Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2012

I apologize that the minutes are incomplete. I came in late, so these are minutes from about 7:45pm  to end of meeting. LMW

Speaker Tiffany Twine, a media consultant from the Virginia Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau, gave examples of websites that tourists and residents may access, as well as a list of exhibits from late April through first week of September 2012. Aggressive marketing has helped boost visitor spending on lodging and meals in 2011 and the same is anticipated for 2012 summer season. 

Our waterways committee alerts us to “Clean the Bay Day” from 9 am to 12 noon, on Saturday June 2, 2012.

Jeanne Holman spoke of blue-green and green algae in Lake Meadows. Jim Willenbrink feels the lakes may even be choked by it.  It creates a risk to wildlife, pets, and humans.  Copper sulphate would kill it off, but we are not permitted to use it.  It is very expensive to buy fish to help clean up the algae.  Board will investigate the exact amount, since the City has not been responsive to our requests for help.

The Federal government has done a nutria survey due to perception that the nutria population is moving north. There have been two sightings at the park and one at the dam.

Dredging – the City has now designated shallow areas as non-vegetated wetlands which can’t be touched. 

Median Cleanup – signups through July.

Spring Fling is May 5 from 8 am to noon.  Lunch will be provided for workers, who should bring rakes, loppers, gloves, long sleeved shirts, bug spray and other gardening tools.

Respectfully Submitted,
Loretta Watkins

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2012