Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Speaker was Chris McKenna of the “Lynnhaven Now” restoration group. The “Pearl Homes Project” is an effort to increase the citizens’ awareness of things that stress the river, such as density of population, runoff of fertilizer and sedimentation,  and the droppings of wild and domestic animals. She gave us a variety of suggestions to minimize the effect of everyday living styles on the environment. See literature attached to the archived copy of these minutes.

V-Tech will advise residents about the type and amount of fertilizer to use on your lawn, if you send them a soil sample.

Chris Fertig spoke about the dredging program in which waterfront homeowners will partner with the city of VB to dredge channels for boating.  We are the first neighborhood to actually finalize the agreement although seven others have applied.  Additional discussion followed, regarding other watershed/lakes and waterways problems.

Jim Hall recommended that the waterfront property owners read the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act before doing any landscaping.  Failure to do so might result in making “improvements” that are actually forbidden by the Act, which might ultimately harm the ecology of the waterways. Attendees remarked that they have personally experienced that well-intentioned but harmful landscaping caused unforeseen costs to them.  

Mike Moore gave the treasurer’s report.  Membership is up.  In fact, three people joined tonight. The $100 raffle prize did not substantially increase the number of people attending the pot luck supper last month, nor the number of people paying membership dues to the Civic League.

The Recreation Center Pool will hold the yard sale on Sat., March 31srt.  Jeanne is hoping for more donations on the next the Saturdays. (9 to 11 am.)

PMRC budget is attached, as is a comparison of budgets from 2005 through 2011.

Three TV channels carried the story of the February break-in of the pool.

Jim Hall moved to accept the 2012 PMRC budget; seconded by Donna Price.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Loretta Watkins

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2012