civic League, Inc.
P.O. Box 68052
Virginia Beach VA 23471

In case you wonder why the zip code is different than our neighborhood:  we have a post box at Haygood. The funds stay right here in our community.

Thank you, Your Treasurer, Belinda Nash

If you have paid your dues, thank you.
If not, please be responsible and do your part.
Our community needs your financial support in order
to continue the programs that benefit each of us.

Median Enhancement 

Our median enhancements request has been formally approved by the city and contracts for both the electrical work and the flagpole have been awarded.  You should see some activity around the entrance soon. 

We have noticed several unauthorized signs posted on the median and gazebo.  Please do not put signs on the median as this is city property and signs are not authorized on public property.  We also do not want the entrance cluttered with signs that distract from the elegance of our neighborhood. 

Wanted --old pictures of early Pembroke Meadows/Shores

We would like to make copies of pictures from early years of development. Pictures will be returned to you after copies are made.  If we can get enough they will become part of our archives and will be shown at an upcoming Civic League Meeting. 
Contact: Contact: Michelle Browning  or Gerry Richter.

Chris Kurht Update

Chris has 24 more Chemo treatments scheduled.   Thanks to your response we have the entire month of March covered for meals on Thursday evenings.  However, we are open for the month of April and beyond.  Can you help?

Come meet Chris and his family at the Pot Luck Civic League Meeting in March.  If you would like to volunteer to bring a meal to the family, please contact Gerry Richter to schedule.  Again, thanks for your kindness. 27 more weeks of chemo to go. 

Classified Ads


Ashley V. Wilson,


The snow, ice and winter’s cold have given way to way too much rain for my taste.  It seems like human nature to tire of too much of anything.  With this in mind, it’s only a matter of time until we grow tired of the coming summer’s heat.  Here’s the antidote to that growing weariness: a membership to the pool.

Enclosed with the Newsletter is an application for membership.  It is fairly self-explanatory, but any questions may be directed to Jim Price (, Barbara Willenbrink, Stan Ballard or Bill Bertholf (  Pool membership is a great bargain; where else can your family enjoy an entire summer of recreation for less than the cost of a weekend out of town?  There are lots of advantages open to pool members: swim lessons, swim team (the pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins), weekend cookouts, Thursday dinner nights, a youth overnight, Fourth of July activities, a Christmas in July party, family nights and an adult social.  An itinerary of the events will be forthcoming in the next newsletter.

The current pool board of directors has some ambitious plans for improvements.  You may have noticed, if you walk, jog or bike the path between the neighborhood park and Old Donation Farms, some construction to improve and increase surface area within the pool’s facility; this is phase 1 of our capital improvement plan.  Join and be a part of it.  Those who join by April 30th will receive a 10% discount on the membership fee; the membership fee has been set at $350, no increase over the 2002 season.

In preparation for the summer season and to shape up the park and dam path for spring, mark your calendars for the neighborhood’s annual Spring Fling.  This is a wonderful opportunity for neighbors to gather, make new or renew old acquaintances, spruce up a neighborhood asset, and enjoy a well earned lunch.  On April 26, clean up will commence at 9 a.m. 

Reserve your place in the sun.  Hope to see you in the cool of the pool.

Friends and Neighbors wish the Cross Family speedy recoveries!
Note:  Anyone may submit articles for the newsletter.
The editor will include all articles of general civic interest based upon space available. 
My e-mail address is
Battle of the Bulge

Too many of the pets we see are overweight, and many gain weight every winter.  Pets that spend all day outside in the winter will need more calories, especially fat, but most pets are inside in the winter.  As the rain falls and the wind blows colder, we have cut our walks short and skip playing ball.  As we munch on winter snacks, we hand a dog biscuit over to the loving pooch watching us, while visiting family happily dole out an entire bag of Pounce treats to the adorable cat.  Leftovers are added to the pet bowl because nobody likes to waste food.   A few winter indulgences will not make your pet dangerously overweight, but a daily routine of providing too many calories and too little exercise will leave your pet prone to heart and liver disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

If your pet tends to gain weight in the winter, make sure you are measuring the food for each meal.  Putting out a full bowl makes it too easy for pets to eat just because they are bored.  If many people are giving treats, place a reasonable number in a bowl on the counter each day and do not offer any more once they are gone.  Encourage inside games with toys, and if necessary, reduce the food amounts by fifteen to twenty five percent and/or switch to reduced calorie food.

Pets who are more than fifteen percent over their ideal body weight usually benefit from a prescription diet for weight loss.  If you are frustrated with your pet's weight, please talk to us. You are welcome to bring your pet for a weigh-in at any time. See the upper right hand corner of your pet's Annual Report Card for our recommended ideal weight.

Bryan S. Hastings, DVM

Neighborhood Directory 2004

Would you believe that it has been 4 years since we last knocked on your door asking for information for the new directory?  Well, here we come again!  While we are on your doorstep we will ask if the names are still correct as they were listed in the last directory.  We will have a copy of the directory with us for verification.  Some folks don’t care to have their name or phone # listed;  if that is the case, it will be noted and shown in the directory as “No Listing;” the same as a vacant home or for someone soon to move. 

We will have information on the Pembroke Meadows Pool Membership and registration forms for our local Pet Registry.  When you register your pet, we ask for a photo, and when a registered animal is found, the owner is soon notified, often before they know the animal is missing.  If you would like to be on the Neighborhood Watch and Crime Information email list, this would be a good time to submit your email address (not to be included in directory).

If you would like to buy advertisement in the new directory or know of someone who would, please make it known at this point.  Or you may Email John Shaedel,

As a community service we will accept checks for the 2003 annual dues of $10.00 or offer an envelope if you would rather mail it.  Dues are used to maintain and enhance our many neighborhood projects, activities and properties, which include the gazebo, park, landscaping and entranceway.  This year the major project is to install the 40 ft. lighted flagpole in the entrance median and replace the original four light fixtures on the brick entrance structure. 

While on your doorstep we will ask for the name of the person we are talking to and that person’s initials to verify we have permission to list the residents.  Our visit should never take more than 5 minutes and we will be on our way.

Thank you for helping to make our community the great place it is.

PLEASE:  Some folks do not care to be bothered. We understand this.  You can Email me; give your address (street and number) and instructions.

John Sheadel

Spring Clean-up

Trash out of Sight---Curbside NOT Till Tuesday Night

It has been a looonngg cold, wet winter.  Like most of our neighbors we have been hibernating indoors to keep warm and dry.  Yard work has been forgotten.  Unfortunately, over the winter months--- trash, leaves, and debris have managed to clog up our street gutters.   A warm March day is a great time to help return the beauty and cleanliness to our neighborhood.  Check around your property and tidy up the needed areas.  By doing so you are saving the lakes and waterways that surround us. (storm drains flow into our lakes and waterways).  Perhaps even get the kids involved.  Great exercise for the entire family. 

Spring arrives officially on the 21 of March.  You have probably noticed winter’s effect on your landscaping and are planning remedial action.   This usually entails a major cleanup with its resultant piles of bags of debris. Trash and debris from trees, scrubs and gutters should not be placed curbside until the evening before the scheduled pickup.  This means Tuesday evening for our area.  Please keep the neighbor looking good during your initial spring gardening efforts.


Did you ever dream of living on a southern plantation?  In fact, YOU DO!  The very land your home occupies was once part of the FERRY PLANTATION.  Therefore, if your children grew up here, they can claim to have lived on a southern plantation.  Oh, the dreams (with a little 
Southern charm and liberties added in for flavor) that very fact can impart!

The court records indicate that a "ferry" boat service was started in 1642.  That is how the plantation got her name.  The second Princess Anne Courthouse was built on the plantation land. This was the courthouse where Grace Sherwood, the witch of Pungo, was tried in 1706.  Grace was the only convicted witch in Virginia that was tried by water.  Thus, the location of her ducking is now known as Witchduck Point.  The Anthony Walke tavern was found on Cheswick Lane in 1986.  This was the largest haul of artifacts found in Virginia; fifty thousand were unearthed.  They are now at William and Mary College.  The third Princess Anne Court House was built in 1735 with a stock and pillory on this same plantation.  It was used as a kitchen for the Walke Manor House when it was built in 1751 as the court had moved the same year.  The Ferry Plantation House was built after the manor house burned in 1828.  The good bricks were used to make the dwelling that stands there now. It was built half the size of the former building in 1830. 

Ferry Plantation House, located on Cheswick Lane, is in the process of being restored.  The extensive restoration is bringing this lovely 10-room Federal Farmhouse back to her original beauty.

The plantation house is on the Bayside History Trail and is open for tours every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 4pm.  The tour is quite educational and you will become familiar with items of the past; kitchen implements, furniture, artifacts found on site, tools, toys, and spinning demonstrations.  The restoration of Ferry Plantation House and tours are done by volunteers donating their time, expertise, and experience in bringing her back to life so that we may all treasure her for years to come.  If you and your family have never been inside, be sure to put it on the list of "places to see."  You can now say you live on an historic southern plantation.

Memberships and donations are accepted to help with the cost of materials and furnishings for the house.  Family Memberships are only $15.00 per year.  Won't you help?  Become a member of this historic site that is in your neighborhood.  Can you volunteer your services?  We always need volunteers.  We are willing to teach you the history of the house, area and past inhabitants; some of these may be resident ghosts.

FERRY PLANTATION HOUSE --4136 Cheswick Lane, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455.
Phone (757) 473-5626 and leave a message.

Neighborhood Watch Program


If you wish to report an EMERGENCY, dial the emergency number, 911. 

If you have information of a NON-emergency nature, or you wish information on police matters dial 427-5000.

The ability of the police to perform their task successfully is dependent, to a great degree, upon the cooperation of the public they serve.

(Source: VBPD Neighborhood Watch)

We will now offer to notify residents via E-MAIL of all crimes of  vandalism and break-ins that have been reported to us.  If you wish to be notified, e-mail  JIM HALL at stating that you want to be on the "community crime notification list.”  We also must report any incidents to him and your neighborhood watch coordinators.   This has to be a neighborhood concern and cooperation is needed.  Another way we can help each other and keep informed. 

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons

Buildings and Grounds

We are desperately searching for a Building and Grounds committee chairperson and support committee.  In the absence of this committee, I ask you to report problems in the neighborhood to any of the Board Members (i.e. lights out, potholes).  If you would like to volunteer with median strip clean up; please contact Jim Hall to sign-up. The clean-up periods are for two-week blocks. Your help keeping our neighborhood beautiful is greatly appreciated.

Pembroke Meadows & Shores Civic League
Median Strip Clean-up 2003
Dec. 30-12 Jan.
13-26 January
27 Jan.-9 Feb.
10-23 February
24 Feb. – 9 March
9 – 23 March
Clera and Jim Hall
24 March – 6 April
Long Family
7 – 20 April
21 April – 4 May
5 May – 18 May
19 May – 1 June
2 Jun – 15 June
16 June – 29 June
30 June – 13 July
14 July – 27 July
28 July – 10 Aug.
11 Aug. – 24 Aug.
25 Aug. - 7 Sep.
8 Sep. – 21 Sep.
22 Sep. – 5 Oct.
6 Oct. – 19 Oct.
20 Oct. – 2 Nov.
3 Nov. – 16 Nov.
17 Nov. – 30 Nov.
1 Dec. – 14 Dec.
15 Dec. – 28 Dec.

It was a typical school/work day morning for the Price household.  As usual, I had let the time fly by and was in a rush taking Dale to school.  On our way, we passed two small dogs playing happily along Independence Boulevard.  Dale was quite alarmed and wanted to stop and retrieve them.  Feeling the pressure of  “being late to school,” I promised I would drive back by after dropping him off and see if the little pups were still having an adventure.

As I pulled out of the school parking lot, I thought, “I do need to get to work and he’ll never know,” but I returned to the scene of their jaunt, coaxed them to come with me and then realized I had no idea of how to proceed.  After sitting in the warm car several minutes, I remembered the “Pet Lost and Found” service in our neighborhood. 

I arrived at Belinda Nash’s doorway, not quite frantic, but needing a quick solution.  Mrs. Nash and Jim Willenbrink immediately began trying to find both the dogs’ owners and a place to keep them until the owners could be located.  Do you all realize that Mrs. Nash maintains a file of pets, their pictures/descriptions and owners?  Or that Mr. Willenbrink maintains a list of neighbors with fenced-in areas and are willing to help out with our lost pets? 

Mr. Willenbrink phoned Mrs. Nash and stated that the Mulcahy’s have a small fenced area in their year and that Erin was willing to place the lost dogs there.  A quick trip to the Mulcahy home was made.  Erin graciously helped get the dogs out of my van, carry them to the fenced yard and gave me many assurances that she would keep a good eye on them, feed them, and would let me know if food or other supplies were needed. Mr. Willenbrink agreed to visit them later in the morning to obtain a better description and field any inquiries as to their whereabouts.  Jim Hall broadcast an e-mail to those who have signed on  the Neighborhood Watch and Crime Reporting List.  (And by the way, do any of you have knowledge where the Mulcahy’s Black Labs may have gone?  Erin shared that they, too, went on an adventure recently and have not returned home.  They are greatly missed.)

After returning home the following evening, Dale told me that the Mulcahy family had called and the dogs were happily reunited with their owners.  Thank you to everyone in Pembroke Meadows who helped make this reunion a happy one for my two new little friends!

Donna Price

CLICK HERE for a current and complete list of Civic League Officers and Committees

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003