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January 2003
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Town homes


Happy New Year!
The past two years have been happy as I served as your Civic League President.  Thanks for your support and confidence given to your Civic League and me.  I encourage each of you to continue to support your new board and your Civic League with your dues, your service on committees, your attendance at meetings, your expressions of concern and your votes on issues. 

My New Year resolution for 2003 is to support David Long as our new President and to continue my support of our civic League and to work for our community. 

Lets all work together for a happy productive year. 

Peggy Caverly

The newly elected officers for 2003-2004 are:
President David Long
1st Vice President Sid Sward
2nd Vice President Sonny LeGare
Treasurer Belinda Nash
Corresponding Sec. Pat Cook
Recording Sec. Betty Bloxom
Membership John Sheadel

Installation of the newly elected officers will be at the next civic league meeting.

7:00 ON THURSDAY, January 16





VOLUNTEERS and YOUR paid dues support our community and the activities sponsored by the Civic League.

The continuing beautification programs (i.e.: median landscaping, planting and care) require $$/s and many, many volunteered hours.  We as residents appreciate the efforts of those individuals that take their time, labor and expertise to make our coming and going a pleasing experience.

Our Halloween walk has become legend, and your dues help to pay for the park party and games.   A donation is also needed for the band that leads our parade of ghosts and goblins.  Volunteers do most of the work and supply most of the needs, supervise the games, control traffic and assure safe arrival from beginning to end.  We need more volunteers.

This newsletter is delivered to your home by volunteers, keeping you informed of community news and activities.  Your paid dues cover the expense of printing.

The Community Directory is updated about every 4 years. The expense is too high to do more frequently.  This too is dependent upon volunteers willing to give their time  (many, many hours are required).

Civic League meetings keep you informed and give you a chance to meet and greet your neighbors.

We help sponsor the Scouting programs, Neighborhood Watch Program, etc.
We are a busy group indeed.


This year more than ever we need additional funds.   Volunteers are needed for more tasks.   We have fewer volunteers than in the past.  Some tasks and jobs require expertise that we no longer have available to us on a "free" basis.   The lovely Gazebo requires washing at least twice a year.  (Exhaust fumes create dirt).  Every other year regular maintenance and a fresh coat of paint are needed.  These jobs require willing volunteers and money for equipment and supplies. 

Our busy lives today keep us on the go and many of us cannot or will not volunteer the many hours needed.  Our time needs to be directed elsewhere.   By paying your dues promptly you are helping us to fill that void.  We can hire out the necessary repairs, tasks, etc. 

We have a lovely community and we should each take pride and responsibility to keep it a wonderful place to live.


Gerry Richter

Median Enhancement Report

Our median enhancements request went before the City Council on the 10th of December. Peggy Caverly, George Watkins, and Jim and Clera Hall represented our Civic League.  The City Council reviewed and has granted approval of our beautification project.  We will award contracts as soon as we receive the official correspondence granting the approval. 

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through your mind.  If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.       Authur S. Roche

Will it snow in Virginia Beach this winter?

Here are some hints to help you enjoy the snow:

  1. Vaseline makes a great skin protection for young and old.
  2. Plastic bags secured with rubber bands make emergency boots.
  3. Rubbermaid or similar large size tubs make great enclosed sleighs for toddlers and small children.  An old rug or blanket helps retain warmth on bottom and serves as a cushion.  Make two holes on upper portion if your container does not already have them then thread rope thru the holes for pulling.  Makes it easier on the horses (parents) back.  The large lids are great for older kids. 
  4. Inflatable summer boats, old surfboards, etc. are great sleighs but keep off bare spots.
  5. Watch out for cars and NEVER use any vehicle to pull humans.
  6. Keep the snow outside.   It has been reported that Mothers have been known to inflict wrath to those dragging in snow and ice on freshly cleaned carpets and floors.
  7. Enjoy the snow.  Stay put and stay safe.  It will all be gone before you know it.

Gerry Richter

Chris Kurht Update

Chris will begin another 30 weeks of Chemotherapy starting January 7th.  The battle with his cancer has been long and difficult on both Chris and his family.   Volunteers are still taking meals on Thursday evenings to the family.  If you would like to participate in this effort please contact Gerry Richter to schedule a date convenient to you.  You may contact Gerry through the Newsletter Editor at


In the last issue of the Neighborhood Newsletter, a pool application was enclosed.  Starting out early this year, the pool is making a limited offer to waive the initiation fee for new joiners and provide a 10% discount on the membership fee, if the membership fee is paid in full by January 31st. 

If anyone did not receive a pool application with the last newsletter, contact Jim Price at:

Reserve your place in the sun by the pool.

Neighborhood Watch Program

We recently had a break in on St James Drive.  Keep your eyes and ears open and report unusual events and suspicious persons to the police.  Residential burglaries, such as this one, occur frequently during daylight hours on weekdays.   Report incidences of vandalism to 427-5000.  Call 911 to report a crime in progress or an emergency.  Don't be afraid of turning in a false alarm.  Innocent activity will be regarded as such upon police investigation.  Innocent citizens approached by the police as a result of your call will realize that our concern is for their well-being.

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons

Wanted --old pictures of early Pembroke Meadows/Shores 
We would like to make copies of pictures from early years of development. Pictures will be returned to you after copies are made.  If we can get enough they will become part of our archives and will be shown at an upcoming Civic League Meeting.  Contact: Michelle Browning at  or Gerry Richter.

Friends of Ferry Plantation House

Greetings from Ferry Plantation House!
To all of the residents that receive this newsletter, 
a sincere wish of health and happiness for the year 2003.

Some of you may not know Ferry Plantation House as a home away from home, but to hundreds and of people many of these friends live on the original plantation, they have found a place to go to step into the past and let the world slow down as they volunteer for a few hours, or seek their genealogy that is held in our research room on the third floor. Some have a chance to dress up in anti-bellum or colonial costume, and demonstrate, making butter, grinding corn, making soap, or being a docent to the many visitors that cross her threshold. Others come to donate items for the gift shop. (We have some beautiful hand crafted items.) Some come to do research filing or serve at teas, some are students of the many classes held in this historic place, others come to hear the history of Grace Sherwood, Virginias only convicted witch that was tried in the very waters just off Witchduck Point.

  Just this past month we at the plantation house on Cheswick Lane hosted a holiday party, the setting was like stepping into a page from Charles Dickens.  Our own Pembroke Meadows Garden Club decorated the house with pine bows and holly berries, rosemary, pinecones and magnolias. The dulcimer groups, The Hammerheads, were so kind to entertain us and played from 3 pm to 6 pm.  It was so delightful to quench your thirst with a cup of good cheer, and to savor the fruit breads, baked ham and figgie pudding with rum sauce.

The members and friends of the Ferry Plantation House were to the count of 246 that arrived from all points to bring us good tidings. Our dedicated Board Members put this on at no charge as a thank you for your support over the past year.

 The renovations and research could not go on without your help. Ferry has come a long way since 1996 and many of our guests commented on her progress and were delighted with the changes that had taken place in 2002.

On display in the best parlor was our latest find. A pitcher and basin was discovered under the floorboards of the third floor of the east wing. It was broken but all the pieces are accounted for and repair is possible. The previous owner Jim Howren he had no idea that this discovery was in the house. The old ladder access where this pitcher and basin were found was closed before 1942 so we are searching for information on this another wonderful find.  We have to assume that it belonged to a previous owner of the house, possibly the Hudgins or the Barnett family.  At present it is being dated by an expert and in the next Ferry Tidings newsletter that all of our members receive there will be a photo and an update on the research.

For those of you that are not members of this historic house that is in your own back yard. You may come and visit any Tuesday or Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. You will see many of the other artifacts that have been found and learn of the history of this land you live on. Our court records date back to 1642 with the "ferry boat" service that the early settlers traveled. This "ferry" service is how the plantation got her name.

Visit with us at 4136 Cheswick Lane for a spell, become a member and walk away with the knowledge of 400 years of rich history.

Thanks again and again to all persons who participated in the 2002 events that took us to the next phase of the restoration. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Belinda Nash
For information on group tours and classes, Email Belinda Nash at

When right, you can afford to keep your temper; when wrong, you can’t afford to lose it.       Frank E. Park
Note:  Anyone may submit articles for the newsletter. 
The editor will include all articles of general civic interest based upon space available. My e-mail address is
Pembroke Meadows Garden Club 

The Pembroke Meadows Garden Club will host an open meeting at Ferry Plantation House on February 13.  Our guest speaker will be Steve Urick, Marketing Director for McDonald’s Garden Center.  The subject will be “Winter Container Gardens.”  Look for more information in the February newsletter.

The ladies of the garden club did a splendid job of decorating the gazebo again this year. 
Thanks to all of you who supported us by ordering our greenery.  The money earned goes back into the neighborhood projects. 

Clera Hall
Tip of the Week

Grab a rake or a broom and blow off your leaf blower.  When you are raking the lawn or hand powering a push broom down the sidewalk, you are giving your body a gentle whole-body stretch.  A 150 lb. person working steadily at gardening for an hour can burn between 450 and 525 calories---nearly as much as someone swimming or playing basketball for the same amount of time, according to the Calorie Control Council. 

If you work long enough at a brisk pace, you not only will burn calories but also may raise your heart rate and gain the benefits of a mini-aerobic workout.

CLICK HERE for a current and complete list of Civic League Officers and Committees

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003