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December 2002
Pembroke Meadows, Pembroke Shores,
and Pembroke Shores Town homes


“Tis the season to be jolly,” so on behalf of the Civic League Board of Directors, we wish all our friends and neighbors in Pembroke Meadows and Pembroke Shores a safe and happy holiday filled with old fashioned pleasures, wonderful memories and a world of joy!

Peggy Caverly

The newly elected officers for 2003-2004 are:
President David Long
1st Vice President Sid Sward
2nd Vice President Sonny LeGare
Treasurer Belinda Nash
Corresponding Sec. Pat Cook
Recording Sec. Betty Bloxom
Membership John Sheadel
7:00 ON THURSDAY, January 16
Chris Kurht Update

Chris is back home following surgery on both his eyes and ears.  This hopefully will gain him some additional sight and hearing that was destroyed by his treatments.  We are still taking dinner to the family on Thursday nights to help out this family.  If your family would like to participate in taking meals on week please contact Gerry Richter for a date convenient to you.   You may contact Gerry through the Newsletter Editor at

Buildings and Grounds

The Building and Grounds committee appreciate the support you have given us in volunteering for our median cleanup. We can always use your support, suggestions and reports on neglect in the area. We desperately need a volunteer to head this committee.  Please contact Peggy Caverly or Sid Sward if you can take this position.  Bridget and Tony South are maintaining the Clean-up List.  Please call them to get your name on the list.  You may contact Bridget and Tony through the Newsletter Editor at

Median Enhancement Report

Median enhancements are on City property and it must grant approval before contracts can be awarded.  Our request went before the City Council on the 10th of December. Peggy Caverly, George Watkins, and Jim and Clera Hall represented our Civic League.  The City Council reviewed and has granted approval of our beautification project.  We will award contracts as soon as we receive the official correspondence granting the approval. 

Note:  Anyone may submit articles for the newsletter.
The editor will include all articles of general civic interest based upon space available. 
My e-mail address is
Grass and Trash out of Sight
Curbside not til Tuesday night.

(even in December)

Despite the antithetical (to pool use) weather and nearly half a year away from opening day 2003, there is good reason to join the pool this winter, especially if you’ve never been a member before.

Some of you who walk, jog, or bike ride the path between the park and Old Donation Farms may have noticed workers at the pool this month and this past November.  Phase 1 of the capital improvement plan is underway; this endeavor will add 360 square feet of recreational space within the fenced pool area.

The current pool board of directors has some ambitious plans for improvements.  In order to finance these projects, we are making an incredible membership offering to new joiners: if you enroll prior to January 31st, 2003, the initiation fee is waived. In addition, anyone joining prior to April 30th will receive a 10% discount on the membership fee.  The membership fee has been set at $350, no increase over the 2002 season.

So, in addition to the bargain that membership is (where else can your family enjoy an entire summer of recreation for less than the cost of a weekend out of town?), there are lots of advantages open to pool members: swim lessons, swim team (the pool is home to the Pembroke Meadows Marlins), weekend cookouts, Thursday dinner nights, a youth overnight, Fourth of July activities, a Christmas in July party (so you can celebrate Christmas twice in a year), family nights and an adult social.

Fill out the enclosed application and send it in to reserve your place in the sun (yeah, kind of a hyperbolic pun) by the pool.

Any questions about membership can be directed to Jim Price, Barbara Willenbrink  or Stan Ballard. 

A pool membership would be a great Christmas gift for the family.

Neighborhood Watch Program

Report incidences of vandalism to 427-5000.  Call 911 to report a crime in progress or an emergency.  Don't be afraid of turning in a false alarm.  Innocent activity will be regarded as such upon police investigation.  Innocent citizens approached by the police as a result of your call will realize that our concern is for their well-being.

Margie and Bob Brotman
Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons

Summer auto thefts

If you experienced any theft from your vehicles this summer and early fall, please contact the police department (3rd precinct).   Many of us did not report incidents due to small losses; however, each call counts.  Since there were many incidents unreported, the police had no idea the extent of the problem.   Officers at our November meeting spoke to us of the importance of calling in a report.   Also be sure to LOCK you vehicles.

Non-Emergency 427-5000         Emergency 911

Gerry Richter


Douglas and Rosalyn Walters along with daughter Andrea have moved onto Abbey Drive.  They arrived just in time for the Halloween Walk to pass their home, and in plenty of time for lots of leaf raking.   Welcome!

Friends of Ferry Plantation House

The Ferry Plantation House is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 4 for public tours.  If you are a Friend of Ferry and have a membership card, there’s no charge.  For others, we ask a small donation.  For $15 you, too, can be a Friend of Ferry and help toward the restoration of our lovely piece of history.  The Pembroke Meadows Garden Club has decorated the mantles and windowsills with fresh greenery.  The door is adorned with a live wreath with old fashioned ornaments and fresh pine roping outlines the waterside porch.  What a lovely sight!  The gift shop is open and has all kinds of delightful things for sale.  We have home made jellies, preserves and pickles; craft items; hand painted items and interesting toys for the children. 

Clera Hall

Joe Lang of Severn Drive made "Angler of the Week" recently.  He caught a 31 lb 3 oz Muskellunge fish.  It was his 13th freshwater citation leaving him only 2 away from "Master Angler". 

Congratulations Joe. 

He tells us the fish is not very good to eat--but will look nice mounted on his wall.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2003