Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 17, 2013

There was no sign-in sheet, but approximately 15 people attended the meeting on a cold, rainy evening.

In the absence of Jim Price (outgoing President) and Donna Price (incoming President), Mike Moore conducted the meeting.

Mike noted that in view of the likelihood of low attendance because of the weather and the distance our scheduled speaker would have had to travel, she has been re-scheduled to speak at the March meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:  Mike Moore 

  • We closed out the year with a balance of almost $14,000:  $2811.10 in the Civic League Checking Account and $11,111.76 in the Business Money Market Account.  So, we are in good shape going into the New Year.
  • Expenditures:
    • Halloween Walk – about $80.
    • Garden Club for decorating the median - $82.69.
    • Loretta Watkins commented about how nice the Christmas decorations looked.
  • Income:
    • We took in about a $1,000 in newsletter ads.
Buildings and Grounds Report:  
  • Young Jim Willenbrink signed up to clean the median for two weeks.
There was an extended discussion about rusty cars parked on the street and cars parked in yards.  If the vehicles have current registration, there is really nothing that can be done about them.

Membership Committee:

  • Cheryl Douglas handed out forms.
Recreation Center Director:  In his absence Mike said that the pool dues will remain the same as last year.  The membership application form will be inside the February newsletter.  The Civic League has been providing a stimulus that has considerably reduced the cost of membership.

Neighborhood Break-Ins and Attempted Break-Ins:

  • There followed an extended discussion of break-ins and attempted break-ins
  • Sid Sward volunteered to go and talk with the Police about the situation.  Mike suggested that he first talk it over with Jim Price and then go to the Police.
Garden Club:
  • Jeanette Willenbrink reported that supposedly the City has finished with the plantings on the median.  So far, we’ve not received a bill and it seems likely there won’t be one.
Back to the crime situation:
  • Concern was expressed that garbage cans are left on the street throughout the day is an indication that people aren’t home.  Cheryl Douglas suggested that those who work might pay a neighborhood child to take in their garbage cans.
Condition of the lakes:
  • Jim Willenbrink expressed concern about all the yard waste that is going into the lakes.  He also noted that the City cut down three dead trees in the Park.
Another Security issue:
  • Barbara Willenbrink, Block Security captain for the townhouses, submitted her resignation.  She suggested that a note be put in the newsletter asking for someone to take the position.
Pot Luck dinner next month:
  • The Moores and the Prices will provide paper goods and drinks.  The Garden Club will take care of flowers.  An item of business at the meeting will be a vote on the pool stimulus.  Carol Moore said she is working on getting some live music for the dinner.  The event begins at 6 p.m. and will be in the school cafeteria.  Please bring the recipe for whatever food you bring.
Mike Moore declared the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos
Recording Secretary
All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2013