Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting and Potluck Dinner
Thursday, February 21, 2013

The meeting was well-attended.  Though there was a sign-in sheet, the majority of people did not sign in.

Donna Price called the meeting to order by introducing herself as our new President.  She also introduced Carol Moore as Treasurer and Barbara Amos as Recording Secretary.  We desperately need a First and Second Vice President.

Jeremy Waters, a candidate for Delegate from the 85th District, is with us.  He will not address the group, but will circulate and speak to people individually.

We have two police officers from the Third Precinct.  There have been complaints about kids in the Park smoking marijuana.  The officers asked if there were any other concerns.  Concerns are speed control on Bishop, loud radios.  If you have concerns you may call the precinct at 385-2703.

The principal item of business for this short meeting is to decide if we will have a pool stimulus again this year.  The proposed guidelines are:
• $100 – Family or Family Grandparent memberships
• $75 – Individual Membership or Senior Couple
• $50 – Individual Senior Citizen
To qualify for the stimulus you must join the pool and be a current paid member of the Civic League.

Clif Furedy moved that we approve the proposed subsidy.  There was a motion to second, and the unanimous vote was to approve the subsidy.

The meeting was then adjourned for the really important business of the evening— EATING!

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos
Recording Secretary
All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2013