Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report:

Account Balance
Civic League Checking   $ 3,288.61
Business Money Market   $17,996.24
Total Assets     $21,284.65
Liabilities      0
Overall total     $21,284.65
President – Jim Price reported pool clean-up last Saturday (May 16th) was completed and ready for Dinner at the Pool on May 26th.

Median Cleanup – Brian Miller reported the schedule is covered through June 15 and requests volunteers.

Membership – Cheryl Douglas reported 8 new members.

Buildings and Grounds – Brian stated the city mowed the median on 4/18/11.  He will try to get the schedule for next mowing.  Jim Willenbrink inquired about cost of someone to mow the median when the city is delayed.  He suggested we hire the mowing when needed at cost of $35.00.

Lakes and Waterways – Jim Willenbrink reported the lakes are bad and getting worse.  The city has not maintained them.  They have not checked in the last 9 years.
Clean the Bay Day is June 4th (see newsletter for details, he said).  He stated that if you are not available on the 4th, use a garbage bag and fill it anytime and see the newsletter to contact an area coordinator.

Giant Square – is owned by Lowes – a suggestion was made to draft a letter to City of Va. Bch proposing that Lowes be given a tax break if they add plantings and the area be allowed to be used as a park.  The C.L. president would have to sign the letter.

Old Donation Creek Association – Robert Westmont reported that there are 47 homes which form the boundaries of the dredging project and that 80% of homeowners need to sign up for dredge project to proceed.  Three or four more homes are needed to reach 80%.  Individuals requesting additional dredging will pay additional taxes.  Three dredging cycles will be over a 20 yr. plan.

Unfinished business

  • Someone is needed to deliver newsletters in one area.  No volunteers came forward at meeting.
  • Loretta Watkins requests someone to take over keeping the bulletin board.
  • Gerry Richter is requesting update information for directory on website.
New Business
  • - Jeff Brown is the coordinator for the Pembroke Area Clean the Bay Day.
Guest Speaker
Christina Dewey from the Norfolk Tides gave details about various group seating plans, discounts various promotional events, entertainment at the different innings.  She also stated that they do a lot of community work such as Boy Scout night.  Door prizes were provided by the Tides and all was enjoyed.
Meeting was adjourned and refreshments provided by Jim Price.

Submitted by
Peggy Caverly
For Barbara Amos, Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011