Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fifteen people signed in at the meeting and there were probably another five who didn’t. 

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Price at 7:06 p.m.  He noted that there is some question about our being able to use the room at the school for meetings.

Mike Moore gave the Treasurer’s Report, which shows that as of 8/31/11, we had a balance of $15,581.89.  The major expenditure over the summer was $6,200 to the pool for those people who took advantage of the offered stimulus program for pool membership.

Jim Price noted that the T-Mobile contract must be renegotiated soon.

Brian Miller gave a Buildings and Grounds report:

  • The Board tasked Brian with obtaining bids for removing the damaged tree on pool grounds.  The two estimates were both for over $2,000.  Mr. Willenbrink has a third estimate, but he is not here tonight.  Brian’s recommendation is that since the tree poses no danger, it should be left for now.   His recommendation was accepted.
Kristine Martin introduced our speaker, Mary Arndt from TRT’s light rail.  Ms. Arndt made an enthusiastic presentation about The Tide.

Following her presentation Bob Rulett from All American Yogurt talked to us about this new business in our shopping center.

Going back to the business meeting, Jeanette Willenbrink talked about the Live Oak Society.  In 2004 there was a big development on Shore Drive.  On the property there were a great many mature Live Oaks.  The developer changed the footprint of the condos to allow for these trees to be left.  At the same time, the City master gardeners got into the act.  They saved 140 trees.  These trees are available for adoption through the Friends of Live Oaks.

Jeanette’s report was followed by yet another guest speaker.  This time the subject was Stop Hunger Now.  A speaker from Thalia Lynn Baptist Church talked about an event on October 22 to package meals for this program.  The church has committed to provide 10,000 meals.  The meals will go to areas of the globe where there is severe hunger.  Anyone interested in participating in the October event or in contributing money may contact Carol Norville (sp.?) at 439-4457.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011