Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our speaker, Dr. Hastings, from Independence Vetinarian Hospital, spoke about pain in animals. It is important to observe and be aware that pets might be in pain even when they do not cry out. One sign of pain is the animal’s avoidance of bearing weight. Also, since referrals are important to their business, the hospital rewards such with monetary credit to customer’s account.

Jim Price noted that our Pet Lost and Found continues to be very successful in returning pets to our neighbors.

Treasurer’s report listed a balance of $19,833.44.

Mike Moore reported 50 responses thus far to the newsletter request for 2012 dues.

Buildings and Grounds – the gazebo has been cleaned.

Waterways and Lakes – Jim Willenbrink spoke of both the consultants’ report on the Watershed and the plans for the dredging of the Lynnhaven River. Lewis Jones says the Public Works Dept. is overwhelmed and has fallen behind in inspection for sedimentation in waterways.

The Garden Club is awaiting planting materials.

The January ladies’ lunch will be held at the Chef’s Table Restaurant. 

The annual Pot Luck Supper, 6:30 PM, on the 16th of February. To encourage more participation, the Civic League passed a motion to offer a raffle prize of $100 on that night. Half the money will be put up by the Civic League and half by private donation.  To qualify, one must participate in the potluck dinner and must have paid 2012 dues. Notices will be put up on the median and in the February newsletter.

A motion was passed for the Civic League to donate $100 for the bench being purchased in memory of Roger Vaughan.  President Jim Price has the authority to increase the amount up to $250.

Mobile Gas Station – Jim Price heard that the underground fuel tanks are leaking, preventing Mobil from operating the station.

Giant Square – Last summer Jim Price sent a letter to Lewis Jones requesting that the unsightly grounds be temporarily planted and used as a park.

Tides – The Norfolk Tides will select 3 Little League Fields for enhancement. Details in January newsletter. 

The election primary is March 6.

The Recreation Center Pool – Clif told us that Erin Strasburger has been nominated as Military Spouse of the Year. An email detailing how we can support her nomination has gone out.

Welcoming Committee again requests neighbors to help newcomers receive a proper welcome by giving their names/addresses to the committee.

Meeting closed at 7:55 PM.     

Respectfully Submitted,
Loretta Watkins

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2012